Of course. In fact, I'd go as far to say that it's the only rational choice of action available once you can stomach taking an honest, hard look at this carnival of horrors we all collectively have the great misfortune of finding ourselves in. Living for the sake of living is pure masochism and serves only to prolongs life's hardships, whereas death puts an end to them for good. Most people gaslight themselves to think otherwise, but what else would you expect from what amounts to nothing more than literal cult members at the end of the day? Spouting brainless dogma & empty cliches that have been drilled into their worn out heads from day one both by our vile biology & vapid cultural myths. Unable, or unwilling, to see the bigger picture. Propping up the "life is great" myth is just another form of terror management. Therefore suicide, being a distinct threat to that myth, is turned on its head and made to seem irrational, by simply saying that it is and repeating it ad nauseam. It's such a pathetic form of propaganda really, since it's main function is to simply reinforce the absurd beliefs of the people manufacturing it in the first place. Saying it over & over, as if to convince themselves of what, quite obviously, just isn't true. Suicide is hard, it's scary and, worst of all, it makes life look bad for everyone else who still foolishly wishes to participate in it. The human animal is frightened & confused in the face of suicide as it tears away the gaudy facades & monuments that have been erected to shield ourselves, ineffectively I might add, from what lies beneath it all. The emptiness, the futility, the senseless pain with no redemption to be found at the end of it. That stuff is really, really hard to look at & experience naked with no illusions. So we cover it up, we obfuscate it, we dress it up in pretty clothes. Anything to disguise that unbearable hardship. Anything to make it seem like it's not so, that it isn't there. Those who jeopardize the charade are, naturally, demonized and the associated ideas dragged through the muck. It's all borne from fear, though. Like a scared animal lashing out when it thinks its in danger. A pitiable state of affairs, to be sure.