

ghost space, ghosts pace
Feb 10, 2020
If you were an all-knowing, all powerful, omnipotent deity, what would your afterlife(s) look like? Who would you let in? On what conditions? You can totally create hell for the Bads if you want to...

Don't just limit yourself to a 'heaven' lookalike, you can do literally anything you want with the masses of souls departing the earth. Reduce, reuse, recycle with Reincarnation. Or have them navigate a labyrinth of educational puzzles and riddles to get out of purgatory.

Do you want to judge people by the life they lived? Or by their greatest hits? Their cruelest acts? All of the above? Should people get a free pass if they die as a decent person?

What are some things that can happen on earth that definitely won't be included in your afterlife? (NO mosquitoes) How will you keep people comfy and entertained?

Idk, I'm bored. I typically encourage people to be nonjudgmental, but it totally doesn't count in this scenario because we are pretending to be God or The Final Boss Fight, or whatever.
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Goodnight and always remember that’s life
Nov 5, 2019
The ability to travel to different realities or create new ones altogether and embed yourself within them. Should you ever find yourself bored you could combine your existence with the entire multiverse.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
A cozy pub with endless amounts of great beer and a pretty barmaid to flirt with. No hangover the following morning, a lie in, a huge breakfast, then an afternoon driving down country lanes to the next pub. And so on and so on...
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I am a german potato
Feb 19, 2020
I would give each soul its own universe. I would give omnipotence, omniscience and infinite awareness to everyone. Everything would be connected and yet everyone would have the freedom they need.
I wouldn't judge anyone. Whoever enters my universe deserves a complete fresh start. There would be no crime or sin or anything like that, because everyone would be an enlightened being. There would simply be no reason to judge anyone.
Of course I would simply delete this crappy universe, that we live in now.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I would give each soul its own universe. I would give omnipotence, omniscience and infinite awareness to everyone. Everything would be connected and yet everyone would have the freedom they need.
I wouldn't judge anyone. Whoever enters my universe deserves a complete fresh start. There would be no crime or sin or anything like that, because everyone would be an enlightened being. There would simply be no reason to judge anyone.
Of course I would simply delete this crappy universe, that we live in now.
Nice avatar :blarg:
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Dec 28, 2019
3CAD70D4 BF60 4F87 8460 137C8E5DC8D3

And I would be the cat.
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Lost in transition
Jan 25, 2019
I would like to fix my current life and be happy.
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Jun 30, 2019
Well if I was god for some reason, I would make afterlife optional while a being is in there forever. Then I would make it what the person wishes it to be.

For me personally, I would like to talk to god for a good hour or two. After that, combine inceptions limbo architecture wise, being another insane dictator, having friends who I would love to be friends with, people I look up to, endless amounts of fresh music, lazor gaming, eating all the food I want which is a lot without getting fat, be able to construct planets and explore them. There you go.
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Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
Something along the lines of Tolkiens Lord Of the Rings universe. Living in the Shire, beautiful far green countrysides and roaring mountains. See the plains of Rohan and the climbing tower of Minas Tirith.
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the box is empty

the box is empty

Sometimes the fall kills you. Sometimes you fly.
Mar 8, 2020

I like the ancient Egyptian afterlife. Anubis weighs your heart. If it's light enough you get to enter paradise. If it's too heavy your soul ceases to exist. Seems win/win to me.
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Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019

I like the ancient Egyptian afterlife. Anubis weighs your heart. If it's light enough you get to enter paradise. If it's too heavy your soul ceases to exist. Seems win/win to me.
That's so very interesting. I didn't know that's how the Egyptian afterlife works.
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Cat piss sammich??
Jan 10, 2020
Oh you guys are making this too easy :happy:

WTF Did I just watch?? For real though,thanks for bringing a smile to this old mug today..What a world I live in.
Nothingness,fade to black,hit the off switch.No thoughts,feelings,no conciousness.

