
Aug 18, 2020
My current therapist called me a strong person. Yeah I think other people would not do this insane amount of work in order to recover. Especially when it is as hopeless as in my case. I am not sure whether I am a srong person. I might be perceived as one when I talk my daily immense struggle with mental distress. But I think maybe I am just very very obsessive and a lot of behavior is completely pathological. I think I have Prussian discipline due to my abuse. But it completely backfired. I don't have the stamina to cope with it. I think the pressure I am experiencing daily is insane. I could imagine a lot of people would already have committed suicide due to my problems. I always was too scared to damage myself. But I think with every failure my will to go through with it increases.

I am dependent on a lot of other people in order to survive. I think without their help I would/will probaby commit suicide. I have a support network just because I am a completely mental wreck. I am not really adapted to survive in the daily life of a responsible adult. I just get crushed instead. And I am so extremely scared about the day when my parents will be dead. I think I wil be forced to ctb. The fact that I am kind of useless in the sense of contributing to a better society can be seen as a weakness.

What are your thoughts on that?
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Jun 28, 2022
I think that anyone who suffers but is able to seek help for themselves is incredibly strong.

Even though you feel like you are getting closer, you are actively fighting the urge and i assume you have been for a very long time.

Even though I have feelings of shame when i think about going over, that's mostly because of my circumstances.

I personally don't think people who do are weak, they're just incredibly tired from dealing with it and there's no option to take a break.

I'm the same way, i still feel immature, once my parents are gone, i don't think i'll stick around.

It's also good to remember that no one's perfect, everyone has weaknesses. Although my weaknesses far outweigh my strengths lol.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
No, I certainly do not see myself as being a strong person. I am just not meant for this life and that is the way that I am. I have never been able to cope well with life and I get easily upset, tired and stressed.
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May 21, 2022
definitely not. i cannot survive without her
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Jun 15, 2022
If you see "strong" in terms of having not killed myself yet, then yes. I'm seriously surprised I'm alive to this day. So in this context I guess I am somewhat strong idk. But otherwise, no.
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Dec 8, 2020
Nah. I'm weak as fuuuuck.
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Jun 26, 2022
I envy those who are strong.
I feel if I were stronger, I wouldn't be in the state of mind I am today.
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Nov 28, 2019
Nope, I don't consider myself strong. I rarely follow through with things I set for myself. I'm weak willed. I will give up on something that will make me a better person, just to get the quick taste of a vice. I do this because I am so wildly unhappy. It's like a constant battle in my head between the good meaning counselor me, and the real me who stopped giving a fuck about a decade ago.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Yes I have heard it sometimes, it is the false positivism that psychologists and psychiatrists want to surround you with instead of recognizing that there is nothing more they can do for you.

A strong person would not be in my situation and would have more tolerance and resilience to cope with the common ups and downs of life.
In fact it is easy to see... everyone can find themselves in the same situation of despair or emotional collapse that so many of us have suffered, but the personal experience - the lived experience - that leads them to the same dead end as most of us differs greatly from one person to another.

We have many examples, there are people who will break down because they cannot find a toothpaste of their brand because it is no longer manufactured and others because they are in a cell in a concentration camp (maybe their cellmate gets out as if nothing happened after a while and can resume his life and the other ends up in a psychiatric center for life).

Strength is what differentiates us from each other and from there comes the incomprehension of other people towards our problems... my mother just told me while I was writing this that I have a lot of nonsense in my head because the taste of the bottle of cooking oil that I opened this morning bothers me (and that makes me get anxiety and nausea that I still have slightly right now), but I do not see myself able to make my food if I do not buy another bottle of another brand. ... and I don't dare to leave the house to go to the supermarket... a psychologist would tell me, in case I make my food and swallow the food with the bad oil, that I am very brave and very strong for having endured it.... nonsense!... a healthy person would not even notice it all.

Si que ho sentit de vegades, és el fals positivisme del que et volen envoltar els psicòlegs i psiquiatres en comptes de reconèixer que no poden fer res més per tu.

Una persona forta no es trobaría pas en la meva situació així com disposaria d'una major tolerància i resiliència per fer front als altibaixos més comuns de la vida.
De fet és fàcil de veure... tohom es pot trobar en la mateixa situació de desasperació o enfonsament emocional que tants de nosaltres em patit, però la vivència personal -l'experiència viscuda- que els hi porta al mateix carreró sense sortida que a la majoría difereix molt d'una persona a una altra.

Exemples en tenim molts, hi ha gent que es trencarà per no poder trobar una pasta de dents de la seva marca perquè s'ha deixat de fabricar i una altra perquè esta en una cel·la en un camp de concentració (igual el seu company de cel·la surt com si res passat un temps i pot reprendre la seva vida i l'altre acaba ingressat en un centre de per vida).

