

Oct 31, 2020
I've just been thinking about what went wrong in my life and why I was so unhappy even before getting ill. One of the main reasons I always come across is growing up in a big city.
The human mind cannot process seeing so many people on a day to day basis. Hence I started becoming more and more apathetic and stopped seeing even my closest neighbour as a human being. He was nothing more than an inconveniance to me because I was trapped in my own mind and saw human interaction as mundane.
That aside cities have become ugly, grey and lifeless just like the people that live there. I believe the elites constructed ugly buildings on purpose in order to crush the human spirit.
And dont even get me started on the constant noise...
Anyways, what are your thoughts on this? Do you think living in a city contributed to you being miserable or to ur mental illness?
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Mar 22, 2020
It certainly is!
I've started hating most humans since living in a big city and realized people just don't care about other people.
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Oct 31, 2020
Yes but its only natural for them to become like this. I cannot hate them for it
I used to be the same. When I saw a homless and/or alcoholic person I felt nothing but disgust. Only a short moment of empathy maybe
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Jun 25, 2020
I also hate city life. I wish I was born in a beautiful rural area and become a farmer with no or little knowledge about the outside world.
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Currently Spiraling
Sep 26, 2020
I moved to a big city for two years and I agree with everything you said it sucks. Also just being around alot of people breeds alot of elitism.
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Oct 31, 2020
>I wish I was born in a beautiful rural area
Same. Many of the city folk actually look down on rural people. They have the audacity to call them dumb because they dont have a fancy degree yet they lead much happier lives
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the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
I grew up in a big city as well, though my house is on the suburbs i used to go to downtown on a daily basis to study, and I spent my whole days in there. As you said, it crushes our spirits.

The high never ending buildings, standing like soldiers around us, in their grey disgusting color. The filthy on the streets, the huge crowds that would step on you if it meant they'd get whenever they are heading a second earlier, the noise, the traffic...

Might be a bit extreme, but to me, big cities embody truthfully the essence of modern society, it's the epitome of despair and selfishness.

I was always draw to homeless people. The empathy i feel towards them knows no bounds or prejudice and therefore as much as possible I was constantly around them, trying to talk, understand a little bit what it was to be like them, and if i could provide help, even if my reach was insanely insignificant. I could never forget what one of them told me, that the worst part is not being there on the streets, it's not the hunger, the filthy, the cold, but being look at as if you weren't human, as if you weren't there. Concret piles and trash cans receive more attention then them, even they are seen as part of the city, while they are not even recognize like that. While trash may be seen as an inconvenience, they are temporary, and outlined by pass byers. Homeless people, on the other hand are not, they merge with the structure, and are deemed as mere objects that have always been and will always be there. They are not outlined, but completely disregarded. A sidewalk with a homeless human is immediately processed as interrupted, not as a causality you can contour, but as an obstruction you must avoid at all costs, even if it means walking on the streets where cars are coming and going.

No one cares for them. No one sees them. They are invisible, as good as dead, maybe, even as if they were never alive to begin with.

I hate big city's. Nowadays I can't bare hanging around there. It makes me nauseous.

Not sure I described what i wanted correctly. Sorry.
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Oct 31, 2020
Also just being around alot of people breeds alot of elitism.
My thoughts exactly. Many upper middle class shitlibs worship the Elite like a religious cult and blame poor people for their poverty
Might be a bit extreme, but to me, big cities embody truthfully the essence of modern society, it's the epitome of despair and selfishness.
Exactly. Either you adapt to this lifestyle or you get eaten alive by this ugly beast. The only moral thing to do is to not feed this beast any further.
Very good post. I see you are from brazil, I cant even imagine living in a city over there.
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Jul 22, 2020
What angers me no one does anything or helps homeless people. The other day, I had a coffee across the road from where homeless people go, literally thousands of people walked past and did absolutely nothing. I guess they don't know the person so they don't care?
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the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
I cant even imagine living in a city over there.
oh, i will sum it up. imagine hell, right? but everyone is somehow happy, and ok with it ('oh the flames are a little bit too hot, but at least we won't catch a cold') and they are partying! that's what brazil feels like.

there are beautiful places tho, but you can only see them if you are rich enough to afford crazly expensive prices.
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Oct 31, 2020
What angers me no one does anything or helps homeless people
We outsource our will to change things to polititians and expect them to do something about it. Ofc they wont do shit

The elites sit in their skyscrapers like sauron in his dark tower. They poison the minds of humans and turn them into obediant orcs who will do their labour for them and fight their wars.
Noone dares to anger the watchful eye...(sorry if cringe, I like making lotr analogies)
oh, i will sum it up. imagine hell, right? but everyone is somehow happy, and ok with it ('oh the flames are a little bit too hot, but at least we won't catch a cold') and they are
Very well said. I always thought brazil is beyond repair unfortunately
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Apr 2, 2020
I grew up in a big city as well, though my house is on the suburbs i used to go to downtown on a daily basis to study, and I spent my whole days in there. As you said, it crushes our spirits.

