Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I don't take medication, I refuse. During my lifetime I took a lot of them, when I was little (a month old baby) I was given Luminals (phenobarbital) for seizures and then switched to luminaires which are a lower dose, I was taking this shit until 9 years.

Although it was not because of the anxiety, it became very evident at the age of 11 and I think it has to do with stopping taking the medication. I also think it affected me quite negatively when it came to relating to other people and performing at school.

Later, at the Institute, as I kept vomiting every few weeks, I became addicted to Primperán (metoclopramide), took it daily for nausea, and took it for seven years in a row on my own. that he was a barbiturate and that what he was doing was reducing anxiety along with gastric motility-, I would say until the age of 21.

When I stopped taking it, at the age of 26-27, I regained my anxiety, along with depression, OCD (within what would be Asperger's, but then I didn't know it) and no I know more. A general practitioner prescribed diazepan to me - I only took it for two days - and a few days later a psychiatrist prescribed me Anfranil (clomipramine hydrochloride) which I did not tolerate as it left me unconscious and then we finally tried citalopram. I was not warned that the vision I would lose was irretrievable, so it seems that farsighted people do not regain their vision when they stop taking the medication (I have already been confirmed by too many opticians and ophthalmologists) ... the prospects in Spain do not indicate passage between the irreversible side effects of citalopram.
And the daily nightmares of blood and liver that I suffered for 3 years in a row (and I have never had them again since 2009), the fact that I could not relax my hands (my palms were left wide open and tense), not being able to walk fast (the sight seemed like throwing water on a newly painted mural and everything seemed to dilute), my hands were shaking and I had to stop drawing and playing on the console and go from buying a coveted bike good balance and fell with one I took for rent). I gained 14 kilos and my blood pressure was 15 (when I still have 10 today, which is my usual). Seriously, citalopram is for never going to see a doctor again. Not even at work was I treated as an equal, just as if I were an unskilled fool (which I really am but not as exaggerated as medication made me seem).

A year and a half later (after leaving my job voluntarily because the GP refused to discharge me if I hadn't taken an anxiolytic before - echoes, the antidepressants still, but the anxiolytics that put them where I was able to do it-), towards the end of 2010, they gave me mianserine ... of all the medications I have always taken the lowest possible dose despite the obvious adverse effects they cause me. This medication released or inhibited all the bad warts I was carrying inside (luckily no one got hurt), and despite taking half the recommended minimum dose I started to get hemangiomas in my liver that stopped appearing when I went stop arresting her in 2015.

I have not taken any more medication, it is also true that my health has deteriorated, my eyesight has been lost due to age (but I doubt it would have happened if I had not taken medication at 27) , dizziness is daily, I have poor circulation, sometimes shocks that scare me, tantrums, obsessions ... sometimes it seems that I break and survive.
And I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 40, and you can see that it's good for me to be classified with this label, because I'm pretty much given the name they give it (but you can see that they're excited so register with psychologists). And I'm afraid that my disability will be re-evaluated on the rise ... if I don't ask for it too, they're the ones who call me at home to quote me and even the last assessment was ex officio . I already have 73%, I don't know what else they want or what they expect me to get out of it to certify that they are less "skilled".

But a few months ago I turned around to take it again, my mother grows up, my father has dementia and all this scares me because I am ten years old without the ability to live on my own income. A little over a year ago I decided to die and gave myself up for a new life without considering the previous one (totally useless) ... it worked. I found a person I like very much, I fell in love for the first time in my life (at the age of 43) and I love her very much, even though she doesn't (she also has a partner), but I don't 'it matters because contact with her saved my life and is really the only reason I have to move on.

And that's why I turn to medication, for her ... even though she's anti-medication (but she's never seen me and we only communicate at a distance, if you saw me I would say 'legs help me!' ... I don't think so, she is very brave and sensible).

Aaaayshhh ... I feel like putting on a song (I do it all the time to get my head around it). Forgive the lyrics of the song if you find it offensive:

Jo no prenc medicació, em nego. Durant la meva vida n'he prés moltes, quan era petit (un nadó de mesos) em van donar Luminals (fenobarbital) per les convulsions i després van pasar a les luminaletes que són una dosi més baixa, vaig estar prenent aquesta merda fins els 9 anys.

Tot i que no eren pas per l'ansietat, aquesta es va fer molt manifesta als 11 anys i crec que te a veure amb deixar de prendre la medicació. També crec que em va afectar bastant negativament alhora de relacionar-me amb les altres persones i rendir a l'escola.

