
But what do I know
Mar 31, 2020
I will not be replying to comments on this post.

I feel lost. I'm a right-wing extremist for being more concerned about the economy than about the 80k dead senior citizens. I'm a left-wing extremist for being more concerned with the well being of the mother than I am with protecting the "sanctity of life" of the aborted fetus. Ha, ha. Not all life is created equal, and yes, some lives are worth less than others. Cold truth no one likes to admit.

I remember in my 12th grade English Lit class, our teacher broke us up into groups for an exercise. We were given a series of survival scenarios with different people and we could only save some of the people. My group had no problem with this drill. We all unanimously agreed on which would be the "smart" choice to let die, even if it seemed callous. Later, my teacher admitted to me he was surprised because he had strategically set up groups to promote as much conflict between groups as possible. I wonder how those kids are doing now. I wonder if, to them, it was just a drill that they wanted to get done with or if they, like me, truly think that way.

I can't help but keep reading about the COVID-19 news. I don't know why. It's addictive. Maybe I'm looking for hope. Maybe I'm looking for vindication. Either way, it paints a bleak picture. The left is so desperately trying to paint Trump an incompetent villain who botched the COVID-19 response. I read an article today that criticized him for "80k deaths and 33 million unemployed." Ha. Wasn't he the one trying to save our jobs? Ah, yes, anything Trump says is so utterly wrong just for coming out of his mouth. Oh, but the right is not much better. Too busy trying to reciprocate in the excrement flinging contest with the left that leaves millions of Americans high and dry, without support.

80k USA deaths so far, huh? What's 80k out of 330 million? .024%? Did a miss a few zeroes in there or something? This is why life grinds to a screeching halt? But this is more than died in Vietnam, yes? In 1975, at the end of the war, the population in the US was 219 million, and the world population was about 4 billion. More people = more death, simple math. But Vietnam was a 10 year event and corona a 3 month event, yes? But Vietnam was the deaths of thousands of young, healthy men with their whole lives ahead of them. Corona is not, with around 80% of the deaths being in those over 65 and with failing health. Ah, but here we come to one thing the right and left can agree on: death counts are inaccurate. The right says they're over reported. One who died of other causes but tested positive is reported as died from coronavirus. The left says they're under reported. Those who die in their homes are not counted. Will we ever know? Does it even matter anymore?

And now they predict 75k misery deaths here in the next decade. Up to a 50% increase in Australia, jeez. Only these deaths will be stacked against the young. 75k deaths in a decade, better than 80k in two, three months, right? Except some lives are worth more than others, and these lives will carry a greater cost for a longer time.

Alcohol sales up as much as 400%. Suicide and crises hotlines' call volume up as much as 800% in some places, 100-200% increases being more commonly reported from what I've seen. 14.7% unemployment. Grocery cost increase of 1.5% in some places, the highest since 1974. Food shortages. Food banks turning people away because they're out of food. People being unable to grow their own food because "gardening is non essential." Outstanding citizens arrested for playing in the park while following social distancing guidelines. Inmates released early to prevent prison overcrowding. People fined for keeping their businesses open. Pastors criminalized for holding service and patrons being fined for attending. Gun sales being banned in some states because guns deemed "non essential." The moral superiority of some people against others for exercising their freedom to speak, to assemble, to protest and demand recourse--shaming those who might perhaps dare question the government.

I jokingly asked my partner when this all started... "what if America becomes communist after all this and China becomes a free republic?" It was such a bizarre thought that I couldn't help but laugh. And yet... this is not what freedom sounds like.

I count myself lucky. Maybe I have an intuition, maybe it's just dumb luck. I left my cushy job a few months before corona hit. This job was in one of the industries majorly impacted by all this. I have no news on how they're doing, but I expect my positions would have been one of the first eliminated. I moved from where I lived alone to where I now live with my partner, who has been the only thing keeping me from disintegrating immediately. I took another job as a temp position before corona hit. This job would turn into an essential job when corona hit. And I saw the store torn apart. I saw empty shelves that both made me laugh at the frightened chickens running around with their heads cut off and made my insides go cold at the thought that here, in the land of plenty, there might not be enough. I thought it would pass as quickly as it hit. But then I saw restrictions increase and I had to leave before I too would be required to wear a mask and gloves. So now I'm home. My partner's job is secure and we live comfortably enough. I shouldn't complain.

But I remember. I was only a kid in the 2000s, but I remember being homeless. I remember moving between relatives homes for a few months at a time. I remember standing in line at the food bank well into my teens. The American dream was to rise above this, and this is what I'm seeing everywhere I look.

Today I saw a headline saying that "Americans create new economic threat with their savings." Haha, yes, let's blame the people for being financially cautious when half of anyone under age 50 has seen lost wages. Yes, let's blame the people for the government shutting down the economy and leaving everyone for dead.

