

Jun 19, 2018
I used to have no doubt that I was doing God's will, and that I was going to heaven, it was such a good feeling.

I read the bible, cover to cover, and now I'm mixed up about what I beleive.

Anyone on here a christian who has read the bible from cover to cover?

If so, do you think you will go to heaven or what is your thought on all of this?
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Jun 7, 2018
The bible says most of the people wouldn't go to heaven because of their sins. And most of the sins jesus was talking about r much less important then suicide.
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Apr 22, 2018
I used to have no doubt that I was doing God's will, and that I was going to heaven, it was such a good feeling.

I read the bible, cover to cover, and now I'm mixed up about what I beleive.

Anyone on here a christian who has read the bible from cover to cover?

If so, do you think you will go to heaven or what is your thought on all of this?
I use to be a christian. I read the bible cover to cover. I read the new testament numerous times. I was a real believer, but as time went by I grew doubts. And eventually I had to let go of Christianity all together. But I couldn't become an atheist so I grew out of it by turning to univeralism instead. Univeralism is the belief that all religions have some truth. It's the belief that the Truth with a capital T is hard to discern. Because if it was easy to discern then everyone would believe it. Because everyone can't see the Truth as self evident. And because the truth isn't self evident many times then we have to cultivate truth, we have to learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff as the bible says. Science does this but also regular people. But the core things that helped me grow out of Christianity was studying NDEs near death experiences. Which is when someone dies and goes to the afterlife but then is brought back to life with modern medicine. Also studying astral projection helped a lot. Astral projection is done by people that have learned to leave their body at night and go into the afterlife. This can be done spontaneously or through techniques. Also meditation helped a lot too in understanding the spiritual. And even reincarnation helped me understand karma. You really have to learn to separate the wheat from the chaff when studying these things, which can take time but you can do it.

Here this might be a good introduction for you to rethink your spiritual ideas.

Expert Investigates 10-Year-Old's 'Reincarnation' Claims

Check out the book Proof of Heaven | Book by Eben Alexander

Also the book by Howard Storm My decent into death

Do I think I am going to heaven? Well I am very confident based off of my complex understanding of NDEs and astral projection that I won't be going to hell that is for sure, but I might have to reincarnate. And I will probably end up working my way up the dimensions in the afterlife.

I understand a lot about hell too. And it's not what you think it is. If you want I can show you people that understand hell and have been there through astral projection. Astral projectors seem to know more about hell than even people that have near death experiences. Because with near death experiences they only visit the afterlife maybe once. But people that astral project have been to the afterlife quite a lot.

One very important thing to remember is that there is no central authority when it comes to the afterlife which is why we get very diverse groups of thinking about the afterlife. And all of them have at least some truth to them. Essentially we create our own reality here and especially in the afterlife. If you have any questions please let me know.

Good luck.
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Jul 9, 2018
My take on it: the romans made up jesus to userp and make fun of the god of the jews. Christianity is still controlled by rome, one of the popes changed the holy day from saturday to sunday all churches followed suit, all Christian churches that have adopted sunday are part of the roman church. The god the jews worship "YHWH" is merely an anagram and is not his name.
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Aug 23, 2018
I use to be a christian. I read the bible cover to cover. I read the new testament numerous times. I was a real believer, but as time went by I grew doubts. And eventually I had to let go of Christianity all together. But I couldn't become an atheist so I grew out of it by turning to univeralism instead. Univeralism is the belief that all religions have some truth. It's the belief that the Truth with a capital T is hard to discern. Because if it was easy to discern then everyone would believe it. Because everyone can't see the Truth as self evident. And because the truth isn't self evident many times then we have to cultivate truth, we have to learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff as the bible says. Science does this but also regular people. But the core things that helped me grow out of Christianity was studying NDEs near death experiences. Which is when someone dies and goes to the afterlife but then is brought back to life with modern medicine. Also studying astral projection helped a lot. Astral projection is done by people that have learned to leave their body at night and go into the afterlife. This can be done spontaneously or through techniques. Also meditation helped a lot too in understanding the spiritual. And even reincarnation helped me understand karma. You really have to learn to separate the wheat from the chaff when studying these things, which can take time but you can do it.

Here this might be a good introduction for you to rethink your spiritual ideas.

Expert Investigates 10-Year-Old's 'Reincarnation' Claims

Check out the book Proof of Heaven | Book by Eben Alexander

Also the book by Howard Storm My decent into death

Do I think I am going to heaven? Well I am very confident based off of my complex understanding of NDEs and astral projection that I won't be going to hell that is for sure, but I might have to reincarnate. And I will probably end up working my way up the dimensions in the afterlife.

