
Aug 18, 2020
I barely have knowledge I copy some shit from wikipedia and add my superficial opinion.
I find the German wikipedia article better. I will translate it with google translator.

"The term soul has multiple meanings depending on the different mythical, religious, philosophical or psychological traditions and teachings in which it occurs. In today's language, this often means the entirety of all emotions and mental processes in humans. In this sense, "soul" is largely synonymous with "psyche," the Greek word for soul. However, "soul" can also designate a principle that is assumed to be the basis of these impulses and processes, order them and also bring about or influence physical processes.

In addition, there are religious and philosophical concepts in which 'soul' refers to an immaterial principle conceived as the vehicle of an individual's life and identity sustained through time. This is often associated with the assumption that the soul is independent of the body and thus also of physical death with regard to its existence and is therefore immortal. Death is then interpreted as the process of separating soul and body. Some traditions teach that the soul exists before conception, that it only temporarily inhabits and directs the body, using it as a tool or imprisoned in it as in a prison. In many such teachings the immortal soul alone constitutes the person; the ephemeral body is considered irrelevant or a burden and hindrance to the soul. Numerous myths and religious dogmas make statements about the fate that awaits the soul after the death of the body. In a large number of teachings it is assumed that a transmigration of souls (reincarnation) takes place, which means that the soul has a home in different bodies one after the other."

In my country mental illness is sometimes called an illness of the soul. (Seelenkrankheit) I think I don't have enough knowledge to make substantial statements.
I am clearly a layman in this instance. Though I have serious mental illness and experienced psychosis. In a seminar in front of psychology students the highest doctor of the clinic praised me for giving such interesting insights. Though I am a fraud and could not answer his deeply philosophical question he wanted an answer to.

I am not sure whether I think I have a soul. I think I would agree with the following definiton from above. "In today's language, this often means the entirety of all emotions and mental processes in humans. In this sense, "soul" is largely synonymous with "psyche"".

I think the most intensive experience with my soul were my psychoses. When the first episode happened I was not educated enough to make a judgment. Though when the second epsiode happened it felt like my soul was puking/throwing up. Especially when I continued studying which was completely diametrical to my emotional and psychological needs. In some way this compulsory studying was similar to my extreme psychosomatic pain. It is very nuanced and I am not completely sure if there is a conncetion. But when I studied so extremely hard I suppressed my basic needs a lot. I was so disciplined I continued studying during psychosis which many professionals called insane but some also expressed respect for being so disciplined. Lol. I overburdened my vulnerable soul and later it needed time to heal. Sadly this healing was extremely painful due to the fact it was accompanied by extreme psychosomatic pain that lasted a very long time.

I can remember it during the second episode. It felt like eating way too much but on an existential level. So much that you feel extremely ill but you still have to continue. In German there is a good word but I cannot use it here it is too complicated to explain it. But this feeling of being overfed interfuses your whole body and mind. In general I have to say during psychosis my most primitive instincs gained control over me. Which feels horrible for a control freak like me.

There was one time in my life I once heard a voice in my head for 1-2 seconds. It was during my first psychosis. I acted embarrassing in front of other people and was hypersexual. Someone confronted me. Called me something like a pervert. And this is something I am extremely anxious to be perceived as. When I think about it I still feel very bad about it. My paranoia climbed to insanity when he said that. I felt extremely sick. There is the good term "hochschaukeln" in German for it. The interdependent variables the outer and inner causes for paranoia increased each other. Then the only time I ever heard voices I heard a vulgar term related to sexuality. A not very compassionate did not act well when I opened up about it. She wanted to know the term but she was extremely incompetent and not empathetic at all.

There is the interesting debate whether humans are more than their brains. I also don't have expertise on that. But I think the currenty common position is humans are equivalent to their brain. It is interesting many schizophrenic people think the voices they heard were God. Or people who do experimental drugs say they experienced something which was higher than themselves. For me I have to say I doubt that humans are more than their brain when we talk about consciousness. I never had the thought there was something higher that communicated with me when I heard that voice. I rather had the feeling it was the result of sleep deprivation and mania. For me there was no supernatural thing that I experienced. For me it rather defense mechanism which was learned by my mind due to child abuse.

My personal conclusion is the human consciousness is caused by the brain. There is no soul which lives forever or could be seperated. Maybe other people with severe mental illness can share their experiences.

