

Jul 29, 2021
for one thing to suffer is too much for me to bear if one has to die we should all die together
compassion in not wanting anyone to suffer or die but we all do
what i came to realize is i'll never have the kind of life i would want to live this place is just to shit for that
the human species is a fucking shithole
life in this place is not even close to being worth coming alive for
all life does is cause harm in one form or another
i wouldn't want to be enslaved in this awful shit
this is no kind of life or place i would ever want to be alive in
Is there anything in this world really worth dying for?
The short answer: Not really.
is there anything in this universe worth coming alive for

people don't care for people they only care about what they can get from you, They are there for what they get out of you
i wouldn't ever trust another human being with my happiness they will forsaken you they can't be trusted

i'm not happy with the way i was raised it's like my family just let me down my whole life never took me to the dentist

why i would never come alive here to have everything i ever worked for all taken away from me

you can make a machine enjoy doing anything even eating shit don't make it right

no one ever loved me or cared for me here why would i want to be here

life's a scam because it tricks you into believing it's better than it is

i couldn't look after myself start smoking and taking weed aged 12, in year 7 of school i dropped out played PlayStation and smoked weed everyday would by cheap cigarettes and sell them at school to earn money to buy weed i would only go to school in the morning and afternoon to sign in and left

when times were simpler and I had hope for the future.

there should just be nothing for all time since reality is hell

whatever created this universe should of never done it

nobody gives a shit for anyone here
human existence is a complete disaster

whatever created this universe shouldn't be allowed to it's immoral

life such shit quality everything breakdown or doesn't work properly

you can't even listen to music with headphones without succumbing to an injury
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Jul 29, 2021
life is awful shit in this shitty horrible place so much so i never choose to come alive here
nobody cares if they did they just destroy every living thing because life in this place is hell
life in all its current form is abomination
nobody cares until it happens to them
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Jul 29, 2021
i'm in bad shape physically and mentally got all kind of pain in my brain and body my heart keeps hurting me sporadically for around 6 months now both my ears are badly damaged due to prolonged headphone use got tinnitus in both ears i can here them click and creak throughout the day it feels like there is a vice around my brain squeezing it, anyway i'm unable to sleep for very long without weed and i've got none for 4 days i usually take it everyday to help me feel more comfortable and to relax i can't concentrate for very long i don't watch tv or movies very rarely i watch anything i mostly just listen to music all day every day because i can't concentrate
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Jul 29, 2021
after everything my family have put me through i couldn't care any less
lucky for me i am psychopath and don't care about life in this evil place
i just wish that there was nothing for all time instead of something especially because so much cruelty in the animal kingdom
i would never let some like life on this planet ever exist it just to cruel to let it exist
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Jul 29, 2021
i've got nothing left to live for just wish i could switch this machine off for all time but i've not got anything to switch the machine off with i hate how i am trapped here in this dire situation nobody will ever care for me, spent my whole life with shitty people maybe all humans are shitty to me maybe i just don't like the human species

to think humans are supposed to be a loving and caring people this couldn't be any further away from the truth
every species is abomination, if you really cared from someone no body would ever bring another thing alive here
in this hellhole
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Jul 29, 2021
only got 5 hours sleep feel like shit wish i could sleep for another 5 hours

i feel sick from stress i hate these shitty machines i've just wanted to die for the last 8 years everyday
not a day gone by in that time i haven't wanted to die

is this it is this all the universe does is torture people to death
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