

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It's undeniable that procreation is the source of all human suffering, and if nobody decided to do something so selfish as deciding to procreate then nobody would need to find a way to ctb. I really do find it sad how people continue to do this as the reality is that existing in this world really is a terrible thing. Existence is a burden, as existing creates unnecessary problems in which there was never a need for in the first place. As well as that existence is also a trap as people are forced here with ways to reliably exit denied from them, existence is viewed as an obligation rather than a choice, and to me it's extreme cruelty to create life in a world where there is a lack of acceptance towards the basic human right which is the right to die.

Non existent beings don't deserve to be burdened with life, as the reality is that this world is an incredibly harmful place, the truth is that there is no limit as to how much one can suffer as long as they stay here, it's the best thing to leave the nonexistent alone as this world is so chaotic and full of risks as chance so cruelly determines everything. It's a tragedy how life is brought here as I see life in itself to be something that is very bad and best avoided, if one never exists then they will never suffer.

Procreation really is the most selfish and unnecessary thing, and through never existing nobody would had missed out on anything. We are all destined to return to nonexistence anyway, so I could never see the point to this temporary, futile process that only leads to us decaying from age anyway. But it's very true that the existence of life is a cruel mistake, an endless cycle of suffering that has no reason to exist and there is no benefit to continuing this. The fact that people continue to procreate just shows how selfish and delusional people are, never being born is the best thing possible and more than anything I wish that I never existed at all. It sounds so ideal being completely unaware of this cruel, hellish world where existing beings suffer so much through no fault of their own, non existence will always be perfection to me.
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Saltier than SN
Apr 10, 2023

I disagree but I respect your feelings and they are valid <333


Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
It's undeniable that procreation is the source of all human suffering, and if nobody decided to do something so selfish as deciding to procreate then nobody would need to find a way to ctb. I really do find it sad how people continue to do this as the reality is that existing in this world really is a terrible thing. Existence is a burden, as existing creates unnecessary problems in which there was never a need for in the first place. As well as that existence is also a trap as people are forced here with ways to reliably exit denied from them, existence is viewed as an obligation rather than a choice, and to me it's extreme cruelty to create life in a world where there is a lack of acceptance towards the basic human right which is the right to die.

Non existent beings don't deserve to be burdened with life, as the reality is that this world is an incredibly harmful place, the truth is that there is no limit as to how much one can suffer as long as they stay here, it's the best thing to leave the nonexistent alone as this world is so chaotic and full of risks as chance so cruelly determines everything. It's a tragedy how life is brought here as I see life in itself to be something that is very bad and best avoided, if one never exists then they will never suffer.

Procreation really is the most selfish and unnecessary thing, and through never existing nobody would had missed out on anything. We are all destined to return to nonexistence anyway, so I could never see the point to this temporary, futile process that only leads to us decaying from age anyway. But it's very true that the existence of life is a cruel mistake, an endless cycle of suffering that has no reason to exist and there is no benefit to continuing this. The fact that people continue to procreate just shows how selfish and delusional people are, never being born is the best thing possible and more than anything I wish that I never existed at all. It sounds so ideal being completely unaware of this cruel, hellish world where existing beings suffer so much through no fault of their own, non existence will always be perfection to me.
Honestly, the fact that we as a society consider ourselves to be civilized, and don't mandate in schools lessons on child development and how to parent, is nothing short of comical. Prolifers be goin too far.
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Jul 29, 2021
i wish i was never born into this awful world ain't life shit if i was never born i would of been saved from a lifetime of misery
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Mar 22, 2023
Honestly, the fact that we as a society consider ourselves to be civilized, and don't mandate in schools lessons on child development and how to parent, is nothing short of comical. Prolifers be goin too far.
The reasoning behind mandatory schooling always was about getting a more potent workforce. It seems to me that this initial idea has never changed.
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
Prolifers be the type of people to ban food near a dangerous animal instead of addressing the actual problem.
The reasoning behind mandatory schooling always was about getting a more potent workforce. It seems to me that this initial idea has never changed.
You know what makes an even more productive workforce? Kids who arent offing theyselves cuz they were born into a pit of abuse and suffering.
But nooooo this money has to go into military and corporate bailouts.
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Mar 22, 2023
Prolifers be the type of people to ban food near a dangerous animal instead of addressing the actual problem.
I'm very much pro-choice. What someone does with their life shouldn't be anyone else's business.

