

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Has anyone ever self-sabotage themselves in life such deliberately messing something up, whether it is something related to a career, a job, responsibilities, tasks in life? Basically when you deliberately ruin an opportunity because you simply don't wish to deal with life anymore? I had numerous times in life where I did just that because I was simply tired of life and didn't really look forward to living in the long term, so I pretty much just let things rot, deteriorate, and/or purposefully just ruin things for myself.

Before anyone jumps on me for being 'stupid' or 'unintelligent' allow me to explain. When I simply don't give a shit, I just don't give a shit. This means that consequences (whatever they may be) stemming from that particular incident, activity, or situation. I also had people "guilt trip and shame" (put me down verbally and emotionally) over my choices, but once again, the purpose isn't to try to "get back" at them per se, nor is it to elicit pity (I hate pity in fact, it's degrading and insulting-- not to be confused with empathy, which is different). I do this self-sabotage partly because of a 'cope' and also to show that I simply just 'don't give a shit' about what happens and to rebel. I don't care what they think about me because when I just want to CTB and what not, nothing really matters in the grand scheme of things. It also gives me a feeling of control (even if the consequences are negative) and calm knowing that I am rebelling against said system, it's empowering.

For example, I was reluctant to job searching and half-assed it for a period of time because I didn't like the way society and government didn't support CTB. I still despise the fact that CTB isn't really 'legal' and one can be locked up against one's will for simply talking about CTB ideation, let alone having a means and a plan. Having that part of me, I decided well fuck it, I don't want to wageslave to support a society and government in which not only doesn't hold my values, is anti-choice, anti freedom of choice in regards to CTB, therefore, I am not gonna go and apply for a job to support myself just end up paying taxes to support a system that not only do I fundamentally disagree with, but also persecutes me like me (those who have CTB ideation and wants to check out). I hate the fact that I have to hide my real intentions, put on a mask, secretly acquire my means to CTB, and then with all that done, when the time comes, I'm alone in the battle to overcome SI and succeed in said attempt. Ultimately, I did get a job, but I just do the bare minimal to keep it and get by. It may disappoint some people who know me IRL and expected more out of me, but fuck them, I'm not giving my 110% just to get screwed over later on.

Another example is when I acted out when I was frustrated about something. It was sometime in 2015, I had some issues with someone else (long story though) and whatever it was, I never really resolved it, so given how I am, I decided, well fuck it, nothing really matters much. Therefore, I just acted up and didn't care about what others thought of me, because fuck it, nothing really changes and people aren't going to suddenly change their minds because I 'acted' differently or become something they are expecting; they already have their pre-conceived notions and ideas about me already, so I asked myself, "Why waste all the effort to change something that I can't change?" So I decided fuck it with social life and stuff, it's hopeless and isn't going to change.

A third mini-example would be when I performed in front of an audience and I expected to do well enough to my liking, but something happened and I wasn't able to do what I wanted, basically my performance fell short of my expectations (mistakes and errors, poor playing, etc.) so then I decided, fuck it, if I was gonna have a 80% performance might as well have a 60% performance because it was already fucked. So in that instance, I went ahead and just went ham with the piece that I'm performing and simply just didn't give a shit.

Fourth mini-example is also when I was in grade school, back when there was an incentive for perfect behavior. If one never has any blackmarks or anything for misbehavior or any infractions, they get a reward (we will say Tier 3, which is the highest reward), but if they have at least one infraction, they may still get some reward, but just not as good as the first one. So in short, I had one minor infraction and automatically, I don't qualify for Tier 3, so then I decided "fuck it" if I can't get the best, might as well screw the rest (of the rewards). So I just misbehaved, did worse than I normally would, maybe it caught the attention of the teacher, but again I didn't give a shit about consequences because AFAIC (As far as I'm concerned), I only CARE about the top highest reward and because that is no longer attainable, I have no incentive to strive for the next best. Maybe that is stupid, but I don't care whether it hurts me in the long run or not, because once you decided everything else is shit (even consolation prizes) then nothing matters...

I have many more examples, but these are really just a few cases in which I have self-sabotaged myself. Have you ever self-sabotaged yourself in life? Feel free to explain or give examples of such, be it career-wise, personal, or anything.
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If you see me active on here...its gotten worse...
Nov 12, 2019
I have a tendency to self sabotage myself but usually when it comes to relationships. I really don't understand why I do it. I think its because deep down I feel I don't deserve happiness or relationships in general.

