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Jan 15, 2019
I've been working on my ctb plan for best part of a year, but couldn't commit to a date until a certain event clicked into place, which it has.

So, now my plan is to have a 'life vacation' or Bucket List for 5-6 months, visiting the places and people that are important to me and doing the things that are important to me. And then exit time.

I'm at the point of no return. I will be burning my boats financially (running down my savings for my Bucket List) and in all other ways. I need to be sure that what I've learned here about the nitrogen gas method IS going to work. I've got all the gear. I can't afford to wake up 10 hours later with a headache.

If I follow the nitrogen method will I be OK? Are there any reports on site of successes or failures?

I really need to be confident of a ctb outcome.

All comments appreciated.
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
I too, plan to use Nitrogen as my method, so I am particularly interest in failures.
While researching the Internet, (Googling), I found this:
A man attempted using this method, became unconscious, but regained consciousness a few hours later.
It describes the effects the failed attempt had on him.
The report relays that a CT scan, electroencephalography and MRI scans were done on him.
The end result:
"The patient's symptoms improved with supportive care and psychiatric management. He was discharged, without any documented neurological deficits, on hospital day fifteen."

So the bad news is: His attempt failed, but we do not know why.
The good news is: Even after several hours of unconsciousness, he was not brain damaged.

So the question arises, why did this fail?
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Dead beat dad

Dead beat dad

Mar 5, 2019
Good luck friend, I honestly wish you comfort and peace on your journey. I can't help you with your reliability in the method, but I hope you can find what you're looking for.
Peace brother
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Nov 1, 2018
I made several (six? I think?) attempts with nitrogen this past autumn and winter. Each time, all seemed to be going perfectly until survival instinct (SI) kicked in. The closest I got was with my vision greying out around the edges. Then it was as though someone else took over my body and --despite the me-who-wanted-to-die howling internally-- calmly removed the bag and set it aside and turned off the gas. I felt as helpless as a child being picked up and put back in his crib. It was the most infuriating, frustrating, demoralizing, and emotionally exhausting experience you could possibly imagine. Even being aware of what could happen (after the first time), even preparing myself mentally to beat it back, I couldn't find a way around it.

I am convinced that the exit bag/N2 method is 100% sound if done correctly --adequate gas of sufficient purity, good methods with good equipment, etc.-- but there is absolutely no way to predict whether you'll be stymied by SI.

No matter how badly you want to end, SI may foil your attempt. That's the wild card for any technique, even guns (I won't name names, for privacy, but if you search the forum you'll find at least one would-be shooter stymied by SI). Read through the forum and you'll see it again and again and again and again. And you cannot predict it, and you might never be able to get around it.

Keep that in mind while draining down your bank account and burning your bridges.
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Jan 15, 2019
I made several (six? I think?) attempts with nitrogen this past autumn and winter. Each time, all seemed to be going perfectly until survival instinct (SI) kicked in. The closest I got was with my vision greying out around the edges. Then it was as though someone else took over my body and --despite the me-who-wanted-to-die howling internally-- calmly removed the bag and set it aside and turned off the gas. I felt as helpless as a child being picked up and put back in his crib. It was the most infuriating, frustrating, demoralizing, and emotionally exhausting experience you could possibly imagine. Even being aware of what could happen (after the first time), even preparing myself mentally to beat it back, I couldn't find a way around it.

I am convinced that the exit bag/N2 method is 100% sound if done correctly --adequate gas of sufficient purity, good methods with good equipment, etc.-- but there is absolutely no way to predict whether you'll be stymied by SI.

No matter how badly you want to end, SI may foil your attempt. That's the wild card for any technique, even guns (I won't name names, for privacy, but if you search the forum you'll find at least one would-be shooter stymied by SI). Read through the forum and you'll see it again and again and again and again. And you cannot predict it, and you might never be able to get around it.

Keep that in mind while draining down your bank account and burning your bridges.

I appreciate your thoughts on the issue.

I honestly don't think that will be me, though. I'm taking the ctb route as an inevitable step based on my quality of life now and in recent few years. I don't want to do it, because despite my bad situation I think the world is an amazing school of life.

But I also have believed all my life in an afterlife and reincarnation, so I'm not at all afraid of the 'unknown' or death itself. In fact, because of my beliefs, whilst I'd prefer to be able to hang around, I'm quite looking forward to the final day and 'going back home' (as I see it), and I'm ready and eager to take another shot at it.

