Type of tired no amount of sleep can fix
- Feb 19, 2025
- 77
ok guys so everything is set up got my hotel booked for this weekend received my SN yesterday looks like i ordered at the perfect time because now DMC is down almost makes me feel like the higher powers are agreeing with what im doing , I probably would have CTB even earlier but i want to make sure i do everything right in the protocols to make it as simple as possible another thing that is good luck is im literally off from work friday saturday Sunday that never happens so once again feel like the universe is telling me something
I'm not nervous at all i had attempts in the past but they were trying to overdose on drugs so of course it never worked i have relief knowing this time would most likely be different , i know i made a post about recording my CTB to show community how SN reacts in body but giving it some thought idk if i would want my family to see it and also knowing that it wouldn't just be here for the people on SASU would make it on those other degenerate sites so i'm not sure anymore have a few days to think about it…even if i don't make video i will try my hardest to post updates here how im feeling if possible can't make any promises causes i will literally be catching the bus and don't know what i will be going through
My life has had its ups and downs but for the past couple years feels like it has only been down, you know what's crazy when we think in our minds we can literally imagine anything in the world no limits there but somehow i still can't even imagine a future i would like…pretty disappointing
SASU has been a great place for me i met so many great people and even though i love to be isolated i text some of you guys everyday and love how we check on each other even though it was a short time i enjoyed every second of being in this community but enough rambling my next post will be my protocol let me know what you guys think
I'm not nervous at all i had attempts in the past but they were trying to overdose on drugs so of course it never worked i have relief knowing this time would most likely be different , i know i made a post about recording my CTB to show community how SN reacts in body but giving it some thought idk if i would want my family to see it and also knowing that it wouldn't just be here for the people on SASU would make it on those other degenerate sites so i'm not sure anymore have a few days to think about it…even if i don't make video i will try my hardest to post updates here how im feeling if possible can't make any promises causes i will literally be catching the bus and don't know what i will be going through
My life has had its ups and downs but for the past couple years feels like it has only been down, you know what's crazy when we think in our minds we can literally imagine anything in the world no limits there but somehow i still can't even imagine a future i would like…pretty disappointing
SASU has been a great place for me i met so many great people and even though i love to be isolated i text some of you guys everyday and love how we check on each other even though it was a short time i enjoyed every second of being in this community but enough rambling my next post will be my protocol let me know what you guys think