
May 25, 2019
does anyone know if here is alot of cops or people who try to shut this down or try to find peoples real identities?


Sep 7, 2019
I thought so last week but that was my paranoia


Apr 7, 2019
Suicidal cops maybe. Else I doubt it. Interpol has better things to do.
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The Queen of Meme
Aug 11, 2019
Nah, I wouldn't worry. Just don't give personal information out if your concerned. Stay anonymous.
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Oct 11, 2019
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May 8, 2019
I doubt it, cops don't like paperwork they really wouldn't get involved in sites like this.


Jul 16, 2019
Nah. Why would they give a shit about some lazy losers who spend their days whining about how evil the world is and fantasizing about death :) They probably have better things to do and it's fine like that.
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I’m done here. Zero connections. Won’t miss it.
Jun 13, 2019
If there is nothing illegal on the site, they probably can't justify actively monitoring it in the budget. They would have to have somebody admit they are in immediate danger, see the post, track the user down, for a CHANCE at maybe helping. There are possible situations, where a few bad apples could say or do the wrong thing here, somebody dies, then their people seek legal action against the site because they need somewhere to place the blame.

For them to actually shut this place down, they would likely need a pile of these situations. Shutting down a site, especially one that is protected as this one, is no easy or quick task.

As far as a individual trying to shut the place down, I highly doubt they have the resources for it, but I'm no hacker so who knows. You would have to be pretty salty to take on that job yourself.

People trying to figure out your identity is largely your own responsibility to prevent. The site can only do so much to protect you if you've already given out your name, rough location, age, recent activities, etc. Stay 100% anonymous if you stress about it, and tracking you down will probably be more effort then it's worth.

Keep in mind though, I'm kind of talking out of my ass. I'm not a law expert nor a computer whiz so everything I just said could be completely wrong :pfff:
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Dec 7, 2018
Nah, I wouldn't worry. Just don't give personal information out if your concerned. Stay anonymous.

Very good advice indeed.
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Feb 24, 2019
Personally I feel it's safe to assume at least one has signed up. Just seems likely....
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I don't doubt that it's being monitored. Many countries have cyber crime units that actively monitor forums and chat rooms. In the US specifically the cyber crime units love to monitor groups of people and add them to watch lists.

Most of these cyber crime units tend to stick to subjects involving much more serious crimes and illegal activities. As the above user @Im2high4this mentioned they do somewhat have to justify their budgeting. So I doubt this site would be very high on their priority list. Again it's best to maintain anonymity and take some precautions as with anything internet related.
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Dec 23, 2019
Hey All,

From reading it looks like this site was created in 2018. And to the subject of the conversation- I came across it by searching the internet. I found out about the site in an article (below). I am sure it's being monitored now that its been showcased in an article. To what degree, I'm not sure. It also mentions its on the deep/dark web. Not sure what qualifies something for that lol maybe because what we discuss and that we are dark and twisted ;)

Which begs the next question. Does anyone know or can speak for themselves if any mental health professionals are either monitoring or a member? Either covertly monitoring for research or active amd providing insight or trying to help?

There is also this article. Not sure if they are talking about this site but could add some "heat" if it is.

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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
Hey All,

From reading it looks like this site was created in 2018. And to the subject of the conversation- I came across it by searching the internet. I found out about the site in an article (below). I am sure it's being monitored now that its been showcased in an article. To what degree, I'm not sure. It also mentions its on the deep/dark web. Not sure what qualifies something for that lol maybe because what we discuss and that we are dark and twisted ;)

Which begs the next question. Does anyone know or can speak for themselves if any mental health professionals are either monitoring or a member? Either covertly monitoring for research or active amd providing insight or trying to help?

There is also this article. Not sure if they are talking about this site but could add some "heat" if it is.

Yes, Shawn Shatto's death caused quite a brouhaha here, as Shawn left the site open on her phone when she died.