In high school I was in love with my great friend. She loved me back and long story short I ruined our entire relationship. I want to say on purpose because everytime I have a good relationship with someone I ruin it. I create unnecessary conflict and push them away.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
@UninformedLover Yes, I do inadvertently push others IRL away, sometimes not intentionally. I also hate overbearing, patronizing and condescending people IRL as they feel 'superior' to me in some way. Pushes me closer to wanting to CTB actually. Quite frankly, I also self-sabotage because I don't want to conform or support a system, society that I don't agree with or has treated me poorly. If I support them and conform, I'm implying that they are right, their actions (however inappropriate or wrong) are acceptable and appropriate, and my interests are swept under the rug.

Sure there are people who say, "but you're just hurting yourself!", "people aren't gonna give a shit", and similar guilt trip like statements. The thing is, I don't give a shit whether they give a shit or not. I'm doing this to cope and also since I don't wish to support a society or system which treats me poorly or enable the people who wronged me to continue to do what they do. If that means that I would end up destitute and poor, homeless, penniless, and what not, then it is ever more reason to CTB. I don't wish to live nor support a society that: doesn't support my interests, treats me poorly and gets away with it, forbids me from seeking grievances, instills false hope and lies to keep me going, and punishes me for being me. It sucks that in the real world most people cannot live without the amenities and what not, but given my quandary, it is looking more appealing to checking out while I still have some control than to descend into a desolate hopeless situation with nothing left (not even the means to reliably and peacefully CTB).
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Yes this has been my life. :'( train wreck lol!
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Little Homeless Girl
Feb 5, 2020
Oh I have DSS since before I even knew I was doing it. Ive always been the person who's first reaction to dislike something. So when in high school , any and all good advice meant nothing for me because I just didn't care. I knew in my heart of hearts that it would backfire but did not want to budge.
Another example is when I lost my first job in 2015 my grandma knew someone who could get me a job at Disney work at home. I fucked it up because I just finished a call center job and wasn't emotional prepared to get back into the saddle. That job break become four years. I know part of the reason why I never took anything serious like going to college or getting a proper job is because I don't want it. Where I live is low wage and not enough to live.
For I unconsciously sabotaged my life so that it will give me no other option than to kill myself because the trail left behind by my actions cannot be fixed overnight and that scares me.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
@Aeathelina I'm sorry to hear that. Even when I have the education, I just reached a point in my life where I questioned whether everything is worth it; facing the injustices in the world, the bullshit of the world, my Aspergers and social ineptness that fucked me in so many opportunities in life (and still to this day affects me), then of course a "fucked up society full of false hope, promises, blind optimism, toxic positivity, hypocrisy, and worst yet of all, one that doesn't respect true bodily autonomy where voluntary euthanasia and freedom of choice to die is NOT respected, but condemned, stigmatized, and even punished, persecuted by the state and society. I have many other personal reasons and causes for not wishing to live, but those are more than enough for me to want to check out.
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Sep 25, 2019
I found myself self sabotaging from time to time and a lot more often recently ,not being able to enjoy the moments I should.
It's like I'm constantly looking for a reason to justify myself , to justify my suicidal thoughts.
To have a reason for my misery even if I know deep down that's not the real one .. Because whenever I'm having a breakdown during a somewhat normal period .. it breaks me even more knowing I should probably be happy and pleased with my current situations.To be able to blame it on something else , on anything really but own myself .
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Apr 5, 2018
For example, I was reluctant to job searching and half-assed it for a period of time because I didn't like the way society and government didn't support CTB. I still despise the fact that CTB isn't really 'legal' and one can be locked up against one's will for simply talking about CTB ideation, let alone having a means and a plan. Having that part of me, I decided well fuck it, I don't want to wageslave to support a society and government in which not only doesn't hold my values, is anti-choice, anti freedom of choice in regards to CTB, therefore, I am not gonna go and apply for a job to support myself just end up paying taxes to support a system that not only do I fundamentally disagree with, but also persecutes me like me (those who have CTB ideation and wants to check out)

I have a similar attitude which is extended to nature. Its demands are way too high for the appointed reward. Like public school, it demands to fulfill the same objectives from people with different capabilities. Unlike in games like League of Legends or some online chess platforms, life doesn't seem to have a balanced matchmaking system, and the lower your rank (your capabilities), the more you'll get shit on by both nature and other players (who also serve the nature, we are like prisoners forced to fight each other in the arena by the order of the God-like emperor).


Apr 25, 2020
Yes I sabotage. Usually I can pull it back again after the damage but last time I met my match in sabotage. Sorry to be cryptic but that's it


I just wanna go to my husband already.
Jun 5, 2020

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