

Everything going wrong, nothing going right.
Jun 22, 2024
I usually would bother when it comes to matters/decisions like this but I decided to not include a backstory on my first (n prolly last) post on this website. However, I wanted some thoughts, advice n viewpoints on the method of jumping to CTB. I've been questioning the efficiency of this method and whether I won't feel nothing once I hit the ground. Best case scenario I become unconscious when falling. So far, I couldn't find nothing on the megathread on this topic. Its also been hard to find a good place to jump from (as there aren't many tall buildings from where I live) but I decided to jump from a 30 story apartment to straight concrete (which I think should be sufficient enough for no chance of survival). Wanted to know yall's opinion on the matter.

I'm not that well informed w stuff like this (basically a novice) so anything rlly helps. Also the country I live in has like close to no suicide cases in the past decade and is practically a safe haven (24 on the crime index and 76 on the safety index) so trying to CTB feels rlly difficult w the environment I live in (which is ironic on my end).

I rlly js want to end things as quickly as possible. There's legit no hope for me. Had therapists, counsellors, practically everything n nthn has helped. Again, your guys responses would mean the world to me (as well as any other quick n easy methods that r easily accessible/don't require much resources). Thanks.
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Jul 30, 2020
I usually would bother when it comes to matters/decisions like this but I decided to not include a backstory on my first (n prolly last) post on this website. However, I wanted some thoughts, advice n viewpoints on the method of jumping to CTB. I've been questioning the efficiency of this method and whether I won't feel nothing once I hit the ground. Best case scenario I become unconscious when falling. So far, I couldn't find nothing on the megathread on this topic. Its also been hard to find a good place to jump from (as there aren't many tall buildings from where I live) but I decided to jump from a 30 story apartment to straight concrete (which I think should be sufficient enough for no chance of survival). Wanted to know yall's opinion on the matter.

I'm not that well informed w stuff like this (basically a novice) so anything rlly helps. Also the country I live in has like close to no suicide cases in the past decade and is practically a safe haven (24 on the crime index and 76 on the safety index) so trying to CTB feels rlly difficult w the environment I live in (which is ironic on my end).

I rlly js want to end things as quickly as possible. There's legit no hope for me. Had therapists, counsellors, practically everything n nthn has helped. Again, your guys responses would mean the world to me (as well as any other quick n easy methods that r easily accessible/don't require much resources). Thanks.
If you jump from 30 storeys and land on concrete, your chance of survival is as near zero as makes no difference. You would die instantly, and probably wouldn't feel any pain; at most there might be a fraction of a second of pain.
However, you would need to make sure it is a straight fall. Hitting something on the way down could change things.
Falling time would be around 4 or 5 seconds, so you would have time to think while falling. You would not become unconscious while falling.
If you do use that method, please take care not to land on someone below, i.e. look before you jump to be certain no-one is below you. Landing on someone could injure them badly or even kill them. (It might break your own fall too, and you wouldn't want that either.)
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I use a translator
May 24, 2024
I fell from 24 meters and I was conscious, I didn't feel any pain.
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Everything going wrong, nothing going right.
Jun 22, 2024
If you jump from 30 storeys and land on concrete, your chance of survival is as near zero as makes no difference. You would die instantly, and probably wouldn't feel any pain; at most there might be a fraction of a second of pain.
However, you would need to make sure it is a straight fall. Hitting something on the way down could change things.
Falling time would be around 4 or 5 seconds, so you would have time to think while falling. You would not become unconscious while falling.
If you do use that method, please take care not to land on someone below, i.e. look before you jump to be certain no-one is below you. Landing on someone could injure them badly or even kill them. (It might break your own fall too, and you wouldn't want that either.)
Thanks, forgot to mention but I'd be doing it at a time where there's basically no human activity going on (prolly around 2 in the morning), I def don't wanna drag my own issue onto someone else.
I fell from 24 meters and I was conscious, I didn't feel any pain.
Must've been traumatizing though, I'm assuming you fell on pupose(?) and if so it must've been pretty unlucky for you, that's around like an 8 story building which usually only 25% survive (if they're unluckily lucky)
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I use a translator
May 24, 2024
Thanks, forgot to mention but I'd be doing it at a time where there's basically no human activity going on (prolly around 2 in the morning), I def don't wanna drag my own issue onto someone else.

