

Binary Dreams.
Jun 6, 2023
Put your best arguments in support of it and against it. Counter your own thoughts. I'll go first...

1) Autonomy and Personal freedom.
We have our right to life and to decide what we wanna do with it. Sometimes it's just better to end the unbearable suffering.

Our rights remain to us till it only affects us. But CTB affects everyone who cares for you.

2) The beauty of life is that its not perfect. Suffering is a part of life and we all go through it, and we all have to learn to deal with it, that's a part of life .

The pain and suffering sometimes just crosses the limit of what someone could bear. Life is a pain and people around are just sh#tty a$$ people. Sometimes when all hope is lost and we cannot find a way out of the mess. When you know it will only gets worse from now on and you cannot bear it. Shouldn't a person has the right to do it?

Life is meaningless and nothing we do will ever remain. Our crimes, sins, all will be forgotten with the passage of time. Even our species will end. And with it will end these self created moral values.
All our contributions, all the suffering we will bring, will perish. Not even a sign that we existed will remain. So why worry about our action now? Just cause these temporary people will get hurt cause of our actions ? They too will end. And even after living. A natural death will also hurt the ones around them. So what's the point ? Natural or Self created. We will hurt them anyways. So why not just take a leap?
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Jun 13, 2023
Pro argument:
- My body my choice - unironically though. Who gives anyone the right to force me to stay if I don't want to
- Maybe I don't want to "tough it out"
- I wont care once I'm not here
- It will happen eventually

Counter argument:
- You should view life from the lens of someone who wants to add value to the "collective" not the individual lens of your actions should only matter to you
- Things can get better .... apparently
- Others lives will be affected and every memory of you will be forgotten except for your final actions + you might encourage others who wouldnt if not for your action
- So why rush it
- You find sadistic satisfaction in your own suffering and by allowing it to continue

very basic I know
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
- Personal autonomy- if our lives TRULY belong to us- we ought to have the right of bodily autonomy.
- Environmental- there are WAY too many humans on this planet already and the majority of us just add to the exploitation and pollution of it.
- Saving other resources eg. medical- rather than force us into pysche wards, fund welfare checks, police investigations after CTB- if people were allowed to go, those resources could better be spent on people who actually WANT help- as @TAW122 has argued in the past.

- Specifically with regards to legalising assisted suicide:
- Organ donation- if we were able to make use of designated clinics, we would be able to donate our organs to people who wanted to live.
- Better 'control' over impulsive attempts. If the process was regulated- and a waiting period was put in place- say- 6 months, SOME impulsive attempts may actually be aborted (assuming the person approached the clinic rather than did it themselves.)
- Better support for families- presumably, if it becomes legalised- it may slowly become less taboo. Families could- probably should become aware of the decision. They can be there to say goodbye at the end.
- Less traumatic methods for others- presumably- less need to expose others to traumatic scenes like the train method, jumping, discovering a body, having to clean up afterwards.
- No more money spent on having to investigate a 'suspicious' death with a police investigation/ autopsy etc.

- Suicide undoubtably causes great distress for those left behind. With the possibility of it leading to further suicides in the family.
- The person no longer contributes to the wider society. (Take a look at your government though! Are you HAPPY to be contributing to them?!! Do you really think they aren't corrupt?)

To be REALLY honest though- I wish parents decided to draw up such lists BEFORE they brought new lives into this world... Ultimately- we didn't choose to be here. It isn't my choice that I am being forced to make this choice! It's terribly unfair to burden a sentient being with life, expect it to behave a certain way and then berate and emotionally blackmail it if it doesn't.

It's obviously not the same but imagine taking on a job that turned out to be terrible. You know when you leave- it's going to put strain on your colleagues. Many people will try to ease that strain- stay on a little longer, do a thorough handover to whoever is taking over. Few would stay indefinitely though. And that's something we agreed to! Life really isn't.

To varying degrees- we were all born into slavery. Most of us have to earn a living, many doing jobs they hate and aren't paid enough for. ALL of us have bodies that will slowly deteriorate. Yet- we're not supposed to complain- because- why? 'That's just how it is'? 'Life's hard for everyone' type of thing? Yeah right- so- don't have children! If you know it's hard and unfair- why perpetuate the problem?!! But there's also this notion that life is compulsory- when it really isn't. It IS a choice. It's just not an easy one. Neither CTB or continuing to live is actually a choice many of us want to be in the position to have to make.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
There are no actual valid arguments against ctb, to say that suicide would be bad is something that of course would make little sense and is absurd. We are all going to die anyway and continuing to exist is just delaying the inevitable, we are only waiting around to die so to leave this world could never be "wrong".

And if people get upset by someone dying then that's just an inevitable consequence of procreation, birth is the true cause of all deaths after all. Suicide will always be perfectly logical in this world as it's the way to prevent all unnecessary suffering, existence holds unlimited potential for harm but there are no disadvantages to not existing. Whatever is burdening someone now will no longer be their concern once they are finally free from everything so I think it's inhumane to want to force someone to delay their inevitable fate, I could never see the point to existing here anyway. None of us are obligated to continue existing and it should be up to the individual when to leave.
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