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Aug 18, 2020
Someone on here told me I lived in a filter bubble. I had to think about it. In the past I watched some Fox News and Russia Today to look at the other side. The show of Slavoj Zizek on RT actually was good. But I stopped watching it because I had the feeling I got what I wanted.

I was at my self-help group. And I said I know a trick how to bypass paywalls and that I really like this browswer extension. It works very well for Amercian and British outlets. (maybe they fixed it since then?). The German outlets fixed their paywalls and are not removable anymore. Except the Swiss newspaper NZZ (Neue Züricher Zeitung). Their paywall is very easily to bypass.
When I mentioned this website someone from the group ntold me oone should read this newspaper anyway. The person who said that is a stereotypical college kid. We have our disagreements. I am a leftwinger though but more openminded. I kept silent when he said that I did not want to start a discussion about it.
I read this newspaper daily. I would not pay for it. Never. But when I can read it for free I don't see a problem.
The newspaper often agitates against minorities. Every day new horrible articles about woke lefties. Agitation against unemployed people and refugees. Yada yada yada.

But there is daily a newsletter called "The different view" It is similar to the content of the US website Unherd. And sometimes they simply translate Unherd articles into German. You can read stuff you won't read in different outlets. If I read many leftwing newspapers I already know what to expect reading the articles. But with the NZZ there is some uncertainty (except when it comes to minorities). I certainly would never recommend anyone to use the NZZ as the only media outlet. But for my consumption habits it counterbalances the leftwing media I most often consume. The case for Trump, the arguments in favor of him are not convincing for me though. The NZZ is strongly in favor of aid to Ukraine. There is another Swiss outlet called "Die Weltwoche" which is similar to the NZZ but with worshipping Putin and Russia.

The hatred they spread is horrible. But something I really like is: The op-ed I( hope this is the right translation) is often handed to scientists. And some articles are similar to science articles but with an easier language. The leftwing magazine "Der Spiegel" that I consume daily only has one semi-scientifical article per week. Sometimes even less often than that. Maybe I am consuming the wrong leftwing newspapers. I don't know.

Is it smart to follow the news? Should one fully quit it?

In the past my goal was to be fully informed about the world by consuming these different outlets. I thought if I knew all the different sides all different ideologies I would know the full picture. I was so fucking blind. The scientifical approach to politics is the true holy grail. There are even good arguments why one should never consume media at all because it might be a waste of time. When you follow a newsstory you will always have to get the newest updates. And then if you take a hiatus one week almost all of the old knowledge is outdated. Then there is the newscycle. Most of the attention is gone after a short time period. The problems don't get solved. They shed a light on it for quite some time and then they move on. Most media companies have an agenda. They have to maintain relationships to the powerful and mighty to get their interviews. Or in order to have background conversations. They are dependent on ad money. Some charitable foundations finance media corporatiosns behind them are often multibillionaires. The media has an interest to be perceived as might and powerful. The media has to overestimate its own influence on elections hence these presidential debates are so omnipresent despite the fact no empirical evidence supports the theory they were decisive for elections. Most pundits don't have a clue what they are talking about. They play for their team and cater to their own audience. On Youtube many have special advertiser who they sell their soul and integrity to. Social media stars are dependent on attention and you most often get that with the most controversial strong opinions that are often quite divisive which certainly does not help to unite a country. Media analyses focus on short term impact and underestimate longterm developments due to the media attention cycle which does not last long.

Do you consume media outlets that oppose your own opinion? And do you think this is something one should do in order to stay openminded? Are there red lines? Because personally I don't watch Alex Jones regularly. However, sometimes a Youtuber I like shows his most insane videos for entertainment purpose. They can be funny but noone should take him serious.
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Jul 17, 2024
I hate the news , whatever outlet you use they try to put ideas into your head. I stay away from the news.
The only news that would bring me joy would be a zombie apocalypse breaking out. I was really happy when COVID was running crazy.
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Proud Normie
Sep 19, 2023
News is unfortunately necessary, but yes you should look all over, or at least find someone on your "side" who will honestly look at and analyze the other side in-context. Very rare.

A big, HUGE thing is to have a long memory. I watch/read a handful of sources but I'm always sure to remember what they expressed that ended up just being wrong. If you don't think that has happened with your sources, you probably need to branch out a little, because everyone makes some wrong calls or unfortunate spins.

The other thing is to filter opinions and dig down into what is actually known. This has gotten so freaking hard in the modern internet, but you have to try.

Reminds me of your other thread about "are there really any Trump supporters?" If you don't know what the other side thinks, or what their actual arguments are, only the representation of those thoughts and arguments by the media you agree with, you are limiting yourself.
I hate the news , whatever outlet you use they try to put ideas into your head. I stay away from the news.
The only news that would bring me joy would be a zombie apocalypse breaking out. I was really happy when COVID was running crazy.
Agreed. I have a big and growing desire for end of days horror. I know it's not healthy. We came close with the assassination attempt. I think if that was successful something big might've started. Things would've become very unstable.
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Jul 14, 2024
News are opinionated, just by nature of it.

I personally gave up on staying informed bring what I really need to know, like changes to tax laws let's say.

A bit of a doomer approach, but I believe that everything is so fucked that we are way past of having a chance to unfuck it. Our way least I don't have any energy or even intent say this point to do anything.

So yeah, my biased advice over a beer would be to drop news all together. I consider it useless at best besides a conversation topic.
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I oppose all news because I also agree with all the news.

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