
Aug 18, 2020
Theoretically our life quality is measured in absolute wealth and modern medicine better than ever. Materially we live better lives than all kings from the 18th century. Of course life is way more than that. And wealth (and so poverty) is relative.

Centuries ago people had workdays of 18 hours per day 6 days a week. Many of their children died very early. Visiting the dentist was similar to a torture chamber. Women died giving birth. There was no electricity and no cars. Incest was common and more people were disabled because of this. Criminal punishments were often public torturing events for the whole family. Blasphemy got many people killed. They burnt people for being witches. Education was only accessible to a few. Not being straight and cis was a severe crime. (very often but not always in history)

And these people did not all jump off bridges?

Why? Was it solely the fear of punishment in the afterlife? Is fear the maindriver? Maybe combined with a lack of education?

I ask myself how much religion increases the level of happiness in a person. Would I be much happier if I believed in justice in my afterlife? Would I feel better if I was convinced I get rewarded for fulfiling my role in my life. Many people search for meaning and purpose. And can't find it in a modern world. This is why conspiracy theories and esotericism are so popular. If I believed evil people get punished in afterlife I might would feel better. Religion can really be like an opioid.

Religion comforts many people. But also causes a lot of misery.

Personally, being religious made everything worse for me. Especially the fear of hell. Some faiths would actually comfort me. But I think it would rather be like an actual cult for me. If I was certain a perfect afterlife is waiting for me I would probably kill myself immediately to escape the hell I am currently in.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
In my observation, the "God-shaped hole in your heart" is absolutely real. I'm not going to speculate upon why that is, but it is real.

To put it a different way, I think people need to believe something is bigger than themselves to find satisfaction in life. Now, I'm hoping it doesn't have to be God, because I'm not able to make myself believe in religion anymore.

Start observing and you will find the people who try to fill that hole with themselves - with hedonism, selfishness, disinterest in others, misanthropy, etc. - are the most lost and miserable. It's not enough. Whether it be love of a partner, caring for a community, love of your family, an athletic pursuit, a career pursuit, an artistic pursuit, a search for spirtual enlightenment and understanding of the world around you, something else, or a combination of things, people need goals and purpose. It's a common topic on here because it's a tough subject. When you have religion and most of your day is spent working - as you describe in your post - it's easy: follow the religion, because who has time to think about anything else?

Now, we have more time to sit and think, and the religious stuff doesn't really add up. So, how do we fill the God-shaped hole? Lots of people have different answers, and I won't pretend to know what the answer is, but I know what it's not. It's not the self on its own. That's basically satanism, the worship of the self, a religion in its own right, but the opposite of the religion that actually made us happy - the worship of something else (whether it exists or not.)

For me, personally, it's about love and peace and learning about the good in the world amidst all the struggles we have these days. No answer will work for everyone.

Sorry that this doesn't really address the question in the title, but I think it addresses the content of your post.
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Enemy brain ain't cooperating
Apr 5, 2024
If we're talking about the afterlife specifically then knowing that in the afterlife I could have everything I ever wanted and my depression would be cured would definitely comfort me, even though I believe nonexistence to be a perfect state to be in I just can't comprehend it and would rather remain conscious just not experiencing any suffering.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
There are plenty of things I would embrace life for if they were true facts but the problem is they aren't so what's even the point?
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
And these people did not all jump off bridges?

Why? Was it solely the fear of punishment in the afterlife? Is fear the maindriver? Maybe combined with a lack of education?
Interesting question.

1. There was no hard evidence of our cosmic smallness.

It's a lot easier to cast off thoughts like "nothing matters" when there's zero evidence to support it, not to mention if you've got twelve kids and a field to plow.

2. Pre-industrial society's leisure-work balance was different.

A lot of jobs nowadays consist of sitting in an office for 8 hours, taking calls, and tapping away at a keyboard, all for the benefit of distant, uncaring corporations who'd replace you in a heartbeat.

Especially in early societies, this wasn't the case. Doing something like making arrowheads for your tribe, for example, will generally make someone feel useful. Under those circumstances, you can think "I helped make the arrows the hunters used to feed everyone. I'm useful, others need me, I deserve to eat." One of the biggest causes of suicide is feeling like a burden. With that gone, you get a lot less suicides.

Also- there was still a place for you even if you were a bit dumb or uncharismatic or had mental issues. I read that something like 75% of diagnosed autistics are unemployed and the number who can't drive is similarly high. Did anyone care in ancient China? No! Maybe a comment like "Zhang's daughter is a bit slow. And so standoffish around the men! Oh well, she picks rice well enough." And that'd probably be it, apart from some of the same discrimination as today.

Regardless, you didn't have to be a hypersocial go-getter with charisma and financial literacy who can pilot a several thousand pound metal hulk at 60 miles an hour to work and back just to earn your keep.

3. The world was smaller, the unexplored bigger, and information was harder to share.

It was pretty easy to feel good about yourself even if you were in the big scheme mediocre when the sample size was just your village. New to playing violin? There's no Spotify- people will want to listen to you out of pure boredom.

Body dysmorphia and other inadequacy-type anxieties did still exist, of course, but the internet didn't fuel them. There weren't supermodels, pornstars, or bodybuilders to compare oneself to, and there weren't ideas like eugenics floating around for the most part. You would usually at worst be comparing yourself to a statue or another human from the same general genetic stock. Situations where you see someone that completely outclasses you in every single way by a huge margin would not be that common.

There's probably more along that train of thought but I'm tired of typing lol


As for if there's a truth that would comfort me- I don't know. I'm really really far down a philosophical rabbithole that's difficult to explain. If I could be assured that there really is a god that tries it's best to care for me, that'd be nice. For me to not CTB I'd have to be convinced that A. reality is real and B. suicide would interfere with my afterlife.
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Aug 5, 2024
I already know my truth. I don't believe in god, if there would be a god it can't be the creature from the bible or koran because it is described as loving and all-knowing. My life is suffering, so he wants me to suffer it seems. Thanks, satan-god
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Apr 2, 2023
The only truth that would comfort me... Is that my friends, the people who show me love, will never grow tired of or burnt out on me and love me forever and I'll always be a special friend to them and hold a special place in their heart... Because I am emotionally still a child lmao, so pathetic


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
No. The truth always, and will always, be harsh. What comforts people is escaping the truth via coping mechanisms whether that's through alcohol or video games or music or movies or whatever. The truth is always brutal but, despite that, I want to hear and see the truth
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