Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Hi, the Coronavirus is the global problem right now and it affected almost everywhere. However, it showed us how completely superficial and dirty are many humans and this world. There are many points that can be seen very clearly.

1. Life can stop or end because of many possible scenarios: For example, if we have multiple wars and we got multiple strong viruses, all humans would disappear, why continue if it could end that way and they have no complete control over it, but if they continue life anyway, they won't be better and learn from mistakes, no, they'll be more shitty.

2- Humans utilize any kind of problems, incidents, disasters or anything for their interests. So if something happened, instead of solving the problem, they use it a tool to reach their goals in area like politics and economy for examples.

3- The whole politics is shit: Borders are shit and superficial , if you got infected in one country, other countries might not help and would let you suffer alone. Not to mention how countries hate each other so for them its a political tool. Also if it helps one candidate or party to gets more power while lying to people or prolonging the matter, why not? For them, coronavirus is one of the many tools for their political agendas. They just think everything in this world is political and keep fighting each other. This makes one think about the whole shitty politics and borders.

4- Religions and similar stuff are superficial: One virus can stop all the religious activities that the followers think its the most important and powerful thing in life.

5- Many humans are just opportunistic and would use anything for profit: Humans wants more resources, money no matter what the method and they would just consume no matter what the situation. This also becomes more prominent in corporations and group activities. So for example, coronavirus spread everywhere, lets sell masks for ridiculously high prices!

6- There is no actual value for life and for the world its just a number: Many has died because of the virus like many other reasons but people don't ask themselves why did that happen and whats the value of life if many are lost easily. Then they look at the statistics, "Oh, only one died", "This country is higher by 100". Also whats worse if someone in China for example died or got infected, its nothing, one out of a billion is insignificant to China and the world. But what about this person who is suffering, nobody would actually care and they would just look at them as the insignificant +1.

7- Humans as a whole won't help each other no matter what: What if a threat that is capable of ending everyone without exception, would humans throw everything and start helping each other? No, they'll stick to hating each other and making the end near. Many groups just want to get more power or resources no matter what happens and even if that means the end of the world.

8- Biology is actually horrific and probably the problems are endless: So you got one virus down, there are many others. No matter how much it develops, there are many biological dangers not to mention how the biological body has endless problems and needs. Which means the whole biological existence is actually suffering thats almost inevitable.

9- Superficiality of almost everything humans do: Politics, economics, daily life and many of what people think as reality and is based on bureaucracy which actually are nothing but illusions cannot withstand a natural phenomenon. Not living scientifically in a world that works with the laws of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics is superficial. While sticking to ancient method of living and unable to progress to a scientific way, humans would still get lots of problems and bureaucracy and their systems would be unable to withstand.

There are more points, but its clear how everything is shitty and humans don't realize or improve it. Its really bad if you are a good person and realize everything while living in a bad world with shitty humans and unexpectable dangers.
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Seawater and stardust
Dec 30, 2019
I remember, back when there was still a USSR and a Cold War, President Reagan said that if the earth was invaded by aliens from space, then the great powers would work together. The "common enemy" trick is more often used to bad effect, so it was a pleasant surprise to hear someone admit that humans have more in common than not.
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Jun 27, 2019
People prove who they really are when faced with suffering and problems. People are proving they are exactly who you think they are during this event...and as Maya Angelou once said "When people show you who they are, believe them the first time."

Rather than empathy and helping and comforting...I am seeing mostly mockery, selfish hoarding for reselling at a profit, denialism etc. Trump tweeting away how minor it is and how he is a victim of politics etc. Whistleblowers denied and attacked. Everyone for themselves...and us little folks who give a shit about life, others, decency, are just down here getting dripped on with the effects.

Life proves every day my misanthropy isn't depression or a warped view...its the result of decades of experience and open eyes. If this was all designed and created by some god etc..he/she is an absolutely cruel and incompetent idiot.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Agree with you and your points make a lot of sense. Human nature is inherently flawed (yes, what I said is actually very broad) and this is just one such example of some of the worst parts of humanity. This contributes a bit towards my misanthropy and nihilism towards the world as a whole.


Kindness is a weakness to be taken advantage by al
Oct 22, 2019
Unfortunately, it is the the worst of humanity people get the most exposure.. He who holds the pen, makes the rules wetherell true or not
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Aug 21, 2019
People prove who they really are when faced with suffering and problems.

Yes, absolutely. In times of crisis, watch civility unravel and the primate take over
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May 14, 2018
America is the perfect breeding grounds. If not for this, definitely for another virus in the future. How will we contain this in a Nation without universal health care, where most of us are in debt and millions of us don't have sick time. Let's not forget the idiots that are proud they never miss a day of work but they infect the entire workplace every year with the flu. Or the idiots that still go out socially when they are sick. Or those idiot's the bring their crouch goblins with gross watery coughs to the stores. Honestly, we are too stupid to stop something like this.
Let's say there was a magical cure, the US would never give it out for free.
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Mar 12, 2020
I am happy corona came around, I couldn't care less if I got infected myself. Although I wouldn't, in particular, enjoy giving it to my grandparents or people I care about. I believe most people who act outraged by this virus do so simply for their own personal reasons and not because they actually care about the victims. That is just how people are, most who say they care about the victims across the world in china are putting a front to appear socially good and caring.

Actually I hope it will spread so far that it possibly creates a post-modern world, where people wouldn´t base one another on their social media followers and general social status and the law not stopping you for anything. At least you won't have to work as a slave 24/7 for 40 years + 20 of school simply for a shitty retirement when you can't even properly move your body and have a lot of health issues.

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