

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I have read about people having different beliefs in what comes after this life, some people fear potentially being reincarnated, and there are some afterlife theories that people believe in. All of this does sound horrible to me, in particular reincarnation as I don't wish for life at all, I view it as being a tragic mistake yet these theories are not something that I could believe in. There is no fear associated with being dead for me instead there is only comfort and relief as I strongly believe in nothingness. Fear is a human emotion which is only associated with life, and the dead lack the ability to feel things.

Eternal nothingness is the best thing possible to me as it's the absence of absolutely everything and it's the inability to experience anything. The dead have no concerns or worries, as they simply don't exist. Humans continue to endure this terrible concept called life which is useless and is all for nothing. Life is both pointless but can be incredibly awful for people. To die at a time of our own choosing removes all present suffering and also prevents what the future holds for us.

Being dead is the only comforting thought to me and it shouldn't be feared as it's our fate to die and be erased. People are so absorbed in their lives, they often forget about the true insignificant nature of life. As humans we are all destined to be nothing, and if that is our fate then how could our life matter in the grand scheme of things, it could never do. If only suicide is easier, the difficulty and complications of suicide is what I view as being a problem. To finally let go of this life and die at a time of my own choosing has been what I've wished for, for such a long time. It will always be ideal to me.
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Sep 23, 2022
Of beign dead. Becuase it is the only way I canbe happy, seeing what would make me happiness happen.
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Oct 11, 2022
I fear of what happens to the loved ones I leave behind, who will be devistated
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Well, I don't think we have much say in what happens after death. I mean there are a lot of near-death experience stories and even some science is being done to say that consciousness does not fully expire. Then there are others who talk about their past lives and such. Others say that they have died and experienced nothing. So, it is still all a mystery. I guess we will all find out sooner or later. Death is the great equaliser. Just see it as an adventure. We shouldn't really fear it anyway because It is totally natural. Society really should embrace it rather than run from it because it is just a part of life. We all have to pay the ferryman at some point. He can keep the change lol
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Physically ill suffering couch potato
Jul 5, 2019
I fear of what happens to the loved ones I leave behind, who will be devistated
Same here. I mean I want to live, I used to love life, but due to health problems I can't keep going much longer, it's just to painful. But I wish I could keep suffering to avoid suffering for those I leave behind.

But I have never feared death, I mean no matter how my life would have turned out, it's not like I can avoid death, everyone dies.
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Oct 11, 2022
Same here. I mean I want to live, I used to love life, but due to health problems I can't keep going much longer, it's just to painful. But I wish I could keep suffering to avoid suffering for those I leave behind.

But I have never feared death, I mean no matter how my life would have turned out, it's not like I can avoid death, everyone dies.
Tis true, we are all appointed once to die.

I just know there are some who need me here and depend on me. And if I leave them in any way, it will tear their world apart.

So that is the only reason I march on for now. If things get worse then I will have weight more. Everyday is a struggle for me and my mind gave up over the summer. Every morning I wonder if today will be my last. We should do that either way, regardless of ourplans to end it or not. I realized there is much I have taken for granted, when i was shocked in life by myself, and how fast it can change, and became suicidal.
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Apr 4, 2021
I fear it a little bit. Mainly because of the unknown. I'd love to be reincarnated and get another chance at life, but this time born as a boy so I'd feel happy and comfortable.

I don't really have much of a chance in this life. Yes I could save up thousands to medically transition, but that won't make me a real boy.
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Magical Princess of Death
Aug 31, 2022
Logically I understand I won't be conscious anymore and that really its bliss. But I guess the emotional part of me still wants to like know things in some form, I sometimes get curious about what people's reactions to me CTBing would be. Ultimately it doesn't matter of course, but I get a little scared sometimes thinking of just being... nothing. Even if it's just a short matter of time, in the grand scheme of things, until it happens anyways. Accelerating it to avoid suffering shouldn't make a difference.
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Apr 7, 2019
I fear dying but not being dead. I can't wait to return to the state of nothing I was in before my conception.
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Jul 11, 2022
I have read about people having different beliefs in what comes after this life, some people fear potentially being reincarnated, and there are some afterlife theories that people believe in. All of this does sound horrible to me, in particular reincarnation as I don't wish for life at all, I view it as being a tragic mistake yet these theories are not something that I could believe in. There is no fear associated with being dead for me instead there is only comfort and relief as I strongly believe in nothingness. Fear is a human emotion which is only associated with life, and the dead lack the ability to feel things.

