

Jun 30, 2018
I don't even know if I posted that this or not I mean I asked about therapy advice from y'all but the second my dumbass mentioned suicide they drop me like a bad habit.

Like this was yesterday and I'm still baffled. How the fuck do you expect me to trust anybody ever again? Fuck this society.
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Too often I think about the nature of thinking...
Jan 12, 2024
Yeah. I'm sorry, that sucks for sure. Tbh, I probably didn't make it easy either,'s partially my fault, too.

Try not to get bitter about it though. I know that's easy to say. But the road to bitterness is hard to get off.

If you want to talk about it (or anything else) feel free to PM me. Regardless, I wish you peace!
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Jul 16, 2024
I don't even know if I posted that this or not I mean I asked about therapy advice from y'all but the second my dumbass mentioned suicide they drop me like a bad habit.

Like this was yesterday and I'm still baffled. How the fuck do you expect me to trust anybody ever again? Fuck this society.
Oh, wow! The same thing happened to me! The psychologist (PhD) I'd seen for 15 years said she could no longer support me after I shared my suicidal thoughts. I asked the question, "If you won't help me, who the hell will?" Makes NO sense to me. At the time, I wanted her help. Now, I'm going to CTB and stop the pain and suffering.
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Aug 1, 2024
second my dumbass mentioned suicide they drop me like a bad habit.
To me this sounds highly unprofessional. Did they at least refer you to someone else? They shouldn't just drop you without offering anything instead.

When I mentioned suicide to mine, she said something along the lines of "but you're going to die anyway, why hurry?". I didn't expect to hear something like this, I was kind of impressed.
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broken shut-in
Jul 17, 2023
I've had several just abandon me like this, some ghost and disappear, one said she couldn't stand to see how my story would end. most aren't really qualified to be trying to help people I think, or maybe i'm just too broken, my current therapist seems good and it makes me feel guilty that i can't be helped.
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Dec 14, 2023
Mine threw a temper tantrum at me, yelled "do you want me to drive you to psychiatry?" (Where she knows I have trauma, that was sort of why I was there) And monologued about how I "threathen her with suicide all the time" (It was the second time I mentioned it, because the session before when I had asked for help with it she ignored it). I wish I would have been abandoned instead. Not to try to invalidate your experience or anything though, abandonment is unethical, fucking especially when a client is suicidal.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
It's weird isn't it? I guess it's to do with liability and our culture of blame. But, imagine if regular doctors refused to treat patients they thought were likely to die. All the elderly, sick folk would just get abandoned!

Maybe they don't think they have the skills to treat you but like others have said, they should at least have refered you somewhere else.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
I tended to get handballed from one to another. I have the impression they see me as a lost cause because of my situation. I've given up on therapy now.
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i'm a loser, a failure
Apr 3, 2024
Yes, it happened to me three times. They seemed to think that I was too desperate a case for them to help me.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Yup, my most recent one. And only after two sessions too. I must have set some kind of record. Haven't bothered trying to get another since then.
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Apr 26, 2024
Yes, she said it's your choice if you want to die. Of you want to I can't help you. They made me suffer sooo much that I became suicidal, and now they abandon me for what they've caused, and I can figure out myself. MHS are criminal! I should murder them all! I stopped all contact now with every health care professional, sick of them!
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Sep 12, 2024
Mental Health care system is a cruel joke.
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Neverending Suffering
May 1, 2022
The truth is that no one gives a shit. They're paid to pretend to care of course, and after all they studied something for years of their short life so they have to spend it playing the expert at something, right?

But the fact is that none of them want to have a patient that CTB on their record. It would tarnish their career that they've worked so hard to maintain.

So yeah. As long as we all pretend a little bit then it's okay. Though once the actual truth comes out, It's a different story. And you realize that monkeys in fancy clothes with fancy titles are still only self-serving monkeys at the end of the day.
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Jun 30, 2018
To me this sounds highly unprofessional. Did they at least refer you to someone else? They shouldn't just drop you without offering anything instead.

When I mentioned suicide to mine, she said something along the lines of "but you're going to die anyway, why hurry?". I didn't expect to hear something like this, I was kind of impressed.
Nope just strongly suggested I go to an ER. I know I should have but I don't want help anymore. I want to die.

I like your therapist care to recommend lol
Mine threw a temper tantrum at me, yelled "do you want me to drive you to psychiatry?" (Where she knows I have trauma, that was sort of why I was there) And monologued about how I "threathen her with suicide all the time" (It was the second time I mentioned it, because the session before when I had asked for help with it she ignored it). I wish I would have been abandoned instead. Not to try to invalidate your experience or anything though, abandonment is unethical, fucking especially when a client is suicidal.
Lmao and they wonder why people have a hard time opening up to them. Fuck them.
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Existing is not living
Sep 17, 2018
My current therapist of 5 years has definitely given up on me a long time ago, although she would never admit it. I told her very early on that I'm beyond helped, but she still somewhat tried at first. Eventually, she realized how hopeless therapy is with me, and now we just simply talk. The therapy has been going nowhere in terms of progress, but at least she's still talking to me, I've had prior therapists that close my case simply because I refuse the medication they were pushing on me.

