
Aug 18, 2020
I don't want to scare anyone but I am a little bit concerned. He does this annexation from parts of Ukraine. Though is there a strategy behind that? Will he say that attacks on these parts are equal to an attack on Russian territory later? And this is ther justification for dropping weapons of mass destruction? A nuke.

I am not sure. I think it is more likely he won't do it. China and India would condemn that. It might be quite literally suicide of Putin.
On the other hand all experts said attacking Ukraine as a whole would have been strategically idiotic. And he did it.

I think the likelihood is not that high but it is higher than it should be. This would have devastating consequences and might lead to WW3. There are theories he won't target a city. Rather a warning nuke on the Black sea to show he is not bluffing. Or he could let explode the bomb in the air and make the work for US security agencies way harder. Electronic devices would have huge problems.
They said these two scenarios were way more likely than a drop on a city.

I have a bad feeling. But as I said what do I know I am no expert and I was often wrong. So don't listen to me.

What are our thoughts on that?
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Dec 15, 2021
I don't want to scare anyone but I am a little bit concerned. He does this annexation from parts of Ukraine. Though is there a strategy behind that? Will he say that attacks on these parts are equal to an attack on Russian territory later? And this is ther justification for dropping weapons of mass destruction? A nuke.

I am not sure. I think it is more likely he won't do it. China and India would condemn that. It might be quite literally suicide of Putin.
On the other hand all experts said attacking Ukraine as a whole would have been strategically idiotic. And he did it.

I think the likelihood is not that high but it is higher than it should be. This would have devastating consequences and might lead to WW3. There are theories he won't target a city. Rather a warning nuke on the Black sea to show he is not bluffing. Or he could let explode the bomb in the air and make the work for US security agencies way harder. Electronic devices would have huge problems.
They said these two scenarios were way more likely than a drop on a city.

I have a bad feeling. But as I said what do I know I am no expert and I was often wrong. So don't listen to me.

What are our thoughts on that?

I'm not sure who may drop a nuke, but I'm sure that someone will shortly.

However bad such an event would be, I believe that the long-term effects - such as irradiated agricultural lands, and extreme food shortage as a result - would be way worse.
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Aug 10, 2022
No, he won't - noone will in the near future


In the state of shock of what happened
Apr 30, 2022
I very selfishly wish he would, for the sake of all of us here
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Sun n showers

Jul 4, 2022
Wish he could just drop one over my house, enough to off me..
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nuke the universe
Aug 2, 2022
I very selfishly wish he would, for the sake of all of us here
It wouldn't kill everyone, just make the world an even more miserable place
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Aug 23, 2020
No, he won't - noone will in the near future
I would like to hear reasoning behind this.
Because I am completely out of "he's not THAT insane" at this point.


Oct 19, 2021
I think he might use nukes if this is the only way he can win the war. IN the case, will the u.s. nuke russia? Unlikely, that would be ww3. I don't understand why putin is doing this at all, so many of his own people have been killed- what does he have to gain from this? He wants part of country that he is wrecking, what a mess. This really doesn't seem in his own self interest, but it's too late now.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Yes, it will, and I suppose this year. Reasons:
Ukraine has no nuclear armament.
No one will cede its nuclear armament to Ukraine to defend itself.
No one will declare War on Russia if the use of nuclear weapons is focused only on Ukrainian territory, to do so would be to set in motion a worldwide nuclear confrontation (and no one wants that right now).

Also, nuclear weaponry does not have to be like what we see in the movies. There are many kinds and surely in Ukraine (with Russian troops present on the ground) a particular type that is not of mass destruction will be used.
A few years ago they used (I read it in a newspaper, I don't know which one) a nuclear bomb to take control of an airport. What it did was to fill a certain radius with lethal radiation for 48 hours without affecting the infrastructure. In this way, the airport could be used two days later. But I don't know where I read it.

We are already in the middle of the 3rd World War, there are many countries involved both in the contribution of weapons and money in any of the two sides at war and none of them will give in to a peace process in which one of the parties loses territory.


Si que ho fara i suposo que aquest mateix any. Raons:
Ucraïna no te armament nuclear.
Ningú cedirà el seu armament nuclear a Ucraïna per defensarse.
Ningú declararà la Guerra a Rúsia si l'ús d'armes nuclears es centra només en territori Ucrainés, fer-ho sería engegar una confrontació nuclear a escala mundial (i ningú vol això ara mateix).

A més, l'armament nuclear no te perqué ser com el que veiem a les películes. N'hi ha de moltes classes i segurament a Ucraïna (amb tropes russes presents en el terreny) es fará servir un tipus determinat que no sigui de destrucció massiva.
Fa uns anys van usar (ho vaig llegir a un diari, no se quin) una bomba nuclear per fer-se amb el control d'un aeroport. Aquesta el que feia era omplir de radiació letal durant 48 hores un radi determinat sense afectar a les infraestructures. Així s'aconseguía poder fer ús de l'aeroport dos dies més tard. Pero no se on ho vaig llegir.

Igualment ja estem de ple a la 3ra Guerra Mundial, hi han molts països implicats tant en l'aportació d'armes com diners en qualsevol dels dos bándols en guerra i cap d'aquest països cedirà a procés de pau.
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Jun 3, 2022
i just hope i can figure out a way to ctb before it happens. i don't even live that close to any cities so i'll just be stuck in a miserable martial law wasteland knowing that a lot of the people i know and love died in agony. i can't fucking believe we let it get this bad. that we let "our leaders" get this fucking cartoonishly evil. i'm not even talking about russia and ukraine's little slap fight, i'm talking about the existence of nuclear weapons to begin with. fuck russia, fuck ukraine, fuck the us, fuck nato, and fuck this darwinist hellscape planet.
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Dec 15, 2021
i just hope i can figure out a way to ctb before it happens. i don't even live that close to any cities so i'll just be stuck in a miserable martial law wasteland knowing that a lot of the people i know and love died in agony. i can't fucking believe we let it get this bad. that we let "our leaders" get this fucking cartoonishly evil. i'm not even talking about russia and ukraine's little slap fight, i'm talking about the existence of nuclear weapons to begin with. fuck russia, fuck ukraine, fuck the us, fuck nato, and fuck this darwinist hellscape planet.