I understand a lot about hell too. And it's not what you think it is. If you want I can show you people that understand hell and have been there through astral projection. Astral projectors seem to know more about hell than even people that have near death experiences. Because with near death experiences they only visit the afterlife maybe once. But people that astral project have been to the afterlife quite a lot.

One very important thing to remember is that there is no central authority when it comes to the afterlife which is why we get very diverse groups of thinking about the afterlife. And all of them have at least some truth to them. Essentially we create our own reality here and especially in the afterlife. If you have any questions please let me know.

Good luck.

Astral projection? Can you share some links regarding that?
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Apr 22, 2018
Please note that astral projection is not lucid dreaming. It's similar but has distinct differences. Also note that people that go into the astral have what I like to call layers. So they can astral project to for instance the real time zone and see their body on the bed but furniture will be moved around like from another time. Or you might see a family member in your astral projection but usually that person is just a reflection of your subconscious and isn't really your family member. In fact with astral projection many times there is no way to know for sure if the person your seeing is real or just a part of your subconscious. But that doesn't matter as you should treat them all the same anyway. So when we say you create your own reality in the afterlife you really quite literally do, obviously given that it follows certain rules and laws governing the dimension/realm that you are in. There are people that can astral project into what is called the real time zone. The real time zone is a duplicate of the physical universe that is closet to the real thing as possible. It's hard to project to but some people can do it better than others.

My Astral Projection Experience!

My First Astral Projection/Out-of-Body Experience

Out of Body Experiences, the Astral plane and the Afterlife -William Buhlman

This is the main online forum where people can get free help with astral projecting. The moderators and people there have been astral projecting for many years and they help newbies learn to astral project for free especially if they need specific help.

OK perhaps this is kind of exaggerated video but they do give a good visualization for astral projection.
Astral Projection Video

Spiritual Reality - Astral Body and Astral Travel Astral Projection

Links on how to do it.

Note if you watch a lot of videos about astral projection you will find that some of them say that astral projection is demonic. If you have any questions regarding this take it up with other avid astral projectors, because there is a lot of non-sense out there regarding this.

If you want some more links I will provide more. I hope this helps though.
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Aug 21, 2018
According to biblical Christianity, going to heaven depends on one accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior — admitting that they are a sinner, recognizing that their sin separates them from God, and that Jesus, who is God in the flesh, lived a perfect, sinless life, died on the cross to pay for those sins, thus offering reconciliation with God, and then rose from the dead on the third day, conquering death.

The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry has an article on it here:
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Apr 30, 2018
This should be in "off topic"
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Jun 19, 2018
This should be in "off topic"
Sorry, everytime I think about suicide these thoughts pop up in to my do I move this to off topic?
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Apr 30, 2018
Sorry, everytime I think about suicide these thoughts pop up in to my do I move this to off topic?

No idea. It's up to the mods I think.

They moved my whore thread to off topic.
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Jul 9, 2018
Heres my quandary how do you trust in the biblical god when he hasent delivered on his promises? There is always some horrible negative twist. Example 1. Bringing the slaves out of Egypt to the land of milk and honey. They all died in the desert only the children lived to see the promised land, and israel is a dry desert without irrigation at that time. They had already been vetted at mount Sinai. 2. Christ in the old testament was promised to sit in the throne of david and rule the whole world forever, what happened? Instead he was tortured to death on a cross the bible even states he wasent recognizable as a human being ripped to shreds by the cat-o-nine tails. There are many many such circumstances these are just the most horrific. Are you starting to see the pattern here?
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Apr 24, 2018
I used to have no doubt that I was doing God's will, and that I was going to heaven, it was such a good feeling.

I read the bible, cover to cover, and now I'm mixed up about what I beleive.

Anyone on here a christian who has read the bible from cover to cover?

If so, do you think you will go to heaven or what is your thought on all of this?
I think its a book written by people trying to separete them self from other tribes by tailoring a history for them based on rumors hearsay common belives at the time and a few actual events and pure fiction. Just to say this is us what do you have.
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Aug 31, 2018
if you belong to to the christian lutheranian church believing in god is just enough to bring you straight into haven

not sure about catholics tho. as a suicider you probably will spend a good amount in the purgatory
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Over n' Out

Over n' Out

Aug 5, 2018
I only like athiests.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I used to have no doubt that I was doing God's will, and that I was going to heaven, it was such a good feeling.

I read the bible, cover to cover, and now I'm mixed up about what I beleive.

Anyone on here a christian who has read the bible from cover to cover?