The high never ending buildings, standing like soldiers around us, in their grey disgusting color. The filthy on the streets, the huge crowds that would step on you if it meant they'd get whenever they are heading a second earlier, the noise, the traffic...

Might be a bit extreme, but to me, big cities embody truthfully the essence of modern society, it's the epitome of despair and selfishness.

I was always draw to homeless people. The empathy i feel towards them knows no bounds or prejudice and therefore as much as possible I was constantly around them, trying to talk, understand a little bit what it was to be like them, and if i could provide help, even if my reach was insanely insignificant. I could never forget what one of them told me, that the worst part is not being there on the streets, it's not the hunger, the filthy, the cold, but being look at as if you weren't human, as if you weren't there. Concret piles and trash cans receive more attention then them, even they are seen as part of the city, while they are not even recognize like that. While trash may be seen as an inconvenience, they are temporary, and outlined by pass byers. Homeless people, on the other hand are not, they merge with the structure, and are deemed as mere objects that have always been and will always be there. They are not outlined, but completely disregarded. A sidewalk with a homeless human is immediately processed as interrupted, not as a causality you can contour, but as an obstruction you must avoid at all costs, even if it means walking on the streets where cars are coming and going.

No one cares for them. No one sees them. They are invisible, as good as dead, maybe, even as if they were never alive to begin with.

I hate big city's. Nowadays I can't bare hanging around there. It makes me nauseous.

Not sure I described what i wanted correctly. Sorry.
I really like your writing.
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Sep 5, 2020
I would do anything to live in a big city. I hate small town life. It's boring and secluded.
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Apr 2, 2020
What angers me no one does anything or helps homeless people. The other day, I had a coffee across the road from where homeless people go, literally thousands of people walked past and did absolutely nothing. I guess they don't know the person so they don't care?
Not to burst your bubble, but what are they supposed to do?

When I moved to a bigger city for school years ago, at first I would give money to homeless people and beggars, but after a while I became desensitized because of the sheer amount of people I would run into in the course of a day. You cannot help everybody.
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Oct 4, 2020
I like certain aspects of big cities, especially the possibility of being part of a more underground culture. However, living in large urban centers also poses many problems. You are living at the height of postmodern society: individualism, competitiveness, loneliness, etc. If you feel left out, you will certainly feel unhappy.
In small towns, everyone knows each other. In big cities, you don't even know who your neighbor is.
We outsource our will to change things to polititians and expect them to do something about it. Ofc they wont do shit

The elites sit in their skyscrapers like sauron in his dark tower. They poison the minds of humans and turn them into obediant orcs who will do their labour for them and fight their wars.
Noone dares to anger the watchful eye...(sorry if cringe, I like making lotr analogies)

Very well said. I always thought brazil is beyond repair unfortunately

The ruling class in Brazil is perhaps one of the most parasitic in the world. We are the world champions in inequality.
What angers me no one does anything or helps homeless people. The other day, I had a coffee across the road from where homeless people go, literally thousands of people walked past and did absolutely nothing. I guess they don't know the person so they don't care?
We trivialize the existence of the homeless, as well as poverty, misery and inequality. These problems are normalized in everyday life.
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All washed up

All washed up

Oct 31, 2020
Not saying city life is easy but poverty and suicide are generally far higher in rural rather than urban areas and that applies to both rich and poorer countries.
Rural life is probably great if you have the money to enjoy it
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First Time?
Sep 22, 2020
Beings do not consent to be born. Most if not everyone has been trapped and duped. We should have every right to end it how and when we want.
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Oct 31, 2020
I like certain aspects of big cities, especially the possibility of being part of a more underground culture.
Its always good when young people funnel their suffering into creativity. But nowadays most just watch porn and escape into some alternate reality.
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death: the cure for life
Dec 9, 2019
The place i live in was once very quite and calm. But during the las couple of years super markets have opened here and it slowly turns into a city. All the noise, be it people or traffic noises contribute so much to me being suicidal. I absolutely hate it..
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Oct 31, 2020
The place i live in was once very quite and calm. But during the las couple of years super markets have opened here and it slowly turns into a city. All the noise, be it people or traffic noises contribute so much to me being suicidal. I absolutely hate it..
Same where I live. Everything just gets swallowed by the city. And with it you can feel how how the people are changed by it, as I described above.

