

Life is too difficult for me
Oct 11, 2019
In case you are not actively suicidal

Do you feel like you have a good quality of life with respect to your career, goals, relationships ?

I am not actively suicidal but that often changes because I live with my parents, have no real career at age 32, and have trouble relating to my friends and "normal" people and their never-ending desire for money and growth.

All my problems are because I have a very small sense of desire for growth or seeking to learn or incorporate new things into my life career wise or hobby wise.

I know it's a bit of a problem, but it's also something that I am unable to change because it is what I am at the core.

While I eat healthy, and occasionally exercise, I have no well-defined goals or desires, and that reduces my quality of life to a great extent.

Further, I have a very strenuous relationship with my mother, who often suffers from nervous breakdowns because of me. We try to get along, but it doesn't work out in the long term because we cannot see eye to eye on many things. Her personality is an A-type alpha female, headstrong and intelligent.

I am more laidback and soft-hearted than a 32 year old guy should be if he wants to do anything worthwhile in his life. We end up having big clashes, because at a certain point I end up having to fight her when she feels the need to give her opinion even when not asked for.

I end up hating myself and wanting a way out.
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draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
Hey I'm basically you but 22 ( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ ) I have great family, a good relationship with my parents I'd say, and I have a few but trusted friends. I'm healthy, I take care of myself well, and I have a few hobbies. But I'm really just a poor little meow meow (ok, this is a new lingo i just learned, i do not usually talk like this ) who doesn't want to face the real world bc the "real" world sucks. I don't have the soft skills to survive. Like, I can work, but I totally hate having to deal with shitty coworkers or superiors, which I'm guessing isn't super rare. I'm not smart enough for scholarships, not rich enough to go explore the world, and if my bachelor's degree thesis makes me suicidal then i don't want to deal with masters.

My life is actually so good that if i try to tell people I'm suicidal they would straight up tell me i have no reason for it or that they have it harder than me. Which is fair, i guess, but if i die i can't care about what they think about me, so it's my win either way.

Idk if i have any goals anymore. I used to have dreams, but my goals was just going to graduate college and then... work in an office until the day i die. If i die sooner i might not have to work in an office, so my goal now is to die i don't have a future.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Do you feel like you have a good quality of life with respect to your career, goals, relationships ?
joaquin phoenix laughing GIF
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Aug 12, 2021
. 9777C84A 0116 42F5 A40F B5F0E8A531F6
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Does. Not. Compute.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Quality of life can be very subjective. We all different thresholds, and I'm no doubt nearing mine.
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Dec 8, 2020
All things considering, I feel like I have a very good quality of life. Yet, I'm miserable. Things are once again getting to the point where I have no excuse to feel this way, and here I am. Life circumstances don't matter - my overall outlook on life, the anxiety, and the depression will always be here. I'm going to eventually die by suicide; it's inevitable. Just a matter of when I do it.
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Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
My quality life as far as human contact sucks don't have many friends because I don't like to socialize I use to like it years ago now I don't desire to interact with people because of the cruelty I endured in school system and the social position I'm in because of my looks and therefore lack of social skills . I have both parents although uneducated about the world, lack travel exposure, I live at home. I work a crappy job I hate, I drive to work with my own car. I have my degree however I don't want to interact with corporate America because I know how high school was and middle school and it would be that all over again dealing with people I don't enjoy and who I can't relate to. I lack the social skills because of social decline due to acne years ago
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Jun 28, 2021
Fuck no. I relate to zoo animals, fucking sad housepets, thirsty deer and lone horses. Earth is a shithole for so many. It's bad....but at this moment it could be worse. I could be running for my life in Afghanistan.

So many countries utter terror and hell. Injustice and greed.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
My quality of life could be much worse, as in this life there is unlimited potential for suffering, there is no limit as to how bad it can get. I do not know what it is like to have a quality life however, my life is so pointless and I have dread towards the future, I do not see it as worth living. I am just existing, not living.
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Jan 17, 2021
I have a very high quality of unlife.