What do you think?
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Oct 19, 2021
I think that many near death experiences have convinced me that we have a soul that lives on after out body dies, situations where a person left their body, floated above, and could verify things that they couldn't have seen in any other way. One relative I trust to not lie about something like this told me she floated above her body durig surgery and could look down and see what they are doing. Another relative who is very level headed many years ago, not while on drugs or drinking or anything like that, found a way to get into a very calm state and actually flo0at outside his body and observe things- he ius the last relative who I thought would say somethig like this, since he is so logical. I believe there is a soul there, but where it goes- well there are so many different accounts that who knows.
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Nov 9, 2022
I think that many near death experiences have convinced me that we have a soul that lives on after out body dies, situations where a person left their body, floated above, and could verify things that they couldn't have seen in any other way. One relative I trust to not lie about something like this told me she floated above her body durig surgery and could look down and see what they are doing. Another relative who is very level headed many years ago, not while on drugs or drinking or anything like that, found a way to get into a very calm state and actually flo0at outside his body and observe things- he ius the last relative who I thought would say somethig like this, since he is so logical. I believe there is a soul there, but where it goes- well there are so many different accounts that who knows.
How did he manage to get in this very calm state?


"to be overly conscious is a sickness"
Mar 13, 2020
I believe you have a choice if you want to develop a soul if you want to sieve in higher powers.
I also believe that most of this species are back stabbing vicious and evil sadistic who have sold their soul.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
No, I believe that there is nothing spiritual about life in any way, all that life is, is just a consequence of evolution and anything related to religion or an afterlife is just a fictional concept created by humans who were unable to come to terms with the true meaningless nature of existence. Of course I believe that when we die, we simply just cease to exist and that is it for us, we are gone.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I definitely agree with you that our ideas regarding the soul are very much linked to our psyche- individual sense of self/emotions/memories.

When people romanticise (including me) floating up to heaven to rejoin loved ones lost, we imagine we are ourselves doing this- with our consciousness and memories intact. I doubt many people REALLY view the soul as simply a form of impersonal energy.

Even those who support the idea of reincarnation argue the fact that- seeing as a fraction of people can remember past lives- this means we do have a soul that lives on. That also HAS to mean that the soul retains memories.

One of the problems I have is we are not born fully developed (in terms of psyche) and the majority of us do not remember past lives. When we are babies- we act more like animals (I know we are animals obviously- but you know what I mean...) working on instinct. Supposedly- babies start showing self awareness betwen 15-24 months. Doesn't this suggest that our sense of ourselves (which I would argue was a major factor when we think about our soul) is something that is learnt and develops? Rather than something that is inherent to human life? Or- does the soul lie dormant until that age? Or- does it float in at that age?

It's monstrous to think about but if a baby dies and it's soul goes to heaven- does that soul have a personality? If it does- and our personality is somehow encompassed in our soul- where does life experience come into it? Doesn't your personality change according to your life experience? Maybe we all have a basic personality from birth defined by our genetics that develops as we grow...

I think the problem with talking about things like 'the soul' is it touches on our emotions a lot. We sometimes WANT to believe we have a soul because we don't like the thought that we have lost our loved ones forever. Or that the intensity of our own thoughts and emotions are simply biological things. Even things like love- which can feel so intense are natures way of getting you to protect people who share the same genes as you. I think our thinking becomes confused when emotions get involved.

It's difficult because on the one hand- I do have a spiritual leaning- so I'm not entirely against concepts like the soul and soulmates. Still- I also think we are the most egotistical creatures on the planet. This whole idea of being special and magical and immortal fits very well with that. We undoubtably have incredible brains, plus feelings. We are VERY capable of coming up with stories that make us more invincible than we actually are- we invented superheroes for instance. So- for me- as much as I love the idea of my dead loved ones living it up in heaven, I think it's more likely our 'soul' is actually a part of our consciousness and when the brain dies- it does too.
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Oct 19, 2021
How did he manage to get in this very calm state?
I actually don't know the ddetials about this yet, someone else told me about this and I haven't had a chance to ask him yet. BUt this phenomena is called Astral Projection- I didn't know if it was real or not, but this person is such a logical person that I now do believe that this is real and that it can be done- you could search by astral projectinoh and see what you find. IN my case I hope that this body will stop livi9ng soon, and then I'll find out the regular way.
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Nov 26, 2020
No, mind and consciousness are mostly explained.


Apr 7, 2019
Nope, we're all just part of the slow motion explosion of energy we call the universe ever marching on towards entropy.
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