Also, it's nice to see another old account from 2018, it's been a long time...
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Jun 30, 2018
My current therapist of 5 years has definitely given up on me a long time ago, although she would never admit it. I told her very early on that I'm beyond helped, but she still somewhat tried at first. Eventually, she realized how hopeless therapy is with me, and now we just simply talk. The therapy has been going nowhere in terms of progress, but at least she's still talking to me, I've had prior therapists that close my case simply because I refuse the medication they were pushing on me.

Also, it's nice to see another old account from 2018, it's been a long time...
Yeah I've been feeling like I'm on borrowed time for years now. Funny you mention that because I wonder how many of us are still left.

That's exactly what I wanted I mean I hate admitting this but I don't want help anymore. I want a friend. Maybe one sided idk but still. At least you have that 🫂
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Nov 25, 2018
The truth is that no one gives a shit. They're paid to pretend to care of course, and after all they studied something for years of their short life so they have to spend it playing the expert at something, right?

But the fact is that none of them want to have a patient that CTB on their record. It would tarnish their career that they've worked so hard to maintain.

So yeah. As long as we all pretend a little bit then it's okay. Though once the actual truth comes out, It's a different story. And you realize that monkeys in fancy clothes with fancy titles are still only self-serving monkeys at the end of the day.
See this why I can't bring myself to go lol. They're paid to care..i mean are you serious? Also you know they talk about you to their friends, family etc.
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Jul 1, 2024
TED rant ahead

(a) all the supposed MH "professionals" over the previous year had gaslighted me about cognitive issues that I knew weren't caused by my MH condition, but I wasn't sure where to even begin getting help (and it turned out even worse, because it was in fact -their very prescriptions- that had been CAUSING the issues and not one of them ever suggested or examined that possibility, instead they made it clear that they thought I just needed to have a more positive attitude)
(b) I'd had to go to the ER recently for a medical issue and was subjected to what can only be described as a MH interrogation, which -when I point blank told the interrogater she was actively making my situation worse, she told me that I'd be locked up if I didn't answer all her questions. (WTF?!?!)

So, I actually sought out a previous therapist, one who had gone into private practise shortly before all this had started, because I needed (a) supposed MH providers who actually heard me, actually believed my lived experience, and actually tried to help me, not just try to sell me a bunch of bullshit by calling it rainbows and unicorns and (b) I needed to be able to communicate honestly with supposed MH "providers" even in an ER -a place that I would absolutely, under no circumstances ever seek any mental health care (something I repeated several different ways to her)- and point blank told her that "If I am made to experience any more Mother-Fucking Psychiatric Crisis Fucking Interventions, for any reason, for the rest of my life —without exception— I will be [made suicidal]." I.e. I'm not currently suicidal, but being interrogated or imprisoned because I believe in my own right to kill myself and I will be made actively suicidial -without exception.

Less than two weeks later, after taking the max amount of a third medication (at least this time it wasn't prescribed by MH, but for GI issues) the cognitive issues that I had been gaslighted about drastically escalated -while I was driving at interstate speed to an appointment with therapist.

When I got to her office, I txted her a very brief summary of what had just happened. Instead of asking what I wanted to do (I honestly really just wanted to sit on her sofa and tell her what had happened) she suggested that she take me to the ER. My gut instinct was a "Hell NO!". But then I remembered I had told her about being gaslighted about this very issue for over a year, I told her exactly what I'd do if subjected to any supposed MH " treatments" in an ER, and I made the mistake of trusting her; although I did tell her I was not willing to go for any MH treatment at all, I was ONLY willing to go for medical care.

I'd rather she have dropped me as a patient than subject me to what she did next.

I was not actively suicidal when I left my house that morning.

I was not actively suicidal when I arrived at her office that morning.

I was not actively suicidal when I walked into the ER with her that morning.

Since the moment I crossed the threshold into that mother-f'ing coffin room, I have been actively suicidial.

After more than a year of being gaslighted and otherwise completely failed by supposed MH " providers", I'm killing myself BECAUSE of the unasked for, unwanted, unneeded, pleaded not to be subjected to it, MH crisis " treatment" that I was subjected to when I sought -and could only benefit from- exclusively, unbiased medical care.

I'm not sure if any of them could have actually helped me anymore, but what they did to me proved -beyond doubt- that this is no longer a world that I'm willing to find ways of fitting into, this is now only a world that I need to get the hell out of!

