Praying 4 a Miracle

Sep 22, 2024
Time is of course a physical property which may or may not exist after we die. Either way, eternity, I personally believe, will make this life on Earth seem like the blink of an eye (with respect to time). I do believe however, that there is significance and purpose to our brief life on this planet!

The problem is that many of us, (myself included), have and will make huge mistakes, which can partially or completely destroy our overall experience in this mortal life. With some, there are serious problems which are not our fault at all, possibly existing at birth (or conception), which can also take much of the joy from this existence.

This is why I believe it's incredibly comforting to know that this extremely flawed existence does not last long, (even if we live to be 100). Also, even if we screw much (or all) of it up, there is always a chance of turning things around and doing something awesome and extremely productive before we end up moving on to the next realm.

We might even create a legacy here on Earth which carries on long after we're gone, even AFTER we've made these massive mistakes. These opportunities can pop up out of nowhere, at any time, and bad luck can flip over to good luck just as easily. I don't mean to sound unrealistic or OVERLY optimistic, but these things honestly do happen, and I can say that from experience.

Even if this DOESN'T happen, what transpires in the next realm of our existence matters a whole lot more than what our experiences are in this one.

I've learned from previous threads and posts, that many members in this forum believe, and hope for nothingness in our next chapter. They believe in and/or want non-existence, and this is a definite possibility (none of us really know for sure). This would change the situation quite a bit (both here and there!).

If however, God and heaven do exist, then the reality of an amazing eternal life is highly possible, even if someone DOES feel there is no other way of escaping their intense pain and suffering.

Suicide, whether it is assisted and safe, or unassisted and dangerous, is NOT an unforgivable sin. According to the Bible, the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

This means that while life is precious and should be preserved, respected, and enjoyed whenever possible, I believe he does understand and forgive in extreme circumstances, when there is great suffering and other solution(s) to remedy the problem(s) are completely exhausted. NO
WHERE in the Bible does it say that suicide prevents someone who believes in God from going to heaven.

The main point of this thread is that eternity is a very long time. If you could theoretically draw the line on a graph, and then draw the line for our time on Earth beside it, there would be no comparison. Our mortality would be just a blip.

Personally, this gives me great comfort. I am also currently suffering intensely, and for most of my life did not (almost 60 years of health & happiness). I've also been a Christian since very young. I've attended church since childhood, and also played the drums and piano on worship teams for many decades.

I really struggle with with my situation currently, but I'll never turn my back on God. I will love him for eternity. The reason for this is partly because the suffering I'm experiencing on Earth won't last long, even though my plan is to try and make it to the end of my natural lifespan.

The other more important reason, is that I believe God gave us this life in the first place. We may be suffering (just like Job did in the Bible), for a short time while here, stuck in these fragile bodies on Earth. I'm far more concerned however, about what happens to all of us in the next life, as the possible reality of eternity in heaven with God and our loved ones, excites me infinitely more than anything else.
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Jul 18, 2024
Yes, and amongst eternity, dying now or later is the same to the universe...to a suffering human it is not.
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May 12, 2024
no. I don't believe that we exist after death so time won't "seem" like anything. We will, I believe, have no capacity for sense, thought, etc. Just nothing. Incomprehensible nothingness.
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Sep 19, 2024
no. I don't believe that we exist after death so time won't "seem" like anything. We will, I believe, have no capacity for sense, thought, etc. Just nothing. Incomprehensible nothingness.
Exactly I am hoping it is like getting surgery. Just gone.
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Jun 17, 2024
Exactly I am hoping it is like getting surgery. Just gone.

Same, I got endoscopy before for health problems and the gas they used on me just instantly made me fall asleep after they put the mask on ur face, Then next thing i knew it was done and i was rolled back into a different room. I even thought to myself "im gonna try to stay up lol" but instantly was out and back instantly.

Also nice profile pic.


Sep 19, 2024
Same, I got endoscopy before for health problems and the gas they used on me just instantly made me fall asleep after they put the mask on ur face, Then next thing i knew it was done and i was rolled back into a different room. I even thought to myself "im gonna try to stay up lol" but instantly was out and back instantly.

Also nice profile pic.
Yes exactly what I'm hoping happens to me. I wanted to mention your profile picture too :) you have great taste
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It doesn't take away any pain for me right now as I still feel trapped in this cruel, torturous existence that can continue for so long but the only thing close to a relief for me is how death is inevitable and how this existence is ultimately so pointless and meaningless to me. What comforts me about death is that it's permanent, all will be forgotten about for me and I'll finally be free from all this suffering, I believe death to simply be nothingness where one is permanently unconscious for all eternity.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I feel like our experience of time is very much linked to existing in a body that has senses, self awareness and ages. I think- if any kind of life exists after this one, it likely won't be comparable to this life. Unless we're plonked into a new mortal body. Plus- unless we stick around on this planet, what makes you think we'll be able to perceive time? Will there even be a sun and moon, night and day where we go next? (If we go anywhere.) Will we still have a wrist watch šŸ˜‰.

