

Are my thoughts even real?
Dec 10, 2023
I feel like that I don't have any reason do die,
but I want to

Compared to others , my life can be considered good.
I don't think I have any past trauma or some similar things.
My relationship with my parents seems "all right" but I still have some doubts.
Even if I feel lonely and hopeless, I don't really care.
I don't care about anything.
I spend my days playing games, and I honestly feel quit relaxed.

I just don't wanna put effort in anything,
but since I'm forced by society, I feel like that killing my self is a way to make just avoid everything.
I don't want to study, work, make friends or do anything else, I just wanna be lazy.
This sounds just like a whim of a child.

I don't feel like I have the right to die.
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Wishing you the best❤️
Dec 22, 2023
you have the right to do anything as long it's not taking the rights of someone else but do you really want to die, make up your mind correctly before taking any decision


Mar 29, 2023
effort is something we all are naturally inclined to resist, I don't know if it's any consolation but I think what you're describing is natural human instinct to cling to their comfortable and safe space like not wanting to get out of bed in the morning. That resistence to discomfort will always be there but I think you should at least give life a try if this the only reason you want to die


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Your reason for wanting to be dead is completely valid and I relate to this. Sadly, I feel like I would need to take as much, if not more, effort just to ctb than I would on life itself hence why I'm still here. If I could easily access N, I'd be dead already


Careless Soul « MtF »
Nov 13, 2023
Alright, this is the first time ANYONE has said anything more relatable than this... You basically described my whole situation except a minor variation here and there... It's crazily same to my situation...
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Sitting in the darkness.
Feb 28, 2023
Yes, you have a right to die. Even if you don't have a reason, because life means suffering. It's understandable to want to stop putting in effort. Life is inherently unfair after all.
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But in the end it doesn't even matter...😢
Aug 19, 2019
I feel like that I don't have any reason do die,
but I want to

Compared to others , my life can be considered good.
I don't think I have any past trauma or some similar things.
My relationship with my parents seems "all right" but I still have some doubts.
Even if I feel lonely and hopeless, I don't really care.
I don't care about anything.
I spend my days playing games, and I honestly feel quit relaxed.

I just don't wanna put effort in anything,
but since I'm forced by society, I feel like that killing my self is a way to make just avoid everything.
I don't want to study, work, make friends or do anything else, I just wanna be lazy.
This sounds just like a whim of a child.

I don't feel like I have the right to die.
Some people are just inverted and don't have the need for a lot of interaction with other people. Perhaps you are suffering from depression but maybe you're not aware because it was always been like this. Maybe you could do a career around gaming. I'm out of the loop as far as that goes but make a career about something that you like doing so it doesn't seem like work.


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I feel like that I don't have any reason do die,
but I want to

Compared to others , my life can be considered good.
I don't think I have any past trauma or some similar things.
My relationship with my parents seems "all right" but I still have some doubts.
Even if I feel lonely and hopeless, I don't really care.
I don't care about anything.
I spend my days playing games, and I honestly feel quit relaxed.

I just don't wanna put effort in anything,
but since I'm forced by society, I feel like that killing my self is a way to make just avoid everything.
I don't want to study, work, make friends or do anything else, I just wanna be lazy.
This sounds just like a whim of a child.

I don't feel like I have the right to die.
Every one should have the to right to die or to live for any reason. its the individual's choice. But they have taken away the most reliable and painless methods to die . They have taken away the right to escape pain like nembutal , cyanide capsules, fentanyl, assisted suicide, by making those crimes
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
It's going to depend entirely on your own views around life and death. Depends if you think your life has intrinsic value and meaning. Depends what kind of obligation you feel. People feel obligation towards all sorts of things- themselves and their own potential, their parents, society, God.

Your reasons seem to be that you don't want to make the effort in life. So- do you think people should make an effort in life? Depends on your beliefs really. Should people feel obliged to live? Should people feel obliged to try? Only you can answer that for yourself.

Maybe you also need to think about why you don't want to make the effort. To be honest- I can't really blame you! But- is it because nothing appeals? No job appeals? No subject to pursue appeals? Is it because the things you want to do are too hard to find a career in? Is it because you're scared of failure? Is it because you think any end result won't be worth it? There can be loads of (legitimate) things that put us off trying in life. You probably need to work out which they are to know whether you can work with them.

To be honest- most people are pro-choice here so- really- any reason that a person has spent time thinking about carefully, weighing up all the alternatives and consequences will likely be accepted as valid to most here. Really, it has to be up to you though- do you think death needs to be earnt?


Dec 11, 2023
I agree with some of the other sentiments above. Life and death are very personal relationships. We can not decide for you, or encourage you. We will however, support you in any decision you make regarding it if you have given due consideration. What does life mean to you? What does death? If there is at least something you enjoy, maybe there is more. Maybe there is a low effort path? I relate though, but for a slightly different reason. Everything feels like an effort to me, but that's because I am constantly anxious, depressed, and at odds with my own mind. So for me, my dislike of life is because of a dislike of its suffering. I like everything else about life, just not that part, which is most of it for me at the moment.


F*ck humanity. Let's end this.
Jul 4, 2023
I don't care about anything.
I spend my days playing games, and I honestly feel quit relaxed.

I just don't wanna put effort in anything,
but since I'm forced by society, I feel like that killing my self is a way to make just avoid everything.
I don't want to study, work, make friends or do anything else, I just wanna be lazy.
This sounds just like a whim of a child.

I don't feel like I have the right to die.
My days are the same too. I sleep, watch TV and play games. And I have a small circle of friends.

I can't work, but if I could, I would refuse to. Work today is nothing more than modern day slavery with extra steps. Fuck that.

And for what? To make us pay for the intrinsic right we have to exist on this planet? Fuck that. We are the only species on earth that has to pay to live here because... Money? It's so fucking stupid. And that if we don't, we're condemned to death by starvation, dehydration, homelessness, etc.

"Laziness" is a completely made up concept btw. Made up by people who are wealthy and powerful to keep us producing for their benefit. And upheld by the poor souls who have been brainwashed to believe that work actually means something and isn't just a method of control for the powerful over the rest of the masses. "lazy" is a buzzword, a virtue signal, and a way to try and guilt people for not doing what everyone else is doing. It's a word used by people to put down others for not doing what they themselves wish they could stop doing but are too wrapped up in what society expects of them. Don't put any stock into the concept at all, it's not a real thing.

You don't sound like a child. You sound like someone who is done and has found some way to feel relaxed amidst living in this hellscape our species has created for itself. Which you are entitled to. I understand your logic behind wanting to CTB though.

I myself will suffer the consequences of not working, which is death anyway. So to me at this point whether I kill myself or not, I'm gonna die regardless. And I refuse to be a wage slave just to stay alive.

Idk, it's your decision. Just make sure you think it through. to be sure it's what's you want, you know?
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
If one wishes to cease existing on their own terms then that's their personal decision. I see simply not wishing to exist as always being a valid way to feel as after all it isn't like any of us could have consented to existing here in the first place. Nobody should be forced to exist when they wish to be gone.
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Dec 15, 2023
I'm in basically the exact same position. I think it's something you have to decide for yourself.


Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
I think everyone has a universal right to die, and luckily suicide is not illegal anymore in most modern countries.

Some people think you shouldn't get that right until 16, 18 or 21 whatever but I don't think that's fair at all.


Aug 16, 2023
It's your life so you always have the right to end it if you desire to.

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