

RRREEEEEEE (she/her)
Nov 4, 2021
I know this may seem like a very general question, but I want to know how many of y'all believe in the spiritual, and how many believe that there is only the physical. I have oscillated back and forth between these beliefs ever since I left organized religion years ago. I think that at this point in my life I'm leaning toward the notion that what we perceive as our "souls" or the spirit is simply the brain, and once we die our brains shut off and decompose and that's where the "self" ends. I believe everything we perceive to be traits that constitute our individual selves, are completely random. This existence is very absurd. We really are just "Spiritual Machines", just like the book/album. What do you guys think?
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Feb 12, 2022
I believe spirituality and religion can sometimes have a deeper wisdom than dialogue based just in materialism, and I guess I have a vague intuitive sense of something spiritual, but the second it gets to something more concrete like ghosts, magic, Heaven, Hell, fortunes, astrology, etc. I just can't accept it.

I haven't really been religious in an active way since I was around 14 and I do sometimes still miss it.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
yes, although having hallucinations later in life, being fairly confident ive had bpd all my life, i question if what i saw is what i use to think i saw.
i still believe in them though, in a way. ive always struggled with it because there is A LOT of dead people and that number is only rising, theres no way there can be that much space. but the whole soul not resting thing i dont see why not. there would only be limited number of those (hopefully).
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RRREEEEEEE (she/her)
Nov 4, 2021
I guess I have a vague intuitive sense of something spiritual, but the second it gets to something more concrete like ghosts, magic, Heaven, Hell, fortunes, astrology, etc. I just can't accept it.
Right, same. It's hard for me to get myself to believe that stuff. To me it seems so transparent to me that it's made up because it's what people want to believe. I believe the main purpose of religion is to fill a void.
I haven't really been religious in an active way since I was around 14 and I do sometimes still miss it.
There is a lot to miss- namely the sense of being part of a community, and the feeling of having some "higher purpose" for me. And the sense that I'm here for a reason and that everything makes sense/will work out in the end. Now I know better, but I sure do miss the sense of hope and connection that religion gave me.
yes, although having hallucinations later in life, being fairly confident ive had bpd all my life, i question if what i saw is what i use to think i saw.
I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I imagine it would be difficult to feel like I can't trust myself to that extent...
there is A LOT of dead people and that number is only rising, theres no way there can be that much space. but the whole soul not resting thing i dont see why not. there would only be limited number of those (hopefully).
Sorry would you mind explaining this a bit more? I'm not sure I'm following you
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looking for my other half (of my skull)
Dec 23, 2021
I was raised Catholic and still practice. I believe in all that: souls, afterlife, blah blah blah.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Sorry would you mind explaining this a bit more? I'm not sure I'm following you
some places on earth are highly overpopulated. and if people are dying then the number of deaths only go up, so i feel that the afterlife would be really really overpopulated. i cant think of an infinite amount of space that doesnt sooner or later become overpopulated.
(i wonder how many more times i can say "overpopulated" :pfff: )

but if only the restless souls (the souls that have "unfinished business") are the ones that exist then there would hopefully be a lot less souls "alive", taking up less space and making more sense, to me anyway.
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Mar 18, 2021
blah blah blah.
You mean eternal hellfire for non-believers, demons, virgin giving birth, excorcisms, human sacrifice etc. that kinda stuff?
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Sep 28, 2020
I was raised in a Seventh Day Adventist Church, my dad is the second in charge at our church, I turned into an atheist by 14, by 16 I didn't wanna go to church anymore, he beat me up on a couple of occasions for me to go, my mum just said, let her be. If she doesn't wanna come, then don't force her. Never set foot on a church ever again.
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come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
I don't. Unless there is scientific evidence to support something I usually don't assume it exists.
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Feb 21, 2022
Yes. I came out of the other side of nihilism, to Christianity.

It's really hard most days to not feel resentful for having been put here.

But yeah, I've settled on becoming a Byzantine Catholic.