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⸙𖦹killing the self as to protect it from harm𖦹⸙
Feb 6, 2020
I would seek making a world that has been fully overcome by nature, and each aspect of the space would be healing to some degree. Pleasure and entertainment could be easily sought out and created by the residents. Perhaps there's a small town full of nooks and cabins, swallowed by flowers and bright moss, maybe a tavern and a bakery. The entire setting would re-set now and then, to keep the inhabitants entertained and curious.
Those who did unspeakable acts in life could work to pay off the debt in this world, and had the opportunity of forgiveness. How ever, if they failed at redemption, they would be sent into a wading pool of water that felt like it was suffocating every cell in your body at once. While being crushed, they'd still be captivated to move by their nerves twisting, similar to RLS if you've ever had to deal with that. This would probably go on for an eternity lol.
There would be an excess of wildlife that never resembled anything in particular, but they seem reminiscent of deer, cats, and dogs. There would be all sorts of other animals as well, but they'd all be somewhat mythical!


Nov 4, 2019
My paradise is a softcore version of a dieselpunk dream. It's always night, all lighting is soft, and there's often jazz in the air. There's peace, friendliness, love, anti-materialism, anti-conformism, sophistication, and elegance, because gatekeepers equipped with gom jabbars and pain induction boxes prevent animals in human shape from entering. This dieselpunk realm is only a hub, though, from which people can venture into other realms, if they so wish. I'll spare you the details, though.
Actually, I feel like dying now. Maybe we go to our own visions of paradise when we die? So, is this insane kitch? Probably, Feel free to create your own paradise.
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Jun 8, 2019
6F9A38A6 D6FF 44F7 AD4F F280188FFE81
A secret garden where only my family, animals, and select certain people who know how to find the door can get into.
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ghost space, ghosts pace
Feb 10, 2020
That's so very interesting. I didn't know that's how the Egyptian afterlife works.

Yeah!!!! Just a bunch of people in a boat! I'm down with that.
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I'll put pennies on your eyes and it will go away.
Feb 3, 2020
A cozy pub with endless amounts of great beer and a pretty barmaid to flirt with. No hangover the following morning, a lie in, a huge breakfast, then an afternoon driving down country lanes to the next pub. And so on and so on...

Are you referring to the SS Lunge?
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Mar 2, 2019
I'd like to travel the universe. The whole universe, completely disregarding the laws of physics, just float around and visit all the galaxies, the planets... I'd have some companions with me. Better yet, we would have our own spaceship and we'd just fly around exploring everything... and no more pain and unhappiness. Ever
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Dec 7, 2019
Existence gets boring really fast when you're just given whatever you want.

My utopia, to start with, would basically be a version of the earth pre-industrialization, where:

- There's enough space and natural resources for everyone
- Illness doesn't exist
- People don't age past their prime
- There are no consequences that permanently limit you
- There's a way to do whatever you want to do
- No matter how challenging something is, you have enough time to work toward it
- There are actually problems that urgently need to be solved, and everyone has a role to play in solving them -- a role that they're good at and they enjoy
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ghost space, ghosts pace
Feb 10, 2020
Existence gets boring really fast when you're just given whatever you want.

My utopia, to start with, would basically be a version of the earth pre-industrialization, where:

