

Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
As someone who's interested in the topic of narcissism and how narcissistic behaviours develop, I thought I'd share an video watched about a tragic incident that happened at a hotpot restaurant in the Sichuan Province of China. The incident involved an entitled couple and their spoiled child who was causing trouble at the restaurant.

Here's the link to the video:

Besides the main event, the video also covers various other examples of such parents (who usually come from wealthy backgrounds) enabling—even going as far as to defend—their childrens' behaviour, including, but not limited to, animal abuse.

The family had been regulars at the restaurant ever since it opened. On that fateful day the boy created a ruckus, and harassed patrons and inconveniencing staff. Neither his parents nor the restaurant management made any attempt to keep his misbehaviour in check, where staff were even told prior to avoid conflict with the family. And, whenever they were confronted about it, the boy's parents would defend his behaviour, arguing with patrons and staff alike. Then at one point, by sheer (bad) luck the boy just so happened to pick the wrong people, fugitives wanted for murder, to mess with...

Initially, this incident only made headlines locally, in the region it originated from. However, it was brought into the national spotlight only this year when a movie inspired by the events was released, bringing into light spoiled children and their misbehaviour, as well as parental indulgence and neglect.

What are your thoughts about this incident? Do you think that the family deserved their fate? Many Chinese netizens certainly think so, expressing their satisfaction with the outcome and applauding the criminals, expressing that they should have their sentences reduced.

What was not discussed in the video however, is an insidious illness lurking in every corner of our society, namely the unwanted and unwelcome socio-psychological effects of affluence on society. This growing phenomenon,
aptly termed "affluenza"—derived from the words "affluence" and "influenza"—is the root at which such a sense of entitlement is derived from. It is characterised by an inability to understand the consequences of one's actions due to financial privilege, hence leading to a disregard of one's moral responsibility towards fellow human beings.

Ever since market reforms led China to open her gates to foreign investment on 1978, China has become one of the fastest growing economies worldwide. Things which have been considered a luxury back then have become the default now, and as more and more people become wealthier, they are able to afford more lavish lifestyles. Throw in China's One-Child Policy into the mix, you get "Little Emperor Syndrome"—observed in the decades following it's implementation—where the one and only child from (typically upper-class) families are over-indulged and pampered by their parents and grandparents, leading to the development of self-centredness and entitled behaviours, as well as a lack of social skills and difficulty relating to others.
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Aug 1, 2024
I don't think anyone deserved to die here. The kid is merely a victim of his parents' lack of parenting skills, I wouldn't blame him for anything really. And when it comes to the parents, I don't believe the punishment fits the crime, even though I think there should be some consequences for them.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
I don't think anyone deserved to die here. The kid is merely a victim of his parents' lack of parenting skills, I wouldn't blame him for anything really. And when it comes to the parents, I don't believe the punishment fits the crime
That's a fair point, actually. Fate unfortunately has decided to deal a cruel blow in dishing out disproportionate retribution. Hopefully this incident will serve as a cautionary tale to would-be parents against not only over-indulging, but also to instill discipline in their children.

I think there should be some consequences for them.
Me too. Unfortunately "money-worship" and society's tendency to kowtow to the rich has given rise to enabling behaviours which have permeated all levels of society. As such, cetain individuals will always think they're above the law and can do as they please without fear of consequence.
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Aug 1, 2024
Me too. Unfortunately "money-worship" and society's tendency to kowtow to the rich has given rise to enabling behaviours which have permeated all levels of society. While this is especially prevalent in China for the aforementioned reasons, such trends can be observed elsewhere in the world as well and that is something that I am not hopeful will change anytime soon.

Money is one thing, but I also notice a lot of young parents (regardless of their material status) becoming very aggressive whenever someone points out them that their children are misbehaving. I guess the restaurant personnel wanted to avoid a scene.
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
Money is one thing, but I also notice a lot of young parents (regardless of their material status) becoming very aggressive whenever someone points out them that their children are misbehaving. I guess the restaurant personnel wanted to avoid a scene.
Karen memes aside, I feel sorry for those kids. I don't think children raised by parents who are of the mindset that their child can do no wrong will grow up to be responsible adults.

