Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
This is really a throw-away thread to be honest- just one of those random thoughts that pop in your head on a Sunday...

For people who haven't heard the expression- someone who is overeacting (usually outrageously overeacting) to a grievance is sometimes labelled a 'Karen'. I expect you know the type- the 'I want to speak to the manager' over the tinniest thing. There are also of course more serious infringements- racism. They tend to be white middle aged women of privelage. There is even a 'Karen' haircut!

Of course- it's got to be awful for real life Karens- especially I imagine those who have a genuine grievance they need to complain about!

It's just got me to wondering though... These things come about for a reason... The actual origins seem to be uncertain. Some people point to comedy sketches. Still- even they come from somewhere. Do you suppose there is someone out there who inspired all this?... and I wonder if they are/were called 'Karen'!

I've always found it funny the way Australians (usually guys) call women 'Sheila's' but again- I think it's sometimes seen as derogatory. That apparently has roots back to 1832 where it used to be used to refer to a woman of Irish origin.

It's just curious though I think. We don't tend to do the same thing with guys- or- at least- not in the same way... by picking out an actual name of someone. I think people tried to use 'Ken' to describe the male equivalent of a 'Karen' but it didn't really stick. I don't know- it's random I know- but interesting (to me.) Like- as far as I understand- women don't usually call other women 'Sheila's'- I guess because (maybe) it's a slightly derogatory term for ALL women. But a woman would call another woman a 'Karen'. I guess- because it tends to encompass a set of behaviours. Yeah- sorry- likely a complete waste of your time but- thanks for reading.
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failed life

Apr 10, 2023
I feel sorry for real life Karens tbh. That was a common name during a certain period. To me the Karen shaming has a lot to do with getting women to STFU when they dare to make a complaint. Being mocked and ridiculed is one way of doing that. Of course some women do complain unnecessarily but so do some men, more so when they reach a certain age and become 'grumpy old men' (or women). Really they're just people who've got fed up with getting treated like crap. I say good on them - say what you think if you have the energy and it makes you feel better.

The term 'Sheila' wasn't supposed to be a derogatory term in my memory anyway, but it is definitely outdated. No Aussie woman wants to be referred to as a 'sheila' and maybe never did in the first place. It's part of the 'larrikin' Aussie bloke's world, again pretty outdated. A term coined by Aussie men, not women. Hopefully the country has grown up a bit since then. I think they have.

Btw I'd never call another woman a 'Karen' because I just wouldn't join in mocking somebody. I really hate seeing other women doing that.

Just to add to the discussion I really hate the boomer bashing too.. mocking people under the guise of humour is just bullying.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I feel sorry for real life Karens tbh. That was a common name during a certain period. To me the Karen shaming has a lot to do with getting women to STFU when they dare to make a complaint. Being mocked and ridiculed is one way of doing that. Of course some women do complain unnecessarily but so do some men, more so when they reach a certain age and become 'grumpy old men' (or women). Really they're just people who've got fed up with getting treated like crap. I say good on them - say what you think if you have the energy and it makes you feel better.

The term 'Sheila' wasn't supposed to be a derogatory term in my memory anyway, but it is definitely outdated. No Aussie woman wants to be referred to as a 'sheila' and maybe never did in the first place. It's part of the 'larrikin' Aussie bloke's world, again pretty outdated. A term coined by Aussie men, not women. Hopefully the country has grown up a bit since then. I think they have.

Btw I'd never call another woman a 'Karen' because I just wouldn't join in mocking somebody. I really hate seeing other women doing that.

Just to add to the discussion I really hate the boomer bashing too.. mocking people under the guise of humour is just bullying.

Yeah- very good points. I think it can certainly be used to shut people down. I don't know though- I have seen people acting unreasonably entitled though. When it gets to the point they are being verbally abusive or just outrageous. One particular woman had an oversion to dogs and obviously- this particular owner. Maybe she had the right- I don't know. It was public property but who knows- maybe the dog should have been on a leash. Maybe the owner didn't pick up after it. Anyhow- someone was filming while she tried to lure the poor dog into traffic!

I agree- we should really be using other names for such people other than 'Karens' but- some people are just kind of crazy. If you've ever worked in customer service- you will have come across one or two! Yes- it's perfectly fair to complain when things go wrong. It's perfectly fair to have expectations really if a brand portrays a certain standard, (over)charges for it and doesn't deliver.

I've seen colleagues in tears before though because customers were so (personally) vicious to them. It works both ways of course- some people don't give a shit and give terrible customer service but I think- according to friends who still work in retail, things have gotten worse since the pandemic.

People take their frustrations out on innocents basically and in some cases- they themselves failed to do something- They missed their appointment. They didn't give their full address when they bought something and they didn't check their emails- so the shop couldn't get in touch. Sometimes it's THEIR fault but they still go nuts! Honestly- I hated working in customer services! Most people are fine. Some are nice but some are just horrible and you HAVE to try and deal with them. I have to admit- I have thought some people are 'Karens'- I just wish there was a better word for them... Sociopaths/ narcissists maybe...
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failed life

Apr 10, 2023
For sure it's really unpleasant to see some people complaining loudly and rudely. There's a way of politely making a complaint and people will generally respond a lot better, even if there's nothing they can do to help.

I haven't worked in customer service but I can see many of them have to put up with a lot. Rudeness is never the right approach but it doesn't stop a lot of people. Personally I wouldn't handle the challenges of working in customer service at all. But yes it is weird that the term 'Karens' even started being used. Younger people would feel pretty immune from being at the brunt of it because it's not a name that anyone under the age of about 40 or even 50 has any more. Glad at least my name isn't Karen even if the rest of my life isn't going too well lol...
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