If so, do you think you will go to heaven or what is your thought on all of this?
If I don't change my ways I will definitely go to hell. I don't think God means keep doing the wrong things and asking for forgiveness. I think he means once ure aware what you are doing is wrong u will be forgiven if u ask for it and also change your ways b4 you are on death bed.
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Aug 28, 2018
Throughout the Bible many sinners have been forgiven and befriended by Jesus. Just look at Mary Magdalene. Many believe she was one of the closest followers to Jesus. I believe that if we have a good heart we will be forgiven, I don't think the judgement will be in a bad way but we must face all our sins.
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Mar 23, 2018
I used to have no doubt that I was doing God's will, and that I was going to heaven, it was such a good feeling.

I read the bible, cover to cover, and now I'm mixed up about what I beleive.

Anyone on here a christian who has read the bible from cover to cover?

If so, do you think you will go to heaven or what is your thought on all of this?

I used to consider myself a Christian … I'm not sure anymore. I've never read the bible cover to cover though.
I was never really a church goer though.
Like you I'm not sure what I believe anymore. I still listen to some Christian music like Skillet, Red & Chevelle but it's been awhile. Used to like Reliant K also. (Just thought of them)
I don't know if I will go to heaven or hell if I end it. I don't know if a persons misery is considered or not.
I know we are supposed to believe that every thing works out … I don't know anymore.
I also have more faith in god but his followers … not so much. Especially the way they treat people who don't believe in the same thing they do.
I just want to say to some of them "Is the same cross you burned on Saturday night the same one you worship Sunday morning" ?
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Jun 19, 2018
If I don't change my ways I will definitely go to hell. I don't think God means keep doing the wrong things and asking for forgiveness. I think he means once ure aware what you are doing is wrong u will be forgiven if u ask for it and also change your ways b4 you are on death bed.
After reading the bible I think you are correct in that interpretation.
It seems to me as if you have read the bible yourself.
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Jul 12, 2018
A very good thread read thank you <3
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Sep 1, 2018
I use to be a christian. I read the bible cover to cover. I read the new testament numerous times. I was a real believer, but as time went by I grew doubts. And eventually I had to let go of Christianity all together. But I couldn't become an atheist so I grew out of it by turning to univeralism instead. Univeralism is the belief that all religions have some truth. It's the belief that the Truth with a capital T is hard to discern. Because if it was easy to discern then everyone would believe it. Because everyone can't see the Truth as self evident. And because the truth isn't self evident many times then we have to cultivate truth, we have to learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff as the bible says. Science does this but also regular people. But the core things that helped me grow out of Christianity was studying NDEs near death experiences. Which is when someone dies and goes to the afterlife but then is brought back to life with modern medicine. Also studying astral projection helped a lot. Astral projection is done by people that have learned to leave their body at night and go into the afterlife. This can be done spontaneously or through techniques. Also meditation helped a lot too in understanding the spiritual. And even reincarnation helped me understand karma. You really have to learn to separate the wheat from the chaff when studying these things, which can take time but you can do it.

Here this might be a good introduction for you to rethink your spiritual ideas.

Expert Investigates 10-Year-Old's 'Reincarnation' Claims

Check out the book Proof of Heaven | Book by Eben Alexander

Also the book by Howard Storm My decent into death

Do I think I am going to heaven? Well I am very confident based off of my complex understanding of NDEs and astral projection that I won't be going to hell that is for sure, but I might have to reincarnate. And I will probably end up working my way up the dimensions in the afterlife.

I understand a lot about hell too. And it's not what you think it is. If you want I can show you people that understand hell and have been there through astral projection. Astral projectors seem to know more about hell than even people that have near death experiences. Because with near death experiences they only visit the afterlife maybe once. But people that astral project have been to the afterlife quite a lot.

One very important thing to remember is that there is no central authority when it comes to the afterlife which is why we get very diverse groups of thinking about the afterlife. And all of them have at least some truth to them. Essentially we create our own reality here and especially in the afterlife. If you have any questions please let me know.

Good luck.

