

May 6, 2022
I am torn by this question. Life has been almost unbearable to live. It makes me question if I am ignored by God, or if an ultimate superior figure exists at all.

I grew up in a religious household, and I did, in my younger age, believe that a benevolent, loving God exists. I thought of God everyday. I saw God in nature, in my friendships, in my familial relationships. Chalk it up to childlike naivety and innocence, but I will never forget that feeling of blessedness.

As I got older, I became more jaded and stopped praying and reading the Al-Quran. I started to grow more depressed and unhappy with my circumstances. I currently feel that God is no longer a real part of my presence.

But, if you took my own experiences out of the scope and started to look for more abstract examples, how is it possible that a benevolent God exists alongside heinous crimes and events such as the holocaust, slavery, genocide, child abuse, and sex trafficking? If good cannot exist without evil, why is suffering the central point of life? Where is peace? Why is it that some people suffer more and feel less peace than others?

I hate my life. I want nothing more than to end it. But it pains me to think that I may go back to a God I feel ignored by every single day.
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“I’d… rather kill myself.”
Mar 4, 2023
I used to be a Christian despite my disagreements with many of my peers. Then something happened that made me no longer consider myself as one, but I still believed in a higher being. And another thing happened which makes me believe that this world is too cruel and unjust to be under the care of a "good" God. If there is a deity out there, then they are either a dickhead or just plain useless like me. I guess that I really was made in their image.
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death's lover

death's lover

Jan 14, 2023
I don't believe God exists or even if he does it's stupidity for theists to say that he gives a shit about whether or not your girlfriend left you or your son died or your life in general. I dont care if he exists, if he does great if he doesn't also great.

Religion is just a concept to simplify things about the universe that we human beings cannot understand. Animals don't give a shit about God they just live their lives as it is. It's we humans who wany to find the answers to everything and we are the ones who created religion for various purposes.

Millions of years ago our ancestors didn't know what fire water and thunder were so they started to worship it because they were afraid of it and they were afraid of it because they had no knowledge about the natural Elements of nature or the natural calamities like thunder lightning and storm even fires. That's how religion started.
It was also a way of controlling the behavior of people and making them commit less crimes because we never had laws until monarchy came into place and even after that the church interfered with the monarchs and religion still plays a role of controlling the masses. In politics people uses religion to elicit anger against another religion or fear for whatever reason in the people.

Basically the universe is way more complex than it looks and to simplify it people came up with the reasoning that there's a god or deity that governs the universe which is kinda exactly how governments work for the people. I believe that there's energy and power and all kinds of laws that govern the universe and maybe there's some power way higher than humans or maybe there are even aliens but I don't believe in the concept of "there is a god who looks after you and you should worship him cause if you don't you'll go to hell" which is created by humans for their own psychological satisfaction.
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Jun 26, 2020
Yes and no. It is the definition of GOD that makes me say both yes and no. I am religious, but not organized religion as I consider that a money scam.

There is a greater power that helps to govern any and every type of existence, no matter the distance, dimension, anything and if it is GOD great and it may be defined differently than that, but it still serves the same function(s).

I believe in GOD as I also believe in good and bad, heck, in my 67 years, today is my 67th birthday, I have met and dealt with good and bad to very bad people and I feel that GOD helps out the good aspect.

In the same vein of thought, everyone on SS is shining examples of good folks who care and love each other with no conditions, very wonderful indeed!