You are correct! The tragic part is that the people - the millions of us - have always let the politicians - the few - to do whatever they wish, without consequence, throughout history, so who's to blame, really...? I say it's us.

I would love to see some people hang from trees - not from mob justice, but after a proper court hearing - but that's another story.
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Oct 12, 2020
Hope so, end this shit
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Sep 16, 2022
I don't want to scare anyone but I am a little bit concerned. He does this annexation from parts of Ukraine. Though is there a strategy behind that? Will he say that attacks on these parts are equal to an attack on Russian territory later? And this is ther justification for dropping weapons of mass destruction? A nuke.

I am not sure. I think it is more likely he won't do it. China and India would condemn that. It might be quite literally suicide of Putin.
On the other hand all experts said attacking Ukraine as a whole would have been strategically idiotic. And he did it.

I think the likelihood is not that high but it is higher than it should be. This would have devastating consequences and might lead to WW3. There are theories he won't target a city. Rather a warning nuke on the Black sea to show he is not bluffing. Or he could let explode the bomb in the air and make the work for US security agencies way harder. Electronic devices would have huge problems.
They said these two scenarios were way more likely than a drop on a city.

I have a bad feeling. But as I said what do I know I am no expert and I was often wrong. So don't listen to me.

What are our thoughts on that?
Would not Be in his best interest to do so. Once someone uses an atomic bomb the defense doctrine known as M.A.D., (Mutual Assured Destruction), kicks in. At that point no where on the planet will be free from effects. China might then go nuclear on Taiwan, North Korea might go nuclear on South Korea, Iran might then go nuclear on Israel......and any nations so attacked would respond instantly. I hope to God Herr Putin understands what the consequences of using a single nuke would be. A no win scenario for everyone.


Sep 7, 2022
He might but I think it's unlikely. I'm pretty sure there will be a nuclear war before the end of the century but I doubt the current conflict will be the thing that starts it. Even if Putin drops a nuke on Ukraine, I bet America will just respond with more sanctions and Putin will laugh them off in his trillion dollar bunker, lol.

But I also do hope that all life on this planet goes extinct.


Apr 17, 2021
Russia has nuclear weapons with an explosive power of 1/10 of the bomb used in hiroshima. The fallout would probably be 100km. Putin is not acting rationally, they have broken off all relations with the West. Germany and France have always tried to take Russian interests into account. Putin believed that Ukrainians would cheer when the Russians invaded and took their parade uniforms with them. Maybe he thinks that with two small nuclear bombs he will make the Ukrainians surrender. On the other hand, there are statements of the Americans that then the Black Sea fleet and Russian forces in Ukraine will be destroyed. If they really do this and not just serve as a deterrent, global nuclear war is not far off. During the Cuban missile crisis, a Soviet nuclear submarine was bombed out of lack of knowledge. two officers on the submarine wanted to launch the nuclear missile. one did not give his permission. one always thinks that such a thing is not possible, but the world has already narrowly escaped several times.
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Sep 16, 2022
Russia has nuclear weapons with an explosive power of 1/10 of the bomb used in hiroshima. The fallout would probably be 100km. Putin is not acting rationally, they have broken off all relations with the West. Germany and France have always tried to take Russian interests into account. Putin believed that Ukrainians would cheer when the Russians invaded and took their parade uniforms with them. Maybe he thinks that with two small nuclear bombs he will make the Ukrainians surrender. On the other hand, there are statements of the Americans that then the Black Sea fleet and Russian forces in Ukraine will be destroyed. If they really do this and not just serve as a deterrent, global nuclear war is not far off. During the Cuban missile crisis, a Soviet nuclear submarine was bombed out of lack of knowledge. two officers on the submarine wanted to launch the nuclear missile. one did not give his permission. one always thinks that such a thing is not possible, but the world has already narrowly escaped several times.
How very very true, and there have been accidents on both sides. There have been several nuclear weapons that were lost.


Existence is absolutely meaningless
Nov 12, 2022
I believe that nuclear war is the greatest threat to humanity right now because of human aggression, access to nuclear weapons and overpopulation. There will be wars as long as there is overpopulation. We have a climate change on Earth because of pollution and carbon dioxide emissions which will cause a sixth mass extinction, but that will take decades or centuries. Russia and North Korea threaten with nuclear weapons until now, November 2022, but all people lie to gain advantages.

It seems like that Vladimir Putin is losing the war in Ukraine, so why doesn´t he use nuclear weapons now or why didn´t he start the war in Ukraine with nuclear weapons from the beginning? I believe that no one really wants to start a nuclear war. Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction which can lead to a sixth mass extinction. But a psychopath in power who gets angry enough can do anything. Like Adolf Hitler during World War II. So the situation is complicated and difficult. Our planet and life on Earth will be in danger. But why have nuclear weapons been manufactured - only to threaten with? I don´t believe that. I believe that World War III has begun. But maybe Vladimir Putin doesn´t know himself what to do.
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Exact Change

Exact Change

A life of mistakes
Nov 6, 2022
I saw a video of a small group of lunatics in Russia who were marching and demanding a strike on the US. But I honestly Putin wants nothing to do with a nuclear attack on the US or otherwise.

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