Eternal nothingness is the best thing possible to me as it's the absence of absolutely everything and it's the inability to experience anything. The dead have no concerns or worries, as they simply don't exist. Humans continue to endure this terrible concept called life which is useless and is all for nothing. Life is both pointless but can be incredibly awful for people. To die at a time of our own choosing removes all present suffering and also prevents what the future holds for us.

Being dead is the only comforting thought to me and it shouldn't be feared as it's our fate to die and be erased. People are so absorbed in their lives, they often forget about the true insignificant nature of life. As humans we are all destined to be nothing, and if that is our fate then how could our life matter in the grand scheme of things, it could never do. If only suicide is easier, the difficulty and complications of suicide is what I view as being a problem. To finally let go of this life and die at a time of my own choosing has been what I've wished for, for such a long time. It will always be ideal to me.
I feel you FuneralCry, all of it. I'm not scared of death at all, though undoubtedly I will get biological fear when it's time. Unless hopefully I get benzos that are successful in eradicating that. I've been miserable every day of my life. Have been wanting to get out of here seriously since I was about 14.

I am hoping for eternal nothingness, but too many signs point to this being a prison planet. So I'm going to prepare for that possibility. I'd rather maximise my chances for success, I'm pragmatic like that lol. Have been practising advice told by Avkile Sava and Rich West on youtube, and creating my afterlife reality. Keeping myself aware of potential traps and manipulation tactics, from Forever Consciousness Research channel. I'm sure there's moreI could look into, but I don't have the energy to what with all my health shit, and plus I feel this is enough. At the end of the day it primarily seems to come to not allowing yourself to be coerced, guilted or manipulated into anything. To own your sovereignity, and not give away your independence and control. To ask questions and not take anything at face value.

Of course I could just be shoved back against my will potentially but eh, I can't help that so not gonna worry about it.
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𝔅𝔢𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡𝔰
Apr 10, 2022
Im only here because of my family but I think it's no life just suffering because you don't want to hurt people you love, I've become a slave to life. I don't want to be in this body anymore I don't want to go through this life suffering any longer. I just hope my family understands my decision.
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Apr 19, 2018
i find comfort in the thought of being dead
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
Without a doubt the state of death comforts me.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
The destiny of life is not to die, life is what lies between birth and death. I don't know why it is said so much that life and death are two sides of the same coin when they have nothing to do.
To be born and to die is only an instant and only once, living must be done every day. Hence it comes that if you don't get along well, life is a good problem, a nightmare that defines you forever.

Having said that, I do not find solace in my death, because I will never again have another chance to live (I am not a believer). And I feel very sorry for not having been able to live life as so many other people have been able to do.
I really had the opportunity to live but I didn't know how to do it... it's very sad.

In a way I'm envious of FuneralCry because he's a person who doesn't have that connection to life, somehow he's already detached from it and just has to wait for her end... even though I understand that he doesn't it's not easy either, because he feels "forced" to live every day of her life and to experience his suffering and that of all of us.

And I'm lost, haha, I don't know what else to write...


El destí de la vida no es morir, la vida és el que hi ha entre el naixement i la mort. No se perqué es diu tant que la vida i la mort són les dues cares d'una mateixa moneda quan no tenen res a veure.
Nèixer i morir només és un instant i una sola vegada, viure s'ha de fer cada día. D'aquí ve que si no ho portes bé, la vida sigui un bon problema, un malsón dels que et defineixen per sempre.

