I took about 50 pills over the course of 20 minutes, slowly you will faint and spend days sleeping.
There are several benzos on the market, and it depends on the concentration, because certain benzos would not allow me to have taken 10 pills and I would have already passed out.
You will faint, I mean in unconsciousness, or you will rather sleep deeply ? It's different, When you took 50 pills, you were next in inconsciouness or just sleeping ? Thank you. An yes, I know each benzo is different and each body too. But unconsciousness means coma when it's long, sleeping is very different.
Cela dépend de votre corps. Différentes personnes réagissent différemment aux médicaments. Je sais que l'un des effets secondaires de la prise de benzodiazépines est la nausée et les vomissements. Essayez peut-être de prendre une dose plus faible pour voir d'abord avant de faire une overdose Thz
Cela dépend de votre corps. Différentes personnes réagissent différemment aux médicaments. Je sais que l'un des effets secondaires de la prise de benzodiazépines est la nausée et les vomissements. Essayez peut-être de prendre une dose plus faible pour voir d'abord avant de faire une overdose ?
Thank you for your answer. Yes, I know that each body is different. I didn't imagine OD with benzos, just a big dose to sleep deeply during a long time. I know benzos OD is a very very bad idea causing damages, and it's not at all my idea. I wonder just about vomiting (into the lungs, it would be very bad) with a big dose to sleep during hours but not with OD and risk to have serious damages. I wonder where is the limit, enough to sleep deeply during many and many hours but not enough to make an OD (don't want that !). I already take benzos (for TAG) since many many years, so I suppose that my body has a rather high tolerance level with benzos.