I think we're so unimaginative when it comes to afterlives. (Me included.) We just tend to project what we know about living onto the afterlife. If we're hoping for something nice, we might hope that we get to see our deceased loved ones again. Yet- the practicalities are weird. Our bodies stay on earth and rot or are cremated. So- do we get spiritual see-through versions for heaven or hell? But then- how do they experience pleasure or pain?

I don't think we have the imagination to comprehend very much outside of our own experience. But just take time as an example. Even animals experience time differently to the way we do! Cats apparently experience time moving faster and dogs, slower. Cold blooded animals experience time moving quickly or slowly according to their temperature! Weird huh?

Personally, I doubt we'll experience anything at all after we die- the same as before we were born. According to my knowledge/ memory, I didn't exist for an eternity before I was born. I'd say it went by in a flash but, that would imply I was even aware of it. I doubt I was aware in the sense of actually realising I was alive until I was a few years old. My Mum died when I was 3 and I have 2 fairly hazy memories of her.


Jul 11, 2024
You sound like a generally positive person. It must quite challenging to navigate thoughts of suicide having lived a life of faith for many decades. I'm sorry things got derailed for you. Thanks for the positive message.
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Praying 4 a Miracle

Sep 22, 2024
You sound like a generally positive person. It must quite challenging to navigate thoughts of suicide having lived a life of faith for many decades. I'm sorry things got derailed for you. Thanks for the positive message.
I'm trying to be positive. The name that I chose for this forum is the absolute truth. I am definitely praying for a miracle. Like everyone who is really struggling, I often feel like I want to move on to the next reality right away. Then I think about how God, or my parents, or my wife, or my three children would feel, and it stops me in my tracks. It's tough though,

I have a mountain of regret over some really idiotic decisions that I've made over the years, especially recently! But I figure as long as I have breath in me, I should really try and keep going. It's really humbling going from being spiritually strong, healthy, and wealthy, to where I am now. It's true what they say, you can have all the money in the world, but if you haven't got your health, you can't enjoy any of it!

One of my former businesses was a fast food restaurant, and a colleague of mine had around $3.5 billion when he passed away from cancer a few years back. He was not much older than I am right now. He started the entire chain at the age of 18, and he always seemed healthy and extremely fit. You just never know what's going to happen in life. Our existence is very fragile on this planet.

Another friend from childhood died a few years ago from brain cancer at the age of 50, and I've also had a few other friends pass away from health problems in their 50's. I'm gonna try and hang in there for as long as I can, and be grateful for anything that's still positive in my life. A time machine would be really nice right about now though, so I could go back and avoid a few the tragedies!
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Jul 11, 2024
A time machine would be really nice right about now though, so I could go back and avoid a few the tragedies!
Before I found SS I read from reddit's Suicide Bereavement sub and it's a real eye opener how suicide can effect a family. You are fortunate to have so many people. I hope you get your miracle.
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Apr 10, 2024
Time is of course a physical property which may or may not exist after we die. Either way, eternity, I personally believe, will make this life on Earth seem like the blink of an eye (with respect to time). I do believe however, that there is significance and purpose to our brief life on this planet!

The problem is that many of us, (myself included), have and will make huge mistakes, which can partially or completely destroy our overall experience in this mortal life. With some, there are serious problems which are not our fault at all, possibly existing at birth (or conception), which can also take much of the joy from this existence.

This is why I believe it's incredibly comforting to know that this extremely flawed existence does not last long, (even if we live to be 100). Also, even if we screw much (or all) of it up, there is always a chance of turning things around and doing something awesome and extremely productive before we end up moving on to the next realm.

We might even create a legacy here on Earth which carries on long after we're gone, even AFTER we've made these massive mistakes. These opportunities can pop up out of nowhere, at any time, and bad luck can flip over to good luck just as easily. I don't mean to sound unrealistic or OVERLY optimistic, but these things honestly do happen, and I can say that from experience.

Even if this DOESN'T happen, what transpires in the next realm of our existence matters a whole lot more than what our experiences are in this one.

I've learned from previous threads and posts, that many members in this forum believe, and hope for nothingness in our next chapter. They believe in and/or want non-existence, and this is a definite possibility (none of us really know for sure). This would change the situation quite a bit (both here and there!).

If however, God and heaven do exist, then the reality of an amazing eternal life is highly possible, even if someone DOES feel there is no other way of escaping their intense pain and suffering.

Suicide, whether it is assisted and safe, or unassisted and dangerous, is NOT an unforgivable sin. According to the Bible, the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

This means that while life is precious and should be preserved, respected, and enjoyed whenever possible, I believe he does understand and forgive in extreme circumstances, when there is great suffering and other solution(s) to remedy the problem(s) are completely exhausted. NO
WHERE in the Bible does it say that suicide prevents someone who believes in God from going to heaven.