Dit això no trobo consol en la meva mort, perquè no tornaré a tenir mai mes cap altre oportunitat de viure (no sóc creient). I em fa molta llàstima no haver sigut capaç de viure la vida tal i com tantes altres persones han sabut fer.
Realment he tingut la oportunitat de viure pero no he sabut com fer-ho... es molt trist.

D'alguna manera tinc enveja de FuneralCry perquè és una persona que no te aquest arrelament amb la vida, d'alguna manera ja s'ha despres d'ella i només li cal esperar el seu final... tot i que entenc que no es gens fàcil tampoc, doncs se sent "obligat" a viure cada día de la seva vida i a experimentar el patiment seu i de tots nosaltres.

I m'he perdut, haha, ja no se que més escriure...
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Sep 16, 2022
I welcome death with open arms, a song in my heart and a smile on my lips. I did not get the genetics I wanted for size strength hair and eye color. I did not get the means to become an actor, singer, or musician. I cannot go to the places I wish to go to, I cannot have or generate sufficient wealth to live as I want to. Therefore let me be rid of this accursed existence. Yes the thought of death brings me boundless joy and delight. I am hoping like a gambler who has has a rough night at the black jack tables, that the next shuffle of the cards will be better. Perhaps God, (for those who believe), or the universe, (for those who don't believe), will in the next life grant me this things that would make my life actually worth it. If not then I will just CTB until I gain those many things I lack in this lifetime. Much love to all here, we sure do deserve it.
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Nov 5, 2022
I have read about people having different beliefs in what comes after this life, some people fear potentially being reincarnated, and there are some afterlife theories that people believe in. All of this does sound horrible to me, in particular reincarnation as I don't wish for life at all, I view it as being a tragic mistake yet these theories are not something that I could believe in. There is no fear associated with being dead for me instead there is only comfort and relief as I strongly believe in nothingness. Fear is a human emotion which is only associated with life, and the dead lack the ability to feel things.

Eternal nothingness is the best thing possible to me as it's the absence of absolutely everything and it's the inability to experience anything. The dead have no concerns or worries, as they simply don't exist. Humans continue to endure this terrible concept called life which is useless and is all for nothing. Life is both pointless but can be incredibly awful for people. To die at a time of our own choosing removes all present suffering and also prevents what the future holds for us.

Being dead is the only comforting thought to me and it shouldn't be feared as it's our fate to die and be erased. People are so absorbed in their lives, they often forget about the true insignificant nature of life. As humans we are all destined to be nothing, and if that is our fate then how could our life matter in the grand scheme of things, it could never do. If only suicide is easier, the difficulty and complications of suicide is what I view as being a problem. To finally let go of this life and die at a time of my own choosing has been what I've wished for, for such a long time. It will always be ideal to me.
I do not fear death itself except maybe a painful one. We return to the nothingness we were born out of. Ideas of "heaven" or "rebirth" or "reincarnation" are inventions of a human mind. The thought of being thrusted into some kind of alternate reality instead of returning to the universe or simply not existing is distressing but also unlikely. Weird how people believe in all sorts of scenarios for death instead of simply not existing. I acknowledge that anything could happen but go with the most likely thing.


Oct 19, 2022
For me, as far as I can look back fear of death was never a thing. However fear of failing to ctb and becoming a vegetable or involuntary hospitalization or worse that scares me. I've had previous experience with failure and it was bad, I was so scared of what they would do to me. I still remember regaining consciousness and noticing my hands and legs tied. They hospital stuff was so rude. I was physically assaulted, verbally abused. Painful past I'm still trying to forget. Only thing I wanted was to go on sleep and never wake up again. Maybe just maybe if all goes right, this time I'll succeed.
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Jul 29, 2021
all i hope for is that when i die it last for all time never again would i ever want to exist in this awful shit in this shithole and hellhole


