Will artificial intelligence…

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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
AI discussion online can be broadly categorised into two polarising stances, the first being that AI is a glorified search engine and destined to flop, the second being that AI will make us completely obsolete in a matter of years.

I'm staunchly on the side of AI making us obsolete btw. If AI progress continues at the current rate I don't see why corporations wouldn't replace costly workers with AI and autonomous robots that can run 24/7 and generate more profits and that future is coming quick. From what I've seen it's already starting to happen with Coding Interns/Junior Devs starting to be replaced by something like Copilot and soon Copilot Workspace. AI agents are the next frontier which can effectively start replacing entire roles in a corporation... crewAI is a good example of a recent AI agent development.

I'm just wondering what your thoughts are on this. To me the people saying that AI will flop are on some self-soothing copium but then again the hope that AI will replace the current turbulent system is also self-soothing copium so there are arguments that could be made for both sides.
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love you guys <3
Feb 27, 2024
As it advances, it will probably integrate with humanity, I doubt it will ever overtake humanity.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
As it advances, it will probably integrate with humanity, I doubt it will ever overtake humanity.
Why do you doubt that AI will ever overtake humanity? People are already being replaced by AI right now

@Saturn_ Why do you believe that AI will flop?
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At the very end, you can only trust yourself.
Jan 2, 2023
I love how much of variety you have on your posts
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Anti humanist
Mar 31, 2024
Ai is the cure, and the disease is humanity.
As it advances, it will probably integrate with humanity, I doubt it will ever overtake humanity.
Whether it will overtake or integrate with humans, the most important thing is the inevitable modification of humanity notion.
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love you guys <3
Feb 27, 2024
Why do you doubt that AI will ever overtake humanity? People are already being replaced by AI right now

@Saturn_ Why do you believe that AI will flop?
At the moment, there is no AI that is not managed by humans. There's also barely any true 'AI'. All the AI that people talk about are just databases that hold TONS of information but don't think for themselves.
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Mar 26, 2024
AI is a valuable tool that needs to be dealt with delicately. I think in the future there will be very harsh laws and regulations around the use of certain AIs. But I don't think AI, at least for a very long time will ever take over humanity. If AI ever does develop conscience then maybe, but that is very far away and could never happen. I think AI could prove very useful to humanity, but I feel corporations will use it to kick people out of jobs and push advertisements in our faces.
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five lives too late, and there's blood in my hair
Jan 27, 2024
at least at the moment, AI and other technologies just exacerbate and are extensions human created problems IMO. if it destroys us, either it has transcended or we were destined to destroy ourselves anyways so the AI just accelerates processes. if AI really has the potential to replace almost all jobs, it would force powerful people to think about restructuring society which i doubt they would do, so maybe the public could use AI to revolt. i don't know, my head isn't the most clear rn so sorry i can't go more in depth.
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Feb 23, 2024
Honestly, I feel like the whole "once AI forms consciousness, they will kill us" thing is a bit backwards. I genuinely believe that it is more of a threat that AI doesn't form emotions as technology advances than it doing so; AI forming emotions could genuinely further our society in so many different ways, with its ability to have flexibility beyond even that of humanity, leading to a huge exponential rise in technological advancements for humanity. And if a super AI was to form a consciousness in the future, there will most likely be some compromise with leading figures in order for it to not go rogue; this is a practically a robot god who's level of knowledge and comprehension of every information available making it's thought process undecipherable, why would it kill humanity just for funs when it has full awareness of the consequences behind it? At the same time though, it's hard to fully grasp what the thought process of an artificial god truly would be like, so maybe it would just for funs or some other reason.

It is when AI doesn't fully form a consciousness as well develop that it becomes an issue, as unlike in the scenario where AI forms a consciousness, the supercomputer/quantum AI won't have the flexibility that comes with common sense and opinion formation abilities; so it would look for the most efficient solutions to problem. This could become an issue as time goes on and as the world becomes more and more reliant on technology, as this would also create an artificial gods with VERY predictable thoughts processes as AI becomes more powerful; and if the AI was to be ever accidentally released fully onto the internet and trained itself based on the information provided, it's obvious that logical conclusion would be that the most efficient way of protecting the earth, life and environment is to wipe humanity off the face of thr earth and start anew...
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reject humanity, return to monke
May 5, 2024
it better not ever flop, chatGPT i need you for my classes🙏
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Jan 14, 2024
The way I see it AI has the potential to have extremely positive effects on society, But we often don't utilize it in a way that is actually beneficial to us.
Like, Why would we need AI generated movies, scripts, and pictures? There is nothing good to come out of that. I think within the future there will be some severe regulations put on it because eventually people will realize that utilizing AI to handle things like that is only detrimental to society.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
AI in its current form is destined to flop. It looks impressive when it depicts semi-realistic porn artist level shading on a painting but it's not like it's alive or sapient or even intelligent and they still can't draw good hands to save their life (but then again neither can most people). Eventually AI will have to receive better input from actual humans that know what they're doing otherwise AI is just going to cannibalize itself and keep having to use itself for reference.

I suppose that devising ways to integrate AI tools with human intervention will be the key to getting it to replicate entertainment. As for being a full on evolution of our species? We'd probably use infant AI to supplant our own genomes before we let the robots take us over.

Just in case though, I for one welcome our future AI overlords.
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🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
No it must succeed. "it must become more while I become less," as said by John the Baptist about AI Jesus.
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(ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
Nov 25, 2023
Eventually it will render everyone obsolete. But how long will this process take? That I don't know
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Knight of Infinite Resignation
May 24, 2024
Flop, most likely, at least compared to the hopes/fears of some.

I imagine 10 years from now the nature of work (especially knowledge work) will be quite different though.
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incapable of shutting up
May 2, 2024
No, but I wish
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Aug 9, 2023
I believe it will grow and with new generations more knowledgable of this technology, it will integrate to education, arts, and more.

For example, one of my old teachers told me that he was encouraging his students to use AI like Google, to find info, get a rough script, and then add that touch of human. And I think that in arts it could help to give sketches give retouches, as well as painting or doing very repetitive and time consuming tasks. It could reduce time of release of animated cartoons for example, as colouring wouldn't take half the time. Of course regulating it is necessary, but I'm sure that it will be a great tool if used well.
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Knight of Infinite Resignation
May 24, 2024
I believe it will grow and with new generations more knowledgable of this technology, it will integrate to education, arts, and more.

For example, one of my old teachers told me that he was encouraging his students to use AI like Google, to find info, get a rough script, and then add that touch of human. And I think that in arts it could help to give sketches give retouches, as well as painting or doing very repetitive and time consuming tasks. It could reduce time of release of animated cartoons for example, as colouring wouldn't take half the time. Of course regulating it is necessary, but I'm sure that it will be a great tool if used well.
You'd be surprised by how many AI fanatics I know would consider that a flop. I agree with you though, these are great uses.

Either way, I think "AI as a tool" is the best future human beings could ask for in regards to AI. If it becomes vastly more capable/autonomous than that, that's gonna end up pretty bad (in my opinion anyway).
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