
Aug 18, 2020
I think the answer is pretty clear. Yes. I am no expert on IT but when I read about PRISM and the NSA I am pretty sure they use public internet forums.
And I don't mean just in order to chase criminals. On this point other people probably have more knowledge.

Do you think these intelligence services or their AI create profiles of internet users and their pattern of online-behavior also of this forum? I am not sure whether they make this for the average Joe and Jane. I rather tend to a yes. Though they don't necessarily connect your virtual profile to your personal ID. For that the data is just too big. That would be too much data for analysis.

I kind of fulfil the sterotype of an average person with psychosis. Writting in an online forum how intelligence services spy on us. Though I did not have any delusion in this relation yet.

Who do you think is the biggest threat that could doxx a person in this forum? (it might depend on the person)
Artificial intelligence, journalists or a random person that knows and identifies you in this forum?
There are many factors in that equation. Your social media accounts probably play a role in that. I am not sure about the answer.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
I think the answer is pretty clear. Yes. I am no expert on IT but when I read about PRISM and the NSA I am pretty sure they use public internet forums.
And I don't mean just in order to chase criminals. On this point other people probably have more knowledge.

Do you think these intelligence services or their AI create profiles of internet users and their pattern of online-behavior also of this forum? I am not sure whether they make this for the average Joe and Jane. I rather tend to a yes. Though they don't necessarily connect your virtual profile to your personal ID. For that the data is just too big. That would be too much data for analysis.

I kind of fulfil the sterotype of an average person with psychosis. Writting in an online forum how intelligence services spy on us. Though I did not have any delusion in this relation yet.

Who do you think is the biggest threat that could doxx a person in this forum? (it might depend on the person)
Artificial intelligence, journalists or a random person that knows and identifies you in this forum?
There are many factors in that equation. Your social media accounts probably play a role in that. I am not sure about the answer.
I think who's most likely to dox someone on here is probably angry relatives of people who CTB, or pro lifers with an agenda. I doubt that NSA cares too much about the forum unless something illegal was to happen on here. I don't think journalists would dox people here because it would go against the ethical standards they have to follow.
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Dec 21, 2022
I'm guessing they probably collect a whole ton of data that no one ever looks at. They probably do have crawlers that register to all kinds of forums since it's probably not that hard to do. I don't see why this forum would be of special interest though except for illegal drug transactions maybe.
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Dec 10, 2021



Pretty neat, huh?
Did you know information storage is cheaper now than its' ever been?
I wonder how many hard drives you could fit in a million square feet of space.

Stay married to your cellphones, friends. lol

I don't see why this forum would be of special interest though except for illegal drug transactions maybe.
And sigint. And experimentation. And 5GW operations.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
But if I did, what else would I give? You say it like it's bad. Authorities always collect information and data from wherever they can get it. If the fact of being audited or monitored makes this website a safer place for predators, then welcome.
I am much more concerned about the use of personal data that third parties collect from this website, rather than knowing what use they will give it.


Però si ho fes que més donaría? Ho dius com si fos dolent. Les autoritats sempre recopilen informació i dades d'allá on les puguin extreure. Si el fet d'estar auditats o vigilats fa d'aquest web un lloc més segur de cara a depredadors, doncs benvinguts siguin.
A mi em preocupa molt mes l'ús de les dades personals que recopilin d'aquesta web terceres persones, que ves a saber quin ús li donarán.
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Dec 10, 2021
You say it like it's bad
As to how bad or how good it is, time will tell. It certainly is creepy.

Regardless, it is reality. It makes me wonder about all the cyber crimes that go unpunished. It makes me question the ethics of whoever would build such a system, and only use it the way it's been used.

It makes me wonder of the value of my privacy.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
As to how bad or how good it is, time will tell. It certainly is creepy.

Regardless, it is reality. It makes me wonder about all the cyber crimes that go unpunished. It makes me question the ethics of whoever would build such a system, and only use it the way it's been used.

It makes me wonder of the value of my privacy.
That the people or organizations that look after our security have our data has never mattered to me, their job is to protect us and they need to know or have access to these things. And this has been the case since time immemorial.
Regarding privacy, I am much more concerned about the business that moves personal data between companies or organizations that have no relation to security and pretend to care about us (large technology companies especially), I do find this worrying with respect to the total freedom we had in the 80s in our daily lives.


Que les persones o organismes que vetllen per la nostra seguretat disposin de les nostres dades mai m'ha importat, la seva feina es protegir-nos i necessiten saber o tenir accés a aquestes coses. I això és així desde temps immemorials.
Respecte a la privacitat em preocupa molt més el negoci que mouen les dades personals entre empreses o organismes que no tenen cap tipus de relació amb la seguretat i fan veure que es preocupen per nosaltres (grans empreses tecnològiques sobretot), això si que ho trobo preocupant respecte a la total llibertat que teniem als anys 80 en el día a día.
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Jan 9, 2023
They use everything online as a source for information, everything you do on the internet is tracked regardless.
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Dec 10, 2021
That the people or organizations that look after our security have our data has never mattered to me, their job is to protect us and they need to know or have access to these things. And this has been the case since time immemorial.
Regarding privacy, I am much more concerned about the business that moves personal data between companies or organizations that have no relation to security and pretend to care about us (large technology companies especially), I do find this worrying with respect to the total freedom we had in the 80s in our daily lives.
Once we only had to answer to God (whatever our conception thereof) and to ourselves.
Now we have many who would usurp that authority and use it to their own advantage. I trust none of them.
I miss the 80's.

With such a diplomatic opinion I'm certain you'll never run afoul of those organizations who look after our security. You are wise, my friend.
They use everything online as a source for information, everything you do on the internet is tracked regardless.
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