Praying 4 a Miracle

Sep 22, 2024
It can take only a few seconds, for a human being to go from total health to total misery. This can also happen to anyone on Earth, at any time. Our mortal existence is indeed extremely fragile.

IMO, THIS is the message that the majority of people on Earth need to hear, especially those who are currently happy and healthy. For safe, medical assistance in dying to become accessible to EVERY adult who truly feels they need it, those individuals who have mainly only known health and happiness, need to realize that this could change in a heartbeat.

It doesn't matter how much money we have, it only partially matters how healthy we are currently, and even being extremely careful will not guarantee that it won't happen to us. While our career choice does change the odds somewhat, even many who work in the healthcare industry often become victims to intense suffering (doctors included).

If this message does get out to enough people effectively, then I do believe that major change will happen quickly. People just need to realize how vulnerable everyone on Earth is to this happening, even to them. Healthy fear is a powerful motivator. It will not only bring about compassion for those who are suffering currently, but may also help to prevent them from falling victim to this themselves.

Promoting recovery should always be the number one priority, but this will only help some people. Regardless of how genuine or thorough other solutions to the problem(s) are attempted.

After almost 60 years of my own personal health and happiness, I can say from experience what this feels like. I'm taking many steps in an attempt to recover, but it's difficult to say how effective or successful they will be. I, like anyone else on this planet, may have to benefit from one of these programs.

Even just the knowledge that all will have access to such a program in the near future, if they feel there are no other possible solutions, would serve to dramatically reduce anxiety levels for the vast majority. This in turn will dramatically improve overall mental health for all who are suffering, and therefore REDUCE the overall rates of suicide (assisted and unassisted combined) worldwide.

It's time that we all realize just how fragile our existence on this planet really is, especially when it comes to our health. We should never be paranoid or worry excessively about it, but a healthy fear is actually a very good thing. It will not only help to prevent people from having tragic health accidents, it will also help to bring about major change to how the world deals with those of us who are suffering intensely.

Although it can seem like mission Impossible at times, major progress is already being made. According to Forbes, 280 million people, in 11 countries around the world, already have access to MAID. This number will only grow, and programs will expand over time to include many more people.

On top of this, (as reported by Forbes), only 10 to 15% of the world's population will simply drop dead at the end of their lifespan. Their life will be extended in some form of cruel manner, mainly because of all the medical advancements that humankind is coming up with. Medical professionals take an oath to extend and preserve human life.

They must "do no harm". The problem with this oath, is that forcing humans to suffer IS doing harm. 85 to 90% of the entire human population will now be suffering at the end of their lifespan, often for years, because of our own advancements in medical technology, pharmacology, and treatments.

We're extending human life far beyond what is natural. It's not going to take long for the attitudes of the majority of people on Earth to change, once enough realize that this is going to affect THEM, in the not too distant future!
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Jul 29, 2021
a deeply important and often overlooked truth about human existence—the fragility of health and happiness. Many people, especially those in good health, fail to recognize how quickly life can change due to accidents, illness, or other unforeseen circumstances. This sense of invulnerability can create a disconnect from the reality of suffering that many endure, and by extension, a lack of empathy for those who are struggling.

Your call for greater awareness of this vulnerability could indeed foster more compassion, understanding, and, ultimately, advocacy for access to medical assistance in dying (MAID). When people realize that they, too, could face unimaginable suffering in the blink of an eye, it may help shift the collective mindset towards supporting programs that prioritize the well-being of individuals who are in deep physical or psychological pain.
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Why is this so hard?
Aug 31, 2024
I do agree that your life can change in an instant. It's fragile in that way. But look at some of the extremes people on this website have gone to to CTB. And yet it doesn't work. The body is a mysterious thing.
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can we be done here
May 6, 2023
I agree. I'm 28, got bitten by a tick in June and got Lyme disease. Like ??? It's simple as that, one day I don't have Lyme, the next day I do. Boom, my health is going downhill ever since then.
But to be honest, I don't really care. I never did. Because I don't have the balls to kill myself, I am wishing on a deadly disease. Everytime I feel myself being sick, all I think about is how I deserve to be in pain.
Of course I have moments when I'm scared, but the will to die is stronger.
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
The body is a gamble. It is incredibly resilient and can make it through the unimaginable. Yet death can happen without reason at other times. There is no telling where you will fall at any given time.
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Sep 11, 2024
yes. tinnitus, suffering badly. that is why i want to go to heaven where god will give me a good body. that doesn't fail or hurt, and no more ringing
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My own worst enemy🌹💔
Aug 10, 2024
I think that emotionally there is some fragility, but the human body is an adaptive machine, which is why we lay out detailed CTB plans. The body's job is to keep itself alive & it does that pretty well. It actually takes a lot for the body to die.
Just my 2 cents worth🌹💔
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Praying 4 a Miracle

