It's the simulation we're in. I know I'm in a simulation designed to test human resilience because every now and then, there will be this little pause in the program and some near-stranger will lean up to me (They always have the same creepy expression and tone when they do it, very predatory) and softly ask
"Every single time in your life that you were ever supposed to be able to ask someone for help, all they ever did was hurt you more.... How do you stand it? How do you go on?"
It is never asked with any kindness or concern, merely cold reptilian curiosity. The repetition of tone and phrasing by random unrelated people I encounter in separate situations and different parts of the country let me know that it's just the researchers, trying to slyly interview me to see how their experiment is going, and trying to gather more info on potential weaknesses they might use to break me, but there's not much left they can do. I have beaten injury, disease, medical abuse, mental illness gaslighting, loneliness, betrayal, isolation, all with NO HELP, just like they say. I have withstood everything they can think of to fuck with me, and I am still alive and smiling (mostly).
What the dumbasses running this program don't understand is, they are just lowly idiot-neurotypicals. They will never figure out how to understand an autistic mind, much less effectively manipulate it. Their endless stupid mindgames are child's play to me. These fuckers will never break me because I don't break; I break other motherfuckers.
(and there you have a sample of a little pep-talk I use to keep myself going. The truth is, I am basically helpless in this simulation and as a test-subject, I can be terminated at any time. They are just keeping me alive for the brain-mapping, which will later be used in more projects to try to break people like me. The game is set up so that I can never win, merely endure as long as possible. It started when I used to volunteer for brain & psych studies and I turned out to be an "outlier" in the data.)