At the same time, accusing pro-lifers of not addressing the "actual problem" is pointless, though. Some problems like homelessness could be addressed "for you," but many people suffer because they face rejection, feel out of place, and have a hard time connecting with people. This is something that cannot be changed from the outside.


Mar 14, 2023
i think im glad that i was born. i dont like myself and living hurts. im broken and i just want to end it but there were good things. people im glad i met, places i got to see, music i connected to.. im not sure if it outweighed the negatives but it made existence worthwhile for some time
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New Member
Feb 16, 2023
I think that rather than not procreating, the better option would be for us to be allowed to opt out whenever we want. Perhaps no moment in your life was ever good for you, so I definitely see why you would feel this way. A lot of people enjoy their life, perhaps it's not always good but they feel that the good outweighs the bad.

I would have liked to have not been born, but definitely would prefer If I had the option to go whenever I wanted. There have been some good moments in life that I am glad I had, and I know not everyone has the same feeling or experience. I believe that when we go there will be only nothing, so nothing that happened matters. All that pain we suffered does not matter to us anymore.
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“I’d… rather kill myself.”
Mar 4, 2023
I wish that I had been aborted. Or that my birth parents used protection like responsible adults.
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Saltier than SN
Apr 10, 2023
I think instead people should be deemed mentally competent to have children. I also believe that people aged 25+ shouldn't be stopped if they want to leave.
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Jan 23, 2023
i don't know..., i had kids, now grown ups, one 6 yr old.....i don't know if given the choice i would never have had them......., but one thing i'm 100% sure is i wish i was never born. i don't know know..., but let them decide their lives. ..., they love "success" and such. they don't know who their dad is real deep down.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Yeah- I can't see myself why people choose to bring life into this world. Especially when they have struggled in life themselves. Honestly- even if there was a 0.01% chance that my child could be as unhappy as I have been on occasion- I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Still- I guess other people think differently. Maybe they think they can give that child all the things they didn't get. I don't know. I guess their thinking is just very different to mine.

I've been watching nature documentaries recenty too and it's just horrifying how much we have destroyed this planet. The only way I see things as getting any better is if there are a whole lot less of us.

To that extent- plus the expectation that my own offspring would also end up being depressed and resent having been born in the first place (which I'm afraid I do)- I think my greatest achievement in life has been not having children. It's odd- some of my friends are grateful everyday for their children (which I do understand- I'm not completely heartless) and at the same time- I'm so grateful that I don't have them!

Honestly, I feel like I love my unborn child too much to want to subject them to this. Plus, while nature has it's cruelty- I love this planet and I think the best way to show that is to not inflict more parasitical humans upon it. I hate it that my living is destroying this place and I'm so sick of feeling guilty about it. I wish those of us who want to leave would be allowed to as well- before we cause any more damage.
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Nov 5, 2022
I definitely wish I was never born. In my opinion, there are things in this world that will make anyone feel like life is a mistake contrary to the popular belief that positivity makes everything better. There are some things so horrible that positivity only feels like a sick joke, at least that's what I have experienced.

I've been depressed for a long time, used to remain positive because I thought it was going to make everything better in the long run. Unfortunately, I have consistently sunk deeper and deeper into a place that I would give up everything to never be in again. I'm not saying that everyone should be a pessimist, I just hate when people hurt others with their inability to accept that not all of life can be placed neatly in an optimism bubble without it affecting others.
Yeah- I can't see myself why people choose to bring life into this world. Especially when they have struggled in life themselves. Honestly- even if there was a 0.01% chance that my child could be as unhappy as I have been on occasion- I couldn't bring myself to do it.
I feel like some people just need a bigger wake up call than others to realize that life carries the potential for states of consciousness akin to something darker than any horror movie I've seen. I'm not trying to be anti-kid or anti-parent, I just think that people really do not appreciate the seriousness of their actions when it comes to rolling the dice for another sentient being. It seems unlikely for someone to be so unlucky but then again, I would have never thought my life would end up where it is now. Life has the potential for great experiences but the bad ones can become VERY bad and drawn out and for that, I would have much rather never entered the life lottery.
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Vapor Self
Apr 11, 2023
We all are subconsciously striving to pass on our genes, you may not even be aware of it yourself. There's no freewill in any of this. It's all a matter of chemicals in the brain. Many will fail to do what is so natural to us. If there's really any point to any of this it's that. Some may disagree but it's the truth.


