
Jan 20, 2020
Let me preface this with I love my kids, I would and do sacrifice everything for them. I don't hit them, I don't call them bad names, I don't ever say they worthless, bad, or unwanted. I do yell at them, but that's usually just so they can hear me over themselves. I've had a really bad morning with them and just need to bitch about it since there's nothing else I can do, and I can't get away from them to cool off.

The 2 and 6 year old are autistic, and the 8 year old is ADHD. My 6 year old is going through a mean phase and is being horrible all the time. She has 12 plus tantrums a day, and will do so for being asked to do the smallest things. My eldest will tantrum if he strongly doesn't want to do something. The two of them will bicker over the silliest things, and when they do their argument is more important than anything I say or feel.

Once they start tantrums nothing will stop them. None of the usual recommended tactics work. All I can do is have them be in their room so they can't optimize negative attention. Even when asked to go to their own space and use calm down techniques they will just sit there and scream and yell as loud as possible for anywhere from 20 min to hours. Removal of ipads or tv results in them feeling like they lost their stuff anyway so might as well go full force since what else is there to loose or happen. They won't even try to earn stuff back they'll just keep the stress flowing. I always give chances for redemption, but not till they put effort into defusing the tantrum.

I have no social support. Their dad works 80+ hours a week, and even when he is here he doesn't know how the house works and his intervention makes things harder. I can't go anyway since I can't leave them alone, and where is there to go anyway. I can't leave the room to cool off since the 6 year old will use that opportunity to pick a fight with her brother. I just want to get stoned, but I can't be wasted all the time since what's the point of me being here and their mom if I am. I try so fucking hard every day to keep going and to be the best mom I can, but they are such hard kids. There is never an easy day.

I don't know what the point of this is. Nothing will help they just need to grow out of this shit.
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Mar 20, 2018
It sounds like you need a vacation. Is it possible for you to have someone watch them for even one night so that you can relax?
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Sep 7, 2020
I'm sorry you are going through all that. My boys were 8 1/2 yrs apart so it was much easier. My bros here with his 3 littles 3, 5, &9. They're good kids really but whoa it's way yo much commotion for me. It has got to be hard with 2 having autism and the 3rd adhd. Is it possible your husband give you 1 night a week to take off for a couple of hours? even to go shopping and get a clear head without all the commotion. I bet a couple hours away to go do whatever you want sit at a pond, shopping, look at the stars anything will give you a sense of peace.
maybe thats why my bro and his wife smoke MJ all day everyday haha
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Jan 20, 2020
It sounds like you need a vacation. Is it possible for you to have someone watch them for even one night so that you can relax?
No, I have nowhere to go, and nobody to watch them. The 2 year old is nonverbal, and he would be scared and sad if I went away. Nobody could tell him where I went or if I'll be back. He really only has me.
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Beautiful moon, take me away.
Sep 23, 2020
I'm sorry that I don't have any advice to give to make your situation easier. But feel free to vent as much as you want - I'm sure getting some of it out is the best decision for you and your children. Parents are underappreciated all the time, and it's always tragic. You're doing your best, but it's a really difficult situation.
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Jan 20, 2020
I'm sorry you are going through all that. My boys were 8 1/2 yrs apart so it was much easier. My bros here with his 3 littles 3, 5, &9. They're good kids really but whoa it's way yo much commotion for me. It has got to be hard with 2 having autism and the 3rd adhd. Is it possible your husband give you 1 night a week to take off for a couple of hours? even to go shopping and get a clear head without all the commotion. I bet a couple hours away to go do whatever you want sit at a pond, shopping, look at the stars anything will give you a sense of peace.
maybe thats why my bro and his wife smoke MJ all day everyday haha
Pretty sure their dad is high functioning autistic. He doesn't understand them well enough for me to relax with him in charge anyway. I mean they would live and be fine, but since he's away so much I'm the only emotional comfort zone they have.
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Mar 20, 2018
No, I have nowhere to go, and nobody to watch them. The 2 year old is nonverbal, and he would be scared and sad if I went away. Nobody could tell him where I went or if I'll be back. He really only has me.
I'm sorry to hear ;_; I used to work with autistic children and I know how difficult it can be. Just know that you're brave and strong for raising your children despite the hardships!
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Jan 20, 2020
I'm sorry that I don't have any advice to give to make your situation easier. But feel free to vent as much as you want - I'm sure getting some of it out is the best decision for you and your children. Parents are underappreciated all the time, and it's always tragic. You're doing your best, but it's a really difficult situation.
Thank you, I try not to complain about this too much. Some days like today just push me too hard, and I want to just sit there and cry but I have to meep everything running.
I'm sorry to hear ;_; I used to work with autistic children and I know how difficult it can be. Just know that you're brave and strong for raising your children despite the hardships!
Thank you for listening. Realistically I know there's no real solution aside from time passing.
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Aug 7, 2020
sounds stressful ;-;
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Jun 26, 2020
My heart truly breaks for you. You have in the past replied to some of my posts and it made me so happy! With that aspect said, I know that you are truly a caring and loving person and I wish like on science fiction shows/movies where they can beam people all over the place, I would LOVE to beam where you are and give you a HUGE HUG. You are NEVER alone on here and I care, love and have alot of empathy for you. You are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!:hug::heart:
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Sep 7, 2020
Pretty sure their dad is high functioning autistic. He doesn't understand them well enough for me to relax with him in charge anyway. I mean they would live and be fine, but since he's away so much I'm the only emotional comfort zone they have.

