Do you believe in -

  • Ghosts

  • God

  • Demons

  • Spirits

  • Other (Please mention in the comments)

  • It's all Bullsh*t

  • I am not sure .

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Aug 9, 2019
Do you believe there are "invisible" forces beyond human beings in this world ?
I am not talking about aliens , I am talking more on the lines of spirits, ghosts, god .
Personally I don't believe in Ghosts or spirits , I am undecided on gods and demons after I became an agnostic.
Ghosts and spirits are unlikely to exist because their central theme is the soul which has never been found even after we have had a deep understanding of the human body . Our sense of self (aka the "soul") is just an image created by our brain. When the brain dies, the self (or soul) dies or so the scientists believe.
God on other hand is very interesting . There is so much yet to be found about the universe and our origins that it's hard to come to a conclusion. The watch makers argument, the fine tuning argument, our origins make a compelling but inconclusive case.

What do you think ?
PS: You can select multiple options in the polls.
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Feb 1, 2023
I believe the skies watch over me. I made an internal bet to life to get better or I'll CTB
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
No, it's all fictional. I believe that life is just an unfortunate consequence of evolution and when we die we just cease existing.
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Grave with a view...
Jan 22, 2023
I am not talking about aliens , I am talking more on the lines of spirits, ghosts, god .

Too bad, I would've said "yes" to aliens. I don't think they visit us or abduct cows on Earth or anything like that, mind you. But I believe it is a statistical certainty that there are other life forms somewhere in the universe.

When it comes to ghosts, spirits, gods, and other supernatural beings, though... I think the evidence we have so far points to none of those existing. I am not 100% sure since I am not omniscient and maybe in the future we'll find some evidence of supernatural phenomena (wouldn't be the first time something "supernatural" ends up being quantified and described by science). But as things stand right now, I'll have to say "no".
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Aug 9, 2019
Too bad, I would've said "yes" to aliens. I don't think they visit us or abduct cows on Earth or anything like that, mind you. But I believe it is a statistical certainty that there are other life forms somewhere in the universe.
There is a chance that aliens have visited us in the past but I agree it's unlikely they are visiting us in recent history especially after modern military radars.


Grave with a view...
Jan 22, 2023
There is a chance that aliens have visited us in the past but I agree it's unlikely they are visiting us in recent history especially after modern military radars.
As interesting as the theories of ancient alien encounters might be—or modern ones, for that matter, because I do like some good alien encounter stories—, the laws of physics and the sheer size of the universe make me think that any alien species being able to travel to Earth is very unlikely. We could theory-craft all sorts of methods of FTL travel, but none of them are viable or realistic enough to allow for interstellar visitors randomly showing up in our little corner of the galaxy.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I'm not sure really. My Nan was very spiritual- as in- not religious but more psychic. Some family members have seen some weird stuff and I've had a few experiences in life I can't explain. I feel like religion and God is very likely manmade but I suppose I do have a spiritual side. The more pleasant side of it is just nice I suppose. More poetic than some scientific equation that governs everything. I suppose mystery and magic is bound up with a sense of wonder and I'd hate to lose that. Even if it's not real, I suppose there's a part of me that doesn't want to lose that feeling entirely.
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Already Gone now

Oct 15, 2022
Do you believe there are "invisible" forces beyond human beings in this world ?
I am not talking about aliens , I am talking more on the lines of spirits, ghosts, god .
Personally I don't believe in Ghosts or spirits , I am undecided on gods and demons after I became an agnostic.
Ghosts and spirits are unlikely to exist because their central theme is the soul which has never been found even after we have had a deep understanding of the human body . Our sense of self (aka the "soul") is just an image created by our brain. When the brain dies, the self (or soul) dies or so the scientists believe.
God on other hand is very interesting . There is so much yet to be found about the universe and our origins that it's hard to come to a conclusion. The watch makers argument, the fine tuning argument, our origins make a compelling but inconclusive case.

What do you think ?
PS: You can select multiple options in the polls.
This basically said the same things I resonate with, I've some kind of interaction with several of the mentioned things, gonna pick one, fuck it, pick all the choices. You see many different/same things. I kinda subscribe to the belief it's all vibration and all the same regardless of it differing.
This basically said the same things I resonate with, I've some kind of interaction with several of the mentioned things, gonna pick one, fuck it, pick all the choices. You see many different/same things. I kinda subscribe to the belief it's all vibration and all the same regardless of it differing.
Procedurally generated Holographic universe theory.
This basically said the same things I resonate with, I've some kind of interaction with several of the mentioned things, gonna pick one, fuck it, pick all the choices. You see many different/same things. I kinda subscribe to the belief it's all vibration and all the same regardless of it differing.