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Feb 18, 2023
No I don't believe. I prayed and prayed for my partner to be spared, but no one heard or answered my prayers and my beautiful and talented partner succumbed to that bastard cancer leaving me in this shit hole to cope on my own.
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Jul 23, 2022
If God does exist, he clearly doesn't care about what goes on here so it's ultimately moot.
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Feb 28, 2023
I don't believe in a God but if there is then there is no point praying to him.
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Feb 9, 2023
I think we a have to rely on ourselves as the highest authority in our lives. Of course some situations are externally reliant but I choose myself as the highest authoritative figure in my own life. I think that's the best way to connect with god, if there is one, or you could just call that God as a concept.
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May 26, 2022
i believe there is a higher power for sure There is so much beauty that lets me know of Its existence . Just no the being that religion or bible created. It's complicated
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The Odds Are Never In My favour
May 3, 2020
I believe that there is a God because how else did we come into formation? Someone clearly had the power to set the world in play to ensure we survive for instance the exact temperature for us to survive, the exact amount of oxygen, the exact system of our body to procreate. How did life begin on this planet ? . It only makes sense for a supreme power to forge our existence. However, what I will agree with is that the god is cruel and doesn't care for us. Whatever this test or experiment is needs to end for certain people because not all of us signed up for it.
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Jan 27, 2021
I grew up in a religious household but I don't believe in god or any higher power, to me it's obvious it is something humans made up to make themselves feel better about death by believing in an afterlife.
I never believed in it and was called the devil by my family for not going to church or praying. They themselves don't even know what their own holy book says.
Sometimes I do think to myself "But what IF it does exist and I go to hell when I ctb?" but then I remember how there's no way that's real and ignore it.

Those that I talked to about religion when I was younger, that were believers, had no clue how science and biology works, including my family.
Some thought that monkeys pokemon evolved into humans and argued that if it was real, they would've evolved in front of us all which would be proof of evolution.
I wasn't convinced.
In that case it's understandable why they were religious.

It can be argued that maybe a higher power does exist in some way, but not how any religion describes it. There would be no evil and suffering if god does exist, and if it consciously chooses not to do anything then why would I want to worship such a being?
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Despite everything, it's still you
Mar 5, 2023
You could argue that god is the force/event/whatever caused the big bang, this universe to be created, although we don't understand much of it and probably never will I'd say that's the only way to argue about a god, but that's just a completely new definition of the word probably. There is no sentient being that controls everything as much as some people wish there was.
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Jun 18, 2022
Of sorts. I don't necessarily think there's a guy sat in a big chair with a long white beard. I think a lot of the time when people "see" things to do with religion it is whatever they need to see, which culturally suits them in order to receive a message. They then take that to be the way things categorically are, but they're just metaphors. I think whatever system it is that is out there relies on consciousness and it can, if necessary provide you with the symbols and signs you need to best receive a message but that doesn't mean those things are fundamental.

To me it's way too randomness required for the way things to be as they are without some kind of higher intelligence. I just don't think it's how it is represented in religion. In fact, as grand as those stories are, I think they're nothing compared to what the system is capable of.
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Jul 29, 2021
there's obviously no god no creator nothing this shit is created, it wouldn't of taken an intelligent machine with god like powers 3.4 billion years to create life, the idea of a god is pure delusional
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Feb 3, 2023
As someone who grew up in a catholic household, i take into consideration that messages of peace, unity and tolerance inspired humankind to fight till death for hundreds of years: it proves that religion is not the problem, people are the problem.

Our world is what it is because people just can't live without destroy each other (or the earth), be it for power, greed, or stupid beliefs. But it is what it is mostly because people don't understand the simplest things. They're just insanely stupid, and some are evil, yes; but who win the fights in the end?
Just take a look at how nuclear weapon escalated to a point where it's the possibility of mutual destruction that has garanteed peace. They were gradually increasing the megatons of their bombs until they realised they were making it so powerful they could literally split the earth...

I've never read the whole Bible and to be honest it's unnecessary because the part that matters is Jesus.
We don't know for sure what the endgame/purpose of our lives is as long as we're alive but i believe in his message of love.

When you say
how is it possible that a benevolent God exists alongside heinous crimes and events such as the holocaust, slavery, genocide, child abuse, and sex trafficking? If good cannot exist without evil, why is suffering the central point of life? Where is peace? Why is it that some people suffer more and feel less peace than others?
I believe the answer is free-will.
The real mindfucking question is: do we really have any ?
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Mar 5, 2023
Absolutely. I'm an extremely devout mormon and God is one of the many things which brings me peace and comfort with death. This is his plan, and its better where I'm going. To answer your question, free-will, and it is a law of the universe that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. To have such evil as genocide, csa, pure hatred, we must have some form of good and holiness to contrast. And even if we don't understand the reason for why God puts us through bad things, that ties in with how only an all-knowing God would.