The ONLY thing that causes me great fear is doing the deed then waking up in a hospital. I have to make this the end.
I also plan to make strps to slip my hands into, so that I can't interfere unconsciously with my set up.
I made several (six? I think?) attempts with nitrogen this past autumn and winter. Each time, all seemed to be going perfectly until survival instinct (SI) kicked in. The closest I got was with my vision greying out around the edges. Then it was as though someone else took over my body and --despite the me-who-wanted-to-die howling internally-- calmly removed the bag and set it aside and turned off the gas. I felt as helpless as a child being picked up and put back in his crib. It was the most infuriating, frustrating, demoralizing, and emotionally exhausting experience you could possibly imagine. Even being aware of what could happen (after the first time), even preparing myself mentally to beat it back, I couldn't find a way around it.

I am convinced that the exit bag/N2 method is 100% sound if done correctly --adequate gas of sufficient purity, good methods with good equipment, etc.-- but there is absolutely no way to predict whether you'll be stymied by SI.

No matter how badly you want to end, SI may foil your attempt. That's the wild card for any technique, even guns (I won't name names, for privacy, but if you search the forum you'll find at least one would-be shooter stymied by SI). Read through the forum and you'll see it again and again and again and again. And you cannot predict it, and you might never be able to get around it.

Keep that in mind while draining down your bank account and burning your bridges.

I'd really appreciate it if you could explain more about the experience. For example, when you switched the gas on how long did it take before you felt a difference? Did you feel (pleasantly) light-headed/'floaty'? Did you take anything beforehand to relax you? I plan to have a few drinks and be 'relaxed'.
I too, plan to use Nitrogen as my method, so I am particularly interest in failures.
While researching the Internet, (Googling), I found this:
A man attempted using this method, became unconscious, but regained consciousness a few hours later.
It describes the effects the failed attempt had on him.
The report relays that a CT scan, electroencephalography and MRI scans were done on him.
The end result:
"The patient's symptoms improved with supportive care and psychiatric management. He was discharged, without any documented neurological deficits, on hospital day fifteen."

So the bad news is: His attempt failed, but we do not know why.
The good news is: Even after several hours of unconsciousness, he was not brain damaged.

So the question arises, why did this fail?

Interesting, but it doesn't say more than he put a plastic bag over his head and used nitrogen. It mentions a suiced site, but we can't know if that was SS. He's Korean, so might have been in a Korean web site. So, it might just be the case that he didn't have access to the comprehensive info on the nitrogen method that we have here.
By the way, any views on the idea of doing short test runs? I think (especially after reading the above doubts) I should try something like this, even if just to get the feel of the gear. The only thing I'm worried about is taking in nitrogen past a point of no return and turning a test into the cbt.
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
By the way, any views on the idea of doing short test runs? I think (especially after reading the above doubts) I should try something like this, even if just to get the feel of the gear. The only thing I'm worried about is taking in nitrogen past a point of no return and turning a test into the cbt.
I too, would like to run a pre-test, taking all the way to unconsciousness for maybe two minutes, then having a partner pull the bag off, and timing the process to unconsciousness. Familiarity with the process helps to ease the stress and SI when the final time comes. Also, there are different levels of unconsciousness, and I would like to know how deep the level is for this method.
@TiredHorse has a megathread:
[Method] Exit bag and inert gas megathread
He his provided answers to many of your questions you ask.
I suggest you read the entire thread if you plan to use this method.
It is a very good thread.
Also, use the search feature with the terms "exit bag" and you will find more info on this method, including successes / failutes.
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A hopeless hope junkie
Sep 17, 2018
I have done this method. Here's how it played out for me...note that I have multiple personalities and that's why it failed. One of us pulled up the bag enough to let in oxygen. I believe if they hadn't done so we would not be writing in this thread.

The one thing I had to get last minute was a wrench to tighten the regulators and such. Couldn't find mine and had to make a last minute trip to Home Depot. I also didn't like the oven bag I used...it was thin so I used 2 together...but it was super crinkly and loud when it was on my head (and didn't feel big enough) and I started breathing in and out. I didn't like it but I was attempting during a snow storm and did not feel like going out to look for something else. I have big lung capacity (I know this from spirometer testing over the years due to asthma) so I used 20 lpm.

The things I would do differently in the future should we all come to a consensus about this is...buy different bags to test for feel, noise, and fit. Use a bigger tank so I wouldn't stress about the lpm and timing. And trash, destroy or otherwise permanently get rid of my phone. Someone of us texted some folks in the middle of the night (people we knew didn't have the phone on at night) so we ended up in the ER that next day when they woke up and checked their phones. I had no plans to text...but the storm deterred me from throwing my phone in the reservoir nearby. Still i suppose I could have destroyed it at home. I just thought my will was stronger than that. Again, multiple personalities complicates matters. However, if someone hadn't pulled the bag up a little the rescuers would have been too late.

I remember it feeling peaceful and I felt my extremities tingling and then feeling like I couldn't move them. I was not panicked... the breathing seemed to feel normal. I did take two xanax beforehand.

Hope this helps.
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