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I just want to be completely forgotten
Feb 20, 2023
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When It Ends
Apr 7, 2023
I would like to think that I am but, the overthinking side of me says otherwise so… I really don't know.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I would say that I am, I'm not the problem but rather life is instead. I was just never meant for existing and I have the awareness to recognise that this world really is a hellish place that for me could never be worth existing in, it really wasn't my fault that I was forced into this world where it's so difficult to finally be free from it.
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trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
I go back and forth. I want to be a good person so I voted yes, but sometimes I'm too depressed to care about the world, or feel like a bad person if I've done something to hurt others.
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
I think I may be a too good of a person, which results in me forgetting about myself, which results in feeling absolutely worthless.

I can't find the balance..it all or nothing, black or white ( hello BPD)
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Tyrone Slothrop

Tyrone Slothrop

Mar 10, 2023
I would like to be, but no, I don't think I'm a good person, or really anything close
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
Depends on how we define a good person. I'd say I'm below average so I'll just go with no lmao
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Apr 19, 2022
neither. I just consider myself worthless. To myself, I have no value.
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Don't you listen to your heart? (Listen to it...)
Oct 26, 2019


Apr 3, 2023
Yes I think I'm a good person, but it varies from person to person on what they think is a bad person or a good person. So personal opinion. I care deeply for others due to my struggles and would never want anyone to suffer, I'd drop anything for anyone to be there for them, help if they want or be there to listen. I've always cared for others my whole life, it's just my personality. That's what I think is one thing about being a good person. I just think that stands out the most to me.
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Nov 5, 2022
I wish there was an in between answer like an "I think I am but have my doubts" but that's probably too much to ask for lol.

I try to be a good person and I really want to say I am but I'm aware that we all have the potential to hurt people, even the ones we love. I really do care about people's suffering but I know I have unintentionally hurt people I care about in more ways than one despite my best efforts. I guess this is especially how it goes in romantic relationships and close friendships for me. This has definitely been a factor in my isolation. I don't want to hurt others so I distance myself from all living beings.

That being said, I even feel guilty for leaving someone on read when texting so maybe I overthink it but I really don't know. I hardly was able to put any thought into what I just typed and feel like a complete zombie so hopefully this is somewhat coherent.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
In some ways- yes, in some ways- no. I wonder if anyone is 100% good or bad. I hope I'm more good than bad.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I don't think so, but I haven't been tested to find out either. Also, what is a good person? someone who does not give problems?. I also think it's more likely than not... I only think about my own problems, I'm selfish by nature.


No crec, però tampoc m'he posat a prova per saber-ho. A més, que és una bona persona? algú que no dona problemes?. Igualment crec com a més provable que no ho sigui pas... només penso en els meus problemes, sóc egoísta per naturalesa.


Apr 13, 2023
No. I've never done anything selfless or kind. My existence is morally neutral at best. I really do try not to be awful these days, but there's nothing I can do to make up for all my (many) past screw ups.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Not particularly, no. Or maybe about average on the universal scale of goodness. I'm flawed like everyone else. Nor am I real altruistic or motivated by any cause or anything. Like I'm a nice guy if you talk to me and I'm polite/try to treat people well, but I've been struggling and in survival mode for as long as I can remember. I live a very insular life and it feels like I've been dealing with my own problems full time since forever, with no room for giving or sacrificing myself.


Feb 1, 2023
Anyone who repeats to themselves tht they're a good person, yk they're fkd up lol. U let other ppl do that for u
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Apr 15, 2023
If I were a good person I wouldn't be in this situation.


Dec 28, 2022
I was told when I was younger that I'd end up like my father and that ended up being true. My father is an awful person.