However, despite this response, I respect people's choice to follow (or not follow) whatever religion they like. This wasn't meant to seem like I'm converting people, or that this is what you should believe, but just answering what I believe. Respect.
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The Unpenetrated

Mar 1, 2023
If God exists and he's like what the vast majority of his followers describe him, we are so royally fucked. This kind of God existing is perhaps my greatest fear of all.
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Mar 1, 2023
God only exists because the majority of individuals keep the idea of him alive for structure and control over others.
To me, he's dead.
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Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
No, absolutely not. I very strongly believe life to just be an unfortunate and tragic consequence of evolution, there is no purpose or meaning to life other than that. Any kind of religion is just a fictional concept invented by people who were unable to come to terms with the true meaningless and insignificant nature of existence where we are destined to just suffer, deteriorate and die.
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The Odds Are Never In My favour
May 3, 2020
No, absolutely not. I very strongly believe life to just be an unfortunate and tragic consequence of evolution, there is no purpose or meaning to life other than that. Any kind of religion is just a fictional concept invented by people who were unable to come to terms with the true meaningless and insignificant nature of existence where we are destined to just suffer, deteriorate and die.
Hi, I don't mean to be rude or want to impel you to change your mind. just wanted to shed my perspective on your comment. Firstly, I understand the hurt, anger and rage. Believe me, I do because I have it too. Its kindled with fire. But seeing beyond that, we have to understand that there had to be something at first in order to start that evolution process for instance, a cell had to be created in order to spark that evolution. otherwise, how did we all form out of nothing. It can't be a coincidence. it might. be that im wrong, but this is just how I view things
Again I want to reiterate that I mean no harm and this is just a civil discussion so im giving my piece. I have always appreciated your kindness, and im sure if there were more people like you In this world, this world would be a better place. Wishing you the best!
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Empty Husk
Feb 1, 2023
No. But I hope God exists. For me, His existence means that there is an objective meaning behind our lives and that each one of us is special. Sadly, I can't believe in religion as much as I try and I'm stuck with nihilism.
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Feb 10, 2023
i understand your struggles, ive thought about a lot of the same re: the existence of evil and suffering and its still something im trying to reconcile.

im not monotheistic myself, and im kind of a pluralist in that i believe all dieties are real to some extent. there are a few interrelated divinities i specifically believe in tho and feel a connection to, which i collectively refer to as "the divine", which is analogous to G-d. among these is the Creator, who i believe regrets creating the universe and life. another is who i refer to as "the Goddess". She's not all powerful or ever-present. She's sorta in-between transcendent and immanent, but moreso the former. She's a liberator, She wants everyone's suffering to end, She wants to stop all evil. but Her power is only through us mortals embodying Her. i believe this goes the same for the G-d of Abrahamic faiths as i consider them analogous, although i understand it may go against traditional and orthodox theologies.