Sitting in the darkness.
Feb 28, 2023
We all are subconsciously striving to pass on our genes, you may not even be aware of it yourself. There's no freewill in any of this. It's all a matter of chemicals in the brain. Many will fail to do what is so natural to us. If there's really any point to any of this it's that. Some may disagree but it's the truth.
If that's the case, no one chooses to do anything, which means no one chooses to hurt others and of course no society could run this way. I do agree with @FuneralCry that it would be better if no one existed in the first place but now that we're here I guess there's no point dwelling on it. We just need to look for a way forward in this mess, that is either in fixing what's been broken or in ctb. It certainly is cruel to bring life into this world, but we have to respect others' wishes to be selfish and procreate as they should respect our wishes to ctb.
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New Member
Feb 3, 2023
I agree with you. I think bringing more human beings into this world knowing they will suffer is the most selfish thing imaginable. SO MANY people say those who end their lives are selfish but I think it is the people who insist you live FOR THEM that are the selfish ones. They will never fully understand your pain because they are not you. The worst thing of all is that none of us were given the choice on whether or not to be born. Our parents forced us into this hell and now they want to take away our ability to free ourselves from it. That is the sickest thing of all to me.
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"The man who hunts two bunnies will catch neither"
Mar 18, 2023
You do undoubtedly make truly valid points, but you have to consider the nature of every being on this planet. The everlasting fight of staying alive and, despite your statements, reproducing, is merely an urge born onto us. Individuals who decide to have children have every reason to and shouldn't be attacked for just that. On the other hand, what one thinks or does with his own life should absolutely be their choice, which includes the right to live and the right to live or reproduce. Attacking anyone won't solve the problem, just make it worse. You do have the right to not think highly of people with various ways of thought, but that also means you should expect the opposite reaction, criticism of your ways. Everyone is different and it should stay this way.
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Jun 13, 2021
Everyone who wants to disagree or angry react to this (and especially on this forum where you are forced to confront all kinds of suffering) needs to go to a psych ward immediately - there's something seriously wrong with you.

Hopefully, one day that's exactly where you'll end up for justifying bringing humans and animals into this hell.

Psych ward

FC is making more sense than most humans and is not just here to comfort you. The least you can do after discovering this forum is learn about and understand Antinatalism (and Efilism) - it can protect so many potential people from ending up in the same situations as us. It's the best way to show respect to everyone who CTB.

Nobody would need to die in any way (accidents, suicide, old age, cancer, natural disasters, murder etc,) if they weren't born in the first place - it's the only thing that can save us.
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I'm at peace... Finally.
Mar 16, 2023
I watched this show on Netflix called "Love, Sex, and Robots". There's an episode in which a man is tasked to go around and kill people for 'population control'. Also, the elites had the antidote to live eternally. There's a scene where he finds a poor woman with a little daughter. He was about to kill them, but then his conscience got the better of him. He sat down and asked the woman why she would bring a child into squalor. I've often wondered why people who clearly don't have the means nor skills to raise children have them anyway. It almost seems as if the human race is mostly kept alive by the people who are not fit to raise and guide children. I'm so glad that I don't have children. I don't want to leave any part of myself behind on this godforsaken planet. To bring a child into a situation where they inherit struggle and pain is nothing short of sin.
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
Read the book Better Never To Have Been by philosopher David Benatar
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Apr 12, 2023
I, too, wish I had not been born. It would have prevented the chronic pain I now live with everyday.
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Apr 13, 2023
I almost didn't exist. My parents weren't planning on having kids, but then one day a condom broke. As a kid when arguing with my mom, sometimes she would remind me I was a mistake. I was so close to never being.
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Nice to meet you
Mar 31, 2023
i think im glad that i was born. i dont like myself and living hurts. im broken and i just want to end it but there were good things. people im glad i met, places i got to see, music i connected to.. im not sure if it outweighed the negatives but it made existence worthwhile for some time
I feel similarly. I have different experiences with suicidal ideation than many others. I don't even want to die yet, I'm waiting a few months. I enjoy life right now, and I've probably enjoyed most of it. Even though I want my life to come to a close sooner than many of my peers would, that doesn't mean I haven't had great experiences along the way.

I've made a lot of bad decisions. I've completely ruined my future, but these bad decisions made my life more entertaining in the short-term. I may never be happy in the future, but I don't need to be alive for it. I liked my life, and I'm going to die with a smile on my face knowing I lived and died on my own terms.
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