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May 1, 2024
When i was a child some people laughed at me by the way i look.
Since that i developed body dysmorphic disorder.
Are there people with this condition? Did you manage to deal with it?
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Not really, which is funny because I've never actually been bullied or made fun of for my looks before. When people do comment on my appearance it's usually either neutral or positive (though it's mostly neutral). I am learning to appreciate my face more, though I still don't like it for the most part. I don't like my body either. My hatred for my appearance is not as bad as it used to be, but I still don't like it.
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I was wrong
Sep 19, 2023
I had a lot of body image issues in my teens and 20s about being too skinny. Just couldn't really bulk up even with protein and lifting. Also not getting attention from women made me overly critical of my facial features.

It's gotten better. I've filled out reasonably and now in my 30s I'm glad I'm not fat/big-bellied like many of my peers. I like my hair, and I can appreciate my eyes even when they look dead. Happy to be Irish. I can now look at myself and think I'm at least not ugly, even if I still can't evaluate accurately.

Also something about how "I guarantee it."
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
I currently lead an unhealthy lifestyle, so I'm very far from perfect.
I'm not fat though.

But I probably would be really handsome if I went to the gym and ate healthy now.
I have potential.
So I'm happy, but I'm just neglected.
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May 1, 2024
@EvisceratedJester @derpyderpins @Agon321

I always wanted to be better in something, and looks was one of this but anxiety and depression affected my digestion. I also have from childhood troubles with sleeping and my body didnt developed the way i wanted. I have narrow bones and i dont look like a man but rather than a teen.
My fathet laughed at me that he is way better build. Man who beat me every week was shocked that his son is weak.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
@EvisceratedJester @derpyderpins @Agon321

I always wanted to be better in something, and looks was one of this but anxiety and depression affected my digestion. I also have from childhood troubles with sleeping and my body didnt developed the way i wanted. I have narrow bones and i dont look like a man but rather than a teen.
My fathet laughed at me that he is way better build. Man who beat me every week was shocked that his son is weak.
Your father sounds like an insecure asshat so I wouldn't take anything he says to heart. People like that suffer from defensive high self-esteem and usually end up harming and putting down others in order to cope with their own subconscious feelings of inadequacy. There are plenty of people who find men with a more "boyish" look to them(I don't like using that term since it makes me feel icky, but I can't think of a better one atm) attractive. Plus, it's easier to get people to go easy on you when you have a more youthful appearance, at least in my experience (I also look like a teenager, lol).
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May 1, 2024
@EvisceratedJester, he is very confident and achived a lot in his life, but he has also no empathy. And yes, he always puts down whole family.
Thats insane when i think that as a several years old child dont want to hug his father but to kill him.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
@EvisceratedJester, he is very confident and achived a lot in his life, but he has also no empathy. And yes, he always puts down whole family.
Thats insane when i think that as a several years old child dont want to hug his father but to kill him.
Your father sucks. I've never understood the point of having a family if all you plan on doing is just putting them all down and hurting them.


Mar 15, 2023
I'm unsure. I look a lot different than I used to, because I hated my person and my appearance too much. I look okay sometimes, other times I hate it. I'm unsure about how much I like my body, I've struggled with an eating disorder but I've recovered from body image issues, and now my feelings on it are blurred between the lines. I guess to me I just look the way I look and I have the body I have. no one ever really compliments me nor insults me
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May 1, 2024
@EvisceratedJester, i know he sucks thats why i dont live with family 16 years, but the problem is that with all my mental disorders i dont want to live. I know that there are people who had worse and they got up but they have healthy mind.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I don't hate the way I look per se but I don't really like it either. I wish I was more attractive so that life can be easier for me. Life in general seems to be easier for attractive people and that isn't only applicable to just relationships. I don't really like anything about myself that has caused me to have a difficult and painful life and my appearance is one of those things. Of course I don't hate myself for it as I never asked to be the way I am in the first place but, yeah, if I were better... that would be nice
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Not Waving But Browned Off….
Sep 27, 2023
Not really but it's not the worst of my problems. I figure I'm pretty ordinary. I have good make up skills so can blag if I want to.
I wouldn't want to be really attractive anyway as you'd just attract shallow people wouldn't you?


I luv dolls
Nov 4, 2023
No, and I never will. I want a wide range of plastic surgery's but they won't be able to fix how I see myself. As long as I'm human and alive I'll always consider myself ugly.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Not really, no. I'm six feet tall and that's about the only thing I can appreciate about my appearance. My face is too ugly and malformed. There's a bump on the bone of my nose and I have a subtle birthmark on the side of my face that looks really ugly whenever I notice it. I also don't really like how my lips and eyes look either but then again I don't think any level of cosmetic surgery could really change my looks in a way I'd be comfortable with.

As for my body, I've got a pretty big gut though sometimes it's not as visible when I wear jackets and stuff. I don't really like this aspect of myself either. I think proportionally I'm also quite misshapen. My hands and feet are too small for my height and so is my peanits. My torso is also larger than my legs are long in a way that just looks weird imo.

The worst part is even if I were to like go to the gym or something I doubt that would give me any self esteem. At best I just wouldn't be successful in losing enough weight but at worst I would probably still not like the way I look no matter what because no matter how hot I become, I'd still be looking in the mirror at the man who's caused me to suffer the most.
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
What is a peanits?
Reference to this meme

Although I actually meant to type the actual word. I guess my autocorrect loves the meme more from how often I typed it out.
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Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

May 9, 2024
I objectively know that I look good and I'm fit. I actually work as a model part-time. However, I have severe body dysmorphia and always feel like I'm fat and ugly. There just seems to be a disconnect between what I know I look like, and what I think I look like.


they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
I don't like my eyes but they look good with eyeliner. I've always wanted to get a lateral epicanthoplasty to elongate my eyes but eyeliner does the trick
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Apr 16, 2024
absolutely not. i've also never been bullied and have always been around accepting and supportive people, but i spent my whole life morbidly obese until i graduated high school and hated myself for it. i know what societal beauty standards are and what is objectively seen as attractive and there's no denying obesity is not it.

i've lost the weight since then, got surgery to remove excess skin, get called pretty/hot/cute often, and still hate myself. no matter how much i lose, i still think i'm fat and ugly. i never think my body is "normal", there is always some fat or some excess skin, and i so desperately want to be able to accept myself and be comfortable. i've never loved myself and i'm convinced no one else ever truly loves me because of that, and that insecurity is why i am on here.
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Sad Doggo
May 27, 2024
Oh God no, I have no idea how I've even gotten anywhere with anyone.

Severely obese, troll faced, hairy loser with a pube neckbeard and dead caterpillar mustache. The only thing I have going for me is my height (I'm very tall, over 6'4") but with my weight and face it just makes me look like a lumbering retard, pardon my French.

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