
Oct 17, 2019
I am asking because throughout my life I realized I have no single personality. It becomes kinda obvious when you have suffered certain mental damage, but most of the times for "normal" people it is concealed by psychological protection mechanisms. I also tried to get away from this conclusion, thinking I am childish or not being serious, but it's impossible to ignore.

A lot of times in my life I spontaneously plunged in strange states of mind when I thought someone else or something else takes control of me, influences my actions and dissolves into my thoughts. Mostly if I was able to retain clear mind in such moments, it took form of an image of various unusual creatures which assemble themselves from nothing and dissipate into nothing. I could associate myself with these creatures, but I can't say they are the very same person which is now typing this message. It's like they surface from deep ocean and then sink again. If you've read "Solaris", you know what I mean.

In some borderline cases, I lost myself during such episodes, lost time count, ability to speak, and so on. Maybe 2 or 3 people in my life have seen me in this state of mind, usually they were thinking I was taking some hard drugs (although I never took any drugs and never even drank alcohol in my life) or was hypnotized without being properly "dehypnotized" afterwards (that's what one of my psychoterapists said to me). But what I truly believe has happened is other parts of me were "eclipsing" usual "normal" personality which was formed by ordinary social interaction, role models and learning. This says a lot about our society being repressive against mental diversity except very rare cases (see further).

I think all archetypic ideas about supernatural beings like angels, demons, gods etc. result from this interesting feature of our mind - construct alternate personalities and separate them within the bounds of your consciousness. When you're under extreme pressure, suffering from extreme pain, experiencing great emotions, being hypersensitive, taking psychoactive drugs maybe... all this results in inability of your consciousness to synchronize different mental processes, and multipersonality becomes obvious. It's kinda sad though that such experience of very few people becomes the norm (various historical figures associated with religion, like Christ, Buddha, prophets, saints, etc) and people embrace it, while similar experiences of other people are considered mental illness or just something weird. I hope in the future this stigma will change, because having alternate personalities inside you could be a great coping mechanism (let alone various mystical ideas which are not universal and different for everyone).

What's your thoughts on this? Have you ever felt being "not whole"? Maybe it helped you in some life situations or worsened everything? I can't answer clearly myself, cause for me it clearly was a coping mechanism but also now is one of the reasons I want to ctb.
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Sep 23, 2019
I dunno what my personality is because it is not constant. My mental and physical states change throughout the day and week, so my personality is very shifty. But while it changes, the baseline are almost always the same whether I feel 'okay' or 'shit.

I am who I am. I control what I do and what I say, it's just that I don't fake it anymore and I act just like I feel. If I feel decent and capable I become more of myself, if I feel like shit, I will act accordingly.

I don't really believe in personality nowadays. Personality is something that changes all the time according to certain events, states and how you perceive yourself in company, whether it's with a group of people or 1 on 1. Personality is also how people perceive you.

Personality can be superficial. Like you act in a certain way because you think you look in a certain way. Beautiful people can smile more because they think they look good, not because they are necessarily happier. Are gestures and body language part of personality too? because that is also something that changes.

I'm talking about adult life. When I was younger my personality was stable.

I do not relate with what you are saying here as I did not experience that sort of things, but I still wanted to chime in with what I feel in regards to personality.


No use to know one
Feb 15, 2019
I know my self i have my normal side every day sort of guy . But on the inside they a monster a monster if it every got out would make the incredible hulk look like farther Christmas. It would tear the world apart and rivers of blood you could drown in. And every day i have to keep this thing under control but sum days it's harder than others. Thats why i have to spend the rest of my life alone for how every long i live . If it fells like i am losing the battle then it time to top my self onley way to win this war of mine . Any way my life a big pile of shit my own fault could done better with it buy hay how things work out be glad to be dead. Sum time soon i hope :D


I fcking hate myself
Dec 5, 2018
No lol, it changes where I am, who I'm with and how I'm feeling. Kind of like a slot machine spitting out a different combination every time


Aug 31, 2019
No my diagnosis was bpd but they did wonder if I had manic depression. One side of me suicidal, self harming, alcoholic, depressive, the other high on the drama of life, out going, doing crazy shit, and getting into bad situations, sort of delirious. Both personalities are self destructive though.

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