
Aug 18, 2020
I am not a huge fan of conspiracy theories. I supported almost all anti covid measures in my country. Still the lab theory is interesting. First it was pretty politicized. Republicans supported it, Democrats said it would be an insane conspiracy theory. (I am rather Democrat or independent). Turns out the elite scientists seem to have lied about their assessment of the origin in their Lancet article. In private some of them said they rather support the lab theory. And in the official Lancet article at the begin of the pandemic they called the lab theory a conspiracy theory. (Normally scientists don't do a judment like that.) There are several speculations why they did not tell the truth. Maybe there was a powerful lobby which pressured them not to tell the truth. Or they feared that science could get severly damaged if the gain of function experiments were responsible.

My source for this is not Telegram or Youtube. Newspapers with huge reputation had to correct their reporting about the lab theory. That is was wrong to label the supporters of the lab theory crazy. Yesterday I read a very interesting article in a Swiss newspaper. They interviewed a scientist who believes in the lab theory and who did a lot of research.

My conclusion is I am not sure what is the truth. I could well imagine China and the US do not want that the truth is revealed. The US for example supported gain of function experiments with viruses in Wuhan's lab. Imagine the amount of money they had to pay when other countries sued them.
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Sep 28, 2020
used To in the beginning, binge watched conspiracy theories, now I dunno anymore, what I know is I was forced to take e shots or wouldn't be able to work, travel and even eat at McDonald's, the bigger picture is certainly there though.
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Dec 15, 2021
At least I think that it's unlikely that Covid-19 just appeared out of the blue, so I think that it must have been a lab leak - as in an accident - or it may have been spread intentionally. What can be said for certain is that the whole situation with Covid-19 has been, and will be, used for political purposes, and there's no doubt in my mind that the food shortages and financial destabilization that we are seeing as a result of the lockdowns, aren't a coincidence.

Those who live will see :wink:


Aug 18, 2020
At least I think that it's unlikely that Covid-19 just appeared out of the blue, so I think that it must have been a lab leak - as in an accident - or it may have been spread intentionally. What can be said for certain is that the whole situation with Covid-19 has been, and will be, used for political purposes, and there's no doubt in my mind that the food shortages and financial destabilization that we are seeing as a result of the lockdowns, aren't a coincidence.

Those who live will see :wink:
Personally I highly doubt that it was intentional. I believe it was either a zoonosis (spread from a bat to another animal) or an unintentional accident in the lab.
In my opinion I absolutely see no rational and reasonable fact why someone would want to have a pandemic. (However there are a lot of conspiracy theories about it which I don't believe)


Dec 15, 2021
Personally I highly doubt that it was intentional. I believe it was either a zoonosis (spread from a bat to another animal) or an unintentional accident in the lab.
In my opinion I absolutely see no rational and reasonable fact why someone would want to have a pandemic. (However there are a lot of conspiracy theories about it which I don't believe)

I respect your view, and I don't have many facts that support my view, since I, too, said that the leak could have been an accident. However, Covid-19 will be used for political purposes - whether it be by national governments or international groups.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Well it worked out really well for many governments and authorities so it's easy to see why people could believe in this conspiracy.

Personally I think the full magnitude of the virus was never planned because of how many other powerful industries and economies were screwed over by it. Then again China alone is always getting involved in some shady crap so it very well could have been simply a ploy to remove Trump from office knowing he'd respond to it with fuck all so that they could instate their preferred candidate Biden who would also do fuck all but cleaner.

It could even have been their plan to remove the partnership Hollywood has on them by making movies even less profitable since they were always planning on banning American movies this year to make way for blatant propaganda in their theaters.

Deleted member 8975

Leak? In my own mind i have no doubt covid is a bioweapon that has been combined with propaganda to instill fear and harsh control measures against the world populaces. This is all about control and fear, dominance since world governments are terrified of being overthrown and losing control.
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Better never to have been
Jul 4, 2021
The possibility of a lab leak shouldn't be discounted. I'm confident that China deliberately allowed it to spread outside its border in order to weaken the US.
Covid-19 will be used for political purposes - whether it be by national governments or international groups.
"Never let a good crisis go to waste" -Winston Churchill
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Dec 7, 2018
At this point it is hard to say. I think covid was made as a biological weapon. Maybe it was meant to be kept under wraps but got out of the lab somehow. Or it was spread on purpose. A virus that can easily spread and a bunch of countries/governments go on lockdown in attempts to stop its spread. Also, with the timing of when it was released, all of it seems pretty fishy. Also, Anthony Fauci is one dirty person. I wouldn't trust him for a second.


Dec 15, 2021
The possibility of a lab leak shouldn't be discounted. I'm confident that China deliberately allowed it to spread outside its border in order to weaken the US.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste" -Winston Churchill

I'm with you - I just don't have access to any clear-cut facts that prove anything, beyond what I have heard from non-Chinese entities.


Dec 16, 2021

This study suggests community spread in US sometime in early Fall 2019.

It's a little fishy that this lab leak theory took hold just as US state department was ramping up new Cold War with China.
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I'm a loose cannon - I bang all the time.
Aug 15, 2021
The Chinese government did it, and it's obvious where they got the idea for development.

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Jan 14, 2022
IMO it was accidentally leaked from Wuhan Covid Lab
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I like the conspiracy theory that the virus was introduced to distract the world from the entire financial system collapsing in late 2019. It did, btw, but it was kept completely under wraps.

Having tried to keep an open mind though, I have to say the whole thing seems really off. I wouldn't like to state exactly what's happened, but no doubt Covid's been fishy from the start.
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I'm a loose cannon - I bang all the time.
Aug 15, 2021
I like the conspiracy theory that the virus was introduced to distract the world from the entire financial system collapsing in late 2019. It did, btw, but it was kept completely under wraps.

Having tried to keep an open mind though, I have to say the whole thing seems really off. I wouldn't like to state exactly what's happened, but no doubt Covid's been fishy from the start.

Consumerist suckers letting nanny state expand like never before. Democracy at it's best. And nobody has a problem with it, neither with this "new normal" they always talk about, which is the old normal at 4x the price.
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Apr 22, 2021
I like the conspiracy theory that the virus was introduced to distract the world from the entire financial system collapsing in late 2019. It did, btw, but it was kept completely under wraps.

Having tried to keep an open mind though, I have to say the whole thing seems really off. I wouldn't like to state exactly what's happened, but no doubt Covid's been fishy from the start.
a fish usually starts smelling at the head
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Aug 18, 2020

More information to ruminate and speculate about. For me it is kind of thrilling. However I am still undecided. Maybe we will never know the truth. The Chinese government would have had the chance to investigate it. But they blocked many international researchers to look into it. No matter it was a zoonosis or the market it Huanan both explanations would have been negative for the Chinese government.

Here some quotes:

""The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan," Wray told Fox News' Bret Baier, adding that the assessment was based on research the agency's analysts, including scientists, had conducted and that "our work related to this continues""

"The energy department also concluded in a classified intelligence report that Covid-19 most likely resulted from a laboratory leak, but made this assessment with "low confidence", while the FBI reached the same conclusion in 2021 with "moderate confidence", the Wall Street Journal reported."

Ths story about the lab leaks sounds "sexy". Maybe a little bit too sexy to be true. It is way more thrilling than this boring zoonosis. However I am pretty undecided. I was probably biased in favor of the zoonosis theory for a long time.

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