Més tard, ja a l'Institut, com que no parava de vomitar cada poques setmanes em vaig fer asidu del Primperán (metoclopramida), el prenía a diari per les nàusees i el vaig prendre durant un set anys seguits pel meu propi compte -desconeixía que era un barbitúric i que el que feia era reduïr l'ansietat junt amb la motilitat gàstrica-, diría que fins els 21 anys.

Al deixar-lo de prendre, als pocs anys, als 26-27 anys, em va tornar a agafar l'ansietat, junt amb la depressió, el TOC (dins del que sería l'Asperger, però llavors no ho sabía) i no se que més. Un metge de capçalera em va receptar diazepan -només el vaig soportar dos dies- i dies més tard un psiquiatre em va receptar l'Anafranil (clomipramina hidroclorur) que no vaig tolerar doncs em deixava inconscient i llavors vem provar definitivament amb el citalopram. No em van advertir pas que la vista que perdría era irrecuperable, pel que es veu els hipermetreopes no recuperen la visió quan deixen de prendre la medicació (m'ho han confirmat ja masses óptics i oftalmòlegs)... els prospectes a Espanya no ho indiquen pas entre els efectes secundaris irreversibles del citalopram.
I els malsons de sang i fetge diaris que vaig patir durant 3 anys seguits (i no n'he tornat a tenir mai més desde el 2009), el fet de no poder relaxar les mans (es quedaven els palmells ben oberts i tensos), no poder caminar depressa (la visió semblava com si llencessis aigua sobre un mural recent pintat i tot semblava diluïr-se), les mans tremolaven i vaig haber de deixar de dibuixar i jugar a la consola i passar de comprar una anhelada bicicleta (no tenía bon equilibri i queía amb una que vaig agafar de lloguer). Vaig apujar 14 Kilos de pes i tenía la tensió arterial a 15 (quan fins i tot avuí día la tinc a 10, que és la meva de sempre).
De debó que el citalopram es per no apropar-se mai més a un metge. Ni tan sols a la feina em tractaven com a un igual, només com si fós un babau poc espavilat (que realment ho sóc però no tan exagerat com m'ho feia semblar la medicació).

Un any i mig més tard (després de deixar la feina voluntariament perquè el metge de capçalera es va negar a donar-me la baixa si no prenía abans un ansiolític -ecs, els antidepressius encara, però els ansiolítics que se'ls posin per on els hi càpiga-), cap a finals del 2010, em van donar mianserina... de totes les medicacions sempre he prés la dosi més baixa possible tot i els efectes adversos evidents que em causen.
Aquesta medicació va alliberar o desnihibir tota la mala òstia que portava a dins (per sort ningú va prendre mal), i tot i prendre la meitat de la dosi mínima recomenada em van començar a sortir hemangiomes al fetge que van deixar d'aparèixer quan vaig deixar de prende-la el 2015.

No he tornat a prende més medicació, també és cert que la meva salut se n'ha anat a fer punyetes, la vista ha perdut per causes de l'edat (però tinc el dubte de que hagués passat de no prendre medicació als 27), els vertígens són diaris, tinc mala circulació, de vegades sacsejades que m'espanten, atacs d'ira, obsessions... de vegades sembla que em trenco i sobrevisc.
I em van diagnosticar l'Asperger als 40, que ja veus de que em serveix a mi que em classifiquin amb aquesta etiqueta, doncs ja de sobres com sóc li posin el nom que li posin (però es veu que els hi fa il·lusió registrar-me així als psicòlegs).
I em fa por que em tornin a valorar la discapacitat a l'alça... si es que no ho demano ni jo, són ells que em truquen a casa per citar-me i fins i tot l'última valoració fou d'ofici. Ja tinc un 73%, no se pas que mes volen o que esperen que en tregui jo de certificar que són menys "hàbil".

Però fa uns mesos que li dono voltes altre cop a prendre-la, la meva mare es fa gran, el meu pare té deméncia i tot plegat m'espanta perquè em trobo a deu anys vista sense capacitat de viure dels meus propis ingresos.
Fa poc més d'un any vaig decidir morir-me i em vaig donar per mort per fer una nova vida sense tenir en compte l'anterior (totalment inservible)... va funcionar.
Vaig trobar-me una persona que m'agrada molt, em vaig enamorar per primera vegada en ma vida (als 43 llavors) i n'estic molt d'ella, tot i que ella no (a més te parella), però no m'importa perquè el contacte amb ella em va salvar la vida i realment és l'única raó que tinc per seguir endavant.

