

Mar 21, 2024
I was thinking about this when I remembered the good place. (SPOILERS FOR THE GOOD PLACE), so in the Good Place, there's a system where if you're done with the good place, you're given the option to leave the world, just erase yourself from the existance. In the show, it's shown to encourage people to embrace their life, until the time comes when they want to leave. And I wonder whether or not something like this should happen in real life. In Canada, I'm sure there's something called euthanasia (I hope I spelled that right) where people (I think it's mostly or only mentally ill people) are given the choice the CTB. Your thoughts?
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Aug 14, 2024
The problem is that assisted suicide is seen as murder; like abortion. And almost everyone doesn't want to commit "murder", i.e. assisted suicide.

One might object that a person could commit suicide with her/his own hands, without needing assistance from others, but society sees suicides as mentally ill people who need medical assistance. And above all, the acquaintances of those who commit suicide do NOT want to deal with suicide aftermaths.

In short, society accepts that a person's life may be miserable or painful beyond the limit of human endurance, but does not accept that a person takes her/his life because her/his life is shit.

"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions." in this case, the pro-life intentions. And since in democracy the majority wins, suicide will never be legal unless the majority opens their eyes and start thinking "It's not my life, they can CTB if they want, I have no right to judge them or impose my point of view through Law."
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Mar 21, 2024
The problem is that assisted suicide is seen as murder; like abortion. And almost everyone doesn't want to commit "murder", i.e. assisted suicide.

One might object that a person could commit suicide with her/his own hands, without needing assistance from others, but society sees suicides as mentally ill people who need medical assistance. And above all, the acquaintances of those who commit suicide do NOT want to deal with suicide aftermaths.

In short, society accepts that a person's life may be miserable or painful beyond the limit of human endurance, but does not accept that a person takes her/his life because her/his life is shit.

"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions." in this case, the pro-life intentions. And since in democracy the majority wins, suicide will never be legal unless the majority opens their eyes and start thinking "It's not my life, they can CTB if they want, I have no right to judge them or impose my point of view through Law."
Yeah, lots of people are projecting what they think to the life of someone else, they think "Suicide is horrible! I would never want to lose my life, they probably wouldn't either and it's just a phase!"
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Aug 14, 2024
Yeah, lots of people are projecting what they think to the life of someone else, they think "Suicide is horrible! I would never want to lose my life, they probably wouldn't either and it's just a phase!"
Exactly, "it's just a phase", they can't or won't understand that for some people that "phase" is entire decades or their whole life.

Terry Pratchett, a famous writer of hilarious books, summarized the issue with a line: "My life, my death." IIRC.

I think that one should be able to decide when "the game is over", and other people should not interfere because they don't have any right on other people's lives/deaths.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Anyone over 18 should be allowed to purchase nembutal , suicide booths etc without approval from anyone else. only they know the suffering that is going on in their own brain.

It seems logical to me but why not to most people :

1. Horrible things can happen that could put anyone in a state of unbearable pain beyond human endurance or extreme torture. : i don't know who won't agree that this is true. does anyone here? what would the normies say?

2. people would then need to be able to escape extreme torture. Yes or no? why shouldn't everyone have the right to move away from pain suffering and even more extreme pain and extreme suffering? everyone should. it's the most important right.

3. so companies and people shouldn't be restricted from selling methods that people can use to escape torture. for example companies could sell Nembutal, suicide kits, suicide booths, cyanide capsules etc . so if we lived in a free world and not prison as we do then I could purchase Nembutal for around $20 since i'm over 18. I could have nembutal and cyanide capsules in case things go really bad .
This is not the case . they made all these guaranteed suicide methods into crimes so we are prisoners.

4. they took away our right to escape extreme torture , unbearable pain, extreme suffering for no fucking reason except to control us and make us and keep us slaves an prisoners.
They made all guaranteed suicide methods into crimes . as they are about to ban SN in the evil U.S.

