

(Dark) Magical Girl
Sep 19, 2024
Which CTB methods do you think are better to make it look like an accident? First i though about being rung over by a car, but i would involve an innocent stranger. That is the same problem i see with getting into a fight with th drugs addicts that live nearby. The other i can think of is drowning in the sea (i live very close to it), but i think the police might investigate my phone or something to discard anything strange. I ask this because i don't think my mother would be capable of keep living if she knew that i chose to die.
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New Member
Jun 7, 2024
Since you thought about getting run over by a car, you dont exclude gruesome method so one instance i can think of is doing something important at high elevation and then purposely falling down. Maybe they would think it's an accident. But it would be very painful, especially if you lived after the fall. I hope there are other better ideas.
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Sep 13, 2024
If you want, go batman parents way. Go to a place riddled with high crime rates, and go to a dark alley and hope a guy with a gun show up. Now fight, yes fight him, and get shot in the head. The crime scene will make it look like you fought for your life and nobody would be the wiser
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Apr 15, 2022
Only ways I can think of are drowning, or hiking in the mountains and falling off a high cliff. If you're a drug addict you have plausible deniability kinda built in whereby a suicide can always seem like an accidental OD. Get rid of everything incriminating if you're concerned about leaving traces of your intent.
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