

Love is my final option
Aug 25, 2019
Today, will about ten minutes ago I wad pulled into the office (I live in group living) with a couple of my friends and was accused of buying crack...

Now I don't do crack our any other hard drugs. I don't even drink. I just smoke cannabis.

There was another guy in there that had been caught bringing the crack in. For some reason he fingered me and three of my friends. He said that we have him the money to but the drugs. Which is a complete lie. But we were told that if we didn't want to be arrested and thrown out we had to own up to it. So we did for our own sake.

Things like this are why I view humanity to be a bothersome and burdensome hindrance to my well being. Why do i always get the bull? This is ridiculous! No wonder I'm how I am. No wonder I've lost faith...

Today had been a shit fest. First I have to go to my psychologist who berates me for being unbendable in my views and then I come home and this crap happens...

Come on humanity, try to give me a reason to live...
  • Hugs
  • Aww..
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Misanthropic Drunken Loner
Aug 21, 2019
That ABSOLUTE asshole. And the people in charge forcing you guys to admit to something you weren't guilty of. That whole situation is fucked. Don't let them throw a wrench into your life though, OP. Not every single person in the world is trash. Just most of them.
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CURSED again

CURSED again

please help
Aug 15, 2019
what are repercussions there for having to say you were involved? do they search your mail?


Love is my final option
Aug 25, 2019
what are repercussions there for having to say you were involved? do they search your mail?
They put you on restriction which means I can't leave the premises for 30 days. The guy that brought the dope in and fingered us got arrested. No they don't search our mail, nor do they search us when we come in. They don't even search our rooms...

Somebody told on the guy that brought it in and for some unknown reason he told that we were tree ones who bought it.

People are fukt!
That ABSOLUTE asshole. And the people in charge forcing you guys to admit to something you weren't guilty of. That whole situation is fucked. Don't let them throw a wrench into your life though, OP. Not every single person in the world is trash. Just most of them.
I know this world has good people. I've learned that through here and through sites like this one on the dark web. Also I believe I'm a good person. I love everyone I meet and I give affection to those that need it freely. I love to let people know I care about them and understand them. I believe that since I crave that same attention it will be nice to give it to others that may feel the same way.
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Jul 8, 2019
That sucks man. I hate situations like that. Especially when they threaten to kick you out on the street for nothing. I live in a similar situation and it can really suck.
Try not to let it get to you; some people are totally full of shit.
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Love is my final option
Aug 25, 2019
That sucks man. I hate situations like that. Especially when they threaten to kick you out on the street for nothing. I live in a similar situation and it can really suck.
Try not to let it get to you; some people are totally full of shit.
I like to think humanity has is good people, but I've been totally convinced that those who don't understand me are totally against me. People hurt each other just to better or advance themselves. It is a viscous cycle. That's why I love forums like these. The people here all understand each other and support each other. There's life in the air here and that's where I think humanity has succeeded. People who understand each other and have like mindedness views are always best suited to be with each other.
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Jul 8, 2019
I like to think humanity has is good people, but I've been totally convinced that those who don't understand me are totally against me. People hurt each other just to better or advance themselves. It is a viscous cycle. That's why I love forums like these. The people here all understand each other and support each other. There's life in the air here and that's where I think humanity has succeeded. People who understand each other and have like mindedness views are always best suited to be with each other.

I totally agree. I've never gotten along with most people, but luckily I'm pretty good at finding the few out there that can truly relate to and understand me for who I am.
But they can be few and far between, while ignorant assholes make up the majority.
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Love is my final option
Aug 25, 2019
I totally agree. I've never gotten along with most people, but luckily I'm pretty good at finding the few out there that can truly relate to and understand me for who I am.
But they can be few and far between, while ignorant assholes make up the majority.
Yes. Yes and yes. This world has it's gems. They hard to dig out but once you get them you cherish them and jealously guard them. Pm me if you would like to find a good friend :)
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Jun 27, 2019
They arrested you because another person said you gave them money to buy drugs? They had no evidence but a known criminal's word? If you have the patience to fight that in court you'd win. Might even have a civil case against the home as well for that coercion. I know it doesn't help when you are in immediate trouble but they get away with stuff so much because people aren't able or willing to pursue it.