I per això li dono voltes a la medicació, per ella... tot i que ella és antimedicació (però es que no m'ha vist mai i només ens comuniquem a distància, si em veiés diría 'cames ajudeu-me!'... no crec, és molt valenta i assenyada).

Aaaayshhh... tinc ganes de posar-me una cançó (ho faig continuament per esbargir-me el cap de tot plegat). Perdoneu la lletra de la cançó si us resulta ofensiva:

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Almost gone, it almost worked
Oct 24, 2020
It seems like you've had a super hard time with medication. I feel bad for you, I can't imagine how it feels to be betrayed by your body only because you were taking pills you were told would help it. I wish you well.

Medication for me wasn't been as tough as it is for you. I've had bad reactions to some but managed to find others I can tolerate. However none of them truly work as I'd hope. It's difficult. I think everyone's brains and bodies just work differently and have different needs, hence why we all respond differently to the same pills.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Yeah, those barbs at such a young age would have had an impact on your developmental growth and when you stopped taking them there must have been a period of withdrawal which may have been interpreted as further issues (anxiety and possibly some other mental health related diagnosis') rather than being seen as a period of withdrawal symptoms that would eventually pass. Further medicating those issues incorrectly would have further impact on the actual problems and development which in turn would manifest as another issue down the line. Its a vicious cycle that much of medicine appear ignorant to. I honestly don't know why that's the case aside from the fact that general practitioners and prescribing doctors are taught incorrectly so it further feeds up and down the chain but why it's like that I don't know. Some reform is needed. I don't blame you for choosing not to take meds now but it may be that a more guided approach to adapting to life without them is necessary for your ongoing well-being. It may even involve the use of more drugs and a tapering plan.

As you're concerned by dementia and its in the family I'd say avoid benzos and the like as much ad possible now. They're very much a factor in developing these issues later in life when used regularly. Often prematurely.

You got dealt a bad hand man.
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Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that. It must have been extremely hard.

I'm glad to hear that you're better now. You should be proud of yourself. You never gave up.

I think that, as has been said, pills have different results in different people because it must depend on the organism itself.

I can say that, regarding to medication, I'm lucky. I've never had that much trouble taking medication, or side effects. I'm currently taking antidepressants and sometimes benzos, and the antidepressants have helped me a lot. Without them I certainly wouldn't even be able to leave the house to go to work.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Thank you for your support and the answers you have given me.
Knowledge has always guided me to find new paths and when I can't find them I like to ask others, it helps me a lot to think.

Thank you again.
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I eat trees
May 10, 2022
I currently refuse to take any more medications since my psychiatrist restricted delivery amount for one week. For the first time in my life I was free from medication, but I had such trouble with concentration, I'm taking again concerta.

I feel the pain you must have gone through. I've been given medication I never should have been given. And even the one that did help have given me long lasting side effects.

In the future, I will be much more cautious before starting a new medication and will read the scientific litterature. Sadly, many physicians (and especially psychiatrist) are quick prescribe medecine without caution.
@Dead Ghost do you have a doctor you can trust and that knows you well?
@Dead Ghost I know it's off topic, but how could you describe your Asperger symptoms, if you don't mind?
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Since 2004 I've been to 12 psychologists and 9 psychiatrists (some I've only been to one day, hehe). I only found a psychiatrist whom I trusted completely but he retired in 2015, I think I was 70 years old, he was a good friend too, and he followed me up even though I didn't pay much attention to him on the subject of medication.

He stopped exercising because after a chemotherapy that left him well touched, and once the fright was over and he recovered well, he gave him to rethink his life in another way, with all the right world. It was time for him to dedicate himself to others after so many years.

No doctor currently monitors me, although when I am asked for a diagnosis (those of the disability assessment) I go to a section of public health to assess my condition and give me the corresponding report to submit to the administration. which grants the recognition of disability (that is, I go to the CSMA - Centre de Salut Mental d'Adults/ Adult Mental Health Center- to be given a report by the CAD -Centre d'Avaluació de la Discapacitat/ Disability Assessment Center-).

As for Asperger's, it was the CSMA who proposed it, but other psychologists had hinted at it. I'm still not entirely clear because all the popular culture and prejudices that have spread about it are useless to guide me, I myself do not recognize myself in the information I find on the Internet or in the series that do by television.
I am a strange person to others, but I do not stand out in a high IQ (it is close to 130, maybe anxiety limits it, I do not know), nor do I have the ability to do repetitive tasks because I am not able to concentrate. me and I disperse right away (a possible ADHD ?, no idea), I have no higher education or ease in mathematics.