Nov 5, 2022
For me, as far as I can look back fear of death was never a thing. However fear of failing to ctb and becoming a vegetable or involuntary hospitalization or worse that scares me. I've had previous experience with failure and it was bad, I was so scared of what they would do to me. I still remember regaining consciousness and noticing my hands and legs tied. They hospital stuff was so rude. I was physically assaulted, verbally abused. Painful past I'm still trying to forget. Only thing I wanted was to go on sleep and never wake up again. Maybe just maybe if all goes right, this time I'll succeed.
I failed yesterday and ended up bursting the blood vessels in my eyes. Nothing else apparently happened but I would have preferred for it to have succeeded or didn't do it at all. Death is welcome but pain isn't.
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Sep 29, 2022
I fear the thought of leaving when I haven't tried my best. But also it's not in my nature to try my best. I shut down all my ambition and drive with self loathing thoughts, a defeatist mindset due to comparison and jealousy. Don't know how to train my mind to think healthily so I'm taking the easy way out by just dying. The thought of death comforts me but also I get mad at myself for "copping out". So many "what ifs" scenarios in my head but all of them impossible. I'm not patient or disciplined enough for life, wish I was.


Oct 9, 2022
Sometimes I wonder if I had a time machine, would I go back and undo my birth or speed forward to the day I die.

I've wanted to die for so long that I might be tempted to go forward just so I could experience that victory.

I have zero fears of death. At least 10 times a day, I imagine myself dying in a variety of ways. They just flash across my mind unsolicited.

I have lucid dreams quite often and will try to kill myself in them just in case what they say about dying in dreams is true.

I don't physically attempt suicide but there always comes a part in the dream where I know if I stay where I am, I'll die.

A balcony, a stairwell, a double-decker bus at night, a basement. Wherever it is, the color of the dream changes and I know that's the place.

I can initiate it just fine, but it feels like a slow suffocation and constricting of my torso so after awhile the pain becomes distracting enough that I wake up.

But I'll keep trying LOL. I'm not writing off any possible methods.


Aug 20, 2022
I find peace. What scares me is the thought of being alive for long
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Sep 28, 2022
Both but it wont matter once im dead every fear will be gone so would every thought as i believe in eternal nothingness just like yourself.

Only now that im alive i can contemplate being dead, which does seem like an unknown scary notion but we will never experience being dead.

As the famous Greek philosopher Epicurus once said : "Death is nothing to us. When we exist, death is not; and when death exists, we are not. All sensation and consciousness ends with death and therefore in death there is neither pleasure nor pain. The fear of death arises from the belief that in death, there is awareness."
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Nov 7, 2022
Both, I hope I fade into nothingness but I'm afraid that when I die it won't be the end.
Like everyone I just want to be at peace and once my life ends I want it to be final, no reincarnation, no afterlife


Looking For The End!!
Nov 5, 2022
Death is the only thing we all have in common!

I find it upsetting we don't have a right to die but we have a right to live. IMO

I don't fear it


Apr 2, 2023

...Sorry, couldn't resist the "obvious" joke there but, both.


Got all my sources lined up.
Apr 2, 2023
Comfort 100%; dying would solve all of my problems


Seeker of Darkness
Sep 29, 2022
The thought of being free from the burden and suffering of my current life does sound very relieving. I like to think there is a better life to have on the other side. But I also understand if one has had such a rough and terrible life here why they would prefer the ease of just not existing at all. Even the fears of what could happen on the other side if it's another new life that awaits them could be terrifying just thinking about it.

Heck if my only options were this life, reincarnation or not existing, I'd definitely go with the third option. Because as far as I'm concerned, this planet is officially screwed. If not by man's nature to make own kind suffer, then it'll be by the world crumbling under the demands and abuse of humanity, eventually no longer being able to sustain humanity and all humans die out.


157,784 hours spent in sadness
Mar 31, 2023
It's a bit of both to be honest,


Mar 15, 2023
"Life is cruel! Why should the afterlife be any different?" - Davey Jones

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