If I knew you and lived close I would babysit and give ya some time away. I'd watch cartoons with the kids and try on costumes maybe let them put make up on me to make me a clown lmao... what about for just an hour? can their father make 1 hour a week so you can just go get away
I keep picturing the calgon take me away commercials woman in the bathtub kids banging on the door
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Beautiful moon, take me away.
Sep 23, 2020
If I knew you and lived close I would babysit and give ya some time away. I'd watch cartoons with the kids and try on costumes maybe let them put make up on me to make me a clown lmao... what about for just an hour? can their father make 1 hour a week so you can just go get away
I keep picturing the calgon take me away commercials woman in the bathtub kids banging on the door
Oh, that's a funny idea. I'm a cosplayer, so if I was around, maybe I could entertain them by dressing up, if that would help ease your burden. Though I'm not sure if they know much about anime at all?
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Jan 20, 2020
If I knew you and lived close I would babysit and give ya some time away. I'd watch cartoons with the kids and try on costumes maybe let them put make up on me to make me a clown lmao... what about for just an hour? can their father make 1 hour a week so you can just go get away
I keep picturing the calgon take me away commercials woman in the bathtub kids banging on the door
Your post made me laugh. Thank you for that.

I can't say what his job is, but since he works 80 or sometimes 90 hours a week when he is here he wants to decompress and relax. I don't think he has the stress threshold for the kids. They really are a lot. I really have a high tolerance, and they can even push me over the edge.
Oh, that's a funny idea. I'm a cosplayer, so if I was around, maybe I could entertain them by dressing up, if that would help ease your burden. Though I'm not sure if they know much about anime at all?
We watch a lot of anime. They just finished assassin class, and are half way through naruto shippuden.
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Sep 7, 2020
Your post made me laugh. Thank you for that.

I can't say what his job is, but since he works 80 or sometimes 90 hours a week when he is here he wants to decompress and relax. I don't think he has the stress threshold for the kids. They really are a lot. I really have a high tolerance, and they can even push me over the edge.

It's very honorable he works hard. He needs to realize you need a break for YOU. Just 1 hr a week to start. Even if he watches the kids and you take a towel out into the front yard, law down on it and smoke and look at the stars just 1 hr. My kids spaced out was the best thing ever. I do not know how you or my bro doesit with 3 littles all close in age. I'd have lost my mind. I like calm and quiet- so did my boys thankfully.
glad I made ya laugh. Maybe take a calgon moment when he's home
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Awkward & weird
Jul 5, 2020
I'm sorry you are in such a difficult situation. I don't have children so I know nothing about bringing them up. I like children though. Cousin of my brother-in-law has an asperger syndrome so I know a little bit about autistic people. He's about 10 years old and to be honest we share interests. Kind of, he's obsessed with trams. He can spend hours drawing them with lots of details. He has a very great knowledge and we sometimes go tramspotting together. Sometimes he gets tantrum and then it's really hard to calm him down. Altough mostly he's talking all the time about trams and I pretend to be interested.
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Jan 20, 2020
It's very honorable he works hard. He needs to realize you need a break for YOU. Just 1 hr a week to start. Even if he watches the kids and you take a towel out into the front yard, law down on it and smoke and look at the stars just 1 hr. My kids spaced out was the best thing ever. I do not know how you or my bro doesit with 3 littles all close in age. I'd have lost my mind. I like calm and quiet- so did my boys thankfully.
glad I made ya laugh. Maybe take a calgon moment when he's home
I don't think that amount of time would help. I'm such a home body that it would be better if he took them somewhere, but then covid happened. I just need them back in school.
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Sep 13, 2020
Well ur situation is hard but think about the golden card your children got amongst the bad ones which is having you as a caring mother. remember things are in constant change and one day its all grim and the next its much better. good luck
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Jan 20, 2020
Hey @WOODESITY I see my post upset you. I'm sorry if it made you feel triggered. You're welcome to express your feelings or concerns. I won't get mad or treat you poorly. I'm happy to hear your perspective if you want to share it.
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Sep 8, 2020
Let me preface this with I love my kids, I would and do sacrifice everything for them. I don't hit them, I don't call them bad names, I don't ever say they worthless, bad, or unwanted. I do yell at them, but that's usually just so they can hear me over themselves. I've had a really bad morning with them and just need to bitch about it since there's nothing else I can do, and I can't get away from them to cool off.