I went to the Associació Asperger/Asperger's Association and they told me that I had a very clear profile of Asperger's and they did the corresponding report. I'm just clear that each person is different and that everyone has their own peculiarities that would fall into the realm of Asperger's, there is nothing else we have in common.
In 2005 I was diagnosed with just one OCD and was medicated precisely for OCD, but it didn't work because the Asperger's part can't be removed with a pill.

If you have any doubts about this, it is best to be evaluated by someone who understands, not just any doctor or psychologist but someone who is well versed in developmental disorders.

How am I? if I get rid of anxiety, I'm slow, slow, naive at times and sometimes too clever, disconcerting while chatting with other people, sometimes I say funny things unintentionally and other people s 'get angry with me unintentionally.
I am very curious and very observant, at the same time very distracted in everything, I have a certain hypersensitivity to the senses that anxiety enhances. Also quite immature emotionally speaking.

As you can see there is no pre-set script that tells you what an Asperger's should look like, because before that one is above all a person, the most important thing.
I keep recommending that you ask a specialist if you have any questions about it, it's easier than self-diagnosis and making a mistake.

Desde El 2004 he passat per 12 psicòlegs i 9 psiquiatres (alguns només he anat un día, jeje). Només vaig trobar un psiquiatre en el qual hi vaig confiar de ple però es va jubilar el 2015, tenía crec 70 anys, era un bon amic també, i em feia el seguiment encara que no li fés gaire cas en el tema de la medicació.

Va deixar d'exercir perquè després d'una quimioteràpia que el va deixar ben tocat, i un cop passat l'ensurt i ben recuperat, li va donar per replantajar-se la seva vida d'una altra manera, amb tot el dret del món. Ja era hora que es dediques també a ell mateix després de tants anys cap als altres.

Actualment cap metge em fa seguiment, tot i que quan em demanen algún diagnóstic (els de la valoració de la discapacitat) em dirigeixo a una secció de la sanitat pública perquè avaluin el meu estat i em donguin el corresponent informe per presentar a l'administració que otorga el reconeixement de la discapacitat (és a dir, vaig al CSMA -Centre de Salut Mental d'Adults- perquè em donin un informe pel CAD -Centre d'Avaluació de la Discapacitat-).

Respecte l'Asperger, van ser els del CSMA els que el van proposar, però d'altres psicòlegs ho havien insinuat. Jo encara no ho tinc clar del tot ja que tota la cultura popular i prejudicis al respecte que s'han difós no serveixen de rés per orientar-me, jo mateix no em reconec en la informació que trobo per Internet ni en les séries que fan per televisió.
Sóc una persona estranya pels demés, però ni destaco en un gran coeficient intelectual (és a la vora del 130, potser l'ansietat el limita, no ho sé), ni tinc capacitat per fer tasques repetitives ja que no sóc capaç de concentrar-me i em disperso de seguida (un possible TDAH?, ni idea), ni tinc estudis superiors ni facilitat per les matemàtiques.

Vaig anar a l'Associació Asperger i em van que tenía un perfil molt clar d'Asperger i van fer el corresponent informe. Només tinc clar que cada persona és diferent i que tothom te unes peculiaritats própies que entrarien dins l'esfera de l'Asperger, no hi a rés més que tinguem en comú.
Al 2005 a mi em van diagnosticar només un TOC i em van medicar precisament pel TOC, però no va funcionar pas perquè la part Asperger no es pot eliminar amb una pastilla.

Si tens dubtes sobre això el millor es que t'avalui algú que hi entengui, no qualsevol metge o psicòleg sino algú versat en els transtorns del desenvolupament.

Com sóc jo? si trec l'ansietat, sóc: pausat, lent, bastant ingenu de vegades i d'altres vegades massa llest, desconcertant alhora de xerrar amb d'altres persones, de vegades dic coses gràcioses sense pretendre-ho i d'altres la gent s'emprenya amb mi sense voler-ho.
Sóc molt curiós i molt observador, alhora que molt distret en tot, tinc certa hipersensibilitat als sentits que l'ansietat potencia en escreix. També força immadur emocionalment parlant.

Com veus no hi ha un guió preestablert que et digui com hauría de ser un Asperger, doncs abans d'això un és per sobre de tot una persona, el més important.
Segueixo recomenant-te que ho preguntis a algú especialitzat si tens cap dubte al respecte, és més fàcil que autodiagnosticar-se i errar-la.

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