Yeah, sometimes when you are faced with highly obnoxious people like these you have no choice but to compromise...
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
Bumping this thread

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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
This is yet another example why more people should adopt an antinatalist philosophy. Let's be real here, most people aren't really ready to be parents and best case scenario we can "prepare" our children for the harsh realities of the real world, but in the end? It won't matter much. It's an evil world consumed by instant gratification and self worship at the cost of everything else.
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Oct 29, 2023
Many Chinese netizens certainly think so, expressing their satisfaction with the outcome and applauding the criminals, expressing that they should have their sentences reduced.
Soooo according to netizens, death now is a suitable punishment for parents being lazy and a kid taking advantage of that? Lazy parents suck for other people (and their child), but they're not deserving of death. And the kid was just being a kid. If death was the punishment for that kind of parenting, then just make everything annoying punishable by death, at that point.
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
This is yet another example why more people should adopt an antinatalist philosophy. Let's be real here, most people aren't really ready to be parents and best case scenario we can "prepare" our children for the harsh realities of the real world, but in the end? It won't matter much. It's an evil world consumed by instant gratification and self worship at the cost of everything else.
Exactly. As they say every child deserves parents, but not every parent deserves a child. With examples like the ones in the video, some if not many, parents certainly aren't up to the task of being good role models for their children.

Yeah, sometimes I ask myself what's the point of me being here. What's the meaning in life? Just to be another cog in the the wheel? Chasing delusions and condemning more innocent souls to inherit this shit-show? Life just seems to me like a Sisyphean nightmare of pushing the proverbial rock up the hill.


Soooo according to netizens, death now is a suitable punishment for parents being lazy and a kid taking advantage of that? Lazy parents suck for other people (and their child), but they're not deserving of death. And the kid was just being a kid. If death was the punishment for that kind of parenting, then just make everything annoying punishable by death, at that point.
Agreed. I mean, I get their frustration, but incidents like these are a symptom of a much larger problem, which needs to be addressed at its roots by society at large.
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Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

Adrenaline junkie
May 9, 2024
I've heard about this before. Sometimes shit like this legit makes me feel ashamed of being Chinese.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Little emperor syndrome
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
I've heard about this before. Sometimes shit like this legit makes me feel ashamed of being Chinese.
I'm Chinese as well (Southeast Asian diaspora). Yeah, our reputation hasn't been all that great in recent years. Doesn't matter which part of the world you're from, it's always that few rotten eggs that spoil the whole basket 😓
Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

Adrenaline junkie
May 9, 2024
I'm Chinese as well (Southeast Asian diaspora). Yeah, our reputation hasn't been all that great in recent years. Doesn't matter which part of the world you're from, it's always that few rotten eggs that spoil the whole basket 😓
I have 1 parent from an ethnic minority and 1 who is Han Chinese so my reputation is not good both in the western world and in China itself. In China there are ethnic minorities being persecuted. And also, a lot of people fetishize them for certain characteristics of their appearance.
  • Aww..
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
I think businesses should be systematically kick out and ban people like that. Zero tolerance policy. Killing them feels like going too far but they kind of reaped what they sowed at the same time.

I don't think affluence is the issue, de facto satanism (aka egoism and egotism) is what I think leads to such behaviour. People lacking morality and care for others because of social engineering is what I think the cause of this is.
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
I think businesses should be systematically kick out and ban people like that. Zero tolerance policy. Killing them feels like going too far but they kind of reaped what they sowed at the same time.

I don't think affluence is the issue, de facto satanism (aka egoism and egotism) is what I think leads to such behaviour. People lacking morality and care for others because of social engineering is what I think the cause of this is.
I absolutely agree. "Zero tolerance" should be the way to go. Such individuals ought to be blacklisted and barred from entering establishments. Those who make a public nuisance should face harsh punishments. While tragic, hopefully incidents like these would serve as a cautionary tale to deter would-be offenders.

Yes, in the end it all boils down to the narcisstic human Ego, and our preoccupation with placing our needs and desires above all else, in which the pursuit of wealth is merely a product of.

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