I assume the site is monitored/infiltrated by all kinds of groups, including anti-choicers, psychiatry students, law enforcement, giddy tourists, scammers and other things I haven't thought of yet. There's nothing I can do about it so ...
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I have never seen any indication of police activity on this forum. Why would they? It's their task to investigate crimes. Unless they suspect there is incitement to suicide here (which I have also never seen personally) or illegal substances or services are sold through this site there is no reason to investigate.

You'd think with organized crime involving actual crimes like drug trafficking, human trafficking etcetera police services would have better things to do than watch us.

That being said the advice given above is sound: never give out any personal information. That and follow the rules of the site, you'll be fine.
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Apr 22, 2019
Yes, Shawn Shatto's death caused quite a brouhaha here, as Shawn left the site open on her phone when she died.

I assume the site is monitored/infiltrated by all kinds of groups, including anti-choicers, psychiatry students, law enforcement, giddy tourists, scammers and other things I haven't thought of yet. There's nothing I can do about it so ...
I just read about her and I don't agree with the media at all... I feel this site helps me to live in a way its a place where I feel welcome.... No way does this site temp people to ctb, most of us like myself found this site when in a emotional state and have found a community that helps mentally... That's just my opinion..

I agree with your statement....
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Dec 23, 2019
Right. I thought about starting a thread about ths site being monitored but came across this. I dont think there is concern for cops on this site. If anything itd be on a larger scale to shut it down- FBI, etc. If anything they could look to start an investigation to the persons supplying N but who knows...
I just read about her and I don't agree with the media at all... I feel this site helps me to live in a way its a place where I feel welcome.... No way does this site temp people to ctb, most of us like myself found this site when in a emotional state and have found a community that helps mentally... That's just my opinion..

I agree with your statement....
I'm sure it was hyped up to get the attention. We live in an age where everyone wants accountability for someones actions. Regardless if it's the ultimate decision of the individual. We look to blame someone else because of it.
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Jan 12, 2019
There certainly will be law enforcement looking at this website, not just over the Shawn Shatto case but there have been other cases and instances that hae flagged the community to law enforcement as well, such as the two people who met in the partners thread this year and CTB in Scotland UK.

Here's the thing, what the community is doing here isn't illegal, nobody needs to be overly paranoid. It's not illegal in most western countries to take or attempt to take ones own life, heck I was sat in my doctors surgery just the other week and told him I had SN and was in a constant battle everyday not to take the substance. Nobody has followed up with me since. If you're of sound mind, and by that I mean having capacity to understand the gravity of your actions, then you can do what you want.

I'm diagnosed with unstable personality disorder, yet my GP knows that I understand the gravity behind taking my own life and ultimately he knows that even if the SN was taken from me and I was locked up in a mental home, there'd be nothing stopping me taking my own life as soon as I am released. They can't keep you locked up forever you see.

That all being said, I still think this whole topic and issue is a grey area and is controversial. Law enforcement will be checking to see if the line is crossed at any point. Despite this site, in theory, not breaking any laws, it will still be frowned upon mostly. Most people are not capable to understand that each and every person should have the right to exit this world whenever they should want. Because it's so frowned upon and socially unacceptable, law enforcement will be looking and waiting for anyone on this site to even slightly step across that thin line and attempt to have the site censored or taken down.

I think within the next year or so we'll see major search engines potentially filter this website out and that will be driven purely on public opinion. There is always a threat and risk though that they find something one day that crosses that line and makes the site(s) admin(s)/mod(s) legally liable for something that took place on the site.

It's very sad and difficult times that we're living in now. I feel that you need a certain level of intelligence, enlightenment and compassion to understand that everyone should have the right to end their own suffering, whether physical or mental. Sadly, we're just not in that time of enlightenment yet,hopefully future generations will get their but right now sites like this and the members on it are true pioneers and revolutionaries.

