
Sep 3, 2018
Cause I'm at a point where unless it involves drugs I don't think anything can help. I know everyone is different but it's amazing how nothing actually helps most especially with having chronic pain cause no matter how much I learn either in philosophy, self help, etc. you simply cannot reason with pain. Come to think of it I don't think I've ever heard or read any so called 'advice' that's made me feel any less suicidal and depressed. I'm sure that's because you can't reason yourself out of depression or suicide either. :/ The only thing I have heard before is to try to get through 1 day at a time, but even then I could probably find something wrong with this advice also So great I feel like I've hit a dead end so to speak. Anyway has any advice whatsoever helped you, anything at all?
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
Most advice is BS because most of it is way to broad to help someone in your specific situation. If fixing your life was as easy as following internet advice nobody would have life problems.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
it takes a lot of work and you have to actually want to. but there is a lot of different therapies and medications to try specifically for the reason @cryptic__egg said, everyone is different. i personally have come to the conclusion that only a medication can help me. now i have to find the right one and im going to start by getting an MRI. (my docs whole thing is "what do you want to do?" so i basically do what i want to get better which is cool cuz ive put in hours of research so i have a pretty good idea what i personally need)
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
@Circles, I have gotten advice that really did help me. One recommendation was to choose a date when I'd stop waiting for the man I loved to come back to me; the other was simply "when you change one thing, other things change." It sounds simpleminded but it's true and it can help.

I hope all good things for you, @Circles. (((Hug)))
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
@Circles, I have gotten advice that really did help me. One recommendation was to choose a date when I'd stop waiting for the man I loved to come back to me; the other was simply "when you change one thing, other things change." It sounds simpleminded but it's true and it can help.

I hope all good things for you, @Circles. (((Hug)))
I think it's worth saying now you mention this: advice isn't always going to work as a set of instructions. Sometimes it's less about giving you useful new information and more about helping to shift your feelings and perspective in a way that will help you help yourself. Sometimes advice really seems useless because it seems obvious and non-specific, but those broad lines of advice in the right context could really change the way you think, even if you've been told similar things before.
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Feb 14, 2019
In my opinion most advice is bs because its empty platitudes not specific to our life situation. Most times the person saying it hasn't had struggles, pain, abuse or suicidal thoughts so they can never understand us. I think the only helpful advice I got was to leave my abusive ex... everything else is platitudes bs. "Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and do it, life gets better, try therapy, get out an socialize more, get a hobby, get a job you love" (lol eye roll)...... unhelpful shit like that.
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If God not be, then this world dies with me
Jul 1, 2020
Life advice is only ever bullshit if it tells you that the goal of this life is to attain your own personal happiness; and that's happiness within the modern hedonistic and materialist paradigm.
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Sep 3, 2018
@Circles, I have gotten advice that really did help me. One recommendation was to choose a date when I'd stop waiting for the man I loved to come back to me; the other was simply "when you change one thing, other things change." It sounds simpleminded but it's true and it can help.

I hope all good things for you, @Circles. (((Hug)))
Thank You for sharing and Thank You for saying that. Peace and love to you @Soul. Hugs.

In my opinion most advice is bs because its empty platitudes not specific to our life situation. Most times the person saying it hasn't had struggles, pain, abuse or suicidal thoughts so they can never understand us. I think the only helpful advice I got was to leave my abusive ex... everything else is platitudes bs. "Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and do it, life gets better, try therapy, get out an socialize more, get a hobby, get a job you love" (lol eye roll)...... unhelpful shit like that.

Thank You for sharing @Raven Moon. Yea it's just such a weird conundrum I'm finding myself end. If nothing helps then wtf is there to do? I feel like I'm looking for something that doesn't exist. I wish there was something ughh I swear. Anyway, peace and love to you.