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Aug 26, 2024
I don't understand why the 'if you ban it you're only making people do it in a more dangerous way' is good when it's used to justify alcohol or prostitution but not with assisted suicide
Do they really think that restricting suicide methods will actually make suicides stop?
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Aug 20, 2024
I don't think it should be legal! In this case the earth is going to be like the " walking dead" if you ever watched it.. dead people walking around..first not everyone is capable to make the right decision some people are incompetent. Ex. when you're taking drugs or alcohol some of the side effects are suicidal thoughts, plus the minors who have no clue about depression and kill themselve at young age out of anger or small issues!
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Apr 15, 2022
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
For me personally ceasing to exist is all I wish for, I'd never wish to suffer in this painful and cruel existence where there is no limit as to how much agony one can feel, I really wish painless death is legal to bring me peace from all the suffering, I'm so tired of being burdened with this existence, I'd always prefer to die but I really wish I never suffered at all, it terrifies me how a human can potentially exist for so long.

Sam W

Sep 9, 2024
I think if a person is terminally ill, has chronic and debilitating pain, or chronic and debilitating mental health issues, it should be legal. The problem is, I'm not sure we'll ever get to a point where medical professionals would be willing to sanction assisted suicides outside of terminally ill patients.
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Sep 6, 2024
I was thinking about this when I remembered the good place. (SPOILERS FOR THE GOOD PLACE), so in the Good Place, there's a system where if you're done with the good place, you're given the option to leave the world, just erase yourself from the existance. In the show, it's shown to encourage people to embrace their life, until the time comes when they want to leave. And I wonder whether or not something like this should happen in real life. In Canada, I'm sure there's something called euthanasia (I hope I spelled that right) where people (I think it's mostly or only mentally ill people) are given the choice the CTB. Your thoughts?
Not sure if someone answered this but in Canada they don't let the mentally ill get assissted suicide. They were supposed to with the MAID program but keep delaying the expansion that would allow the mentally ill to CTB with a doctor's assistance.
I think if a person is terminally ill, has chronic and debilitating pain, or chronic and debilitating mental health issues, it should be legal. The problem is, I'm not sure we'll ever get to a point where medical professionals would be willing to sanction assisted suicides outside of terminally ill patients.
It's allowed for mentally ill people in Belgium and Holland.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
In Canada, I'm sure there's something called euthanasia (I hope I spelled that right) where people (I think it's mostly or only mentally ill people) are given the choice the CTB. Your thoughts?
MAID is not available to those who only want it due to mental illness. It's mainly for those who happen to suffer from incurable diseases and/or disabilities that cause immense suffering. While there has been talk about expanding it to cover incurable mental illnesses it is likely to never come to fruition, as evident by the multiple delays and by the fact that the Conservative party is likely to win the next election.
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Aug 23, 2024
Yes. Humanity needs more suicides.


Jan 29, 2024
It's like being trapped in a burning building but it doesn't have any fire exits because it's "immoral".
I mean... what the actual fuck.
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Lost Citizen
Sep 9, 2024
After people reach the 18 age they just should be free to do their own decisions, if one irrational animal that is suffering from a wound can end their life then the rational and smart ones should be able too. The problem is nowadays isn't about the population feel well and safe to follow their choices but about money and manipulation of third partys. (Sorry my bad english and grammar, I'm from Portugal)
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May 20, 2024
For adults, yes, assisted suicide should be legal regardless of age. And I think it should be:

1. easier to access and more affordable than it is currently in Switzerland, but also
2. not so easy that you can literally walk into a clinic in your own country on Tuesday and get access to assisted suicide on Wednesday. Certain process should still be in place.

And I also think the procedure should not require people to have any money, otherwise it would be a form of help available only to those who could pay for it, which means that for the majority of people that kind of help would hardly be available even if it was legal. And what kind of practical help would that possibly be in such a case? It should be paid through taxes or single-payer healthcare programs.
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Sitting in the darkness.
Feb 28, 2023
I think the right to die is the most important inalienable right, similar to the right to die. So of course it should be legal, it should be one of the biggest priorities of the government. The same way one of the first things installed in a building is an exit. The arguments against it are all very tired and mostly religious, it's exhausting to have to put up with them when they really haven't matured in thousands of years. People being too "mentally ill" to die is particularly egregious, it actually constitutes a "Catch-22" because it assumes the person doesn't have the capacity to die due to their willingness to. It's very sickening how people in this society are very disinterested in alleviating suffering, it's literally slavery and everyone is okay with it. But people can't stick their heads in the sand forever, eventually they'll realise they have no reason to criminalise assisted suicide.
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enjoy the unknown
Sep 20, 2023
of course. you should have a right to end your own life.

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