Of course, it goes without saying that I am deeply saddened by each and every person that chooses to CTB here, I am sad that life leads people to the point where they feel they have no other way out, that being said, I can respect each persons right to do that. Everyone is the captain of their own body and soul and nobody should be able to tell another person that they must go on suffering or living when they don't want to, no one asked to be born so we should have the right to end our lives when we see fit.
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BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
The rules are worded in a way for our safety and for us to know what we should and shouldn't say to abide by laws. Do I think law enforcement know about this site? For sure, but they have no real grounds to shut it down. Also, pretty much everyone here is very careful how much of their identity they reveal, I imagine a lot maybe use a VPN even, so tracking people down in real life wouldn't be all that easy and wouldn't be worth the time and money for the law enforcement.
Unless something drastic happens like someone actually gets coerced for example into suicide by another member, I can't see much happening. That being said, my mobile phone provider in the UK, Vodafone, doesn't allow me to access this site on 4G, I can only get here on WiFi.
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Jun 1, 2019
There certainly will be law enforcement looking at this website

Proof, evidence of said LE? The only thing that has affected members of this site has been raids in 3 countries thus far in 2019 concerning N. And even then, LE just confiscated the substance. No charges for anyone for just owning N. As far as we are aware, no one has been arrested, questioned or detained for being a member here.


Jan 12, 2019
Proof, evidence of said LE? The only thing that has affected members of this site has been raids in 3 countries thus far in 2019 concerning N. And even then, LE just confiscated the substance. No charges for anyone for just owning N. As far as we are aware, no one has been arrested, questioned or detained for being a member here.

The whole incident that happened with Bumblebee and JordT earlier this year, the papers made it pretty clear that the police had been looking at the site, Bumblebee's account had been left logged in and was active the day after their suicide.

I mean you'd have to have your head buried pretty far in the sand to believe that the police weren't looking at the site and things that had been posted by people who had taken their own life on here.

I NEVER said there was guarantee or I'm 110% right but if I were to place a bet on it, then the odds are in favour that they are and will be looking at content closely.

Even in the Shawn Shatto case, are you telling me law enforcement didn't have a look at this website at all and paid zero interest? I mean c'mon man, that is VERY unlikely. As I said, they'll likely be looking but right now and for the most part, the website and the content on here isn't actually doing anything illegal.

Look at the Michelle Carter case though, granted, that's nothing to do with this community and can also be argued that she did actually do/commit wrong, my point is though, law enforcement do take things like this seriously, they will be looking at this and other sites like it, they aren't totally clueless and in the dark. Pressure will be being put on them from all angles by the families who are angry and misguided, for the most part I can guarantee they'll consider sites like this in 'bad taste' and will be waiting for the slightest legal slip-up to happen.

Do I think law enforcement are on here every second of everyday? No.
Do I think they'll be focusing significant resources on watching the place? Probably not.
Do I think any individual member is being watched or is at risk? Most likely not.

I don't think it's some huge conspiracy we should be paranoid about but to think that they're totally disinterested and not really bothered is extremely naive and (dare I say it) foolish. I know this because in January of 2019 I was a part of a high profile case in the UK where my name was headline news, I was prosecuted by the state and attorney general of the UK in a high profile case. I was foolish to think that people didn't care about what someone over the internet was doing/saying and was proven wrong.

At no point in my post did I say anybody has been arrested, raided or imprisoned, nor did I suggest that, that was likely to happen to any individual. I think I made that pretty clear in my post overall.

What I was saying is that the site as a whole (I referenced the admin(s) and mod(s) mainly) are at potential risk of facing legal action in the future should they ever slip up and step over the fine line, as I said, this topic is VERY controversial and there is a fine line of what is considered legal and illegal in stuff like this and since society is MOSTLY not on our side, there will be resounding pressure for law enforcement to keep an eye on the situation and prosecute if a legal line is ever crossed.

By law enforcement I don't just mean your standard 9-5 police officer, I mean the attorney general, prosecutors, legal officials etc etc.
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Jun 1, 2019
One word: Assumptions.
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Dec 23, 2019
The rules are worded in a way for our safety and for us to know what we should and shouldn't say to abide by laws. Do I think law enforcement know about this site? For sure, but they have no real grounds to shut it down. Also, pretty much everyone here is very careful how much of their identity they reveal, I imagine a lot maybe use a VPN even, so tracking people down in real life wouldn't be all that easy and wouldn't be worth the time and money for the law enforcement.
Unless something drastic happens like someone actually gets coerced for example into suicide by another member, I can't see much happening. That being said, my mobile phone provider in the UK, Vodafone, doesn't allow me to access this site on 4G, I can only get here on WiFi.
Now that you bring it up ive thought about it too- using a VPN or mirror server and how many might be using them. I'm not, which at some point I wonder if there is no real point. Unless I am supplying something that would put me on the radar.