Wow! I don't think I have ever met another person who believes in practically the same thing I do!
I used to be a hardcore Christian believer. Jesus was literally my one and only and I studied Religion at my university and wanted to be a Christian teacher. But I got doubts because the God in the Bible is archaic and primitive. Sorry, but there is no other word. Suicide is a one way ticket to hell. Sex before marriage is not allowed. The gays are abnormal. Jews are the chosen people and the rest are crap. Sorry, but what kind of mentality is this? I wouldn't want to have a part in all that even if Jesus really existed.
The God in NDEs is so much more-loving, benevolent, all-knowing. I have read for so many years on the topic and I truly believe in the afterlife. Everyone deserves and needs love because everyone is important, no matter what skin color, religion, or sexuality.
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Sep 1, 2018
If I don't change my ways I will definitely go to hell. I don't think God means keep doing the wrong things and asking for forgiveness. I think he means once ure aware what you are doing is wrong u will be forgiven if u ask for it and also change your ways b4 you are on death bed.
don't worry. There is no hell. You won't go anywhere except the place where all of us go when we die-back to God, at least according to NDE accounts.
The only hell that exists is the state of mind what we do to others or if we by accident stumble into a dark place on the astral plane.
But we can always ask for help to get out of there.
We don't appreciate how beautiful our souls really are.
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Mar 23, 2018
Wow! I don't think I have ever met another person who believes in practically the same thing I do!
I used to be a hardcore Christian believer. Jesus was literally my one and only and I studied Religion at my university and wanted to be a Christian teacher. But I got doubts because the God in the Bible is archaic and primitive. Sorry, but there is no other word. Suicide is a one way ticket to hell. Sex before marriage is not allowed. The gays are abnormal. Jews are the chosen people and the rest are crap. Sorry, but what kind of mentality is this? I wouldn't want to have a part in all that even if Jesus really existed.
The God in NDEs is so much more-loving, benevolent, all-knowing. I have read for so many years on the topic and I truly believe in the afterlife. Everyone deserves and needs love because everyone is important, no matter what skin color, religion, or sexuality.

I've never studied the Bible … it's even been a long time since I've read anything in it. I did read it when I was younger.
I think some Christians seem to forget that everyone has the right to believe or not to and the right to make up their own mind.
They like to preach about free will but unless it is their will then you are wrong. :(
I guess if I had studied it more I would be better able to articulate about it.
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Jul 12, 2018
I've never studied the Bible … it's even been a long time since I've read anything in it. I did read it when I was younger.
I think some Christians seem to forget that everyone has the right to believe or not to and the right to make up their own mind.
They like to preach about free will but unless it is their will then you are wrong. :(
I guess if I had studied it more I would be better able to articulate about it.
So true <3
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Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
Having said that I read a great book many years ago about archaeological evidence for certain biblical events. Can't remember its title. But it was things like the idea that great flood was the folk memory of the end of the last ice age and the rising of the sea levels being passed on in oral tradition and finally written down as Noah and the Ark.

Was it Atlantis by David Gibbins? (Yeah, Noah's Ark is a part of the interpretation of the Atlantis myth they use.)


# 978
Jun 28, 2018
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Aug 9, 2018
I used to have no doubt that I was doing God's will, and that I was going to heaven, it was such a good feeling.

I read the bible, cover to cover, and now I'm mixed up about what I beleive.

Anyone on here a christian who has read the bible from cover to cover?

If so, do you think you will go to heaven or what is your thought on all of this?
Either we die and are gone forever or come back to the same existence just a little worse each time.
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Mar 23, 2018
Either we die and are gone forever or come back to the same existence just a little worse each time.

I must have been really shitty in the previous life. And since I'm shitty in this life I will probably come back as a snail. :(
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Sep 1, 2018
I believe that escape from Hell and entrance into Heaven is as simple as this Bible verse !!!

For whosoever (anyone) shall call upon the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved. Romans 10:13

I also believe that a Child of God in this dispensation cannot lose their salvation no matter what !!!

What I never really understood about the religions is which one to believe? Christianity says you are going to hell if you don't believe in Jesus, Islam says you go to hell if you do...
which one is right?
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Jul 23, 2018
if you belong to to the christian lutheranian church believing in god is just enough to bring you straight into haven

not sure about catholics tho. as a suicider you probably will spend a good amount in the purgatory
According to Catholics if you kill yourself you just go to hell, unless you somehow repent while you're dying but don't manage to save your life.
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Господи помилуй — мир в Україні!
Sep 7, 2018
According to Catholics if you kill yourself you just go to hell, unless you somehow repent while you're dying but don't manage to save your life.

I am a Catholic. Below is a link to the part of the Catechism of the Catholic Church that deals with suicide:

2280 Everyone is responsible for his life before God who has given it to him.
It is God who remains the sovereign Master of life.
We are obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it for his honor and the salvation of our souls.
We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us.
It is not ours to dispose of.

2281 Suicide contradicts the natural inclination of the human being to preserve and perpetuate his life.
It is gravely contrary to the just love of self.
It likewise offends love of neighbor because it unjustly breaks the ties of solidarity with family, nation, and other human societies to which we continue to have obligations.
Suicide is contrary to love for the living God.

2282 If suicide is committed with the intention of setting an example, especially to the young, it also takes on the gravity of scandal.
Voluntary co-operation in suicide is contrary to the moral law.
Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide.

2283 We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives.​

Me again. Since many people who kill themselves have "grave psychological disturbances, anguish or great fear of hardship, suffering or torture", I think that God would be merciful to their souls and grant them Heaven (perhaps after a stay in Purgatory).
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