the existence of evil isnt a failing of the divine imo, but a failing of mortals. people have largely turned away from the transcendent divine and are too content within their mortal biases and illusions. thus humans have constructed an entire societal system built upon evil and oppression, turning us even further away from divinity and dooming us all to annihilation.
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Despite everything, it's still you
Mar 5, 2023
Hi, I don't mean to be rude or want to impel you to change your mind. just wanted to shed my perspective on your comment. Firstly, I understand the hurt, anger and rage. Believe me, I do because I have it too. Its kindled with fire. But seeing beyond that, we have to understand that there had to be something at first in order to start that evolution process for instance, a cell had to be created in order to spark that evolution. otherwise, how did we all form out of nothing. It can't be a coincidence. it might. be that im wrong, but this is just how I view things
Again I want to reiterate that I mean no harm and this is just a civil discussion so im giving my piece. I have always appreciated your kindness, and im sure if there were more people like you In this world, this world would be a better place. Wishing you the best!
Life started through simple chemical reactions, the right environment and by chance because the universe is vast enough that it'll happen somewhere, why would you assume there had to be a greater power behind all of it?
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The Odds Are Never In My favour
May 3, 2020
Life started through simple chemical reactions, the right environment and by chance because the universe is vast enough that it'll happen somewhere, why would you assume there had to be a greater power behind all of it?
Hi, I hope you're doing well. Yes, it started through chemical reactions, but how can chance be credited enough. It doesn't make sense to me, atleast, how the sun is fixed in such a position that we don't burn to death or far enough to freeze to death. It is just at the perfect place for life to survive, the same goes for oxygen, it's the perfect amount. The same can be said about many other things. What I do agree on, with most people, is that this life is cruel, its callous, its everything and the hurt and anger that most people on this site harbour, myself included, is justified. I might be wrong, but this is just how I view things. Wishing you the best!
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Despite everything, it's still you
Mar 5, 2023
Hi, I hope you're doing well. Yes, it started through chemical reactions, but how can chance be credited enough. It doesn't make sense to me, atleast, how the sun is fixed in such a position that we don't burn to death or far enough to freeze to death. It is just at the perfect place for life to survive, the same goes for oxygen, it's the perfect amount. The same can be said about many other things. What I do agree on, with most people, is that this life is cruel, its callous, its everything and the hurt and anger that most people on this site harbour, myself included, is justified. I might be wrong, but this is just how I view things. Wishing you the best!
Theres trillions of planets out there where this isn't the case, it's just because theres so many, that there exist some that will give the chance for life, by chance.
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The Odds Are Never In My favour
May 3, 2020
Theres trillions of planets out there where this isn't the case, it's just because theres so many, that there exist some that will give the chance for life, by chance.
yeah.You might be right, but we haven't found life at another planet. How can we attribute it to chance because one planet had it because it had the the right environment. Im sorry if im not making sense, it's just I've been raised in a religious household so the aspect of god is ingrained within me. But this is my opinion and I feel like there is some truth to it according to me,however, you might be correct as well.
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Despite everything, it's still you
Mar 5, 2023
yeah.You might be right, but we haven't found life at another planet. How can we attribute it to chance because one planet had it because it had the the right environment. Im sorry if im not making sense, it's just I've been raised in a religious household so the aspect of god is ingrained within me. But this is my opinion and I feel like there is some truth to it according to me,however, you might be correct as well.
Because it's really hard to find and we wouldn't know how likely it is, if theres life out there that just lives the same way as animals we couldn't detect it as they wouldn't send out intelligent radio waves throughout the galaxy. It's impossible for us to detect life if they aren't at least as advanced as us. And even then, if they are too far away we still wouldn't be able to spot them/receive their signals.
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The Odds Are Never In My favour
May 3, 2020
@imcurious I apologise for derailing your post. That wasn't my intention. @Amakishiyo fair enough. We can talk about this further in DMs if you want to.
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The revolution will not be televised.
Mar 10, 2023
Yes, absolutely. I'm assured that there is a creator/creators. Not that we owe prayers or whatnot to them, and I totally get the sentiment that religion is just a human construct and history has proven that it is basically the root cause for every kind of human suffering imaginable. Still, this world is filled with too much natural beauty and evidence of an attempt at order to be a complete accident. Of course, everyone has a right to decide whether they'll attempt to get to know this God or gods (if thats even possible, various religions believe in various methods of doing this), or just ignore it and try to live their lives. Either way, we've been given some sort of free will, which is why this conversation is occuring in the first place.
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Mar 22, 2023
No, god is a fantasy figure for the hopeless. I mean who believes that there is a grey haired man who grant wishes for the people who listen to his rules. Sounds more like narcisstic. Like, if u break my rules, i hate you. If you lived by my rules i lovebomb you and give you anything you want.

Religion/god are only created to scare and manipulate people to puppets.
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