Right? It's hella upsetting.
You're right but I could've driven to another one and did it but I couldn't. I was just exhausted reaching the first beach. I don't know. It got me rethinking things but I know I still want to CTB.
It didn't seem to be the right time.
You'd have to have attempted to fail . I guess you could say you aborted the attempt, but that doesn't equate to failing. You can't fail at something that you haven't tried.
It's a good thing that you didn't try with the police there, because actually failing would be awful. And It's understandable that you didn't go to another beach. You hadn't expected the police to be there.
I guess It's always easy to think of what you could have done in retrospect, but planning and going through with a suicide is hard enough when everything goes as expected. You can't be faulted for wanting to try another time, after that.
You are obviously serious about going through with it - you are committed enough to get to the place of death despite the mental barriers. So, it wasn't because you didn't do enough; it was because you got thrown off guard. And that's okay. I think that anyone would be thrown off guard in that situation.
It seems to be a good thing that you aborted mission. Because, it might not have gone well after seeing the police.
I know for one that if I saw people lingering around my place of death, I would probably be made too anxious to feel able to end things.
So, maybe try not to think of it as a failure, but an experience? Hopefully, your experience will help you feel more prepared to end things in future, knowing that you were able to get to the place of death.
Just think of it as a scoping out of your place of death :)
If you can get to the beach, I have faith that you can do it again, when there are no police around.