Spiritual warfare is real, and I've experienced graces from the Holy Theotokos (Virgin Mary) for myself.
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Jan 31, 2022
Yes, I trust and know completely that I am an infinite spiritual being within my physical vessel! I am the force which animates and enlivens this physical shell that I temporarily reside in whilst within this realm/world! My true self is of no flesh, bone, and blood. Without me, this physical vessel which I call my "body" is inanimate and without purpose, it cannot, must not, and shall not survive without my powerful force which giveth it "life"! I am an eternal soul/spirit, and my physical vessel is just that, a vessel, an elaborate and perfectly created shell to successfully embrace and house my vast infinite power while I am here! My infinite power is evident, for it leaks through my physical shell, within this realm/world, they have named it Aura, and we all leave residual evidence of it on everything we build/create within this realm! My physical vessel, is an illusion, for I know that this is not the real me in the reflection of my mirror! I am infinite source energy, so I cannot truly die, death has no relevance to me for I am always eternal! I come forth, I enter, I experience, I learn, I teach, I remember, and when I am due and ready to leave, I simply move on elsewhere within my infinite journeys! I am an infinite and powerful spiritual being simply having and enjoying the human experience!! ♾️
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I'm agnostic so I only believe that there COULD be spirits or souls but I also believe that humans will likely never come close to being able to know for sure if such things definitively exist or not. For whatever reason, this knowledge will just have to be forever out of our reach.
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Dec 14, 2021
Yes, I trust and know completely that I am an infinite spiritual being within my physical vessel! I am the force which animates and enlivens this physical shell that I temporarily reside in whilst within this realm/world! My true self is of no flesh, bone, and blood. Without me, this physical vessel which I call my "body" is inanimate and without purpose, it cannot, must not, and shall not survive without my powerful force which giveth it "life"! I am an eternal soul/spirit, and my physical vessel is just that, a vessel, an elaborate and perfectly created shell to successfully embrace and house my vast infinite power while I am here! My infinite power is evident, for it leaks through my physical shell, within this realm/world, they have named it Aura, and we all leave residual evidence of it on everything we build/create within this realm! My physical vessel, is an illusion, for I know that this is not the real me in the reflection of my mirror! I am infinite source energy, so I cannot truly die, death has no relevance to me for I am always eternal! I come forth, I enter, I experience, I learn, I teach, I remember, and when I am due and ready to leave, I simply move on elsewhere within my infinite journeys! I am an infinite and powerful spiritual being simply having and enjoying the human experience!! ♾️
If you're enjoying the human experience why are you here?
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Feb 5, 2022
I think that there's a good chance there are spirits and souls. I've had way to many unexplainable experiences in my life for me to not question if they do exist. However, I its not impossible that we don't just go to sleep forever.
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A little lost but going home
Feb 21, 2022
Yes and maybe it's just me being selfish but I can't imagine it all just ending like I just feel like the journey will continue on to a new place that is hopefully kinder on us.
Life is already so insane that it just makes sense for there to be another place. I just feel like there is more than just this.
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Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
Wouldn't this work better as a poll? Anyway, my answer is a resounding no.
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Jan 31, 2022
If you're enjoying the human experience why are you here?
Thank you Hollowman for your reply, I deeply appreciate you! I knew that someone would eventually ask me this question and I am very glad that you did. I have not always enjoyed my human experience. My past dark emotions are what led me to this site in the first place. Initially, I joined this platform because I could share my misery and woe with others and they could relate to me genuinely. I have not forgotten the many years of my emotional turmoil and suffering. Once I started feeling better emotionally, I did not desire and choose to abandon my spiritual family here on S.S, or distance myself from them just because I am now feeling better. I am not a selfish being, not even in the slightest! To answer your honest question, I remain on this platform to help others to feel better emotionally. During my transition into emotional wellbeing, I even asked my spiritual family here on S.S if they were ok and comfortable with me sending them love, emotional support, and emotional guidance unto them. Guess what? They happily agreed! Since then, I have lovingly helped many beings within this platform with some of their emotional issues. I have even received comments on how my emotional advice has helped them out a lot personally. Sometimes things happen in the most mysterious of ways. I did not plan for any of this, it just happened, and I am glad that I can be a shoulder to lean on emotionally and assist others in a practical manner! If I can feel better, then others can also! It also helps tremendously for others to hear/receive sincere, positive, and uplifting emotional guidance from someone who has traveled the roads of emotional/mental anguish, hatred of life, and suicidal thoughts, and from someone who is now emotionally transformed for the better! We are all family on this platform regardless of how we are currently feeling! I am still here to help and share my love and support to those that desire it, and trust me there are many that desire it! I love my spiritual family here on S.S, that is why I didn't just rush to the "Recovery" section and abandon everyone else. I trust that my lengthy and deeply truthful response has answered your question. Thank you again Hollowman for your reply/question and I send infinite love and hugs to you! ♾️💜🤗


Sep 16, 2020
There's alot more to existence than the 5 senses we experience.
I understand the basics of most theories but the difference with me I won't have an experience determine a belief, because I believe beliefs are just that.... Beliefs. And you can't possibly know anything as truth.
Which is the reason I think I should not exist as this one and only belief of mine I think will transcends all dimensions so no other attw of reality for any 'soul' I may have, would be any more fitting than this hell.
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A Fatal Mistake
Jan 14, 2021
I'm strangely convinced that I'm an ethereal creature trapped inside a body of flesh.
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Dec 24, 2018
Who knows. I think it's just as likely that any metaphysical interpretation regarding your "self" might just be yet another derivation of the ingrained evolutionary pressure in your brain, passed down over many generations, that's found that having the host cling to supernatural explanations concerning important aspects of their life will make them a more successful specimen with a higher chance to pass on their genes; sort of how religious/superstitious beliefs thrived and lasted for so long in most civilizations throughout history because of how much of an evolutionary advantage they provided for the populations that chose to adopt them.