That's what supposed MH "professionals" did to me -they broke me beyond repair and made me actively suicidal when I hadn't been.

All of which is to say, I'd rather be dropped as a patient than be subjected to what I was subjected to.

To be clear, this does not mean that dropping a patient, particularly without providing viable alternatives, is acceptable in any way.
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Jul 8, 2023
Mine threw a temper tantrum at me, yelled "do you want me to drive you to psychiatry?" (Where she knows I have trauma, that was sort of why I was there) And monologued about how I "threathen her with suicide all the time" (It was the second time I mentioned it, because the session before when I had asked for help with it she ignored it). I wish I would have been abandoned instead. Not to try to invalidate your experience or anything though, abandonment is unethical, fucking especially when a client is suicidal.
The sad truth one is coming to save us. No one really can. CTB is the only way out.
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Jun 11, 2024
when i was 16 i had a therapist who told me to go socialize and i think i refused lol then he abononed me tbh i deserve it so i don't even really feel that bad
Mine threw a temper tantrum at me, yelled "do you want me to drive you to psychiatry?" (Where she knows I have trauma, that was sort of why I was there) And monologued about how I "threathen her with suicide all the time" (It was the second time I mentioned it, because the session before when I had asked for help with it she ignored it). I wish I would have been abandoned instead. Not to try to invalidate your experience or anything though, abandonment is unethical, fucking especially when a client is suicidal.
what exactly happened? she said you threatened suicide i'm guessing you just said you wanted to kill yourself not blackmailing or anything

also therapist have to call the police on you if you threaten suicide because of retarded laws so i can understand why they get pissed
Yeah I've been feeling like I'm on borrowed time for years now. Funny you mention that because I wonder how many of us are still left.

That's exactly what I wanted I mean I hate admitting this but I don't want help anymore. I want a friend. Maybe one sided idk but still. At least you have that 🫂
having a friend you could talk to about wanting to kill yourself to without them freaking out would be nice.
Venting feels good, but its not like therapist can actually help you.

My old therapist sucked. He would constantly judge me for things I have done, and put the blame on me. One time I told him I made an edgy joker in high school, and felt bad about it(something that literally everyone dose) and he got upset at me, and told me to never make sexual jokes in school even though literally everyone does.

he would also bring up if the kid I made that joke to is on good terms with me and i would get annoyed that he kept bringing it up
then he would remind me that i did something bad

Motherfucker I know that are you retarded? The whole point of therapy is to make me feel better not worse, by telling me I did something wrong, even though I already admitted it, you make me feel worse.
If you think that someone did something evil and unforgivable, because they made a joke, you are literally pathetic.

I can't really trust anyone telling them bad things I've done without getting judged.

I eventually dropped my therapist
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Jun 30, 2018
when i was 16 i had a therapist who told me to go socialize and i think i refused lol then he abononed me tbh i deserve it so i don't even really feel that bad

what exactly happened? she said you threatened suicide i'm guessing you just said you wanted to kill yourself not blackmailing or anything

also therapist have to call the police on you if you threaten suicide because of retarded laws so i can understand why they get pissed

having a friend you could talk to about wanting to kill yourself to without them freaking out would be nice.
Venting feels good, but its not like therapist can actually help you.

My old therapist sucked. He would constantly judge me for things I have done, and put the blame on me. One time I told him I made an edgy joker in high school, and felt bad about it(something that literally everyone dose) and he got upset at me, and told me to never make sexual jokes in school even though literally everyone does.

he would also bring up if the kid I made that joke to is on good terms with me and i would get annoyed that he kept bringing it up
then he would remind me that i did something bad

Motherfucker I know that are you retarded? The whole point of therapy is to make me feel better not worse, by telling me I did something wrong, even though I already admitted it, you make me feel worse.
If you think that someone did something evil and unforgivable, because they made a joke, you are literally pathetic.

I can't really trust anyone telling them bad things I've done without getting judged.

I eventually dropped my therapist
therapists are such a waste of time. geez maybe mine really did me a favor after all despite reminding me she was gonna help me. she seemed genuine but obviously not
The sad truth one is coming to save us. No one really can. CTB is the only way out.
I hate that you're right but there is a certain peace to it. Like a feeling of control and it's my decision to make and only me.
TED rant ahead

(a) all the supposed MH "professionals" over the previous year had gaslighted me about cognitive issues that I knew weren't caused by my MH condition, but I wasn't sure where to even begin getting help (and it turned out even worse, because it was in fact -their very prescriptions- that had been CAUSING the issues and not one of them ever suggested or examined that possibility, instead they made it clear that they thought I just needed to have a more positive attitude)
(b) I'd had to go to the ER recently for a medical issue and was subjected to what can only be described as a MH interrogation, which -when I point blank told the interrogater she was actively making my situation worse, she told me that I'd be locked up if I didn't answer all her questions. (WTF?!?!)