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I wish no one had to CTB..........
Aug 14, 2020
I'm basically you!!! Only I'm 34, F, no career, living with my mom (dad had passed away). No fucking goals, dreams or interests!!! Find it hard to communicate with ordinary people. Usually people don't really like me.
I hate myself beyond belief.
I can relate so much!!
For me, such life is not worth living whatsoever!!!
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I'm basically you!!! Only I'm 34, F, no career, living with my mom (dad had passed away). No fucking goals, dreams or interests!!! Find it hard to communicate with ordinary people. Usually people don't really like me.
I hate myself beyond belief.
I can relate so much!!
For me, such life is not worth living whatsoever!!!
Uh, hi. Do you like coffee? I mean, do you drink beverages? I have a boyfriend... I mean, I used to take long walks but now my ankles hurt. How about you?


I wish no one had to CTB..........
Aug 14, 2020
Uh, hi. Do you like coffee? I mean, do you drink beverages? I have a boyfriend... I mean, I used to take long walks but now my ankles hurt. How about you?
Hi. I like coffee, but stopped drinking it some time ago. I don't drink alcohol…. I hate going outside. I'm too self-conscious about looks.
Looking forward to being dead :):):)
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Sorry, I meant suicide….
Oh, haha. My bad lol. I want die as soon as I have a great method available. Shotgun is what I'd want ideally but might have to settle for SN, inert or even jumping if I never manage to get my life sorted.
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I don’t want to die... I just want to go back
Aug 12, 2021
No. My body is damaged from stress. If I woke up and I was the same as I was in 2019 I wouldn't consider suicide.
I don't care about bad emotions. I care about your physical body and lost time. I care about loosing friends and getting older. Everyday I wish to go back to two years ago and make different decisions. I had a good happy healthy life.
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Reactions: FuneralCry, Dead Meat and Callie Arcale
Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
No. My body is damaged from stress. If I woke up and I was the same as I was in 2019 I wouldn't consider suicide.
I don't care about bad emotions. I care about your physical body and lost time. I care about loosing friends and getting older. Everyday I wish to go back to two years ago and make different decisions. I had a good happy healthy life.

Yellow there, nice username. I also suffered from stress which caused irreparable damage to my body. I also wish I could turn back time, but that's not gonna happen so…
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I don’t want to die... I just want to go back
Aug 12, 2021
Not everyone is just depressed. I have had bad things happened to me and the severe PTSD and anxiety has wrecked my body, my face, even my vision. I asked for help and got nothing. We are going to die at some point. I don't want to wait. Therapy and talking can't fix some things. Money can't fix some things. If we are ready to go, then it should be our choice to leave peacefully. Emotional pain is different. If you want to die after 6 months of considering it, you should have the option. There is no reason suicide shouldn't be supported. It just shouldn't be impulsive or about relationships. Maybe breaking the taboo would help people that can still be happy get help.
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Nov 4, 2020
@Curious89 what if you have a good quality of life, and are actively suicidal? Maybe the reason being you want to go out on a high note...


Aug 11, 2021
I have a good quality of life, but no life purpose, drive or desire. I'm tired of trying to build a purpose only to be forced from the process and left worse off than when I started. This repeating pattern killed all my motivation to act or decide for myself.


Oct 21, 2018
The idea of having even a satisfactory quality of life is such a foreign concept to me, because as far back as my memory goes, between internal and external factors, there has just always been something very wrong, and quality of life has always been very low. I don't mean to imply that I've never once experienced anything good in my life, or that e.g. my parents didn't try to do what they could given the less-than-ideal circumstances when I was younger, nor do I say any of this to elicit sympathy... it's just unfortunately how it is, and the sad reality is that, a lot of the time, temporary "good things" can really only do so much when a person is permanently struggling with themselves and the world they live in.

Then my MECFS took a rapid turn for the worse after years of trying to "push through it", being neglected by the healthcare system, and suffering a severe eating disorder relapse (fuelled largely by BPD and PTSD), and it took away every last little bit of quality of life that I had left, or that otherwise could have potentially been somewhat within reach. For some perspective, according to the Wikipedia article on MECFS:

"Reported impairment is comparable to other fatiguing medical conditions including late-stage AIDS, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and end-stage kidney disease. CFS affects a person's functional status and well-being more than major medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis, congestive heart failure, or type II diabetes mellitus."

Like, ffs... to quote Dr. Evil: "Throw me a frickin' BONE here!"

Life is often a cruel bastard, even for the people who objectively seem to have a good or decent quality of life. Suffering isn't always visible, everyone has a different pain threshold, and we should at least have the option to choose to peacefully and humanely end our suffering without being ostracized, guilted or punished for it... but that's a whole other ball game, and my brain is shitting its pants right now, anyway.
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