Procedurally generated Holographic universe theory.It unfolds the universe into whatever you convince yourself seeing and experiencing. Essentially saying you could God for all we know....
This basically said the same things I resonate with, I've some kind of interaction with several of the mentioned things, gonna pick one, fuck it, pick all the choices. You see many different/same things. I kinda subscribe to the belief it's all vibration and all the same regardless of it differing.

Procedurally generated Holographic universe theory.
Sorry for blowing up your thread with my rambling
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
There is nothing supernatural, everything exists, what always fails is the explanation.

My grandmother on my father's side (born in 1902) had been told as a child that the lava from volcanoes came from stirring the embers of hell... the reality is much more impressive (if you understand it).

As for mythological beings, they all exist or have existed, but we have changed their names so as not to scare people or not to accept their existence. The most obvious case is dragons, we name them dinosaurs and that's the end of the matter.

Family curses are three quarters of the same, we change the name to hereditary diseases and get out of the way. And wait, there are substances that create diseases that pass from parents to children (and I guess they must have been well known centuries ago when you wanted to kill a family lineage or 'curse' it).

And we only have to see also how for centuries lodges, clans, guilds or specific sectors zealously protected their secrets not to share them with anyone, making uneducated or unlettered people believe that everything was 'supernatural'.

The sorcerer who dealt with life and death has evolved today to the figure of the physician, the magician who dealt with the forces of nature to the figure of the physicist... and evidently all of them have tools that they could never have dreamed of two thousand years ago.

If I have learned anything during my life, it is that we live in an era in which people intentionally try to make up all respect for the reality that surrounds us, they do not accept it as it is.


No te res de sobrenatural, tot existeix, el que falla sempre és l'explicació.

La meva àvia per part de part de pare (nascuda el 1902) li havien explicat de petita que la lava dels volcans venien de remoure les brases de l'infern... la realitat és molt més impressionant (si l'entens).

En quan a éssers mitológics tots existeixen o han existit, però els hi em canviat el nom per no espantar la gent o per no voler acceptar la seva existéncia.. el cas més evident són es dracs, els hi posem el nom de dinosaures i s'ha acabat l'assumpte.

Les malediccions familiars tres quarts del mateix, li canviem el nom per enfermetats hereditàries i sortim del pas. I espera, que hi ha substàncies que creen enfermetats que passen de pares a fills (i suposo que es debien conéixer bé fa bastants segles quan volies carregar-te un llinatge familiar o 'maleïr-lo').

I només em de veure també com durant segles les logies, clans, gremis o sectors específics protegien amb cel els seus secrets per a no compartir-los amb ningú fent creure a la gent inculta o no lletrada que tot era 'sobrenatural'.

El bruixot que tractava amb la vida i la mort ha evolucionat avuí día fins la figura del metge, el màgic que tractava amb les forces de la natura fins la figura del físic... i evidentment tots ells disposen d'unes eines que mai haguessin pogut somiar fa dos mil anys.

Si una cosa he aprés durant el que porto de vida es que vivim una época on s'intenta maquillar intencionadament tot respecte la realitat que ens envolta, no l'accepten tal i com és.
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Already Gone now

Oct 15, 2022
No need to apologize . On the contrary I would have liked you to expand a bit more .
"Procedurally generated Holographic universe theory" sounds like simulation hypothesis .
Exactly what it is
Exactly what it is
We create the universe for are selves from a common shared to location, planet earth thankfully we've had several million years to all have the similar account of existence imprinted on us and around us outside of our own selves and see pretty much similar things by prolonging the simulation. The odds of us NOT living in a quantum computer sim/hologram are exponentially higher than what we perceive right now. It's basically guaranteed we are.
The scale of the universe is scaled as such, the stars we see in the night sky have been gone permanently over the cosmic horizon millions of years ago we can never reach them, never reaching anything outside our solar system. Well in our lifetimes....
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A Future Corpse
Feb 22, 2023
I don't believe in such. I see them as fiction. Unless there is some trustworthy evidence that proves that they do exist, I believe supernatural creatures were created by humans for entertainment purposes or other self-beneficial purposes. But I'd like to be proven wrong.
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Aug 9, 2019
I don't believe in such. I see them as fiction. Unless there is some trustworthy evidence that proves that they do exist,
To play the devil's advocate,there are compelling arguments. Google "Watch-makers argument", "Fine tuning hypothesis" .
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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
Wow! You're running this poll for a long time. Maybe it'll become a famous study.
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"Wake up to reality, nothing ever goes as planned"
Sep 30, 2022
Not sure. Probably will discover pretty soon
  • Aww..
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Jaqen H'ghar

Jaqen H'ghar

Mar 31, 2023
For my people who have never experienced the Super Natural, you have not yet lived your life fully, or the life/nature has not yet fully opened up to you.

Everyone says the Supernatural does not exist until they start experiencing it themselves.

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.
Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self sustained."

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