Love is my final option
Aug 25, 2019
They arrested you because another person said you gave them money to buy drugs? They had no evidence but a known criminal's word? If you have the patience to fight that in court you'd win.
They didn't arrest me or my friends cause we said what they wanted to hear. They arrested the guy who brought the drugs in. The told us we would be arrested if we didn't say we were part of it.

It just irks me to know there are so many people in this world that hurt you to advance themselves.
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Jun 27, 2019
They didn't arrest me or my friends cause we said what they wanted to hear. They arrested the guy who brought the drugs in. The told us we would be arrested if we didn't say we were part of it.

It just irks me to know there are so many people in this world that hurt you to advance themselves.

Ah I misread sorry. Thought they arrested you. So they threatened to..which they had no basis to...and insisted you lie. Brilliant.
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Memento Mori
Aug 25, 2019
I can't stand those who don't just own up for themselves, I don't understand why people like that have to drag down others who are so low already.
Im sorry to hear about your bad day my friend, it's difficult to keep going through the days that offer no solace


Love is my final option
Aug 25, 2019
They arrested you because another person said you gave them money to buy drugs? They had no evidence but a known criminal's word? If you have the patience to fight that in court you'd win. Might even have a civil case against the home as well for that coercion. I know it doesn't help when you are in immediate trouble but they get away with stuff so much because people aren't able or willing to pursue it.
This is very true. Those in power positions will most always let the the authority go to their heads. I know they shouldn't be able to get away with it, but they almost always get away with it.

I don't know what to do. I mean I went to my counselor tonight and told her that despite the fact that they think I did it I really didn't do it. I don't want to be on restriction for something I didn't do. I mean wtf!

Hopefully when this all cools down tomorrow I can convince them I didn't do anything. But till then I sit here going on loops.

I'm sorry humanity but I don't believe you...
Ah I misread sorry. Thought they arrested you. So they threatened to..which they had no basis to...and insisted you lie. Brilliant.
Ya I know I should have stood my ground, but I'm honestly too weak to. I'm sorry if that seems like an excuse, but I'm honestly too the point that I don't care what happens to me cause I can't steer clear of shit storms.

I love all of you for your words. And I know I might sound down. I just want to make sure everyone here is alright. I just had to vent this shit. It just seems like I'm prone to punishment...
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Mar 7, 2019
Today, will about ten minutes ago I wad pulled into the office (I live in group living) with a couple of my friends and was accused of buying crack...

Now I don't do crack our any other hard drugs. I don't even drink. I just smoke cannabis.

There was another guy in there that had been caught bringing the crack in. For some reason he fingered me and three of my friends. He said that we have him the money to but the drugs. Which is a complete lie. But we were told that if we didn't want to be arrested and thrown out we had to own up to it. So we did for our own sake.

Things like this are why I view humanity to be a bothersome and burdensome hindrance to my well being. Why do i always get the bull? This is ridiculous! No wonder I'm how I am. No wonder I've lost faith...

Today had been a shit fest. First I have to go to my psychologist who berates me for being unbendable in my views and then I come home and this crap happens...

Come on humanity, try to give me a reason to live...
There are good people out there, you just have to find them and hang out with them. And just don't fuck around with the liars like that. I mean I know there are people that lie for fun but that is totally different.
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Love is my final option
Aug 25, 2019
I know your right. There are good people in this world. They're just like diamonds. You dig and dig for them and when you find one you jealously guard it. I have found a few people like that here on ss. I'm glad to have them. It really helps. And I think I've found a partner. That makes me even happier.
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