

Oct 15, 2023
Obviously there's a number of issues where you can't usually let anyone know that it's going to be the last time visiting you. As a common reaction is going to be to report you and imprison you in some vain attempt to permanently prevent you from leaving. I'm more just talking about if you think you should make an attempt to see people One last time before you catch the bus.

I have a long time friend that told me I should shoot him a message and will chill one last time on discord or voice chat before I catch the bus. He's already come to terms with the fact that I might end myself at some random point.

I was going to attempt to meet my mom and my Great uncle and his wife for lunch This morning. I was supposed to meet my mom at the halfway point and we would drive the rest of the way. I texted my mom that I was leaving and driving to meet her And to not leave without me. Unfortunately I was five minutes late and my mom only waited three minutes Before just Randomly taking off. I showed up and she was already gone. My mom's the type of person who legitimately take pleasure in having me show up To an empty parking lot because I was 5 minutes late. My mom's legitimately a psychopath though. She said In the past to me "she would never tell anyone if she was going to end her life she would just do it".

I spent this morning acquiring SN and looking into getting what I need to catch the bus sometime soon. It occurred to me That it might have been their last chance to see me. I feel a little bit bad for my great uncle and his wife as they are really sweet people And would have liked to see me one last time. They are both pretty old themselves in their upper 70s and 80s. Every time I've seen them ive always tried to treat every interaction like it might be my last with them.

In some way treating every interaction like it's your last might be a decent standard mode of operation. Try to solve all the conflicts that you can and be at peace with everything
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