On day one, I said this was a horrible mistake that would pave the way for crimes against the American people. My friends and partner humored me with a good "yeah, fuck the government" and went on their merry way. After a few weeks, it became clear this was bigger than any of us thought. Again, I raged against this, but this time I was met with helpless shrugs of indifference. Sure, it was wrong, but what could they do about it? What did it matter anyway, it's not like their lives were affected. I cut these people out of my life. After more time, I said I'd rather die than live in a world like this, and I was reassured that those with sway, those like Elon Musk, would pressure the government into stepping off. And now, I look at the economy and I wonder how long will this drag on? Will we be paying for this for the next year? Two? Five? Ten? At what point is the cost too great? My partner says it's going to work out. Because of this, we'll be in a great position to purchase a home and be all set for the next phase in our life. And I wonder what's the point? Is a king in a wasteland still a king?

All is lost already. The dream is dead. America is dead.

The only comfort I have now is watching it burn.
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Mar 9, 2020
When you said right wing extremist, I chuckled. You don't sound that extreme. Many people are questioning things right now. I tend to be somewhat Libertarian. I believe personal liberty as outlined in the Constitution is almost sacred. When rights are turned over, they are not coming back. Maybe I am older and wiser now, or maybe more cynical and realistic. The world has changed in ways that most do not fully comprehend yet. Edging toward tyranny as the goalposts regarding the pandemic change. I fear for a future where the idea of free thought, free speech, free association, and health freedom are non existent. You are right to feel like it's more than some virus. It's a virus of the mind, that's been planted on our soil long ago.
I bought into the fear narrative about the virus early on, but see how it's being used to usher in more control of the populous. We are being treated like children, farm animals, or slaves By unelected bureaucrats. The right left dichotomy is an illusion to keep us divided so we don't wake the fuck up.
More people will die from the reaction to the virus and societal collapse than ever could from the virus itself.
It sucks to know this. Thanks forbeing honest about your views.
Are you contemplating CTB ?
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ill / failure
Mar 20, 2020
If you really believe U.S. is heading towards communism, you really have no knowledge of the political forces at work in America. That is very obvious. Good luck being a king in a wasteland.
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Mar 9, 2020
More like a Fascistic plutocratic technocracy, but maybe not. ?


Good god, let's eat !
May 9, 2020
Fuck america
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I've been pondering the very same issue: will the lockdown measures and the economic damage they cause not ultimately be more harmful than the disease itself? Debt is accumulating at an alarming rate and those of us who are working will have to pick up the tab one way or the other. A shrinking economy with probably a very slow recovery (even after the virus is defeated there will still be major consequences like bankrupcies and lay-offs) with high unemployment and national debt (for many countries) that is through the roof...

On the other hand not quarantining would have likely overloaded the ER's and other health services and there probably would have been a lot more people infected and dying so the question is not so cut and dried.

On another note: writing that you won't reply to any message in a thread you yourself started is a tad passive-agressive. Obviously you don't have to reply but why communicate that? Might as well say 'I don't give a rat's ass about anyone's opinion' which raises the question why you'd start a thread in the first place. This forum is a place of communication after all.


Aug 27, 2018
Not all life is created equal, and yes, some lives are worth less than others. Cold truth no one likes to admit.
Totally agree with this, society just tries to sell us that almost 8 billion people are equal and can all do the same things some people are superior others are inferior the same in nature for other animals.
Fuck america
Fuck China for starting all this bullshit, my life sucked extremely before but now even more now because people are so freaked out, it pisses me off.
Deleted member 10475

Deleted member 10475

Sep 11, 2019
The left is so desperately trying to paint Trump an incompetent villain who botched the COVID-19 response.

That's because he did. People were dying, while him and his buddies were calling it a hoax.

Screw the government and the world leaders, I don't trust any side anymore. None of them really seem to have the best interest of the people at the end of the day.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
If you really believe U.S. is heading towards communism, you really have no knowledge of the political forces at work in America. That is very obvious. Good luck being a king in a wasteland.
Did u know we have been living under communism a long time now in the US? It was just hard to see it and a gradual process. The creation of the federal reserve was a major tenet of communism. So is gov schooling, the K-12 indoctrination centers. They had been slowly chipping away at our freedom and the free market for a long long time. Now they are about to implement the complete police state. I mean now u will be chipped, and surveilled, even more top down control of the slaves. Most people will die in this and they want to reduce the world population to 500 million.


May 6, 2020
This is definitely the last straw for me. It's only a matter of times now, I'm just sitting back and watching the damn thing crumble. Never had much faith in the system to begin with so I can't say I'm surprised.
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