The main point of this thread is that eternity is a very long time. If you could theoretically draw the line on a graph, and then draw the line for our time on Earth beside it, there would be no comparison. Our mortality would be just a blip.

Personally, this gives me great comfort. I am also currently suffering intensely, and for most of my life did not (almost 60 years of health & happiness). I've also been a Christian since very young. I've attended church since childhood, and also played the drums and piano on worship teams for many decades.

I really struggle with with my situation currently, but I'll never turn my back on God. I will love him for eternity. The reason for this is partly because the suffering I'm experiencing on Earth won't last long, even though my plan is to try and make it to the end of my natural lifespan.

The other more important reason, is that I believe God gave us this life in the first place. We may be suffering (just like Job did in the Bible), for a short time while here, stuck in these fragile bodies on Earth. I'm far more concerned however, about what happens to all of us in the next life, as the possible reality of eternity in heaven with God and our loved ones, excites me infinitely more than anything else.
GREAT post! Thanks for that.

I've been watching a lot of near death experience stories on YouTube. Everyone says the same thing. This life is a blink in eternity......like one pebble of sand on a huge beach.

I'm proud of the way I tried to turn my life around. I believe that God is, too. If God wanted me to continue to live, it would have been ridiculously easy for him to do so. I think judgement is mostly a human thing. Dying is very natural and happens to everyone.
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May 12, 2024
Near death experiences aren't death and they don't all say that.
my thoughts exactly. Also, I'm wondering if near-death experiences are different culture to culture. Honestly, the idea of seeing the light or whatever is probably a construct by our dying brain that we've heard and then adopt, imo.
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Not Waving But Browned Offā€¦.
Sep 27, 2023
Time is of course a physical property which may or may not exist after we die. Either way, eternity, I personally believe, will make this life on Earth seem like the blink of an eye (with respect to time). I do believe however, that there is significance and purpose to our brief life on this planet!

The problem is that many of us, (myself included), have and will make huge mistakes, which can partially or completely destroy our overall experience in this mortal life. With some, there are serious problems which are not our fault at all, possibly existing at birth (or conception), which can also take much of the joy from this existence.

This is why I believe it's incredibly comforting to know that this extremely flawed existence does not last long, (even if we live to be 100). Also, even if we screw much (or all) of it up, there is always a chance of turning things around and doing something awesome and extremely productive before we end up moving on to the next realm.

We might even create a legacy here on Earth which carries on long after we're gone, even AFTER we've made these massive mistakes. These opportunities can pop up out of nowhere, at any time, and bad luck can flip over to good luck just as easily. I don't mean to sound unrealistic or OVERLY optimistic, but these things honestly do happen, and I can say that from experience.

Even if this DOESN'T happen, what transpires in the next realm of our existence matters a whole lot more than what our experiences are in this one.

I've learned from previous threads and posts, that many members in this forum believe, and hope for nothingness in our next chapter. They believe in and/or want non-existence, and this is a definite possibility (none of us really know for sure). This would change the situation quite a bit (both here and there!).

If however, God and heaven do exist, then the reality of an amazing eternal life is highly possible, even if someone DOES feel there is no other way of escaping their intense pain and suffering.

Suicide, whether it is assisted and safe, or unassisted and dangerous, is NOT an unforgivable sin. According to the Bible, the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

This means that while life is precious and should be preserved, respected, and enjoyed whenever possible, I believe he does understand and forgive in extreme circumstances, when there is great suffering and other solution(s) to remedy the problem(s) are completely exhausted. NO
WHERE in the Bible does it say that suicide prevents someone who believes in God from going to heaven.

The main point of this thread is that eternity is a very long time. If you could theoretically draw the line on a graph, and then draw the line for our time on Earth beside it, there would be no comparison. Our mortality would be just a blip.

Personally, this gives me great comfort. I am also currently suffering intensely, and for most of my life did not (almost 60 years of health & happiness). I've also been a Christian since very young. I've attended church since childhood, and also played the drums and piano on worship teams for many decades.

I really struggle with with my situation currently, but I'll never turn my back on God. I will love him for eternity. The reason for this is partly because the suffering I'm experiencing on Earth won't last long, even though my plan is to try and make it to the end of my natural lifespan.

The other more important reason, is that I believe God gave us this life in the first place. We may be suffering (just like Job did in the Bible), for a short time while here, stuck in these fragile bodies on Earth. I'm far more concerned however, about what happens to all of us in the next life, as the possible reality of eternity in heaven with God and our loved ones, excites me infinitely more than anything else.
I want nothing, a complete and utter end. The idea of an eternity makes it harder for me. I want to feel like I'm coming to the end of something so to have that called the 'blink of an eye' only for there to be even more of ahead, good bad or whatever, absolutely depresses me.
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Aug 12, 2024
I didn't know of life before I was born, therefore, when I die, I assume it will be the same.

"Light Switch On"
"Light Switch Off"

That's my hope anyways.....
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