Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
Since High School I've had a very negative outlook on life and myself. I always have multiple moments where I berate and talk negatively about myself everyday either calling myself stupid and dumb or saying I can't do this/that. And when it comes to everyday life I just can't be bothered to focus on what little good there is, to me there's just significantly way more bad than good in this world.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
I often or usually have a pessimistic attitude, yes. Sometimes I get inspired but it's rare. Give it time and try to keep an open mind ❤️


Sep 8, 2022
Yes unfortunately i turned into a severe pessimist and misanthrope. I had several pessimistic epiphanies over the years which led to deep rooted hate towards this existence. These epiphanies went in this order, found out about gnosticism and realized the competitive, meat grinder like essence of nature which shows no mercy. Realized women can never love a man if he shows any signs of weakness and constantly are cheating and looking for better options (i realized men can do this as well its just not as common), realized all human relationships are transactional, realized man is utterly alien and wolf to his fellow man, realized man is very close, almost identical in behavior to chimpanzees, realised there is a pyramid like "caste" system in western society which has its roots in ancient civilizations like babylon and egypt. There are many more as well but i wont go on.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Yes unfortunately i turned into a severe pessimist and misanthrope. I had several pessimistic epiphanies over the years which led to deep rooted hate towards this existence. These epiphanies went in this order, found out about gnosticism and realized the competitive, meat grinder like essence of nature which shows no mercy. Realized women can never love a man if he shows any signs of weakness and constantly are cheating and looking for better options, realized all human relationships are transactional, realized man is utterly alien and wolf to his fellow man, realized man is very close, almost identical in behavior to chimpanzees, realised there is a pyramid like "caste" system in western society which has its roots in ancient civilizations like babylon and egypt. There are many more as well but i wont go on.
It's funny how in many ways you sound like a copy of myself from a very close timeline/Universe to the one I'm from. I just disagree with the assertion about women as I can't really know, my experiences actually support that but they were very scarce and I have heard of people that try to stay with and help their partners for as long as they can.

Women do initiate 70% of divorces, for whatever reason, so it's clear they will look for something better quicker than men. I think men are more likely to cheat and keep the marriage because their instincts are (like in chimpanzees) seed-spread oriented, while the insticts of women are offspring oriented. Infidelity makes investment in offspring shaky, so their biology tells women that they should just go elsewhere intead of cheating even if they are not having children.

That is the explanation I came out with, it probably has some truth in it. The short summary is that women will indeed look for options quite quickly and they demand more from their partner. I've seen that play out with my parents first hand.
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Sep 8, 2022
It's funny how in many ways you sound like a copy of myself from a very close timeline/Universe to the one I'm from. I just disagree with the assertion about women as I can't really know, my experiences actually support that but they were very scarce and I have heard of people that try to stay with and help their partners for as long as they can.

Women do initiate 70% of divorces, for whatever reason, so it's clear they will look for something better quicker than men. I think men are more likely to cheat and keep the marriage because their instincts are (like in chimpanzees) seed-spread oriented, while the insticts of women are offspring oriented.
We definitely are brothers from another mother ;) unfortunately my experiences with women have never been wholesome, so i know there are always exceptions to the rule but its blaring obvious that women are constantly looking for better and better. For example my first sexual partner left me for a guy who had a university degree and was a few years older than me and more wealthy, my personality was pretty boring and cold at the time as well. Also men are savages, and dogs as well and will most always cheat. I actually dont really like the idea of staying with some one for a really long time, i think it comes for a mindset of scarcity. It is the best type of support for a human though so its ultinately the best form of relationship. Ultimately i want to move on from this mindset and elt go of the deep pain these realizations have caused me and try to enjoy my life.
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Jul 26, 2020
Yes unfortunately i turned into a severe pessimist and misanthrope.
Same here. I've been this way since middle school and it got worse as I got more into history. But I have some weird thing where I see what "could be" and a way to get there but then I slap myself down that it won't work, people f* it up, etc. So peaks and troughs.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Yes, but since one chooses his thoughts, I have learned over the years to leave in my head only those that are useful to me to some extent (even if some of them make me suffer,... you have to learn from errors to improve).
The rest of the thoughts are pure garbage and I throw them in the garbage that I assume will go to a dump of useless thoughts.

But it's getting harder and harder, even though I'm more and more surprised at myself when I freak out for the umpteenth time at a snag.


Si, pero com que un mateix escull els seus pensaments he aprés amb el pas dels anys a deixar al meu cap només aquells que em són útils en alguna mesura (encara que alguns en facin patir,... s'ha d'aprendre dels errors per millorar).
La resta de pensaments són pura brossa i els llenço a les escombraries que suposo aniràn a un abocador de pensaments inútils.

Però cada cop és més difícil, tot i que cada cop em sorprenc més de mi mateix quan m'ensurto per enéssima vegada d'un entrebanc.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Being pessimistic is simply being realistic. Positive life views simply don't reflect the cruel and harsh reality of this existence where so much endless suffering and harm inflicted onto beings continues to exist. Life is the most useless, horrific concept, it's simply a cruel mistake and procreation is such a tragic thing. Nobody can deny all of the torture in this world and of course having a realistic worldview is the best thing, as if someone believes in positive things, which are simply a delusion, it will inevitably cause them to suffer more when they are forced to confront the harsh reality of this existence. Life is basically just unnecessary problems all for no purpose, existence is the true burden and source of endless torment. I've never wanted to exist at all and never could do.
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May 27, 2020
My attitude toward existence is mostly indifferent; I do not think that life is completely awful, and that everything must be inherently miserable, but I do not think that it is an amazing gift either; in fact our sense of being special is overstated - in my opinion.
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Lost in a delusion
Sep 5, 2022
I am VERY pessimist, to the point where I am dysfunctional because I would think. ''What's the point? it's just going to end as it always ends, with you failing.'' Then I would be unable to give something my best shoy because all I can think of is that whether I try or not it doesn't matter. It's a very annoying thing, that I can't really do anything about. I've been like this for a long time and I don't think it'll change soon.
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The Eeyorish One

The Eeyorish One

Oct 9, 2022
I'm extremely pessimistic. I can't help but see the reality of a situation, which is almost always negative in some way. It pisses off people I know but to me you have to be delusional to be positive all the time.
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Jun 26, 2020
I have had, like so many others, so many life experiences that were not so good and/or happy. With that said, I try to have an optimistic outlook and viewpoint I always try to look and find the finest points in a human and/or situation and build upon it for a great outcome. Sometimes it goes south but at least I gave it my all.

Oh yes, I have really bad/down days, thank you depression! but I have had gall bladder cancer, a bad right knee and 24/7 car crash related chronic pain. But I just have to look at my older brother who got 4 million, who is constantly sour, grumbling about anything and everything and has such a negative outlook all the time, just so darn sad.

There are some aspects where we are different, but in general we are ALL the same, and I live to try and help people smile, love, care and find a meaningful existence.
It makes me smile and helps so much with my depression.

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Jul 26, 2020
There are some aspects where we are different, but in general we are ALL the same, and I live to try and help people smile, love, care and find a meaningful existence.

That's a good outlook to have and I've read about people's outlook helping with their mood. My pessimism is mostly restricted to me (my wife and kid hear it) but I don't go out of my way to make anyone else miserable. It's the opposite, people will comment how nice, friendly, etc I am but they all have no idea what I really think about people and life in general.
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Dec 15, 2021
Idk, I think I'm more of a realist than a pessimist. I don't deny the ideas of life getting better and dumb luck, but I feel like a lot of things just depend on the situation and the person.

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