Sep 22, 2024
The body is a gamble. It is incredibly resilient and can make it through the unimaginable. Yet death can happen without reason at other times. There is no telling where you will fall at any given time.
I agree, there is a definite irony and paradox to how resilient the body can be in some situations, and then extremely fragile in others. Then the unpredictability of which it will turn out to be. There seems to be far more fragility with health issues which don't necessarily lead to death, yet do lead to suffering. The body does seem to very good at staying alive at times, depending on the crisis.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I agree, the human body is extremely fragile and weak. I don't understand how religious people claim that the human body is perfectly designed as there's clearly massive flaws with the human body
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Sep 25, 2024
Watching my young partner get diagnosed with cancer and passing away after a year of fighting really brought a lot of the same perspectives to me. I never wanted to consider he could pass away, yet here we are. He was only 28. Life is incredibly fragile.
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Jan 1, 2024
I just watched a video of a lady walking and a palm tree just randomly fell on her and killed her. Like wtf
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Not fragile enough imo. If only it were as easy to die as simply breaking the skin.
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Jul 1, 2022
I've been broken for about three years now. My condition onset suddenly at 53 and my understanding of the fragility you speak of went from 0 to 100 in an instant. I thought I understood it, I thought I wasn't taking things for granted. But it turned out I just didn't know what was possible. Unfortunately I don't think it can be conveyed to the unafflicted. My efforts to do so failed and I find claims to the contrary unconvincing.
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Praying 4 a Miracle

Sep 22, 2024
I've been broken for about three years now. My condition onset suddenly at 53 and my understanding of the fragility you speak of went from 0 to 100 in an instant. I thought I understood it, I thought I wasn't taking things for granted. But it turned out I just didn't know what was possible. Unfortunately I don't think it can be conveyed to the unafflicted. My efforts to do so failed and I find claims to the contrary unconvinc
It does seem like mission Impossible at times, to get the healthy to understand and act. I think it's mainly a numbers game, as most are afraid to speak up for obvious reasons. I do think that with so many assisted dying programs popping up in recent years, people are becoming not as afraid to talk about the subject (of MAID), mainly because it's legal.
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Jun 28, 2024
Yes. It's very easy to cripple the human body, but it's not easy to die.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Personally I find it so horrific how there isn't the option to be euthanised even know there is no limit as to how much one can suffer in this cruel, painful existence. To me existence really is the most terrible tragedy, I'd never wish to exist and only hope to never exist again, for me death truly would be the only relief, it causes me so much pain how I cannot have a death like never waking again to permanently escape from all this suffering.
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Even the stars make room for new stars
Sep 3, 2024
I feel like its pretty sturdy. So sturdy its tough to switch it off.

Then again I think once you get older the wheels come off pretty fast.
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But in the end it doesn't even matter...😢
Aug 19, 2019
I agree. I'm 28, got bitten by a tick in June and got Lyme disease. Like ??? It's simple as that, one day I don't have Lyme, the next day I do. Boom, my health is going downhill ever since then.
But to be honest, I don't really care. I never did. Because I don't have the balls to kill myself, I am wishing on a deadly disease. Everytime I feel myself being sick, all I think about is how I deserve to be in pain.
Of course I have moments when I'm scared, but the will to die is stronger.
I've had Lyme disease and co-infections for over 5 decades. You probably have more than just Lyme disease because it doesn't travel alone. I hope you were checked for Bartonella and babesia. If your immune system is good you have a good chance of putting these things in remission but the more toxic burden you have the more chance it'll stay active. Unfortunately mine is severely active because I live in a moldy house and I have severe more toxicity.. I have nowhere else to live so I'm stuck here in hell. Take care of your mental health.. the two things that will bring you down to your knees his trauma and mold toxicity. Even if you don't think there's mold in your house and you're really sick with Lyme disease and you can't get rid of it then there probably is.. I live my life in bed I have for as long as I can remember. And no one gives a shit! And after all this time it has turned into neurological Lyme disease so I'm pretty fucked. The Babesia infection I have is severe because of the mold toxicity. It is like malaria and steroids so I'm burning up 24/7 like I'm living in hell. You are much younger than me so you still have a chance.. my chance is gone since I'm stuck living here and soon I would be put in some type of Assisted Living which I say fuck that! I cannot CTB because I have no privacy living with my elderly mother. When I can possibly make it to a hotel I will be gone. But please please don't give up yet. If you don't have a practitioner at least join Facebook or another platform and they will give you some good advice on how to get better. When I was a few years younger than you I did put these nasty things into remission so it is possible.


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Jun 2, 2024
I do agree that your life can change in an instant. It's fragile in that way. But look at some of the extremes people on this website have gone to to CTB. And yet it doesn't work. The body is a mysterious thing.
The human body is kind of an enigma in many ways, it can seem paper thin at times but rock solid at other times. There have been occasions where I took double or even triple the dose of opiates to kill a person while drinking extremely heavily, and taking sleeping pills and I've came out of it all the next day with little more than nausea and a hangover. I spent nearly a decade from the ages of 21-30 drinking to the point of drunkenness (or beyond) on a daily basis while chain-smoking cigarettes and despite all that I'm still here.

Yet once I fell down a flight of stairs and broke an arm, a rib, and nearly broke my neck and could have easily died.

