Your credit card information? Has anyone stolen from you yet? Did the bank still repay you?
I suppose my least healthy habits are for having a morbid fascination with things like industrial disasters. Not gore. But, I've watched things like the HBO series on Chernobyl a few times. Not really good because the horror of it tends to stay with me.
Also, other times companies have put profits over lives. Boeing, Dupont, Union Carbide are the obvious ones. I suppose it just confirms to me how corrupt this world is. I can't be alone in having this sort of fascination- over serial killers too. There's so much media about on them. It must be a common interest. Still, it's likely not healthy exactly.
I'm not sure I'd class being on this site as 'self-harm'. I expect the more 'normie' viewpoint would see it like that though. It's not exactly brimming with optimism! I don't feel like it's brought me down any further though. If anything, it's given me a sense of community.
I think the more 'normie' people in our lives like to believe we can talk to them about anything but the truth is, we probably can't. They'd likely find it too depressing, too opressing and too distressing. I actually think it's kinder to spare them all that. Especially if/ when their responses to previous attempts don't help either party.
I suppose the hope is that if we put on a more 'normie' optimistic facade in front of them and everyone else, we'll eventually genuinely feel that way. 'Fake it till you make it' type of thing. I'm not convinced it works that way though. Maybe it's not good to wallow in sadness and self pity either but I think, just pretending it isn't there doesn't make it go away.