Must've been traumatizing though, I'm assuming you fell on pupose(?) and if so it must've been pretty unlucky for you, that's around like an 8 story building which usually only 25% survive (if they're unluckily lucky)
I didn't fall, I jumped, it was my first attempt.
How ? Describe please
I think I've explained this in several threads... I went straight down, with nothing stopping me. I landed on my feet, broke all my bones from my feet to my tailbone and hip, 2 lumbar vertebrae crushed. I was conscious the whole time until they induced a coma. I felt no pain, just the heat of my blood soaking through my clothes. I lost my right leg. I counted as I fell, as I started at 3 I heard my bones break. I felt my body stretch as I fell.
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Dark Window

Dark Window

Forest Wanderer
Mar 12, 2024
Once you get to 150ft, your chances of survival are basically zero if you're landing on concrete. Only feasible chance of survival is you land on your feet.


Above an abyss - funeral worker
Sep 14, 2023
I didn't fall, I jumped, it was my first attempt.

I think I've explained this in several threads... I went straight down, with nothing stopping me. I landed on my feet, broke all my bones from my feet to my tailbone and hip, 2 lumbar vertebrae crushed. I was conscious the whole time until they induced a coma. I felt no pain, just the heat of my blood soaking through my clothes. I lost my right leg. I counted as I fell, as I started at 3 I heard my bones break. I felt my body stretch as I fell.
May I ask what made you decide to stay on this earth? Can't see your posts as I think it's restricted:(


Jun 6, 2023
I didn't fall, I jumped, it was my first attempt.

I think I've explained this in several threads... I went straight down, with nothing stopping me. I landed on my feet, broke all my bones from my feet to my tailbone and hip, 2 lumbar vertebrae crushed. I was conscious the whole time until they induced a coma. I felt no pain, just the heat of my blood soaking through my clothes. I lost my right leg. I counted as I fell, as I started at 3 I heard my bones break. I felt my body stretch as I fell.
When was this first attempt ? You are living without a leg? Are you planning to attempt again?
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I use a translator
May 24, 2024
May I ask what made you decide to stay on this earth? Can't see your posts as I think it's restricted:(
I couldn't walk until 1 year later, after that I was too busy studying and working, with the false promise that my life would get better, with lots of pills and being watched day and night, windows locked. I didn't stand a chance. Don't click on my nickname, put the cursor over it and it will show how many messages I have, click on the number of messages and you can see them.
When was this first attempt ? You are living without a leg? Are you planning to attempt again?
In September it will be 20 years since that happened, I was 16 years old. Yes, I live without a leg, I walk with crutches since then, I can't use a prosthesis. This Saturday I won't try, I will do it, I will manage to escape once and for all.
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Je ne suis pas tombé, j'ai sauté, c'était ma première tentative.

Je pense l'avoir expliqué dans plusieurs discussions... Je suis descendu tout droit, sans que rien ne m'arrête. J'ai atterri sur mes pieds, je me suis cassé tous les os des pieds jusqu'au coccyx et à la hanche, 2 vertèbres lombaires écrasées. J'étais conscient tout le temps jusqu'à ce qu'ils provoquent le coma. Je n'ai ressenti aucune douleur, juste la chaleur de mon sang qui imprégnait mes vêtements. J'ai perdu ma jambe droite. J'ai compté au fur et à mesure que je tombais, en commençant à 3 heures, j'ai entendu mes os se briser. J'ai senti mon corps s'étirer alors que je tombais.
Big thanks for information
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Everything going wrong, nothing going right.
Jun 22, 2024
Update: Just confirmed the location, gonna jump in a couple of hours.

To make sure SI doesn't come out of nowhere and makes me wanna back out, should I js get drunk or high? Or should I js get on opioids or acetaminophen to make me feel at ease?
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New Member
Apr 30, 2023
Update: Just confirmed the location, gonna jump in a couple of hours.

To make sure SI doesn't come out of nowhere and makes me wanna back out, should I js get drunk or high? Or should I js get on opioids or acetaminophen to make me feel at ease?
i saw an interesting point that there may be "hero" civilians that will see a drunk person stumbling around and try to get them help. i'd recommend bringing some liquor with you, and having a nice last drink (or several). tbh don't know if this would work but i cannot see a reason why not
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
i saw an interesting point that there may be "hero" civilians that will see a drunk person stumbling around and try to get them help. i'd recommend bringing some liquor with you, and having a nice last drink (or several). tbh don't know if this would work but i cannot see a reason why not
alcohol "protects" the organs a little during a fall. or even in a car accident, someone who is drunk has a little less damage it's because alcohol relaxes the body or something like that
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