Apr 22, 2019
Why is this thread suddenly making me a little paranoid :pfff:
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Dec 22, 2019
I've always like the phrase "plausible deniability". who knows if a person's location is right. Who knows if anything is right, no clue. People could just be seeking information for a book. I just assume names here are totally made up just for this site.

So if there are cops. Who cares not doing anything wrong
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Dec 4, 2019
Does it really matter one way or the other ??

There's nothing illegal being done here.
No one is selling illegal drugs, or even telling people where to buy them.
There are no gore videos or photos.
No one is ever urged or persuaded in any way to choose to ctb.
No one is offering assisted suicide.

Not an illegal site.
Nothing to be paranoid of.
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Aug 14, 2022
One word: Assumptions.
These are no assumptions this is common sense you have to be a dumbass to actually think that law enforcement and government agencies aren't studying this website.
Especially these days.

You're the kind of person that I would not do illegal things with because your ass would get us caught up..
If there's one thing I've learned it's to follow your intuition. This is completely off topic but I remember being a teenager when we were smoking weed and selling it. They sent an undercover cop in. It's undercover cop having to become one of our good friends. It's undercover cop ate with us, slept next to us, got high with us, hustled with us, did everything with us. My buddy always did trust him but I always got a weird feeling about him. Come to find out he only got close with us so that he could get close with the plug and find out where all of his packages were coming from. We never did get in any trouble but the plug in his and their plugs all got slammed. Growing up in New Orleans that isn't the first time I've been surrounded by stuff like that. I know and undercover cop when I see you one. I always knew something was up with that guy man I just never had enough proof other than just trusting my intuition. I trust my intuition above all logic and other people. I do not care what you present to me. Anytime that I decided not to listen to my gut feeling I've always regretted it every single time. I don't know why I'm going on and babbling right now but law enforcement of government agencies are definitely keeping an eye out on this website and if you don't think that they are you need to pull your head out of the sand because you're one of those gullible people who can't see the obvious.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
These are no assumptions this is common sense you have to be a dumbass to actually think that law enforcement and government agencies aren't studying this website.
Especially these days.

You're the kind of person that I would not do illegal things with because your ass would get us caught up..
If there's one thing I've learned it's to follow your intuition. This is completely off topic but I remember being a teenager when we were smoking weed and selling it. They sent an undercover cop in. It's undercover cop having to become one of our good friends. It's undercover cop ate with us, slept next to us, got high with us, hustled with us, did everything with us. My buddy always did trust him but I always got a weird feeling about him. Come to find out he only got close with us so that he could get close with the plug and find out where all of his packages were coming from. We never did get in any trouble but the plug in his and their plugs all got slammed. Growing up in New Orleans that isn't the first time I've been surrounded by stuff like that. I know and undercover cop when I see you one. I always knew something was up with that guy man I just never had enough proof other than just trusting my intuition. I trust my intuition above all logic and other people. I do not care what you present to me. Anytime that I decided not to listen to my gut feeling I've always regretted it every single time. I don't know why I'm going on and babbling right now but law enforcement of government agencies are definitely keeping an eye out on this website and if you don't think that they are you need to pull your head out of the sand because you're one of those gullible people who can't see the obvious.
Keep in mind that you are responding to a comment from almost three years ago, I say this because the current context is not what it was then. Even so, I agree with what you say, but keep in mind that maybe the other user already has a different opinion on this topic.


Tingues en compte que estàs responent a un comentari de fa gairebé tres anys, ho dic perquè el contexte actual no és el de llavors. Tot i així estic d'acord en el que dius, però tingues present que potser l'altre usuari ja te un parer diferent sobre aquest tema.
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