The human body is resilient as a whole but fragile on any occasion you let your guard down, if you are prepared for the worst the worst rarely happens but if you are completely unprepared the worst will likely happen.

This is my experience at least.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
As others have said, I think it works to both extremes. It's incredible what some people survive. It's almost more incredible that some people bear the most terrible hardships and still want to survive!

I definitely agree though- that more compassion needs to be shown to people who become ill and don't want to survive. It shouldn't be presumed that their life will get any better and it's cruel to expect them to live like that, against their will.

We don't allow our pets to suffer like that and- objectively speaking- euthanizing an animal is always murder. We can't get it to understand or agree to it- we're making the decision for it. I wonder how many animals would actually consent to die if they were able to choose. Not all of them I suspect.

That's something else. Not to say I don't agree with it but morally speaking- it's kind of bizarre. Here we have a sentient being incapable of communicating what it wants but- we're perfectly happy to think we're doing the 'kindest' thing in putting it down. But, on the other hand- we have a human who is telling you they can't cope with the pain anymore and they want to die and- they get ignored/refused. It's weird.
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can we be done here
May 6, 2023
I've had Lyme disease and co-infections for over 5 decades. You probably have more than just Lyme disease because it doesn't travel alone. I hope you were checked for Bartonella and babesia. If your immune system is good you have a good chance of putting these things in remission but the more toxic burden you have the more chance it'll stay active. Unfortunately mine is severely active because I live in a moldy house and I have severe more toxicity.. I have nowhere else to live so I'm stuck here in hell. Take care of your mental health.. the two things that will bring you down to your knees his trauma and mold toxicity. Even if you don't think there's mold in your house and you're really sick with Lyme disease and you can't get rid of it then there probably is.. I live my life in bed I have for as long as I can remember. And no one gives a shit! And after all this time it has turned into neurological Lyme disease so I'm pretty fucked. The Babesia infection I have is severe because of the mold toxicity. It is like malaria and steroids so I'm burning up 24/7 like I'm living in hell. You are much younger than me so you still have a chance.. my chance is gone since I'm stuck living here and soon I would be put in some type of Assisted Living which I say fuck that! I cannot CTB because I have no privacy living with my elderly mother. When I can possibly make it to a hotel I will be gone. But please please don't give up yet. If you don't have a practitioner at least join Facebook or another platform and they will give you some good advice on how to get better. When I was a few years younger than you I did put these nasty things into remission so it is possible.
Wow, thank you for all these information. I didn't know about most of it.
The problem is that I can only talk to a family doctor, there's nobody else here. I don't live in the US, you can tell by my horrible english. I live in Hungary, which is an awful place when it comes to healthcare. There's no tests for any of those things you mentioned, only Lyme.
I've been given antibiotics for more than a month, and that's it. I've had severe joint pains, headache, rage, etc... Then I've started throwing up the antibiotics, it was real fun.
But yeah, basically that's it, they can't do more. I feel my body being sick, but I accept it.
To be honest I really want to die, and I deserve to die.


But in the end it doesn't even matter...😢
Aug 19, 2019
Wow, thank you for all these information. I didn't know about most of it.
The problem is that I can only talk to a family doctor, there's nobody else here. I don't live in the US, you can tell by my horrible english. I live in Hungary, which is an awful place when it comes to healthcare. There's no tests for any of those things you mentioned, only Lyme.
I've been given antibiotics for more than a month, and that's it. I've had severe joint pains, headache, rage, etc... Then I've started throwing up the antibiotics, it was real fun.
But yeah, basically that's it, they can't do more. I feel my body being sick, but I accept it.
To be honest I really want to die, and I deserve to die.
When it comes to these infection the healthcare here in the US is just as bad. They will not help you or even acknowledge it. I only found out a year and a half ago about having these infections I was told I had something called fibromyalgia which is caused usually by the Lyme disease bacteria or Bartonella. I had went to a private doctor and they thought they would test me at or I would have never known. But I cannot afford the treatments but there's a lot you can do at home but me being a stuck in mold I cannot get better no matter what.

I live in a very old home and I've been here for over two and a half decades and I knew when I first moved in that the was making me sick but I had no proof well now I have proof but since it's my mom's parents house that she received once they passed away she thinks it is so perfect it cannot have mold but it does it has it bad but anyway..

The most important thing is your immune system and you being young you have a chance. I went from being completely bed bound for many years to being able to function it was only when I moved in this moldy house that everything went back to square one. It's good that you had those antibiotics but you may need more. As far as Bartonella goes it's very hard to detect most of these infections are because they do not always live in your blood most of the time they are in your organs so that's why you may not always test positive.

If you have Facebook I would recommend going these people are very knowledgeable.. I'm not sure if you have the same access to websites where you live as we do in the US but if you go to Lymedisease.org it has a lot of information. Go to Facebook and join Lyme disease and co-infections. There are people from all over the world there. I'm sure there's information on all social media I'm just on Facebook so learn as much as you can. But I understand the pain I do 5 decades of this.😢 I hope what I wrote make sense my brain is muss