
Jun 2, 2024
I recently tried this 2 times, once with a chimney, and once with grill and it seems I may have been doing it wrong on why I failed.

My garage at my apartment is detached, but may have places that are seeping through even with taping the corners of the garage down and any places I see light coming through/air flow.

Now I'm going to disable my co and fire alarm detectors in my apartment and do this in my bed room.

From my understanding I can buy any charcoal at Home Depot or Lowe's, with a chimney or grill, let it burn out side till it's done, then once it starts smoldering bring it inside, close door, I tape door shut make sure no air gets out, then I have ambien benzo and maybe some fireball Wiskie 😂my favorite and drink and go to sleep, but not enough to throw up. I also read I could take some tums or advil to help with stomach ache and headache as I breath in co.

I also plan on taping my ac vent, doing this before it gets above 110 degrees here in Texas 😂🤣. But this is my idea how. I'm thinking my garage is just to old.

I was debating between lump charcoal and brusque and everyone says 1 kilogram. Well how many bags of charcoal is 1 kilogram.

Thx for help!


Apr 15, 2022
From my understanding I can buy any charcoal at Home Depot or Lowe's, with a chimney or grill, let it burn out side till it's done, then once it starts smoldering bring it inside,
Not sure what you mean by this: "Let it burn outside till it's done"? The charcoal should be burning red hot, glowing, producing no smoke, or nearly no smoke. Any charcoal? Potentially yes. But, the best is 100% carbon, lump style, no additives.

Trying to ctb in a room is vastly more difficult than in a smaller space, like a tent.

The "formula" for calculating the minimum amount of charcoal is .135 kg/m^3. This amount does not take into account leakages in the enclosure or room. So, a room that measures "x" length, "y" width, and "z" height has a "volume" measurement of "x" times "y" times "z". That's the m^3 measurement. If that number is multiplied by the .135 kg/m^3 amount, the m^3's cancel out and you're left with an amount of charcoal in kg. Of course all of these metrics can be converted to Imperial units easily by using online converters.

Ideally, it is beneficial to know the actual amount of CO level in an enclosure or space, and that takes a CO analyzer. They can be cost prohibitive to many, though, as they run about $300 US.

Coals need to be started outside and then brought into the enclosure or space. Then more time needs to pass to allow the CO to build-up to a high enough level before entering the enclosure or room. Ideally, achieving a CO level of 10000 ppm or more (this is where the analyzer comes in handy) is what one wants to shoot for. A level that high should produce unconsciousness within a few breaths and death within minutes.

.135 kg/m³ = .00843 lb/ft³
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Jun 2, 2024
So, would I do this outside, I have a balcony, could do it late at night, wait for coals to burn for a bit, bring it into a closet then that is extremely small, sit down and wait
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Apr 15, 2022
So, would I do this outside, I have a balcony, could do it late at night, wait for coals to burn for a bit, bring it into a closet then that is extremely small, sit down and wait
I guess you could. I mean how long are you going to let the glowing, red-burning, hot coals sit in the closet before you open the door and get in? You're going to lose CO, too, by opening the door. This is why an analyzer is so beneficial - so you KNOW exactly what the CO level is. The idea of CO poisoning is to render oneself unconscious quickly so you don't have to "feel" all the nasty effects from the CO. Lower levels of CO take longer to make someone unconscious. A higher level, 10000 ppm, or more, does that quickly and lessens suffering.

How big is the closet? You should make warning signs, too, and post them prominently, so that anyone who finds you doesn't, also, succumb to the CO.
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Jun 2, 2024
what I might do, is I have a small outdoor closet attached to my balcony for storage, no vents, no nothing, that way it be outside, won't harm anyone else. Leave it outside burning for a few min mins, set it inside the enclosed place, wait a few hours, then go in and go to sleep? Maybe take an ambien, benzo some wiskie and after it's been lit for a few hours.


Apr 15, 2022
Waiting hours will be too long. The coals will be ashes and the CO will have dissipated. 20, 25 minutes.
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Jun 2, 2024
I already sat in my garage once for 2 hours and, failed with chimney starter, then again failed with a full grill burning. I didn't know I didn't have to not sit in there and wait. Got up to 125 degrees in my garage. Only cause I have thermostat in there. But I think there are to many seeping holes to do it properly. Never considered leaving it in there for a few hours then just waiting. I'm headed to Lowes to buy grill and charcoal and try this again in a closet.
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Apr 15, 2022
Just said few hours is WAY too long. For a space the size of a garage, you would need a lot of charcoal. Small spaces are better.
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Apr 10, 2024
Multiple grills are a possibility. The portables ones are pretty cheap.
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I knew I forgot to do something when I was 15...
Mar 26, 2024
what I might do, is I have a small outdoor closet attached to my balcony for storage, no vents, no nothing, that way it be outside, won't harm anyone else. Leave it outside burning for a few min mins, set it inside the enclosed place, wait a few hours, then go in and go to sleep? Maybe take an ambien, benzo some wiskie and after it's been lit for a few hours.
If you are going to do this in a space attached to where other people live PLEASE make sure the coals are contained. You do not want to knock over the coals while unconscious and set your apartment building on fire.
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Jun 2, 2024
Hmm, should I buy two chimney starters? And two bags of charcoal and then set them inside outdoor closet? I have to clean stuff out first full of junk. 😂🤣. Never considered using it before.
So do portable girlls not work and just stick with with the chimney starter, and then light it, let it burn, then use glove or something set it in closet,
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Here's a guide:

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Jun 2, 2024
Just bought 100 percent all natural bbq lump, no additives from Home Depot for 10.99 and chimney stater that holds at least full bags worth or almost full bag, 25.97 one, and fire starter balls to set under neath, this time leaving it outside to let smoke clear. I feel so stupid 😂 first time and second time I thought smoke was the co 😂. I'm going to do it later tonight though, at 3pm to many people are active and will notice. Right now though going to clear my outside storage closet that is connected to my balcony and then around midnight or so when people are asleep, I will light the charcoal, let true smoke dispate for a bit, then move it into closet wait a bit, then go in and sit. Got a lawn chair to sit into to. Only 45.67 not to bad. My finances won't matter if it truly works! I tried 4 times last month and failed. This will be my 5th attempt
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
You should plan your attempt thoroughly, failing can lead to permanent brain damage, especially with this method.
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Dec 5, 2023
I'm very interested in this method as I can easily get the equipment and it seems peaceful. My big worry is having convulsions, knocking the charcoal over, setting the tent on fire and surviving with 3rd degree burns + brain damage. Is this irrational fears, or a real possibility?


Jun 2, 2024
Well another question. I have a sprinkler head above me. Can I just tape over it with monster tape and that be enough? I'm not sure if it is co or water only


Apr 15, 2022
Well another question. I have a sprinkler head above me. Can I just tape over it with monster tape and that be enough? I'm not sure if it is co or water only
What? Sprinkler head in this so-called "shed"? You're asking if the sprinkler head has "co" in it? What???????? What kind of sprinkler head - the kind that goes off automatically when enough heat is detected? If that kind, this will not work. It will go off and extinguish the fire/coals.
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