Forgotten Martyr
Feb 28, 2023
Hard to say, honestly.
People praise me, call me so many things. "Saint", "wishing star", "Zee". But it's all a fake, not in the imposter syndrome way either.
Fast backround lesson on me, once i was a crappy sadistic child that thought all i needed was to be feared and have a punching bag. Then i got an overdose of my own medicene and bodily violations, and thus a hard lesson in empathy and reality, making me aware of everything i did and how i totally deserved it. Guy comes around, treats me well and mentors me how to be better but catches the bus and asks i do a bunch of things he wanted to do.
Fast forward to modern day, i have indeed helped people. I set up parties of people that volunteer to give money, food, and water to homeless folk out of my pocket, partly funded by doing tasks for those who want a hand with anything. I am president of a small little community club that helps people who went through various traumas, and i have several large groups of friends, and passed on the ideology of the prior "guy". Im hailed as a little hero, the old folk say im either a true christian or true american, and children gather for my stories.
But i didnt really want or plan any of this
Everything i do comes at a cost, and i will have nothing to sacrifice left, and nothing to scrouge from the rubble to call "me". I am outwardly good but im also doomed, running on a clock ticking down to what'll be seen as a tragedy. Nobody i helped will care, they'll just be sad it stopped coming. People have built their pillars on me, and i cant hold them up forever. Is that morally bad? To be so good people depend on you until you collapse because you arent even helping them out of your OWN goodness, but someone else's?

Long winded, but i feel it's necessary to give the full scope. Apologies if its a long read


Oct 9, 2022
Most days I don't believe I'm a very good person.
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Apr 29, 2023
I like to think I am, I always start out with good intent but in the end I always ruin it. Does intent alone make you a good person?


fading innocence
Apr 27, 2023
i did something really awful recently, but i think i despaired more over getting caught than actually upsetting that person. it made me realize that that's how i've been reacting to most of my wrongdoings, and i can't tell if that's something my parents instilled on me from when i was little or if i was simply born a sociopath idk maybe both .. anyway, this enlightenment has been the catalyst for my suicide that's hopefully - if everything goes to plan - going to happen within the next week or so from now.

like the person above me i want to think that i have good intentions. that said, my insecurities easily get the best of me so i might end up doing something awful instead. that has always been the way i am.
understanding these patterns has brought me great insight, but i learned them too late and that has left me hopeless about a better life. i was raised by someone who entwined love with terror, and that might've very well been the reason i can't ever truly connect myself with someone. i'm self-centered, yet also a people-pleaser. the only reason i've tried to achieve anything is to gain love and acceptance - from the beginning that's how i was taught love; a reward that is only given if you do as they say and become the perfect child. but.. people have different perceptions about perfection, so even then i couldn't be sure because i didn't know what 'perfect' meant to them.
i just wish i grew up with loving parents, really. maybe then i would have a chance of becoming a genuinely good person.

or maybe im just autistic af LMAO
Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
It depends on your definition of a good person.

I am a decent person. I never do harm to anyone, I never mistreat anyone, I don't steal, lie, badmouth someone who did nothing to me. I don't want anyone to feel bad if I can help it - definitely not because of my words or actions.

That being said. I am NOT the kind of "good" person that goes out of their way to help others, either. I won't give someone the coat off my back - or a kidney - or anything at my own expense - unless I really really like the person or it's someone dear to me.
I don't give away money - I never lend, if I want to give I gift it, and that is only for a few select persons. I don't care about volunteer work or time, and I definitely won't donate my organs.
I put myself first, again, unless it's one of the very few people important to me. And that's okay!

You don't have to do good to be a "good person". You have to not do harm. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Be kind, understanding, polite, and if it's not to your own detriment, try to help. That's all. you don't owe anyone anything other than not hurt them. If more people were like this, the world would be a better place.
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Apr 27, 2023
I don't know if I consider myself a good person I go very back and fourth on it. I have made mistakes in the past and sometimes I overthink it. Sometimes I feel I deserve to not exist because of my past mistakes.


I'll see you in the Wired.
Feb 4, 2023
Nope. I am objectively a bad person. I have done, and will continue to do, many things that only someone with no moral compass could see as justifiable. If there's a hell, there is no way I am escaping it.


Dec 1, 2022
I consider myself an objectively morally repugnant person.
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Oh to be a goofy cartoon character.
May 7, 2023
Nah, that's the reason I'm on here.
It doesn't matter if it's in the past and I grow to be a better person, the damage has been done. Society views me as scum so theres no point of growth for me! I still just grow for myself because I am not who I used to be.
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want to be pretty even when i'm dead
May 6, 2023
came to a conclusion a few days ago that i'm not. sure, i can excuse my actions with my mental illnesses, but it's still me who did the damage. i'm currently trying to find the courage to apologize to the people i've hurt in the past so i can cbt peacefully knowing i don't have any true enemies in this world
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Apr 12, 2023
I consider myself a person. Not perfect, makes mistakes, has DiD, bipolar 2fluidand trying to get by despite my chronic pain.
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