The 2 and 6 year old are autistic, and the 8 year old is ADHD. My 6 year old is going through a mean phase and is being horrible all the time. She has 12 plus tantrums a day, and will do so for being asked to do the smallest things. My eldest will tantrum if he strongly doesn't want to do something. The two of them will bicker over the silliest things, and when they do their argument is more important than anything I say or feel.

Once they start tantrums nothing will stop them. None of the usual recommended tactics work. All I can do is have them be in their room so they can't optimize negative attention. Even when asked to go to their own space and use calm down techniques they will just sit there and scream and yell as loud as possible for anywhere from 20 min to hours. Removal of ipads or tv results in them feeling like they lost their stuff anyway so might as well go full force since what else is there to loose or happen. They won't even try to earn stuff back they'll just keep the stress flowing. I always give chances for redemption, but not till they put effort into defusing the tantrum.

I have no social support. Their dad works 80+ hours a week, and even when he is here he doesn't know how the house works and his intervention makes things harder. I can't go anyway since I can't leave them alone, and where is there to go anyway. I can't leave the room to cool off since the 6 year old will use that opportunity to pick a fight with her brother. I just want to get stoned, but I can't be wasted all the time since what's the point of me being here and their mom if I am. I try so fucking hard every day to keep going and to be the best mom I can, but they are such hard kids. There is never an easy day.

I don't know what the point of this is. Nothing will help they just need to grow out of this shit.
I'm sorry to hear this, I don't have children but I can imagine how frustrating it would be to love someone that much but also be experiencing so many issues because of them (even if you don't blame them for their struggles). I would suggest maybe saving up for a summer camp that specializes in helping special needs children, that way they would have space where they are supported and are in the care of experts and you would get a break for a bit. PM if you want some support creating a plan to do something along those lines.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
I'm sorry things are so hard for you. You remind me of my mother, who has to deal with my three younger siblings each with their own problems, who like to argue with each other, and with my dad also working a lot, being possibly autistic also and not able to help out. My younger brother is autistic and he would often have tantrums and meltdowns all the time, however he no longer has anything like that and hasn't for a long time (he just turned 15), it's true that autistic children will often grow out of it I think. It's because they're so young they have no other way of dealing with the world.
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Jan 20, 2020
I'm sorry things are so hard for you. You remind me of my mother, who has to deal with my three younger siblings each with their own problems, who like to argue with each other, and with my dad also working a lot, being possibly autistic also and not able to help out. My younger brother is autistic and he would often have tantrums and meltdowns all the time, however he no longer has anything like that and hasn't for a long time (he just turned 15), it's true that autistic children will often grow out of it I think. It's because they're so young they have no other way of dealing with the world.
Thank you for your perspective. Did your mom handle it well?


Jul 15, 2020
I imagine alot of parents might be feeling overwhelmed with the whole covid thing and kids not being at school.

my brother was ringing my mum because his son was playing up ,and he didnt know what to do!! then when he could get him back in school they sent him.
which my mum, sister and me didn't agree with!!

god i think the behaviour of your kids sounds totally like me! if i go on one only i can decide when i become calm again, nothing/no one can make a difference. I'm 40yrs old now, if i go on one i still have the same temper and can only calm myself down (i fukin scare myself lol). but you obviously grow up and don't act like you do when you are a child!!! so yes in time i would say things will get better
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No kill like overkill
Jul 30, 2020
i didn't see anyone mention respite care


Jan 20, 2020
I imagine alot of parents might be feeling overwhelmed with the whole covid thing and kids not being at school.