TLDR Human beings are sort of neurologically wired to find meaning where there's none, therefore the act of attributing a spiritual quality to the self is likely also rooted in an evolutionary principle - hence why mystical intuitions often feel so real (but probably aren't).
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Mar 18, 2021
I've experienced graces from the Holy Theotokos (Virgin Mary) for myself.
This myth that Mary was a virgin while giving birth to jesus is based on a single passage from Matthew, where he quotes Jesaja 7,14: "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." In the original hebrew it speaks merely of a young woman (hebr. alma), which was falsely translated into greek as virgin (gr. parthenos). That's how Matthew must've read it and falsely assumed the text was speaking of a virgin. Maybe the holy spirit should've chosen someone who spoke hebrew to write his holy scripture.

Also it literally says right there black-on-white that his name will be Immanuel not Jesus. So as usual the Bible itself is enough to debunk the bible.

Oh and the 'eternal virgin'-myth is even dumber. Jesus had multiple siblings, one of whom was also a prophet. Are you suggesting the holy sprit magically put those in her womb too without her needing to have had sex?
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Feb 21, 2022
This myth that Mary was a virgin while giving birth to jesus is based on a single passage from Matthew, where he quotes Jesaja 7,14: "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." In the original hebrew it speaks merely of a young woman (hebr. alma), which was falsely translated into greek as virgin (gr. parthenos). That's how Matthew must've read it and falsely assumed the text was speaking of a virgin. Maybe the holy spirit should've chosen someone who spoke hebrew to write his holy scripture.

Also it literally says right there black-on-white that his name will be Immanuel not Jesus. So as usual the Bible itself is enough to debunk the bible.

Oh and the 'eternal virgin'-myth is even dumber. Jesus had multiple siblings, one of whom was also a prophet. Are you suggesting the holy sprit magically put those in her womb too without her needing to have had sex?
Been there, heard it before, questioned it, argued it, etc.

I have no desire to convince anyone else of anything, or belittle my own faith to appease others.

I just came to share my piece and answer the OP's question.


RRREEEEEEE (she/her)
Nov 4, 2021
I'm agnostic so I only believe that there COULD be spirits or souls but I also believe that humans will likely never come close to being able to know for sure if such things definitively exist or not. For whatever reason, this knowledge will just have to be forever out of our reach.
Yep, this is pretty much where I'm at.
TLDR Human beings are sort of neurologically wired to find meaning where there's none, therefore the act of attributing a spiritual quality to the self is likely also rooted in an evolutionary principle - hence why mystical intuitions often feel so real (but probably aren't).
Agreed, I've thought a lot about this. Spent a lot of time trying to figure out if people are spiritual because they're wired to be, or because that stuff is real
I think that there's a good chance there are spirits and souls. I've had way to many unexplainable experiences in my life for me to not question if they do exist.
Would love to hear some of your experiences. I haven't really had any myself but keep an open mind about other people's stories of unexplained phenomena they had experienced and always enjoy hearing about it
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
Let's say that i would define myself as a spiritual person
Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Based on my own experiences and observing NDE's and substances like DMT, I would say there is a good possibility that consciousness survives death. I don't, however, have much faith in religious studies because they have been re-written and misinterpreted over thousands of years. So is there life after death or do the lights just go out? I can't say anything for definite, but what I can say for definite is, we will all find out. I am already packing my bags for that next adventure lol

To die
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Jan 24, 2019
I consider myself on the spiritual side, but with a touch agnosticism. I think that us human beings aren't evolved enough to perceive anything beyond our three-dimensional world, with the fourth dimension of time. I think there is so much that science has not been able to discover just yet. I always say to people when we talk of spiritual beliefs "Imagine trying to explain electricity to a medieval person." It would be interesting to see what the world will look like or humans will be like in a few hundred years' time.

That said I just came by this thread to ask the question for those who are spiritual. It is often said that suffering is like a choice of one's higher self, like being a game player and choosing things to be on hard mode. The objective of the game being that you evolve. However, I hope it is okay to feel like quitting sometimes (I have been on and off the idea for years now, because something always seems to come up that makes me want to hang on a bit longer), but I notice these days that even if there are temporary reliefs to my pain, I feel like it is not enough to keep me here. I wonder what other more spiritual suicidal people feel about their own thoughts of death and reconciling it with spirituality.

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