La fortalesa és el que ens diferència els uns dels altres i d'aquí neix la incomprensió d'altres persones cap els nostres problemes.. ma mare m'acaba de dir mentres escribía això que tinc moltes tonteries al cap perquè em molesta el gust de l'ampolla d'oli per cuïnar que he obert aquest matí (i que em fa agafar ansietat i nàusees que encara tinc lleugerament ara mateix), però es que no em veig capaç de fer-me el dinar sinó és comprant una altre ampolla d'una altra marca... i no m'atreveixo a sortir de casa per anar al supermercat... un psicòleg em diría, en cas de fer-me el dinar i empassar-me el menjar amb el oli dolent, que sóc molt valent i molt fort per haver-ho soportat... bajanades!... una persona sana ni se n'adonaria de tot plegat.
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Aug 31, 2019
No I do not consider anthing about myself strong. My perservearance, ambition, mental and physical state all of them I consider weak. The only time I've been so-called strongwas when I once told a teacher about my suicidal thoughts but then again I was kind of pushing myself in a corner by skipping class so I was forced to do it I guess.
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May 26, 2022
I do consider myself strong for surviving and handling all this s I didn't deserve. But that could also be a lie to make myself better for being so broken. I think I should give mysekf credits for handling all this and still being here. No one but me had to deal with all it, and I did it nicely. I am also strong for wanting to leave my life with dignity.
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
It sounds like you're actually a strong person! I wouldn't consider myself a strong person, I have a strong support system but I am running on autopilot, stuck in self pity and I refuse to even try and get help. The fact you are trying to get help and work through everything life has thrown at you proves you are a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for<3
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May 23, 2022
I do consider myself strong for surviving and handling all this s I didn't deserve. But that could also be a lie to make myself better for being so broken. I think I should give mysekf credits for handling all this and still being here. No one but me had to deal with all it, and I did it nicely. I am also strong for wanting to leave my life with dignity.
I feel the same way. Sometimes I'll look at pictures of myself when I was younger, and I hold so much respect for them, for surviving when they had no other choice. I'm glad that we both have a choice now.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I see myself as very vulnerable and not very adaptable: this means I am a weak person.
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Jun 14, 2019
My spirit is strong, most definitely. You're strong too, you can give yourself credit sometimes.
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Jun 27, 2021
There is something strong in me and it come out in various moments of my life. But now i feel that i'm not strong enough to afford my condition, despite people try to tell me the contrary
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Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
I think that, in general, all of us can consider ourselves strong people because we've all been through things that most people couldn't handle even a third.

And I think, in a twisted way, it also makes us more interesting people, with skills that most people who haven't gone through it don't have.

Although, I would have given anything to have had a normal family and life.
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Cosmic dust

Cosmic dust

Among the stars
Feb 28, 2022
Define "strong". I think its very relative.

Humans are very resilient creatures, we can go all through all these nightmares of a life that many users report all the time, that other people out there never had to face, and still stand, maybe not in good shape, but here we are.

I believe in determinism, we are what we are because both of our genes and our experiences, you can look at any "strong" person out there, that doesn't cry for every little thing and never thought about suicide, if that person had gone through exactly the same things as you, I mean, really EXACTLY the same, the same body (with same appearance, weakness and diseases), the same experiences while growing up, the same traumas, failures and so on, would he fare any better or worse?

Its hard to say, in a sense, I think everyone is more or less equally strong, some of us break down and kill themselves more easily, but ain't that because we are already under more pressure and less prepared?
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Cheeto tiger
May 19, 2021
I'm not sure what I think make someone strong usually, but I do believe asking for help is a great strength. Seeking help for the time your on Earth is a great idea because it is so, so difficult to do all of this alone. I used to think depending on others was a weakness (and my own, of course other people could ask for help, but not me!) but we really, truly need others to help us. Even extreme introverts. It's just especially nice when those we depend upon are supportive, sometimes we have to depend on not so nice people :/

I recently asked my mother to remove the phrase "contributing member of society" from her lexicon as I told her it is ableist language and not everyone can or is meant to contribute to society in the way we think, or the way that phrase is historically used. So I think it is ok, as you say, that you are not "contributing to a better society", and it is not a weakness. I think it's a nice thought to know we are contributing to society in a way that we are like-minded on this website - we know planning our suicide and even suicide ideation is an acceptable way to live or cope with wanting to die. I often talk to other people about it and hope to open others minds about suicidal people. We are not selfish as many would say, or cowards, but learning to live with ourselves and help ourselves out. Usually folks who say such things are parroting what they've heard and don't likely have any idea the pain of wanting to die everyday.
Anyways, this is a long winded way of saying I think we're all strong for putting up with bullshit constructs of society that aren't meant to help mentally disabled people!
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Jul 15, 2022
No, because my pain tolerance is awful and I'm really rejection sensitive. I didn't even have to cut much to nearly want to cry out in pain and can't exercise much due to it. Because I don't exercise much, I'm physically extremely weak and can't lift much at all that's heavier than my backpack.


the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
In some ways, yes.

In other ways, perhaps not.

But what often happens is that people start off with a certain amount of strength and resilience and then through certain hardships or traumas it is slowly or swiftly beaten out of them, until what they are left with is no longer indicative of their inherent capacity for being "a strong person".


The number zero is feeling lonely...
Nov 30, 2020
Idk, on one hand I've heard of people who ctb because they had one of my many problems. On the other I find it really hard to be have a social life, or any kind of life at all, which is something most people can do.
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Nothing to say anymore.
Jul 16, 2022
Nope. :p

Weak and frail, both physically and mentally.


404: Reason to live not found
Jul 17, 2022
I've been strong for too long. Carrying the load for others. I've run out of "strong".


Jul 13, 2022
No, I can't handle rejection or criticism at all.


Jul 15, 2022
No I've always been ashamed by how mentally weak I am


Oct 20, 2021
I haven't thought about it for a long time, it's my main thing

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