my brother was ringing my mum because his son was playing up ,and he didnt know what to do!! then when he could get him back in school they sent him.
which my mum, sister and me didn't agree with!!

god i think the behaviour of your kids sounds totally like me! if i go on one only i can decide when i become calm again, nothing/no one can make a difference. I'm 40yrs old now, if i go on one i still have the same temper and can only calm myself down (i fukin scare myself lol). but you obviously grow up and don't act like you do when you are a child!!! so yes in time i would say things will get better
I love being a mom more than anything. It's honestly the only value I've had in life. Sometimes it just helps to throughly bitch about them. I'm sure they have words to say about me at times as well.
i didn't see anyone mention respite care
I'm too scared to leave them with non family caregivers due to horror stories I've heard , and their special needs. I know I've backed myself into a corner. I accept that. Some days are harder than others.
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Jul 15, 2020
I love being a mom more than anything. It's honestly the only value I've had in life. Sometimes it just helps to throughly bitch about them. I'm sure they have words to say about me at times as well.

you can see how much you care about them :) kids don't come with an instruction book!!! we all need to vent sometimes, i personally don't have ids. but i can imagine that at times they might drive you up the wall, hell i even do it to my mum now and i'm 40yrs old!!!! same as sometimes mum might drives them nuts aswelll:tongue:. everyone reacts different, i don't think their is one specific rule book.

you sound to me like your doing a great job, even more so with the situation/difficultis you may face with some of the health issues. that wouldn't be easy for any parent
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I am the lord of loneliness.
Feb 10, 2020
Rosey you're always soooo wonderful. Really wish you had the opportunity to go have a break and reset from your stress.
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ghost space, ghosts pace
Feb 10, 2020
I did an IOP with several women who were in similar situations, so I can tell you that you're absolutely not alone in thinking and feeling how you do.

One woman in my group (strictly a no-judgement zone) expressed that she felt that sometimes she hated her children and wanted to be away from them and the burden of caring for them alone.

Another woman said that she was scared she sometimes couldn't feel love towards her son due to how much care his conditions demanded from her, leaving her unable to have any time for herself.

(I'm not at all saying you think or feel the same way as them, just that they shared similar feelings of stress and burnout that are usually seen as taboo.)

Anyways, the group talked about how under-appreciated being the stay at home or main 'carer' parent is and how it's often taken for granted because it's expected that parents fit into that role without ever feeling burnt out or even hopeless or resentful, when those feelings are human, not at all uncommon, and totally valid. Also about how love is an action as well as a feeling.

My point is that you're working a 24/7 job and that the way you're feeling is valid and understandable. I wish I lived close because I absolutely would babysit for free for you or even just hang out to be a second pair of hands and someone to listen.

If you ever want to chat, message me ♡
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
Thank you for your perspective. Did your mom handle it well?

I think to an extent. She loves her kids a lot just like you. But I can tell she struggled sometimes, it must be hard doing it basically alone, and she right now she's also having problems with them not being in school. But she makes sure to take time for herself (and she also smokes MJ :blarg:).
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Jan 20, 2020
I did an IOP with several women who were in similar situations, so I can tell you that you're absolutely not alone in thinking and feeling how you do.

One woman in my group (strictly a no-judgement zone) expressed that she felt that sometimes she hated her children and wanted to be away from them and the burden of caring for them alone.

Another woman said that she was scared she sometimes couldn't feel love towards her son due to how much care his conditions demanded from her, leaving her unable to have any time for herself.

(I'm not at all saying you think or feel the same way as them, just that they shared similar feelings of stress and burnout that are usually seen as taboo.)

Anyways, the group talked about how under-appreciated being the stay at home or main 'carer' parent is and how it's often taken for granted because it's expected that parents fit into that role without ever feeling burnt out or even hopeless or resentful, when those feelings are human, not at all uncommon, and totally valid. Also about how love is an action as well as a feeling.

My point is that you're working a 24/7 job and that the way you're feeling is valid and understandable. I wish I lived close because I absolutely would babysit for free for you or even just hang out to be a second pair of hands and someone to listen.

If you ever want to chat, message me ♡
Thank you for sharing that. It's interesting society shames moms for not liking their kids 100% of the time. Moms might be less stressed if they could openly say how thankless and hard this job can be some days.
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When will it be?
Jul 20, 2020
Could you hire someone skilled to be around autistic children to come help you with your children a couple hours occasionally? My idea is your children will come to know and trust them a bit so you can get away for a bit every now and then.
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