- There's enough space and natural resources for everyone
- Illness doesn't exist
- People don't age past their prime
- There are no consequences that permanently limit you
- There's a way to do whatever you want to do
- No matter how challenging something is, you have enough time to work toward it
- There are actually problems that urgently need to be solved, and everyone has a role to play in solving them -- a role that they're good at and they enjoy
I love this so much
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Nov 23, 2019
I would like to be a god for one day to get a reality to my liking. Everyone in my reality wouldn't be able to touch each other without consent, they will have a invisible wall that protects them by default. All people will be gifted good looks, and a good body permanently, and there will be no individuals with deformities. It crushes my soul when someone is rejected based on their looks. We will never have to eat, or drink in my created reality. Rather than doing things for money, we do things out of love. Everyone is given a life without mental illnesses as well. We wouldn't age past 18, and our wisdom will keep growing. We can take away our invisible barrier by giving consent, and can bring back that wall if we reject all, or one person permission to touch us, and the barrier can act in a emergency by blocking anyone that could cause harm, or try to sexually harass you, it's pretty much protection for everyone like a survival instinct. No one would be perfect in my reality, but things would never get too ugly. We wouldn't see race in the picture, we would see each other as equals. All of us would strive to be open minded, kind, humble, and other good qualities as well. We would allow individuals the right to die in my reality. I have heard people dislike immorality, so I would like to cater to those type of people by allowing death in my created reality. You have to tap your belly button 30 times to get a prompt with a holographic screen that is translated in your native language, and is touch screen that says do you want to end your life?. If you press yes, you will get a another screen that says are you sure?, if you press yes the next question will be are you really sure, sure, sure?. The next question will be do you want a date, or time to die in?. If you press yes you will able to put the date, and time you want, and there is a countdown with a holographic red timer with the time you have left. You can close that out by tapping your belly button one time, and it comes back when you tap again, and the process of death is instant. If you want to cancel this, just yell I DON'T WANT TO DIE!, or just say it in a calmly manner if you don't like to yell, and this tip will be under the date, and time question. I would like to say this holographic screen appears like when you use a VR headset. We wouldn't use vehicles in my reality. We would teleport to our destination. Just simplying tapping one of our thumbs 3 times will bring a holographic screen that works like google maps, but not completely like it, and it will close the window if one taps 3 times. You will get a selection to any location that's nearby, and popular places, and a search box to type something specifically something like an address, or the name of the place. Just clicking teleport after tapping the holographic teleport button that will commence the teleport. I forgot to mention one important thing if you try to get through someone's barrier you will feel a cold breeze, and the barrier will feel soft like a pillow. I don't want innocent people being knockback, or hit their head on something hard that's invisible. If you accidentally fall from a very high location, or just a simple height that could break your bones, or kill you, then you will be teleported to safety to the closest safe coordinates. I don't know what happens when you don't want to be god anymore. Maybe I'll go to a forever sleep, or someone else would be picked to be god. I just hope they don't ruin the reality I built. I would feel rather lonely so I would rather sleep forever. The major question is can a created reality that was created by a god, and that god doesn't want to be conscious anymore, would that reality still exist?. Maybe I would have to stay god to keep that reality intact. Tbh I wouldn't mind being lonely to keep others happy. I would have to forge a computer, and a game console, and forge some instruments that I like, and comfort myself in my god realm. Also fire doesn't exist in my reality. Yaoya Oshichi is a victim of fire, and cruel people. We all know dying to fire is the worst way to die. Also we would never get too cold, or too hot. Lightning strikes would not exist in my reality. Too much of a inconvenience in my opinion. Being electrocuted is similar to being burnt by fire. If something that conducts electricity, and it falls in water while you are near water. You are teleported to somewhere safe. I'm still on the idea if I should allow insects to exist in my reality. I don't think I should, but if you think I should then tell me why. Also the teleport will not make you dizzy, or give any tummy aches. Your vision will go dark for a sec, and your vision will return. There will be text under that teleport holographic button that tells you that this will happen. I can't have people being scared when it's their first teleport. I got these ideas from futuristic things I've read, or watched. Also communicating with people, and looking at their view helped me implement these ideas. I hate it when people suffer. I could keep adding more to my reality. Animals would never starve, or be thirsty, or age, or get sick, or die either. They would have their own barriers as well, and that emergency measure with the barrier that humans have in my reality. For example if a stray cat approaches you, and goes to your wall, but can't get through. Just give it permission, and now you can pet that animal. Since animals like cats are not intelligent like humans, their sound, and body language gives permission for us to pet them. If we pet them, and their body language tells us they don't want to be petted anymore. Their barrier comes back. If we are inside their barrier, we are teleported somewhere nearby in a attosecond, and the barrier coming back takes a attosecond as well. Maybe you will end up outside your house thanks to your cat, or other animal XD. Almost all the popular inventions in this reality would make it to this reality.
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Everything Must Cease.
Sep 30, 2019
Absence of everything,no thought,no ideas,no consciousness,just non existence
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I'll put pennies on your eyes and it will go away.
Feb 3, 2020
Nah. Cecil in a dress isn't my idea of a pretty barmaid.:blarg:

And lol SS Lunge. :hihi:

Ok... you got a valid point about Cecil in a dress :pfff:
What an afterlife nightmare that could be!

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