Thank You @cryptic__egg, @Life_and_Death, @Stavrogin for sharing also. Peace and love to you all. :hug:
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Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
The advice that is typically given just reminds me of the video of the girl solving homelessness. People who give empty platitudes typically don't know or understand people's situations so they will say anything to fill the space between their ears. I think it takes empathy for a person to give beneficial advice on how to improve someones personal situation it takes time and not saying anything, which is difficult for a lot of people to do. Instead of farting out one-liners they read in a fortune cookie or horoscope, listening can be a lot more helpful.
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au revoir
Jun 13, 2019
It's a feeble attempt to have some control in life, in the end that will spiral out of control. Life is complicated. :eh:
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so tired or manic

so tired or manic

Jun 12, 2020
I appreciate when people are willing to share advice, no matter how much bullshit it may be, because it's at least an attempt at trying. it's not going out and saying just die then
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Most of it, yes, it is bullshit as it doesn't apply to me IRL nor is it necessarily practical. It's just shit that people spew to make themselves seem useful and helpful, regardless of whether it is actually helpful in a way. There are, however, advice that actually is practical and helpful for certain situations and I do appreciate it when it comes.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I believe most advice is bullshit because it comes from someone else, not you, and only you know what is right for yourself. Unless ofc you are willing to utterly trust someone else and that can be problematic, though if you don't trust your own judgement than it becomes unavoidable.
I believe we all ultimately know the answers to our questions at a deeper level, we just need to be able to listen to what we need, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Unfortunately, listening is the hardest thing to do because everyone talks so much and we all have opinions.
Having said that, a different perspective is always useful as long as you exercise your own judgement.
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Sep 3, 2018
I feel so lost and don't know what to do anymore if most advice can't even help. Can anyone understand how despairing and hopeless it feels when absolutely nothing can help? It honestly feels like no one knows what this is like let alone knows what to do either. Even living for my family feels like an empty gesture one in which they don't know how hard it is for me trying to live for them. Sure it 'helps' but even then living for others is just disappointing and ridden with guilt more than love. I wish there was something that could help. Fucking damn. :/
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Having said that, a different perspective is always useful as long as you exercise your own judgement.
Well said and the last part of the sentence is very important because if one only allows others' to lead them blindly, they would lose all self-awareness and meander into the wrong direction, wrong path.

Sure it 'helps' but even then living for others is just disappointing and ridden with guilt more than love.
That seems to be my experiences after I've grown up. When I used to be naive (in my teenage years or early childhood), I found guilt to be caring, but as I've gotten more self-awareness and see the world for what it is, I've been cynical towards it and found that people are just looking out for themselves, even at my expense. Since then, I've only lived on my own terms and do things on my own terms as much as possible.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I feel so lost and don't know what to do anymore if most advice can't even help. Can anyone understand how despairing and hopeless it feels when absolutely nothing can help? It honestly feels like no one knows what this is like let alone knows what to do either. Even living for my family feels like an empty gesture one in which they don't know how hard it is for me trying to live for them. Sure it 'helps' but even then living for others is just disappointing and ridden with guilt more than love. I wish there was something that could help. Fucking damn. :/
Sometimes we can all lose the will to fight and the judgement to even trust our own instincts. When that happens, if we have someone to trust to take the reigns for a while then we kind of have no choice.
I did this last year. I couldn't cope with anything. And I had to move house. So I took the advice, I gave over control and I let others steer me. It allowed certain things to happen, some that helped me and some that hurt me. But it almost didn't matter, because I had no choice. I did what I had to do, including taking advice against my better judgement, which is not my way.
I have little hope and no faith. I am more or less alone, like I've always been really. Ive accepted it though it's still tough. I don't live for anyone else and I don't even really live for me, I just live because that is what I have.
@Circles you know you can pm me anytime of you want to chat.
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I just can’t get these damn wrists to bleed
Jul 22, 2020
Dunno about it being bullshit but I never got no better so that stuff didn't help me that's for sure.

I am still waiting for a self help collection that helps majorly fucked up losers like myself, not moderately fucked up people who get their shit together after reading a book or listening to a motivational speaker at a conference.
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Jul 7, 2020
Here's the kicker for me;

Life advice isn't always bs, but it always feels like it is.
Sometimes i didn't give coping strategies or ways an honest try. either they work, or you get to tell that person it didnt work and that secret meditation style they discovered in the mountains of tibet was garbage
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