So, I actually sought out a previous therapist, one who had gone into private practise shortly before all this had started, because I needed (a) supposed MH providers who actually heard me, actually believed my lived experience, and actually tried to help me, not just try to sell me a bunch of bullshit by calling it rainbows and unicorns and (b) I needed to be able to communicate honestly with supposed MH "providers" even in an ER -a place that I would absolutely, under no circumstances ever seek any mental health care (something I repeated several different ways to her)- and point blank told her that "If I am made to experience any more Mother-Fucking Psychiatric Crisis Fucking Interventions, for any reason, for the rest of my life —without exception— I will be [made suicidal]." I.e. I'm not currently suicidal, but being interrogated or imprisoned because I believe in my own right to kill myself and I will be made actively suicidial -without exception.

Less than two weeks later, after taking the max amount of a third medication (at least this time it wasn't prescribed by MH, but for GI issues) the cognitive issues that I had been gaslighted about drastically escalated -while I was driving at interstate speed to an appointment with therapist.

When I got to her office, I txted her a very brief summary of what had just happened. Instead of asking what I wanted to do (I honestly really just wanted to sit on her sofa and tell her what had happened) she suggested that she take me to the ER. My gut instinct was a "Hell NO!". But then I remembered I had told her about being gaslighted about this very issue for over a year, I told her exactly what I'd do if subjected to any supposed MH " treatments" in an ER, and I made the mistake of trusting her; although I did tell her I was not willing to go for any MH treatment at all, I was ONLY willing to go for medical care.

I'd rather she have dropped me as a patient than subject me to what she did next.

I was not actively suicidal when I left my house that morning.

I was not actively suicidal when I arrived at her office that morning.

I was not actively suicidal when I walked into the ER with her that morning.

Since the moment I crossed the threshold into that mother-f'ing coffin room, I have been actively suicidial.

After more than a year of being gaslighted and otherwise completely failed by supposed MH " providers", I'm killing myself BECAUSE of the unasked for, unwanted, unneeded, pleaded not to be subjected to it, MH crisis " treatment" that I was subjected to when I sought -and could only benefit from- exclusively, unbiased medical care.

I'm not sure if any of them could have actually helped me anymore, but what they did to me proved -beyond doubt- that this is no longer a world that I'm willing to find ways of fitting into, this is now only a world that I need to get the hell out of!

That's what supposed MH "professionals" did to me -they broke me beyond repair and made me actively suicidal when I hadn't been.

All of which is to say, I'd rather be dropped as a patient than be subjected to what I was subjected to.

To be clear, this does not mean that dropping a patient, particularly without providing viable alternatives, is acceptable in any way.
I legit don't know what to say when I read shit like this. goddamn people fucking suck. yeah I guess she did me a favor according to a lot of you but damn society is a joke
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Apr 5, 2024
The truth is that no one gives a shit. They're paid to pretend to care of course, and after all they studied something for years of their short life so they have to spend it playing the expert at something, right?

But the fact is that none of them want to have a patient that CTB on their record. It would tarnish their career that they've worked so hard to maintain.

So yeah. As long as we all pretend a little bit then it's okay. Though once the actual truth comes out, It's a different story. And you realize that monkeys in fancy clothes with fancy titles are still only self-serving monkeys at the end of the day.
Dumb question but does having a client CTB really go on their professional record? Would a future employer (let's say at an entirely different clinic) be able to know that this happened?


Jun 11, 2024
Dumb question but does having a client CTB really go on their professional record? Would a future employer (let's say at an entirely different clinic) be able to know that this happened?
probably not you think therapist have a list of clients who committed suicide


Escaped Lunatic
Jun 4, 2023
Typically you can find out if a therapist is qualified and willing to take on people with suicidal thoughts. A lot will list it, others will respond to email or answer questions over the phone.
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Oct 7, 2024
Yeah my therapist of half a decade abandoned me after my SN attempt last year. Devastated me to my core.
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Jul 31, 2024
yea, twice. i'm coming to you because i need help and i don't know how to help myself. if you say you can't help, what am i meant to do? handed off to service to service. no one gives a fuck. shuffle paper. get paid. nod your head and say "that must be hard". go home. repeat.

i don't think the therapist meant it the way i interpreted it, but they said "some people do kill themselves..." i know. i know
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Darkness and Misery
Sep 22, 2024
I don't even know if I posted that this or not I mean I asked about therapy advice from y'all but the second my dumbass mentioned suicide they drop me like a bad habit.

Like this was yesterday and I'm still baffled. How the fuck do you expect me to trust anybody ever again? Fuck this society.
I've had doctors lie straight to my face and say they will be there for me and leave. It's almost like a game to them. Oh well, fuck em. Society is a bunch of masked liars and we all know it
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