

𑁍ˡᵒᵛᵉ ˢᵗᵃʳᵛᵉᵈ ᵖʳⁱⁿᶜᵉˢˢ
Jan 29, 2020
Since i was a child, i never felt at my place. I never felt like i could live on this world. Never. I never had any confidence in myself. Always felt like i wasn't living my own life, in an odd world.

Maybe my birth was a mistake ? Maybe i was never meant to be... Maybe... Maybe it's logical if i ctb haha... It's so unfair, that i have to suffer that much. It's so unfair that i have to fail, and fail, and fail, and keep tryin in a world i feel i don't belong to. I hope i'll be able to fight SI one day haha
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
Hello, I think I have the similar problem as you have.
It feels like I am odd in this world and never meant to be born.
It seems to me as well that I had to be a teen in 60s. So my time would be probably that time. I was born almost 50 years later than had to be born.


Back, but with less enthusiasm. Hugs~
Feb 22, 2020
You were meant to be born. Not in the sense that there is greater purpose to everything, but simply the fact that it's human nature to produce offspring. I don't believe in meaning beyond that. The world is too messed up for that to be true.

Whether you want to live or not is up to you. If you're tired of trying, it's perfectly natural to give up. Survival instinct is just that, instinct. You can overcome it. It's hard, but not impossible.

Sorry for such a pessimistic comment, I blame it on having just woken up. Your worries are valid and I hope you can figure out what you want to do.

Hugs~ :heart:
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Eat my arse, Pain&Sh*tness & Mindf*ckitation Grift
Mar 1, 2020
I think it would have been better had I not been born. I wouldn't have had to go through all of this pointless suffering just to die and end up back where I was before birth. Why not just stay unborn? Why must there be something rather than nothing? Nothing is so much more peaceful. No stress, no worries, no needing to plan for this or that, no war, no governments, no corporations, no disease, no brutality.
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Feb 29, 2020
I feel like you. Since I was a child I've had identity crisis and I've always felt like I don't belong anywhere in the world. It's so shocking to see how most people seem to have it easy to fit in this world, in this society and enjoy life but others like us feel so out of place and have a difficult time navigating through this life... I don't know, I also think that I should have never been born because I'm not designed for this world.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I guess we were meant to be born, otherwise u wouldn't be here lol! Have fun while this shit lasts I guess.
One day too late

One day too late

I don't want hope. Hope is killing me.
Aug 14, 2020
I feel the same way. I also feel as if I was placed in the wrong timeline or wrong universe and that's why I'm suffering. Like my body's chemistry isn't matching this world's or something.
Hbd, btw.
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Apr 19, 2018
me to I think it would have been better had I not been born
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Aug 2, 2020
For sure I wish I was never born. My entire life has been consumed by mental illness and struggling. There has been no period of time that I can remember that I've enjoyed, and I can't wait for it to be over. SN needs to work
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I don't think I should have been born. It's been a disaster since day one.
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Jul 15, 2020
Yes, I don't know why I'm here. I have no purpose but I also can't ctb because apparently my parents will be sad but they won't even try to accept me for who I am
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Aug 15, 2020
Don't know if I was meant to or not, but I definitely shouldn't of. This world is one terrible design. F-


Apr 2, 2019
I've always felt I wasn't meant to be here. I've never fit in anywhere, going back to before school even - there were a lot of kids in my neighborhood but even they shunned me and bullied me and I don't know why...I was no older than maybe 5 or 6 for goodness' sake! Then didn't fit in at school, at jobs, just trying to meet others and form friendships. I never even felt like I've fit in with my own immediate family (one time, a therapist even said that to me, that it seemed like I was born into the 'wrong' family, meaning we had such fundamental differences in how we communicated, values we held as important, etc. It was quite a shock to hear that assessment from somebody I'd never explicitly expressed told how like a misfit I felt even in my own family). I also feel like I wasn't meant to be here because there has been NO POINT OR REASON for my having been born: due to health issues I've never been able to build a career, or have a family of my own (I found out at 27 I was infertile and likely was unable to conceive or carry a baby for years before the discovery of my infertility); because of my medical issues I was unable to even have sex without it being a terrible, painful, awful experience. Certainly no I didn't get to experience even the most basic of human experiences. So there's been nothing really happy or pleasurable or positive that's come from my being on this planet. Nothing constructive or lasting or meaningful I've ever contributed to this world. Just failure, suffering, multiple diseases that make me suffer more and struggle more and have made me a burden to others who've had to care for me or help pay for my medical treatments. Also repeated disappointment, people leaving me left and right because I'm such a loser with nothing to offer anyone...just on and on. Just misery.

And the kicker is (and which really underscores my belief that I wasn't meant to have ever been born) -- my mom and dad tried for 9 YEARS to have their first child (me)! My mom even had to take fertility drugs. Then finally, they ended up with ME. :-/ However my sibling, who has had a much better life (some struggles yes, not all perfection and roses but better health, could have kids, has a job, has made a contribution to the world at least) was a surprise baby born only a couple years after me - parents weren't even trying and she was conceived. So I feel like the universe's message in all that is that I should not have been born and then I don't know why but I was. what a mistake
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Jul 19, 2020
I think I was meant to be born, yes. But I think I was also meant to suffer. To produce someone with my traits and not expect him to suffer in numerous ways every day of his life would be a pipe dream. I definitely am not meant to survive in this society. I know that. I worked hard and did my best for almost 38 years, but that's enough.