I wish I could die in a forest with no artificial noise
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Oct 20, 2020
Yes but its only natural for them to become like this. I cannot hate them for it
I used to be the same. When I saw a homless and/or alcoholic person I felt nothing but disgust. Only a short moment of empathy maybe
How come?


Oct 31, 2020
How come?
Sorry, What do you mean exactly?
Not saying city life is easy but poverty and suicide are generally far higher in rural rather than urban areas and that applies to both rich and poorer countries.
Rural life is probably great if you have the money to enjoy it
Good point. Its hard to find work in many rural areas. I'm sure thats one main contributor to suicide.
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Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
I grew up in a big city as well, though my house is on the suburbs i used to go to downtown on a daily basis to study, and I spent my whole days in there. As you said, it crushes our spirits.

The high never ending buildings, standing like soldiers around us, in their grey disgusting color. The filthy on the streets, the huge crowds that would step on you if it meant they'd get whenever they are heading a second earlier, the noise, the traffic...

Might be a bit extreme, but to me, big cities embody truthfully the essence of modern society, it's the epitome of despair and selfishness.

I was always draw to homeless people. The empathy i feel towards them knows no bounds or prejudice and therefore as much as possible I was constantly around them, trying to talk, understand a little bit what it was to be like them, and if i could provide help, even if my reach was insanely insignificant. I could never forget what one of them told me, that the worst part is not being there on the streets, it's not the hunger, the filthy, the cold, but being look at as if you weren't human, as if you weren't there. Concret piles and trash cans receive more attention then them, even they are seen as part of the city, while they are not even recognize like that. While trash may be seen as an inconvenience, they are temporary, and outlined by pass byers. Homeless people, on the other hand are not, they merge with the structure, and are deemed as mere objects that have always been and will always be there. They are not outlined, but completely disregarded. A sidewalk with a homeless human is immediately processed as interrupted, not as a causality you can contour, but as an obstruction you must avoid at all costs, even if it means walking on the streets where cars are coming and going.

No one cares for them. No one sees them. They are invisible, as good as dead, maybe, even as if they were never alive to begin with.

I hate big city's. Nowadays I can't bare hanging around there. It makes me nauseous.

Not sure I described what i wanted correctly. Sorry.
Is this what you are meaning

I really like your writing.
Yes he should consider writing a book or short stories, essays etc.
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the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
Is this what you are meaning
yes, that's exactly what I meant.

thanks for the compliment guys.

homelessness here was always common, but things have been considerably worse this last few years, since many social programs and shelters were deactivated. it's an old incident, but i supposed you probably didn't heard about it, at Rio de Janeiro in '93 took place an event known here as the "massacre of Candelária" where 8 kids/teenagers were shoot to death by cops simply because they were sleeping above vents that blown hot air, many others were injure. In São Paulo, every year, countless homeless people die exposed to extreme temperature drops, and believe it or not, agents of the law frequently confiscate their few possession, or throw cold water at them, so they can wake up and leave. Counteless were brutally assassinated by civilians, burnt or beaten to death. I don't know how your countries area, but here in Brazil the poor are treated as worse than scum.

I know that this is not the intention of the forum or the thread. But this angers me so much i couldnt help but express myself.
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Little Homeless Girl
Feb 5, 2020
I live in an area where getting anything done requires a vehicle and a hour drive. I fucking hate it because I'm trapped like a animal with no way to go where I want.Being homeless would be easier if I had a car
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Jul 15, 2020
Yeah but without being in the city it's hard to do "well" or be successful-at least in my country. The whole country except the main city is like a village. It really depends on the city because here where I live (the main city) I can find places that are calm and quiet and feel rural/village/country side. I do hate people tho, and maybe if I wasn't meeting this many people everyday since I was a child I would like human interaction more. I have depression and anxiety which are the "city life" illnesses or whatever it's nicknamed. So there's some truth in that
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